Heart of a Prime

By Sovereign343

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Sam and Y/n Witwicky's lives are about to change forever. When their dad goes to get them their first cars, l... More

Transformers (2007) Cast
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4 (Short)
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Revenge of the Fallen Additions
Chapter 8
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16

Chapter 9

4.3K 170 113
By Sovereign343

After an extensive car ride, the Witwicky family arrived Mission City University, or MCU for short.

"Hey, boys, why don't the both you head up to your rooms, me and your mom will unload your things."

"Sure thing, dad." Y/n closed Shatter's door and patted her roof. "Behave while I'm gone."

"What do you take me for? A sparkling?" Shatter whispered at her human, Y/n's only response was a coy smile. Shatter reved her engine as Y/n walked away.

"You better watch out, Y/n, you're nineteen now. That makes you legal." Sam said.

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"That means, Shatter can now legally torture you with her feminine whiles." Sam laughed.

"What a minute, are you suggesting that me and Shatter.."

"Are gonna get it on and make some little robots? Absolutely."

"You read too many comic books, man. Besides, how would we even.. you know.. she's a twenty foot robot and I'm a six foot human. I don't see the math adding up."

"Unless you become an Autobot." Sam joked.

The boys continued into the dorms of the University, splitting up when Sam reached his room. Y/n found his room a short ways away from Sam's, when he opened the door he found a young woman standing inside putting away her personal belongings.

"Um, hey. Sorry, I must have the wrong room." Y/n apologized looking at the room number.

"Hi, you're Y/n, right?" She asked. "Dont worry, you're in the right place. I'm Ruby." She introduced.

"I knew the dorms were co-ed but I didn't expect the rooms to be." Y/n said walking inside. One half of the room was already decorated with Ruby's things, so he sat down on the bed that was on the opposite side.

"Yeah, well, we are adults. I thinks the school supervisors can trust us not to get each other pregnant. Well, most of us." Ruby said with a smile.

"Yeah, I'm the most responsible guy you'll ever meet."

"Good to hear, what you majoring in?"

"I'm going into the military. They gave me a full ride so when I graduate I'll be an officer. What about you?"

"Very cool, military man. I'm going into robotics. I've always enjoyed working on machines and after I saw those alien robots on the news.. I just fell in love with them."

"You're looking for them? The aliens?"

"I guess, in a way. I want to learn everything I can about engineering. I want to help them, I can tell they're trying to do good." Ruby smiled before turning around and putting away some of her clothes.

"I think we're gonna get along just fine." Y/n said as his parents came through the door.

"Hey, sweety." His mother greeted.

"Hey, mom. Hey, dad. This is my roommate, Ruby."

Ruby greeted and introduced herself to Y/n's parents before they left after a few minutes. They stayed for a while longer, helping Sam and Y/n put their things away in their rooms.

Later that night, a party was being held in one of the senior dorms. Sam and Y/n decided to go and have a little fun before their classes in the morning.

"Sam, don't get into any trouble, alright."

"Who says I'm gonna get into trouble?"

"Me, now go have fun." Y/n smiled before pushing his brother away.

Y/n made his way through the party, drinking, eating and chatting up a girl here and there until he ran into Ruby.

"Hey, Ruby, wasn't expecting you here." He greeted.

"Yeah, well, thought I'd come have some fun. Hey, you wanna dance?" Ruby asked with a smile.


The two made their way to the dance floor and began to enjoy themselves. After almost am hour of nonstop dancing, both left the dance floor and went right to the refreshment table. Both ate and drank their fill, Ruby more than Y/n, unfortunately. This led to Ruby becoming completely drunk and Y/n having to carry her back to their dorm.

"Yuuurr soooooo cute, Y/n... I love youuuuu, you're my besht friend..." Ruby drunkenly slurred as they walked through their dorm room door. Y/n gently placed Ruby on her bed and tried to go to his, but Ruby grabbed his hand. "Wait... help me take my clothes off... I wanna be naked..."

"Yeah, that's not happening. Just go to sleep, Ruby." Y/n said.

"Okaaayyy..." Ruby replied like a child before passing out. Y/n sighed before falling into his own bed and falling asleep.


The next morning, Ruby woke up groaning and clutching her head.

"I'll never drink again.." Ruby moaned.

"That's what they all say." Y/n said, coming through the door, holding two cups of coffee and a box of headache pills.

"We didn't do anything did we?" Ruby asked as she took one of the coffees and the pills.

"No, we didn't do anything. I brought you back and we went to sleep."

"That's good. I guess I can trust you." Ruby tossed two pills into her mouth and took a swig of coffee.

"You didn't before?"

"Nope. But now I do." Ruby gave a weak smile. "You shower yet?"

"No, I just woke up to get the coffee and pills."

"Okay, you can take the first one. I'm gonna lay here and try to die until you get out." Ruby took another swig from her coffee before laying back down and covering her head with her pillow. Y/n smiled and got his things before going to the bathroom, closing and locking the door.

"He really is a good guy..." Ruby mumbled before owing her eyes.

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