Legend of Zelda Four Swords;...

By zabsuper88

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A wind sorcerer was defeated by a traitor while the king of darkness was defeated by four heroes and a prince... More

Chapter 1 Stones and Shadows
Chapter 2 Tears and Books
Chapter 3 Ishida
Chapter 4 Perfect
Chapter 5 Just A Little Longer
Chapter 6 Disappointment
Chapter 7 Daffodils and Anemones
Happy New Year!!!!
Chapter 8 Cracking
Long Hiatus Over! :D
Chapter 9 Memory Meeting and Aftermath Of Battle
Chapter 10 Decorations
My Reasons Why
Chapter 11 Disguises and Shopping
Chapter 12 The Celebration Begins and The Moonlit Dance
Chapter 13 Threats and Games
Chapter 14 Celebrations End and Vio's Discovery
Chapter 15 The Obsidian Warrior and The Blue Rogue
Chapter 16 Prophetic Feeling
Update Again!
Chapter 18 Kill The Monsters

Chapter 17 Worried Links and The Glory Glutton

29 2 0
By zabsuper88

With Azazel...

Shadow Link changed his appearance and Azazel gasped in shock when he recognized it.

Suddenly he wasn't in a castle and was instead standing deep in a snowy forest, looking at a boy not much older than him with black hair and green eyes.

Shadow snapped Azazel from his thoughts when he spoke, "What is it? Never seen disguising before?"

Azazel frowned, old memories fading away, barely leaving a trace.

Azazel's expression went back to his neutral serious one. "It's nothing. Let's just go."

He started to lead the way but as he glanced back at the disguised Shadow, he couldn't help but feel rage. He didn't dare let it show though.


Azazel lay in the bed, disguised as Shadow. He was pretending to sleep as his thoughts wandered. He felt angry but curious concerning Shadow's choice in his disguised look. Usually, he'd never let his curiosity lead him but he had to know.

Asrani entered the room and told him of the princess's connection to the hat. After that, he told her to tell Lord Vaati the next time she saw him. Asrani nearly left before a thought occurred to Azazel and he spoke up, "And Asrani?'

She looked back at him excitedly. He knew the look in her eyes too well. "Yes cuz?" She said.

"If Lord Vaati makes one of us watch Shadow Link, I call that job," Azazel told her.

"Okay..." Asrani sighed and left, obviously disappointed.

"It's not really that great to be 'perfect' you know," He mumbled but knew she was already gone.


With Shadow...

After Shadow had caught his breath, he and Vaati started to head back to his room. It was too late in the night to go to Ganon, it would be dawn soon. They would have to do it the next night. They saw Asrani, who looked serious which was surprising to Shadow considering what he had seen so far of her personality.

"Is there something wrong?" Shadow asked her.

Asrani turned to him, surprised he was there but became serious again. "Lord Vaati, the princess is connected to the hat and is suspicious. I led her away from our trail by using shadow magic on the guards and the first knight that was with her. Shadow's opposites were also there. If we steal the hat again we have to do it much later otherwise she'll know something's up. We have to be careful," Asrani reported.

Vaati took over. "Curse the princess for being so perceptive! I bet Ezlo connected her to the hat when he gave it to them!" He hissed.

Asrani stayed quiet, waiting for orders. Vaati stood there, thinking for a moment.

"As long as you and your cousin keep the princess off our trail and plans, it will be fine. Azazel can tail me and Shadow to observe the people around us, just in case I miss anything. You can keep watch of the princess and heroes when they are not near us," Vaati said.

Asrani gritted her teeth as Azazel's wish was granted without him even there. "Why does he get to tail you?" She growled.

"Because he's less likely to get caught, he's skillful in staying hidden. Plus he's more observant," Vaati snapped, irritated that she questioned him instead of obeying.

"Ugh! Fine!" Asrani hissed and left without another word.

It seems that there's conflict between the cousins. Maybe I can use that to my advantage. Shadow thought.

"Did you forget we share thoughts idiot? Don't even try it," Vaati said with a smirk.

Shadow merely sighed internally, a small spark of a plan gone.

They continued heading to the room where Azazel was still "sleeping" as Shadow. Vaati explained his orders to him as he rubbed off ink to return to himself. Once Vaati had given Azazel his orders he grinned. Seeing him grin for the first time Shadow shivered. It wasn't an evil or manic grin but a small one that seemed normal. It made Shadow nervous as Azazel didn't seem like the kind of person to smile a lot.

"Now leave. This body needs rest," Vaati ordered.

Shadow realized Vaati was right, he was exhausted but he didn't like Vaati's wording.

"Yes milord," Azazel answered and walked to the door. Before he left he glanced at Shadow and spoke, "Bye viridis nigereos mendax."

Shadow stared after him, confused. "What did he say? Was that ancient hylian?"

"I dunno. He's a bookworm," Vaati replied.

With that, Shadow reluctantly went to bed, hoping Ganon would stay in the ishida for another day.


Zelda, Raule, and the Link's went home and back to bed after checking on the hat. Zelda still felt uneasy about the whole thing but put it aside to get some rest. She would wait if more information came up later.

4 hours pass...With Vio...

Dawn came, decorating the sky with golden light. Vio was the first to get up as he usually was but he felt nervous considering the events of the night before and the Althea's.

They wouldn't use that hat to try and run away right? No, it couldn't have been them. It was the guard that touched it. A genuine mistake. Vio told himself. But he didn't believe his own words. Vio knew there was something off but knew it couldn't have been the Althea's. Even if they were keeping a secret, he trusted them.

Vio got dressed and went downstairs. He was going to speak to the Althea's, he needed to.

"Vio? Where are you going?" The voice of his mother came from the kitchen.

"I'm going for a walk. I feel a bit stuffy," Vio half-lied.

Lizzy walked out of the kitchen. With her Vio smelled eggs and bacon being cooked. "Okay, just be back for breakfast. You boys are still growing," She said.

"I will," He promised her.

Vio felt her worried gaze on his back as he left. No doubt she noticed they were gone last night. His mother clearly knew something was up but didn't say a word. Vio sighed and headed to the Althea's house. Once he arrived at the wooden cabin that the Althea's built themselves he knocked on the door.

John opened the door. "Hey, I thought you'd turn up. Come, we can talk while I continue to do the dishes," He said and welcomed Vio inside.

"We didn't finish our conversation. Besides, something new has come up," Vio said as he followed John to the kitchen.

John resumed doing his chore as he spoke, "What came up?"

"I can't say much except that someone touched a very important heirloom last night. Luckily it was only touched and not taken," Vio explained, "This event has Zelda on edge though. I want you guys to tell her but maybe not yet. We should make sure she trusts you guys when she finds out."

"You think she'd suspect us of messing with the heirloom?" John asked calmly.

"Maybe. Our first encounter with a shadow got her kidnapped," Vio answered, honestly.

John was silent before he spoke, "...Do you think we messed with the heirloom?"

"No. I trust you guys," Vio replied.

"Why? We kept a huge secret from you and everyone," John asked.

"You did it to protect yourself and your family. You just want to live in peace. If you had any ill intentions I'm sure you all would've done something by now," Vio said.

"...Thank you Vio," John said softly.

"You're welcome," Vio said then continued, "So, how do we make sure Zelda trusts you guys?" Vio questioned.

"I'm not sure but I can always brainstorm with my siblings," John said.

"Good idea. You all can think of something and when you do let me know. I want to help," Vio replied.

"Will do," John answered.

Vio looked out the window. "I should go. The others will wake up soon."

"Of course. Want to meet up in the Town Square at nine? I'm sure we'll have something figured out by then," John offered.

"Yeah, I'll see you there, John," Vio said.

Vio left and walked back home. There his mother was setting the table and his brothers were waking up upstairs. Vio walked to his mother, grabbed some plates, and helped her.

"Thank you, darling," She said.

Vio nodded in response.

The rest of their family came downstairs. Raule greeted Lizzy with a kiss which she returned before sitting down at the table. Red sleepily walked over and sat down. Green was awake and ready to seize the day while Blue followed, grumbling about something. Perhaps his bedhead.

They ate the food and chatted. Red became more awake with the chatter. Blue's eyes got lighter though his expression was still grumpy. Green turned his head to Vio who was strangely quiet.

"Everything alright Vio?" Green asked.

"Just thinking," Vio stated.

"Bout what?" Green questioned.

"Life I guess," He replied.

"Life is amazing!" Red chirped.

"Especially when you're glorious like me," Blue chimed in.

Green rolled his eyes but didn't say anything remembering Zelda told them to get along.

"Has...Has anything felt odd to you guys?" Vio asked.

Silence was in the air as they all looked at Vio whose tone was oddly serious.

"What do you mean son?" Raule asked.

"I just...I don't know....Something just feels off. Maybe it's just me though," Vio said his gaze drifting down to his food.

"Well, life can be weird too. Maybe it's your imagination?" Green asked.

"Hmm....Yeah...." Vio mumbled.

"You're still in hero mode Vio! We have peace now and maybe it's just hard for you to get used to," Red reasoned.

"Maybe..." Vio mumbled but knew that couldn't be the reason. The Althea's kept their secret for years so who knows what secrets other people have? Not that it was any of his business but what if those secrets were dangerous? Vio sighed, his mind swarming with thoughts.

"It seems that walk wasn't enough huh?" Lizzy said, noticing.

"Walk?" Raule asked.

"He went on a walk while I was making breakfast," Lizzy told him.

"Do you not feel good Vio?" Red asked, a little worried.

"I'm fine. Perhaps I'm just tired," Vio answered.

"More fresh air would be good for you. How 'bout taking another walk after breakfast?" Lizzy said.

"I'm meeting John at nine at the town square. I can get fresh air then," Vio said and continued to eat.

"Ugh, I bet you're going to talk more about that book huh?" Blue grumbled.

"It sounds like a good book though," Red refuted.

They continued to eat and chat till nine arrived. Vio and the others helped clean up before he left.

Unbenounced to Vio the three Links as well as a certain blue-haired shadow decided to follow him after quickly changing into their tunics.

"Something's up with Vio. Maybe he's struggling with something but doesn't want to worry anyone. We've got to help him!" Green whispered.

"I thought that smart-alec learned teamwork with us. If we're a team we should trust each other," Blue mumbled.

"We can reteach it!" Red said a little too loudly.

Vio jumped and turned around. The other Links hid behind wooden crates and Asrani hid in the shade of buildings before he could see them.

That was definitely Red's voice. Vio thought, annoyed at the prospect of the other Links following him. Vio got an idea and continued walking as if he had heard nothing.

"We gotta be quiet Red," Green said in a hushed tone.

"Sorry," Red smiled sheepishly.

The Link's kept following him as Vio made strange turns through alleyways.

"Is this even the way to the square?" Blue questioned.

"I don't think so. What is Vio up to?" Green asked.

Vio sped up and kept making twists and turns. Till the next time he turned and they followed they didn't see him.

"Drats! We lost him!" Blue shouted.

"Did he know we were following?" Red questioned.

"That'd explain the pathing he was taking. He wanted to lose us. What is he hiding?" Green said, worried for his friend.

"I don't know but maybe we can find him at the town square! That's where he said he was going before after all!" Red said optimistically.

"That's-.......oddly smart of you...Let's go!" Blue said, somewhat surprised.

Vio waltzed away, their voices fading in the distance.

"Ugh, stupid light beings!" Asrani mumbled and climbed a building wall through the shadows to the roof. There she couldn't hide in the shadows but had a great vantage point.

She looked around till she saw a purple figure heading to the town square. "Aha! Found you!" She said then hopped across roofs to catch up then jumped down and hid in the shadows once more.

Vio walked into the town square where he saw John, his sisters, and the young twins. Asrani followed and got a strange sensation. She gasped as she realized something. She was sensing shadows! But from where?

"Hey," Vio said as he approached his friends.

"Vi! Vi! You know our secret?" Jay said practically bouncing.

"Yes now hush. It should stay a secret," He said gently.

I see. They're the half shadows! In the capital of Hyrule no less! Lord Vaati will be pleased to hear this news. Surely he'd be pleased to strike these lesser creatures down. Asrani thought with a smirk.

"But brother said you wanted to tell the princess," Birch pointed out, confused.

"And only her. No one else, unless we change our minds later. So hush," Vio said then turned to John and the sisters. "So, did you think of anything that would confirm Zelda trusting you guys?"

"Yeah, we did. Sort of anyway, it depends on how well you can act," Anise said nervously.

"The idea we came up with is that you'd pretend to be in danger and we save you in public so word would likely reach Zelda. Though we don't know what so-called "danger" to put you in," John stated.

"Hmm...I see. I think that's a good idea but we'll have to see if it works. Should we practice somewhere?" Vio asked.

"Nah, we can do it here as long as we're not too loud. Give us your best afraid voice!" Willow said.

"Okay. Ahem!" Vio said and put his hand on his forehead as if he were to faint. "Oh no. There's a monster attacking me. Whatever shall I do?" Vio tried to act but his dull voice nor his blank expression wasn't giving off fear.

Anise burst out laughing, her nervousness dissipating at the scene. "Pfftt!!! You're a terrible actor! Hahaha!!!"

"I did my best. Besides this is more of Blue's thing," Vio shrugged.

Asrani snickered a little as well and got an idea from them. What if I summon a real monster? If I kill the purple hero that tricked Lord Vaati then surely he'd be pleased with me and favor me more than that stupid Azazel! Bonus I found a jackpot of half shadows so if I kill them too it wouldn't be only Lord Vaati that'd be pleased with me, I'd be honored by her! Heh, I bet Azazel would want my job now. With her thoughts swarming with the ideas of glory, Asrani used her dark magic to summon a hinox from the Fire Tower.

Anise's laughter suddenly stopped and she stared up in horror as well as Willow, Birch, and Jay. John grabbed the twins and moved them to their sisters and stood in front of them protectively.

"What is it?" Vio asked, confused at them, thinking they were acting till screams waved across the town square among civilians.

"Vio behind you!" John shouted.

Vio turned around only to see a giant hand hurling toward him.

Hoi! I hope you guys enjoyed the chapter! Sorry not sorry about the sorta cliffhanger! The chapter was getting too long for my regular chapter length goal. It is continued in the next chapter of course and it's almost all written out, just gotta go through editing and all that jazz when I can get to it. Feel free to comment down below what you think might happen in the next chapter!

(2616 words!)

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