Demon Coin (Gundam Iron Blood...

By zer0420

78.8K 2.9K 1.5K

There's always two sides to a story. Just as they're two sides to every coin. Despite being the same coin, ne... More

Chapter 1 Iron Blooded
Chapter 2 Amdusias And Barbatos
Chapter 3 The Iron Flower
Chapter 4 The Price Of Living
Chapter 5 Beyond The Red Sky...
Chapter 6 Downtime
Chapter 7 Whaling
Chapter 8 Sakazuki
Chapter 9 The Hands That Protect
Chapter 10 Space Pirates
Chapter 11 The Shoals
Chapter 12 Enjoyment
Chapter 13 Dort Colony
Chapter 14 Fear
Chapter 15 Kudelia's Resolve
Chapter 16 An Unexpected Alliance
Chapter 17 Nightmares
Chapter 18 Earth Arrival
Chapter 19 Death In The Family...
Chapter 20 Balance Of Power
Chapter 21 Vengeance
Chapter 22 A Future Reward
Chapter 23 Tekkadan
Chapter 24 Demon Wings
Chapter 25 In the Midst of Jealousy
Chapter 26 Battle Before Dawn
Chapter 27 Unease Anticipation
Chapter 28 Silent War
Chapter 29 Sovereign Of Mars
Chapter 30 Vidar Rising
Chapter 31 Awakening Calamities
Chapter 32 Stained Wings
Chapter 33 The Hunters of Angels
Chapter 34 Unchained Demons
Chapter 35 Damage Control
Chapter 36 False Charges
Chapter 37 False Assault
Chapter 38 Mourning
Chapter 39 Blood Payment
Chapter 40 The Spark
Chapter 42 Framing Fire
Chapter 43 Tail Between The Legs
Chapter 44 Scapegoat
Chapter 45 Last Ditch Effort
Chapter 46 One Final Stand
(Finale) Chapter 47 Unwavering Embers
Epilogue Aftermath
Epilogue#2 Their Promised Place...

Chapter 41 The Calm Before The Storm

1.2K 56 20
By zer0420

No one's POV

After McGillis had retrieved the Gundam Bael and gave his declaration, along with Gaeilo's, Rustal then appeared on the screen.

Rustal: This is Rustal Elion, the commander of the Arianrhod Fleet. Until now, we the Arianrhod Fleet have kept Gaelio Bauduin under our protection. He exposed McGillis Fareed's offenses to us. To acquire the Outer Earth Orbit Regulatory Joint Fleet, he cunningly murdered Commander Carta Issue. He also took over his family from his adoptive father Iznario Fareed. And by killing Gaelio Bauduin and making Almiria Bauduin his wife, he schemed to take possession of the Bauduin Family as well. That is not all. He disgraced Gundam Bael, the symbol of Gjallarhorn, in which the soul of Agnika Kaieru, the founder of Gjallarhorn, sleeps. Even if it means to break the laws of Gjallarhorn, the Arianrhod Fleet will bring McGillis Fareed to justice.

After the broadcast, Nhazul and Mikazuki had met up with McGillis.

McGillis: Sorry to keep you waiting. Once the shuttle gets here, you both can go up. We'll go after you two.

Mikazuki: I thought the surgery was impossible for adults.

McGillis: Do you remember the Black Graze you fought at Edmonton?

Nhazul: Yeah. He said he was using a Alaya Vijnana as well. And it's the same guy I fought down there.

McGillis: You are correct. A Gjallarhorn soldier had underwent an experimental updated version of the surgery. That was all an experiment for this day. An experiment for the day I would be able to pilot Bael with a more perfected version.

The Alaya Vijnana system was developed by what is now Gjallarhorn. They made body modifications a taboo and prohibited it. And in time they forget it. That the legendary Mobile suit needed the Alaya Vijnana to work. Their convenient memory loss and self preservation are what leads me to the top of Gjallarhorn.

Isurugi: General, it's time.

McGillis: Right. We will meet again. Nhazul Hatake, Mikazuki Augus.

Elsewhere, once both Hyun and Gaeilo returned to the Arianrhod Fleet, Vidar was getting ready to be reconfigured into it's original form, as everyone prepared to battle McGillis's fleet and Tekkadan. Returning to his room, Hayato took the time to call his mother.

Hyun: Hey, mom.

Faith: Hyun! I wasn't expecting you to call. With everything going on, I figured you'd be busy.

Hyun: Yeah, that's why I am. It's going to get really hectic soon. I wanted to speak to you before that.

Faith: I see. Well, I won't keep you long. Just stay safe, alright?

Hyun: I will.

Hyun went to hang up, but quickly stopped, thinking about Nhazul.

Hyun: Hey, mom....

Faith: What is it?

Hyun: I know this may sound weird and out of nowhere, but...Do... Do I have any other siblings?

Faith: Huh?

Hyun: It's just, someone from Tekkadan. They have the same last name as me...

Faith looked a him surprised.

Hyun: I thought it can be just a coincidence, but it's been bothering me. The odds of something having this unique name like-

Faith: Nhazul Hatake, right?

Hyun looked at his mom surprised.

Hyun: How did you...?

Faith: Because two of my students are the little sisters of a late member. They talk about him all the time along with their brother and a few others. Have you ever seen his face?

Hyun just thought about it.

Hyun: Now that I think about it, no. Despite us fighting on several occasions, I've never seen his face.

Faith: He's the spitting image of your father...

Hyun just looked at his mom even more shocked.

Hyun: What...?

Faith just sighed.

Faith: I guess now's a good a time then any. To tell you.

Hyun: Tell me what?

Faith: After I left your father after finding out he cheated on me, after we returned to Mars, I found out that he cheated on me with an old friend of mine. The residents would said she was so happy, because he promised he would take her to Earth with him after his assignment on Mars, but he never did. He lied to her just to sleep with her. That lie broke her. Because she wanted so badly to start over, to have a fresh start over on Earth. It's why we stopped being friends, because of her jealously of me. She gave birth to a son, who she would abuse, possibly being reminded of your father.  One night they heard gunshots and when they arrived, they only found her dead and her son nowhere to be found. There's a extremely strong possibility that he's your half brother...

Hearing this new information, Hyun was speechless, hearing about the horrible things his father did.

Hyun: ...

Faith: We may have to had deal with harassment, but we were still the lucky ones. Because you and I both know how bad it can get. The fact he's not only alive, but well, is a miracle in it's own right. I can even fathom the hardships that poor boy had to face to be here today...

Hyun: I know...

Faith: Hyun.

Hyun looked at his mom.

Faith: I'm not ignorant to the fact that he's your enemy and this is a battle for survival. I won't tell you to go out of your way, which risks your life. But if by some miracle the opportunity arises, please spare Nhazul's live.

Hyun: Spare?

Faith: Yes. I know I have no obligation towards him, he's not my son. But I feel a bit responsible given his life was the way it was because of your father.

Hyun looked at his mom, thinking about what she said and nodded.

Hyun: Alright.

Faith: Thank you. I love you.

Hyun: I love you too, mom.


It's later in the night and all the preparations were completed for the battle. Hyun returned to his room, thinking about what his mother said to him. As he was changing his clothes, getting ready to sleep, heard his door open, as he looked back to see

Julieta walking into his room in her night dress, getting into his bed and under the covers, as he just looked at her, dumbfounded.

Hyun: ...-_-... Alright, I guess you're sleeping there tonight...

Julieta looked over the covers annoyed.

Julieta: Be quiet and get in...

Hyun just continued looking at her, before he rolled his eyes, turning out the lights and getting into bed with Julieta, as the two of them were facing away from each other. The two laid in silence for a few moments, before Julieta spoke up.

Julieta: Don't die...

Hyun: Hmm?

Julieta: I said don't you dare die...!

Hyun: And why would you think I'd die?

Julieta: Because you nearly died before... Fighting the Mobile Armor...

Hyun: It wasn't that bad.

Julieta: You lost your leg!

Hyun was surprised, hearing the genuine concern in Julieta's voice.

Hyun: You sound worried. That's not like you.

Julieta: There's nothing to be worried about. I have no doubt Master Rustal will lead us to victory. But...

Hyun: But?

Julieta: There will undoubtedly be casualties...

Hyun: Unfortunately, there will be.

Suddenly Hyun felt Julieta shift in the bed, before feeling her press her head to his back, blushing.

Julieta: And I don't want you to be one of them...

Hearing that, Hyun was surprised, as she continued to talk.

Julieta: Despite how I was given my position, despite my background, despite my lack of status, you're always so kind to me... Never looking down at me. Always there for me... You are the first person I've ever considered a friend. I don't want to lose you... Like I lost my uncle...

Hearing Julieta say that, Hyun could only chuckle while smiling. Hearing this, Julieta began pouting annoyed.

Julieta: What's so funny...?

Turning around, Hyun proceeded to hold Julieta tightly, surprising her and making her blush more.

Hyun: It's funny because I feel the same way too.

Julieta looked up at Hyun surprised, as he smiled at her. The two looked at each other and began leaning forward, kissing each other passionately. After a full minute, the two of them broke it, as Julieta rested her head on his chest, along with Hyun pulling the covers up on the two of them.

Hyun: Once everything is said and done, I'll take you out to dinner.

Julieta: Meat...

Hyun smiled, kissing her forehead.

Hyun: Yeah, I figured as much.

Julieta smiled, as the two would lean in once again and begin to kiss, it getting more heated.

Hours Earlier....

With Tekkadan, once Nhazul and Mikazuki returned to the Isaribi, they learned that Tekkadan still had to fight the Arianrhod Fleet due to the other Seven Stars members staying neutral in the coming battle. Now everyone was scrambling to get ready for their final battle. Currently, Nhazul was holding the teddy bear from the bear shop he got for Atra.

Nhazul: ...

Holding the teddy bear, Nhazul sighed, before he suddenly heard a knock on his door, opening it to see Atra standing there.

Atra: Oh... hi, big bro... Were you sleeping?

Nhazul: Oh, no. What's up?

Atra: Well, it's awfully quiet here today...

Nhazul: Yeah, they all went to Hotarubi.

Atra: I see... Do you mind if I stay with you for awhile... It's pretty lonely with everyone around...

Nhazul: Oh, sure.

Atra looked down and noticed the teddy bear in Nhazul's hands, surprised.

Atra: Ah, a teddy bear?

Nhazul: O-Oh, yeah..

Atra: It's really cute. I didn't know you liked things like this.

Nhazul: Actually... I didn't get it for myself. I... I bought it for you...

Nhazul said, handing it to Atra, surprising her.

Atra: Huh? For me...?

Nhazul: Yeah... I noticed you've been really stressed since everything with the Mobile Armors and the Turbines, I wanted to get you something to make you feel better...

Atra looked at Nhazul even more surprised, as he looked away blushing, rubbing his head.

Nhazul: D-Do you not like it...?

Atra: No! No, that's not it... I... I actually really love it.

Atra said smiling, holding it in her arms, making him smile as well. As he looked at her holding it, Nhazul was reminded of the babies from the Turbines.

Nhazul: Seeing you hold it like that, reminds me of the babies from Turbine.

Atra: Yeah... I was thinking the same thing.

Nhazul: What about you...?

Atra: Huh?

Nhazul: Do you want a baby?

Atra looked at Nhazul surprised, before blushing intensely.

Atra: W-Why are you asking me that...?

Nhazul: I...I don't know... I just thought you'd make a really good mom...

Atra just looked down, at the teddy bear in her arms.

Atra: Do you care who I make babies with...?

Nhazul just looked at Atra, wanting to say something, but couldn't bring himself to.

Nhazul: Of course I do... I would want you to be with someone who would-

Atra: I don't want to...!

Nhazul looked at Atra surprised.

Nhazul: Huh?

Atra: I can't think about it... Not with somebody other than... Other then you...

Nhazul just looked at Atra surprised.

Nhazul: Me...?

Atra just looked down blushing intensely, before gaining a saddened look, turning around.

Nhazul: Atra...?

Atra: This will be the last battle, right..?

Nhazul just looked at Atra, before speaking up.

Nhazul: Yeah. That's the plan...

Atra: It's a tough one, right...?

Nhazul: Yeah... It will be. But that isn't anything new for me at this point.

Atra began clinching the teddy bear.

Atra: You... You make it sound so easy...

Nhazul: Huh?

Nhazul looked down at Atra, and saw she was shaking.

Atra: Ever since meeting me, you've constantly been fighting... Fighting to survive, fighting for my sake... Sacrificing yourself for me... And every time you do, all I can do is wait for you.. You've done nothing but protect me, but I haven't been able to do a single thing for you...!

Nhazul: Atra...

Atra: I... I love you...! I love you more then just a big brother...! I love you as a man...! The Nhazul who's standing here right now, not the one who constantly is fighting!

Hearing Atra say that, Nhazul's eyes widened shocked.

Atra: I love you, Nhazul...! I love you so much, my heart hurts so much from the thought of losing you... I-

Without warning, Nhazul cut off Atra, hugging her from behind, surprising her, as the two floated within the hall.

Atra: N-Nhazul...! You don't have to... I might've told you to hug girls when they're crying... But not now-

Turning Atra to face him, Nhazul leaned in, passionately kissing her, completely shocking her, making her eyes widened.

However this shook, quickly wore off, as she slowly melted into it, tears streaming down her face, along with Nhazul doing the same. Upon breaking it, Nhazul pressed her forehead to his, holding her tightly.

Nhazul: You've done more then enough for me. You were the first person to ever treat me with kindness, the first person to ever smile at me, to care about me, to love me. The first person I've ever loved as a little sister, and even beyond that, as a woman...

Atra's eyes widened, hearing that Nhazul felt the same way she felt about him, as he continued to speak.

Nhazul: I've been fighting so hard because you're the must precious thing in the world to me. Why I've been fighting so hard... So we can have the place where we can belong...

Nhazul looked at Atra, wiping away her tears.

Nhazul: But even before I met you, I've been fighting. I don't know of a world without fighting. Be it shelter, food or survival, I've fought for it all... It's all I've ever known...

Atra just looked at Nhazul, tears still in her eyes.

Atra: And now...?

Nhazul just pressed his forhead to Atra's again.

Nhazul: I'm fighting for not just my future, but yours as well. A future where we can live together in peace, a future where we won't worry about anything... A future where you won't have to shed any tears...

Atra looked at Nhazul, with more tears streaming down her face, holding him tightly, as he did the same, the teddy bear in between them.

Nhazul: So just hold on just a little longer... I'll get us there... I promise... I swear it...

Atra just nodded in Nhazul's arms. The safest place in the world for her.

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