
By LifeBlood93

10.6K 145 17

Thomas Morgan has been single for about a year since he got out of a relationship where his trust and faith i... More

Character Info
Chapter 1: Coming Around
Chapter 2: Father And Son Bonding Time
Chapter 3: A Night Out Interrupted
Chapter 4: The Pursuit Continues
Chapter 5 Part 2: Titles and Hearts
Chapter 6: The First Date
Chapter 7 Part 1: Bad News
Chapter 7 Part 2: Katherine
Chapter 7 Part 3: "I Love You"
Chapter 8: The Tour
Chapter 9: Ablaze
Chapter 10: The Aftermath
Chapter 11: Leaving The Hospital
Chapter 12: Outside Fisiticuffs
Chapter 13: The Day After
Chapter 14: Appreciating Her
Chapter 15: The New Place
Chapter 16: Workplace Visit
Chapter 17: The Call

Chapter 5 Part 1: Takeover

525 7 0
By LifeBlood93

It was now the day of NXT takeover, and Tom had just come back home after walking Cairo and he let him off his leash after closing the front door.

Tom sat down for a little bit, and then he went upstairs as he had booked a hotel room for a few days as the NXT takeover event is further from his home than usual.

After packing his suitcase, he brought it downstairs and he set it down before going to the kitchen and grabbed a dog treat for Cairo and he gave it to him and wrote a note for his friend Andrea, who volunteered to look after Cairo while Tom was gone and when he finished writing the note, he stuck it on his refrigerator and then he took his suitcase and put it in the boot of his C63s AMG coupé and then he put the spare key under the mat and texted Andrea, letting her know where it is and then he got in his car and started driving.

Meanwhile, Priscilla was driving in her car and she was on her way to the show and she got to thinking about how she was going to tell Tom that she really likes him as she was thinking to herself "how am i going to tell Tommy that i really like him ? He's so fucking cute, especially when i tease him and blushes big time, he's very attractive and sweet too, and when should i tell him that I like him ? before or after the match ?... I should think about this some more".

Priscilla continued to think about how she was going to tell Tom that she likes him a lot and eventually, she reached the arena where takeover was being held and she parked her car and went to her locker room and put her suitcase with her ring gear down and she headed over to Taylor and Mandy and sat down with them and they got to talking.

Priscilla: are you guys ready for today ?

Taylor and Mandy: yeah.

Mandy then asked Priscilla about Tom.

Mandy: how are you doing ? Are you still going to tell Tom how you feel about him ?

Priscilla: that's the plan, maybe I'll know for sure when i see him or something.

Taylor: I think he likes you, he's just really shy about it, Josh told me that he does and that he's shy about telling you.

Mandy: maybe he'll be more comfortable telling you how he feels when he knows how you feel about him.

Priscilla: yeah, maybe.

Priscilla talked with Mandy and Taylor for a bit longer and then they started getting ready for takeover.

Meanwhile, Tom had arrived at the hotel and he went up to the front desk to get the key to his room and then he got in an elevator.

While he was in the elevator, he got to thinking about how he was looking forward to takeover, and all the matches that were on the show, all from his brother's North American championship match, to Priscilla and Taylor's ladder match for the NXT women's tag team titles and Mandy's match for the NXT women's championship.

He eventually got off the elevator and made his way to his room and when he reached his room, he unlocked the door with his room key and he went inside and closed the door behind him.

Tom put his suitcase down and sat on the end of the bed and then he remembered that he had to text his brother to let him know when he was at his hotel room.
Tom got his phone out of his pocket and started to text his brother, letting him know where he was.

Tom: hey bro, I'm in my room at the hotel now.

Josh: okay, thanks for letting me know.

Tom laid down on the bed and took a quick nap so that he was wide awake before takeover.

Meanwhile, Josh was just coming out of his locker room and he headed over to his girlfriend, Taylor who was sat with Mandy and of course, Priscilla.

Josh went over to them and sat next to Taylor and he greeted them.

Josh: how is everyone ? Ready for the show ? it's going to be a big night.

Taylor, Priscilla and Mandy: yeah.

Taylor then asked Josh how Tom is since she knew that he was waiting for a text from Tom.

Taylor: how's Tom doing ?

Josh: he's good, he just texted me letting me know that he's at the hotel.

Mandy and Taylor both saw that Priscilla had perked up as she heard that Tom was coming to the show and she had the playful and mischievous smile on her face and they both knew that Priscilla was already thinking of ways to make Tom blush.

Taylor: you hear that Priscilla ? Tom will be here soon.

Mandy: yeah haha, what are you thinking about doing in that mischievous head of yours Miss Kelly ? Haha.

Priscilla raised an eyebrow as she sat up in her chair and rested both of her forearms on the table.

Priscilla: all in good time ladies, all in good time.

Josh: are you going to tell him today ?

Priscilla: maybe, I'm just not sure how to tell him so that he knows for sure that i like him.

Josh: just do what feels right to you.

Priscilla: yeah, I'll wait and see until i see him.

Meanwhile, Tom had awoken from his nap fully awake and rested and so he got up off the bed and headed over to his suitcase and he placed it on the bed and he unpacked his clothes and he grabbed his jacket and put it on and he saw the time and left his hotel room.

Tom left the hotel and got in his car and headed to the arena where takeover is being held.
He parked his car and made his way into the arena and showed his ticket to get in.

Tom made his way to his seat in the front row and sat down as the show started and the first match on the card, was Tony D'Angelo vs Axiom and the match lasted for twelve minutes and D'Angelo came out of the match as the winner.

An hour later, and it was time for his brother's match which was for the NXT North American championship against the champion and one of Josh's off screen friends, Christian (Carmelo Hayes).

Tom watched as his brother's theme song began to play.

Tom watched as his brother made his way down to the ring and when Josh got inside the ring and went to the corner, he spotted Tom and pointed and nodded at him and Tom nodded back.

Josh's theme stopped and the current North American champion made his entrance.

The match lasted for about nearly twenty minutes, and end of the match was happening as Josh locked the anaconda vise on his opponent.

Carmelo eventually tapped out and the bell rang making Josh the new North American champion.

Josh let go of the submission hold and the referee handed him the North American title as his theme song began playing as he was announced as the new North American champion.

Ring Announcer: the winner of the match... and NEW WWE NXT CHAMPION...... Jooossshh Moooorrrrgaaaaann !!!!!!

Tom stood up and began cheering for his brother and he was clapping his hands.
Tom was very happy for his brother who after holding the title in the air, he exited the ring and came over to him and hugged him.

Tom: you fucking did it ! Congratulations !

Josh: yeah, it's a shame dad wasn't here to see it, he'd have loved this.

Tom: yeah, he's watching it from home while he's recovering from his injury.

(Tom and Josh's father had an injury in the workplace where he broke his leg and he's been allowed to recover at home after his surgery)

Josh: I'll see you in bit.

Tom: yeah, see you in a bit.

Josh turned to the camera and said "that's for you dad".

Tom could not be happier for his brother as he knows how hard he's worked to become a champion and he got a front row seat to watch his brother do what he's always wanted to do in the WWE.
The show went on and Tom was enjoying every second of it.

Meanwhile, Priscilla had just left her locker room and after getting in her ring gear, she met with Taylor in gorilla to make their way to the ring for their match.

Taylor: you ready ?

Priscilla: yeah.

Priscilla put on her shades and her hat and grabbed her rose and turned to Taylor and nodded towards the curtains.

Priscilla: let's do this.

Meanwhile, Tom was sat in his front row seat and his attention turned to the titantron as he heard the toxic attraction theme song start.

Tom watched as Priscilla and Taylor came from backstage and while they were stood at the top of the entrance ramp, Priscilla scanned the crowd for Tom and when she saw him, a flirty smile appeared on her face.
Priscilla and Taylor made their way down the ramp and they walked down to ringside area and as Priscilla walked past Tom, she flirted with him by lightly dragging her rose down his torso and she pulled her shades down a little bit and she winked at Tom which made him blush as he rubbed the back of his neck as he sat back down.

Priscilla and Taylor got in the ring and while they waited for their opponents for the ladder match for the women's tag team titles, Priscilla looked over at Tom and she thought to herself "I love making him blush, he's so fucking cute".

Their opponents made their entrances and the match began.

Tom was really enjoying the match and at one point, he got very concerned as he saw how Priscilla landed awkwardly, almost getting injured.
He breathed a sigh of relief as he saw her get up and carry on in the match as nothing even happened, and knowing she was okay, a smile appeared on his face as he watched her do her thing in the match.

As he was watching the match, he knew that his attention was mainly focused on Priscilla and he got to thinking about whether she actually likes him as he thought to himself "I wonder if she actually does like me as my brother and Taylor say, I do like her but what if she doesn't like me back ?"

Tom put that thought to the back of his mind and he carried on watching the match.

The match went on for twenty minutes more, and the match was nearing its end as Tom was watching one of Priscilla and Taylor's opponents as they were about to grab the titles, Priscilla tipped the ladder causing them to fall through a table that was set up in the ring.

Tom stood up from his chair and he watched as Priscilla climbed up the ladder and she sat on the top of the ladder as she grabbed the NXT women's tag team titles, winning the match for her team.

Tom then watched as Taylor climbed up the ladder and grabbed the other title and they both celebrated their victory of becoming champions at the top of the ladder.

Priscilla and Taylor both got down from the ladder and they made their way out of the ring and as they passed Tom, he congratulated them both on winning the titles and while Taylor thanked Tom, Priscilla smiled at him with a flirty look in her eyes and then they made their way backstage.

Priscilla and Taylor made their way through the curtains and Josh and Mandy were there to congratulate them.

Mandy: you guys did great.

Josh: yeah, that was awesome.

Priscilla and Taylor: thanks.

Josh hugged and kissed Taylor and then Priscilla walked with Taylor as they went to their locker rooms and Taylor asked Priscilla about Tom.

Taylor: what do you think Tom thought about the match ?

Priscilla: I think he liked it, he was smiling when we won.

Taylor: yeah, that was sweet of him.

Taylor saw the look on her face and she could tell she was thinking about how to tell Tom about her feelings for him.

Taylor: you thinking about how to tell Tom you like him ?

Priscilla: yeah, I just want him to know that i really do like him a lot, my feelings for him are very real.

Taylor: he definitely cares about you, when you almost got injured during the match, he was really worried about you and when we won, he had a big smile on his face.

Priscilla: oh i have to tell him I like him, but I'll do it in private because I don't want him to feel pressured into saying anything.

Taylor saw the look in Priscilla's eyes and she knew that she really, really likes him.

Taylor: damn, you really like him huh ?

Priscilla: oh yeah.

Priscilla and Taylor went to do a photoshoot with their new titles and then they went to their locker rooms to get out of their ring gear and into some casual clothes.

Meanwhile, Tom was sat front row and he got a text from his brother and so he answered it.

Josh: hey bro, come and meet me backstage.

Tom: okay.

Tom got up from his chair and he made his way backstage and he walked over to his brother, who waved him over and he congratulated him once again on winning the North American title.

Josh: hey, there you are.

Tom: hey, congrats again on becoming a champ, you always said you would be a champion in the WWE.

Josh: yeah, I always dreamt of it and now it's happened.

Tom: dad is definitely proud of you, and so am I.

Josh: thanks, let's go and hang out for the rest of the show.

Tom went backstage with his brother and as they were talking, Priscilla and Taylor joined them.
Taylor sat down next to Josh and Priscilla sat right next to Tom.

Priscilla: hi Tommy.

Tom saw that Priscilla was looking him in the eyes with a flirty look on her face and so he responded shyly.

Tom: oh, h-hey Priscilla, uh... congrats on winning the tag titles.

Priscilla: thanks Tommy, I'm glad you liked it.

Tom: y-you almost got injured but I'm glad you're okay.

Priscilla: aww were you worried about little ol' me ? You're so sweet.

Priscilla playfully touched Tom's arm which made him even more shy.

Priscilla saw this and she thought to herself "oh I'm going to have so much fun with him if he likes me back and we start dating, maybe he actually does and perhaps I'll just have to help him see that... yeah that's it, I'll tell him when we're on our own at some point so that he doesn't feel pressured".

Priscilla didn't notice, but while she was thinking about how to tell Tom her feelings for him, Taylor was trying to get her attention.

Taylor: Priscilla ? Hellooooo ? Earth to Priscilla ? Are you there ?

Priscilla eventually got herself together and heard that Taylor was trying to get her attention.

Priscilla: h-huh ? Sorry ? What ?

Taylor was curious as to what Priscilla was thinking about even though she already had a good idea what it was really about.

Taylor: are you okay ? You were deep in thought for a moment there.

Priscilla: oh I'm just thinking about something.

Priscilla playfully raised an eyebrow while she had a sneaky smile on her face.

Taylor nodded at Tom and she mouthed the words "is it about Tom ?" To Priscilla who nodded in response and looked out of the corner of her eye at Tom.

The rest of the show went by and Bron Breakker retained his NXT championship and Mandy had won the NXT women's championship.
During the rest of the show, they were all talking about seeing how they aren't doing anything tomorrow, they should all go out to celebrate all the titles that Josh, Taylor, Priscilla and Mandy have won.

Then, when the show finally came to an end and everyone was starting to leave the arena, Priscilla caught up with Tom who was about to get into his car until he heard Priscilla's voice call out to him from behind him.

Priscilla: hey Tommy, wait up !

Tom closed his car door and turned around to see Priscilla walking up to him and he greeted her when she stood in front of him.

Tom: oh hey Priscilla, are you okay ?

Priscilla: yeah, I'm okay... I was actually hoping that i could talk to you ?

Tom: uhh... okay, whenever you're ready.

Priscilla: could i talk to you maybe tomorrow when we're all together celebrating our title wins ?

Tom: yeah sure, if you want.

Priscilla: okay thanks, I'll see you tomorrow.

Tom nodded.

Tom: I'll see you tomorrow.

Then, Priscilla decided to hug Tom who eventually hugged her back and then they both got in their cars and drove to the hotel.

A short while later, and Tom had just come through the door to his hotel room and he got a notification on his phone from his instagram that Priscilla had made a new post and so he liked and commented on it.

13,227 likes • liked by TomMorgan93 and 13,226 others

gigidolin_wwe we run the NXT women's division now 🥀

See all 11,899 comments

mandysacs we hold all the gold !
        gigidolin_wwe ours for as long as we want
jacyjaynewwe championship gold looks good on us
        gigidolin_wwe championship gold has never looked better
TomMorgan93 well done, you deserve this !
        gigidolin_wwe why thank you ! 😉
elektralopezwwe congrats ladies !
gigidolin_wwe 🙏

Tom put his phone down and he went to sleep in his hotel room, looking forward to seeing Priscilla tomorrow and he was wondering what she wants to talk to him about.

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