Demon Coin (Gundam Iron Blood...

By zer0420

79.4K 2.9K 1.5K

There's always two sides to a story. Just as they're two sides to every coin. Despite being the same coin, ne... More

Chapter 1 Iron Blooded
Chapter 2 Amdusias And Barbatos
Chapter 3 The Iron Flower
Chapter 4 The Price Of Living
Chapter 5 Beyond The Red Sky...
Chapter 6 Downtime
Chapter 7 Whaling
Chapter 8 Sakazuki
Chapter 9 The Hands That Protect
Chapter 10 Space Pirates
Chapter 11 The Shoals
Chapter 12 Enjoyment
Chapter 13 Dort Colony
Chapter 14 Fear
Chapter 15 Kudelia's Resolve
Chapter 16 An Unexpected Alliance
Chapter 17 Nightmares
Chapter 18 Earth Arrival
Chapter 19 Death In The Family...
Chapter 20 Balance Of Power
Chapter 21 Vengeance
Chapter 22 A Future Reward
Chapter 23 Tekkadan
Chapter 24 Demon Wings
Chapter 25 In the Midst of Jealousy
Chapter 26 Battle Before Dawn
Chapter 27 Unease Anticipation
Chapter 28 Silent War
Chapter 29 Sovereign Of Mars
Chapter 30 Vidar Rising
Chapter 31 Awakening Calamities
Chapter 32 Stained Wings
Chapter 33 The Hunters of Angels
Chapter 34 Unchained Demons
Chapter 35 Damage Control
Chapter 36 False Charges
Chapter 37 False Assault
Chapter 38 Mourning
Chapter 39 Blood Payment
Chapter 40 The Spark
Chapter 41 The Calm Before The Storm
Chapter 42 Framing Fire
Chapter 43 Tail Between The Legs
Chapter 44 Scapegoat
Chapter 45 Last Ditch Effort
Chapter 46 One Final Stand
Epilogue Aftermath
Epilogue#2 Their Promised Place...

(Finale) Chapter 47 Unwavering Embers

2.1K 77 66
By zer0420

No one's POV

Currently, within an unknown location, Nhazul slowly began to open his eyes, dazed and confused to this whereabouts.

Nhazul's thoughts: Where am I...? It's so dark...

As Nhazul continued to look around, he soon quickly realized just where he has.

Nhazul: This is...

???: It's because of you were born...

Nhazul looked back and saw his younger self, along with his mother.

Mom: Because of you my life is as miserable as it is...! I hate you... I HATE YOU!!!!

Nhazul looked over at all the cuts and bruises all over his younger self, as he was holding up a gun, as he had a cold and emotionless stare.

Nhazul: ...

Nhazul's thoughts: I can hardly believe that's me...

Mom: Akuma ...!!! You Demon Spawn...!!! There's no where for a Demon like you to belong!

Nhazul's thoughts: A part of me most have believed what she said to me... I avoided any semblance of human interaction, other then stealing or killing to survive... I didn't want her words to become reality... But...

The scene changed to two years later, the night he met Atra. Holding his bleeding arm, after killing the wild dogs, a young Nhazul then turned his attention to a young Atra.

Young Nhazul: Are you alright?

Young Atra: Y-Yes...

Young Nhazul: Why are you out here, anyway? Everyone around here knows stray dogs roam around here and attack whoever they see.

Young Atra: I-I didn't know... I was abandoned...

Young Nhazul: Abandoned?

Young Atra: Y-Yes... My family's poor. They had to reduce the number of mouths to feed...

Young Nhazul: I see... So you're alone too...

Seeing his bleeding arm, young Atra weakly sitting up, before reaching for the sleeve or her shirt, ripping it off.

Young Nhazul: What are you doing?

Young Atra: I...I want to thank you... But this is all I can do...

Young Atra proceeded to wrap the piece of shirt around his arm with the bite.

Young Nhazul: You'll maker yourself colder doing that...

Young Atra: I have to thank you some how...

Young Nhazul looked at his arm, with the makeshift bandage on it, before feeling a drop of water touch his face, as he saw it was getting ready to rain soon. Seeing this, young Nhazul looked down at young Atra.

Young Nhazul: You don't have anywhere to go, right?

Young Atra: N-No...

Young Nhazul: Right. Then we should get moving.

Young Atra: Huh?

Young Nhazul: It's going to rain soon, we'll be caught in it with we don't move.

Young Atra looked at young Nhazul surprised, as he outstretched his hand to her. Not long after did she accept it.

Young Nhazul: What's your name?

Young Atra: A-Atra... Atra Mixata...

Young Nhazul: I'm Nhazul... Nhazul Hatake.

Nhazul's thoughts: I don't know why I decided to save Atra that day... My body just moved on it's own. But doing so, I was introduced to my first glimpse of true kindness, no matter how minuscule or insignificant it may have been... That's when I decided I wanted to protect her... Protect that small shred kindness she was willing to spare me within this cruel world we lived in...

Nhazul proceeded to think back to his time looking after Atra and protecting her, killing anyone or anything who threatened her, working at the brothel, being dressed up as a little girl and molested by men, just to get extra food for himself and Atra, as well as protecting her from that fate. And then his meeting with Orga and Mikazuki, and eventually everyone else.

Nhazul's thoughts: That day... That was the day I put my trust in you, Orga... Trusting you to take me and Atra... To a place where we could belong in this cruel and unfair world...

Nhazul then thought back to his and Atra's confessions to one another.

Atra: I... I love you...! I love you more then just an older brother...! I love you as a man...! The Nhazul who's standing here right now, not the one who constantly is fighting!

Hearing Atra say that, Nhazul's eyes widened shocked.

Atra: I love you, Nhazul...! I love you so much, my heart hurts so much from the thought of losing you... I-

Without warning, Nhazul cut off Atra, hugging her from behind, surprising her.

Atra: N-Nhazul...! You don't have to... I might've told you to hug girls when they're crying... But not now-

Turning Atra to face him, Nhazul leaned in, passionately kissing her, completely shocking her, as she slowly melted into it, tears streaming down her face, along with Nhazul doing the same. Upon breaking it, Nhazul pressed her forehead to his, holding her tightly.

Nhazul: You've done more then enough for me. You were the first person to ever treat me with kindness, the first person to ever smile at me, to care about me, to love me. The first person I've ever loved as a little sister, and even beyond that, as a woman...

Atra's eyes widened, hearing that Nhazul felt the same way she felt about him, as he continued to speak.

Nhazul: I've been fighting so hard because you're the must precious thing in the world to me. Why I've been fighting so hard... So we can have the place where we can belong...

Nhazul looked at Atra, wiping away her tears.

Nhazul: But even before I met you, I've been fighting. I don't know of a world without fighting. Be it shelter, food or survival, I've fought for it all... It's all I've ever known...

Atra: And now...?

Nhazul just pressed his head to Atra's again.

Nhazul: I'm fighting for not just my future, but yours as well. A future where we can live together in peace, a future where we won't worry about anything... A future where you won't have to shed any more tears...

Atra looked at Nhazul, with more tears streaming down her face, holding him tightly, as he did the same, the teddy bear in between them.

Nhazul: So just hold on just a little longer...I'll get us there... I promise... I swear it...

Nhazul's thoughts: That's right...

Nhazul slowly started to open his eyes, returning to reality. Within the Barbatos cockpit, he was severely wounded from the Dainsleif team's fire, as sparks from the damaged equipment sparked.

Nhazul's thoughts: I told them...


Nhazul: No matter how this ends, I'll return to you. You and our child. I swear on every fiber in my being, I will. So please, go with Kudelia...

Atra then began to tear up, but soon nodded.

Atta: Okay... We'll be waiting for you...


Nhazul's prosthetic arm began to spark and short circuit, due to being heavily damaged, but he managed to gain control, grabbing the controls. His prosthetic eye, had cracked, shutting off, leaving him half blinded, but he pushed on.

Nhazul: I told them I'd return to them...!

Within the Gjallarhorn forces, they were looking at the wreckage the Dainsleifs had caused, but suddenly could hear a noise.

Graze Pilot: What's that noise...?

Without warning, Barbatos Lupus Rex's bladed tail emerged, whipping around, as Barbatos pulled it's self out from the debris and began to weakly stand, severely damaged, missing an arm.

Along with it, both Gusion Rebake Full City and Amdusias Bestia Czar, both severely damaged as well did the very same, pulling out the rods from their bodies, completely and utterly horrifying the Graze pilots.

Graze Pilot#1: I-Impossible...

Graze Pilot#2: T-T-They're still alive...?

As the Barbatos Lupus Rex looked over, Nhazul saw the others had gotten back up as well.

Nhazul: Hey... You two alive...?

Mikazuki: Yeah...

Akihiro: Somehow... Guess we have no choice... Let's live till we die...

Suddenly, Gusion Rebake Full City's eyes began to glow red, due to Akihiro releasing his limiters.


Suddenly, Amdusias Bestia Czar's eyes began to glow red as well.

Mikazuki: You're right.. We can't stop now... Amdusias... Our pray is in front of us... We aren't finished yet...!

Nhazul: Hey... Barbatos... I'm not stopping yet...You aren't ready to die yet, either are you...?

Barbatos Lupus Rex's eyes began to glow blood red, and it almost sounded like an actually howling wolf. Nhazul began to sadistically smirk, as he narrowed his eyes.

Nhazul: Then let's get to it then!!!!

Without warning, the three Demon Gundams all rocketed forward towards the Graze's at break neck speeds,

not backing down. Seeing this, Iok attempted to join the fight.

Julieta: That damn Master Iok...! Hyun, let's go!

Hyun: ...

Julieta: Hyun?

Julieta looked back to see Agares standing and refusing to move. With Nhazul, Barbatos Lupus Rex had rocketed towards a Graze unit,

speeding to it's side and thrusting it's claws into cockpit, killing the pilot. Quickly moving to the next, it shoulder checked and knees a Graze in the cockpit, crushing the pilot, before quickly grabbing it's axe, and slamming it into another Graze, killing then. Flying towards the next one,

Barbatos Lupus Rex effortlessly outmaneuvered it, dodging it's strikes before ripping out the cockpit,

crushing it in it's hand, killing the pilot within. Without warning, three axes were thrown, all hitting Nhazul's cockpit.

Nhazul: Come at me...!

Using it's bladed tail, Barbatos Lupus Rex knocked 2 of the 3 axes out, before whipping it's tall, cutting them all in half. However, without warning, it's then tackled away by Reginlaze Julia. Regaining it's footing, Barbatos Lupus Rex rocketed towards Reginlaze Julia, slashing it's shoulder with it's claw, before hitting it with the tail. Knocking it back. Retaliating, Reginlaze Julia fired at it, as it avoided it's gun fire.

Julieta: Why?! Why do you still resist?! Your struggle is completely in vain! Your cause pointless! What drives you to continue to fight a battle devoid of purpose?!

Nhazul couldn't do anything but smile, hearing such a statement.

Nhazul: Cause...? Maybe you're right about that... But devoid of purpose...? I've never had a purpose to my life... I lived, breathed and belonged on the battlefield... Violence and bloodshed... That's all I've ever known since the day I was born...

When Nhazul said that, Julieta's eyes widened, as Nhazul looked past Reginlaze Julia.

Nhazul: But now...

Julieta just looked at Nhazul, but soon noticed Barbatos not looking at her, but behind her, seeing over 20 more Graze units coming towards them, making Julieta's eyes widened, attempting to warn them.

Julieta: Wait...!!!

Barbatos Lupus Rex quickly sped past Reginlaze Julia and towards the Grazes.

Julieta: No!!! Don't come near him! STAY AWAY!!!!

Like a wild animal backed into a corner, Barbatos Lupus Rex in a matter of seconds proceeded to

completely and utterly annihilate the Graze units, ripping and tearing through them.

Holding one of the cockpits of a crushed pilot in it's claws, blood leaking from them. Seeing this Julieta just looked at him speechless, as Barbatos Lupus Rex truly resembled that of a Demon....

Julieta: You... You Demon...

Nhazul started to think back to Atra, and their unborn child, and the life he wishes to have with them.

Nhazul: But I've found it... My purpose... They're waiting for me to return to them... Waiting for me to fulfill my promise...

Nhazul, along with Barbatos turned their heads towards Julieta and the army, Barbatos Lupus Rex's body continued breaking down and failing.

Nhazul: And if I need to rip and tear through you all to fulfill that promise... To return to them... Then so be it!

Julieta: ...

As Nhazul stared down Julieta, his vision soon began to blur. Despite his protests, his body was giving out, not being able to last much longer, light slowly fading from his eyes, as Barbatos had fell to a knee, breaking down even further.

Nhazul: ...


Orga: FINE!!! I'll take you there! Both of you! We can't turn around anyway. You both want me to, right? No matter what sort of hell awaits us, everyone of you... I'LL TAKE YOU THERE!!!!!


Nhazul began to think about Atra and their unborn child. But not just them, Kudelia, Orga. Mikazuki, Nadi, Biscuit, Cookie, Cracker, Sakura, Eugene, Akihiro, Takaki, Fuka, Yamagi, Danji, Ride, Norba, Hush, Naze, Amida, Lafter, Azee, Eco... and many others whose name he couldn't remember... Nhazul began to weakly smile.

Nhazul's thoughts: You already took us there a long time ago, Orga... To that place where we belong to... We may have been too blind to see it... Tekkadan... Our family... My family...

Tears began to stream down his face. Nhazul didn't want to die... Not in a place like this. He wanted to go back. The place where he belonged. Home, where there was food, where it was warm, where there was laughter, where he could feel again... To his family... Tekkadan... To Atra... But suddenly, he could feel it, feel Barbatos refusing to stay down, refusing to yield, refusing to be defeated by them.

Nhazul's thoughts: Ah... I see, Barbatos... I understand... That's what are you doing now, right? You're trying to bring me back home. To everyone...

Using what little strength he had left, Nhazul clinched the controls with his one remaining arm, as his prosthetic arm had became non functional, falling off.

Nhazul: Then let's do this... I'll follow you... You'll take me there... To everyone... To Atra...

The last moments had been quick. Somehow, he could see again. Through the now ripped open cockpit of Barbatos Lupus Rex. He saw the Reginlaze Julia was hovering over his dying Gundam. The Reginlaze Julia suit raised it's Large Blade, ready for a killing blow. Through his blurry vision, he could hear a voice as if Barbatos's voice echoed in his mind, via his connection through Alaya Vijnana, or simply due to him hallucinating from blood loss.

Barbatos: Evade. Opening by the right side of the torso... hover over it. The Tail Blade. In 34 seconds. Now.

Be it real, or just in his mind, Nhazul listened to the voice. Barbatos Lupus Rex groaned in protest to raise on its feet, but the movement still unbelievably fluid and fast. The Gundam's remaining functional metal joints rattled loudly in defiance, as it ducked swiftly when the Reginlaze Julia's Large Blade swung over, and he could feel hesitation coming from the Reginlaze Julia and that one second of hesitation, that one precious second was more than enough for him. With speed that was almost impossible to see, the Barbatos Lupus Rex's Tail Blade made it's way to the Reginlaze Julia's torso, not enough to kill, but enough to deny the mobile suit of it's main weapon.

Barbatos Lupus Rex countered with its remaining hand, as the Gundam lunged back and smacked away the Reginlaze's Large Blade. The Reginlaze Julia lost its balance and before it could regain composure, the Rex Nail claws of Barbatos had made its way through, clawing away the Reginlaze Julia's legs and arms with terrifying accuracy and power, denying the black mobile suit of its standard manipulators and leg claws, thus its remaining movement support. The Reginlaze Julia collapsed to the ground with a hazardous crash, as everything became silent.

Julieta could only look on in complete shock as she processed what was happening. It was impossible. She saw it with her own eyes. "How could the Demon move with such speed and power?" What was left of the suit to fight? It was impossible. She couldn't believe her eyes.

Julieta's thoughts: Just how....? How did he do it...?

When the Gundam crashed on her Reginlaze Julia, giving Julieta clear view to the cockpit of her enemy. Her eyes widened, seeing that Nhazul had long already been dead...

Julieta: H-He... He's already dead...?

Suddenly, Julieta could hear footsteps, as Agares walked over to her.

Hyun: Do you understand, now, Julieta? Why you couldn't defeat them, no matter how hard you tried... What they were truly fighting for... Their purpose...

Hearing Hyun, Julieta finally saw what she had failed to until now. What Hyun said, their purpose which was far greater then hers. As she came to this realization, Hyun just continued to look at Barbatos.

Hyun: If the roles were reversed, this easily could have been any one of us...

Julieta's heart clutched painfully as tears subconsciously running down her cheeks. Knowing how true Hyun's words were. If it weren't for Rustal, for her uncle, she could have been in this very situation. Fighting for her right to just live...

Julieta's thoughts: Look what this distorted world made these children into... They were denied their own life, but they were still fighting. So ferociously. And what for? For those foolish sovereignties? Unacceptable...!

Hyun just looked down, closing his eyes, before firing off a flare, a sign to all forces to halt.

Hyun: This is Hyun Hatake! All forces stand down! This battle is over!

And so the battle between Tekkadan and Gjallarhorn had come to an end with Gjallarhorn as the victors, but not without severe casualties from their side.

Akihiro was able to kill over 50 Graze pilots, including Iok, who he mercilessly crushed to death with Gusion Rebake Full City's scissors, before being killed by impalement from multiple swords....

Mikazuki along with Amdusias Bestia Czar managed to kill over 97 Graze Pilots before finally being gunned down over 15 Graze units from multiple sides all using rocket launchers.

And with Nhazul and Barbatos Lupus Rex, he managed to kill over 125 Graze Pilots, and defeated the Reginlaze Julia, before unfortunately succumbing to his wounds as well, dying...

In front of Hyun and Julieta was the Barbatos Lupus Rex's glowing red eyes finally shutting down, as it's head hung limply and unmoving....

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