American Noise

By TheQuietHufflepuff

7.6K 191 55

Jack and Jayci Kline are nothing like their father. Instead, they choose to be like the mother they never met... More

Eerily Gold
Season Thirteen
01. Lost and Found
02. The Rising Son and Daughter
03. Patience
04. The Big Empty
05. Tombstone
06. The Bad Place
07. Good Intentions
08. Unfinished Business
09. Beat the Devil
10. Exodus
11. Let the Good Times Roll
Season Fourteen
12. Stranger in a Strange Land
13. Gods and Monsters
14. The Scar
15. Optimism
16. Unhuman Nature
17. Byzantium
18. The Spear
19. Nihilism
20. Ouroboros
21. Peace of Mind
22. Don't Go Into the Woods
23. Game Night
25. Jack in the Box
26. Moriah
Season Fifteen
27. Back and to the Future
28. Raising Hell
29. The Rupture
30. Atomic Monsters
31. Proverbs 17:3
32. Golden Time
33. Last Call
34. Our Father, Who Aren't in Heaven
35. The Trap
36. The Heroes' Journey
37. The Gamblers
38. Galaxy Brain
39. Destiny's Child
40. Last Holiday
41. Gimmie Shelter
42. Drag Me Away (From You)
43. Unity
44. Despair
45. Inherit the Earth
46. Carry On

24. Absence

34 2 0
By TheQuietHufflepuff

Dean and Sam came back to the bunker looking for Mary, Jayci and Jack, wondering if they were back home.

"Yo, Mom! - Mom! Jack? Jayci? Mom? Hey, Jack? Jayci?" Dean called.

"Jack? Jayci? Jack? Jayci?" Sam said.

"Yo, anybody here?" A door opened and closed.

"Mom? Mom? Jack? Nothing."

"They probably just stopped for a bite on the way back. You know how Mom gets after a hunt."


"Well, hey, here's to another miraculous Sam Winchester survival. Got to say, man, if Jack hadn't have healed you..."


"You know, lately, it feels like we'd be up the creek without that kid of Jayci. I mean, first, they take care of Michael and then Nick."

"Kind of sounds like you're bummed about it."

"No. "Get out of jail free" card? I'll take that."

"Gonna try Mom?"

"Yeah." Dean tried calling Mary again though the cell phone on the other table was going off as if she left it there with her bag. "Looks like they left in a hurry."

"Try Jack or Jayci."

"Yeah. Thanks. Okay. All right, thanks."

"What did Jody say?"

"She hasn't heard anything."


"Nope. I left voicemails for Donna, Charlie, Bobby."


"Yeah Just got off the phone with her. She says she has a spell that might track them down."

"Okay, well, that's good." Dean's phone was ringing and he answered it, hearing Castiel on the line. "Hey, Cas."

"I got your message. Nick was trying to raise Lucifer?"


"Where is he now?"

"I don't, uh -- Kid said he and Jayci took care of him. So, right now, we're just trying to find Jack, Jayci and Mom."

"Are they together?"



"Y-Yeah. W-Why do you -- Yes, Cas, they were together, alone. What's he saying? I don't Cas? I, um -- If you have something to tell us, now's the time."

"I saw Jack. He -- He -- He did something when we got home with Sam. I went to check on him, and Felix was sick."

"Felix? You mean the snake?"

"Yes. Jack used his powers. He killed the snake. I think Jack considered it a mercy. I-I was gonna tell you."

"...but you just wanted to wait until we were already freaked out."

"I'm sorry. I don't think Jack is well, Dean. Dean?"

Dean hung up on Castiel.

"What?" Sam asked.

"He said that Jack went all Kevorkian on his snake."


"Don't know. Who cares. It's a snake. Right now, we've got to find them."

"I think I have an idea."

"This will work?"

"As long as Jack's battery's running, probably. There we go. Look. Wait. Is that? Nepal? Wait a second."

"Where'd he go?"

"There." Sam pointed.

"Lima, Peru," Dean noted.

"Jack's flying. Paris, France. Jayci might be with him."

"What the hell is he doing?"

The door opened and Jayci ran down the stairs and towards Dean.

"Jayci?" Sam said.

Jayci looked between them and she whispered, "I'm sorry."

"For what, kid?" Dean asked.

The terror of what her brother had done caused her to freeze and she ran away.

Sam and Dean shared a confused look before Dean said, "We've got to find him."


Jack woke up after returning back to the cabin where the scene of what went down with Mary happened.

"You knew my mother," Jack said.

"I was there when you were born," Mary told him.


"Jack, what you did was amazing. Jack, please! Just -- Listen to me!"

"Leave me alone!" Jack turned to see Nick. "Nick?"

"Mm. Guess again," Nick said.

"Hello, son," Lucifer greeted.

"No. That's not possible. You're -- Dead?" Jack said.

"All right," Nick replied. "You got me. I'm not Nick. I'm not Lucifer. I'm you."


"Yeah. I'm your, you know, subconscious or whatever. Y-You whipped me up to help you figure this out."

"Whatever you are, I don't want your help."

"Actually, you do. So I'm gonna give you a little piece of advice, bud, how you can wiggle out of this little pickle you're in. You don't. You won't. You can't. All right? Buddy, you killed Mary Winchester and scared your sister. You cannot come back from that, and you know it. All right? You've been flapping your wings all around, trying to run away from what you did, and where'd you wind up? Right here, right back to the scene of the crime."


"Yeah. Yeah, because somewhere inside, you realize that the sooner you accept it, the easier it'll be."

"No, it's -- It was an accident."

"Okay. Tell Sam and Dean that. I'm sure they'll understand. It's not like family isn't everything to them."

"Shut up."

"No, I'm serious. Pull out your cell phone right now and call them."

"Shut up!" Jack made Nick vanish.


"All right. Cas is gonna meet us there. You know, maybe Jack was wrong, you know? I mean, maybe Nick pulled it off, maybe Lucifer's back, and he took them both. And -- And Jack -- I mean he must have thought he was helping, you know, being kind," Sam said.

"What?" Dean asked.

"With Felix."

"Wait. Really? With the snake?"

"I'm just saying, Dean. I'm trying to understand Jack without a soul."

"We don't know that he doesn't have a soul!Okay, I don't want to -- Let's -- Let's just not talk about it, all right? Let's just find Mom. We'll find Jack. We'll help Jayci with whatever fear she's got. We'll figure it all out."

"All right. - Uh-oh." Sam's tablet said signal lost.

They arrived at the cabin.

"You look inside. I'll take around back," Dean said.

"Jack?" Dean called.

"Mom?! In the cabin, it's...." They saw a pile of ashes outside and wondered what had happened.

Castiel was sitting in his car and had a flashback about Mary.

"Well, that was a close one," Castiel said.

"Not that close. I counted wrong. I thought there were only two vamps in the basement. I handled the third one," Mary replied.

"Yes, you certainly did. You know, I'm no expert, but I think most humans would bandage an open wound before stopping to eat."

"It's a scratch."

"Still I could heal you. If you'll let me."

"I'm -- I'm okay."

"Are you still afraid of me?"

"Maybe a little. I haven't been back that long. Angels are real. Angels are friends. Angels can heal you with a wave of a glowy hand. I -- It's all pretty new still. We should get back. Boys and your sister will be waiting."

"I know you know this, Mary, but, um, Sam and Dean -- they're -- they're glad to have you back. Whatever you still have to deal with and however long it takes, you should know they're happy. I mean, finally, they don't have to be so, um, so alone."

"Castiel. They were never alone." The voice echoed as the flashback ended. "They were never alone."

"Dean, if Jack did that-" Sam began.

"Hey, we don't know what happened, okay? I mean, we don't know what Nick did. He probably deserved it," Dean replied.

"Dean, look. No one wanted Nick dead more than I did, but -- I mean, that-" The door opened. "Cas."

Castiel came in and saw the body and the boys. "Is that Nick?"

"Yeah. We looked around. No sign of Jack or Mom. Jayci came back to the bunker in terror. There's a, um, blast site behind the house. It looks angelic, just bigger," Sam informed.

"Might have been Lucifer," Dean guessed. "Nick was trying to bring him back."

"Yeah, but Jack said-" Castiel was cut off.

"Who cares what Jack said? We don't know what happened! But I swear, if he did something to her, if she is -- Then you're dead to me."

Castiel looked crushed after Dean's words.

"Dean," Sam said.

"No, he knew. He knew something was wrong with the kid. He knew it, and he didn't tell us! He didn't even tell us!"

"I was scared. I believed in Jack for so long, I I believed that he was -- he was good. I -- I knew that he would be good for the world. And he was good for us. My faith in him, it -- it never wavered, and then I-I saw what he did. It wasn't malice. It wasn't evil. It was like Jack saw a problem, and in his mind, he just solved it with that snake," Castiel reasoned.

"The snake?!"

"What he did wasn't bad. It was the absence of good. And I saw that in him. But we were a family, and I didn't want to lose that, so I thought I could fix it on my own. Felt like it was my responsibility. So I left. And I didn't tell you. If I could go back and just -- just talk to him right then and there, I would. But I can't, Dean. I failed you. And I failed Jack. And I failed Jayci. And I failed-"

"No, no. Don't even say it. Don't even say her name."

"Dean," Sam called as his phone rang.

"Who is it?"

Sam answered. "Rowena. Hey."

"Hello, Samuel. I did what you asked. I used scrying magic on the boy, tried to find him. But his energy, it's too unstable. It was like looking at the sun," Rowena told them.

"And Mom?"

"Say it!" Dean demanded.

"I don't know what happened or where she is but I can tell you with certainty Mary Winchester is no longer on this Earth."

There was a pause and silence in the room. The silence was shattered as Dean smashed a chair on a wall, visibly angry and upset.

"So, what do we do?" Sam asked.

"What do we always do when we lose one of our own? We fight. We fight to bring them back," Dean said.

"How? Billie?"

"Rowena. She's got the Book of the Damned. She's resurrected herself more times than we can count." Dean stormed out.

"How? We don't even know where your mother is," Castiel told him.

"Then go to Heaven and find her!" Dean yelled. "Tell Rowena we're on our way."


""Magice Necromantiorum."" Rowena began researching a resurrection spell. She heard a sudden pounding on the door. "That was fast. Oh, boy."

"Hello, Rowena," Jack greeted.

"Are you -- Are you well? Sam and Dean are looking for you. I-I could call them."

"No! I need help. I need magic."


"I killed Mary. I-It was an accident. I-I didn't mean to. I just -- I just wanted her to be quiet. I just wanted her gone, but only for a second. And I just. I thought it. It all happened so fast. I need to undo it. You need to help me undo it."

"I, uh -- The magic I've used on myself, my -- my little subdermal sachets -- they only work as fail-safes. They have to be prepared in advance, Jack."

"Um -- What about the book? The book."

"Yes. Yes. The -- The book. I mean, there -- there is a spell. Agnes, the witch who created the Book, was a prisoner for years. She was obsessed with breaking curses. What is death but the ultimate curse? In captivity, her friends, her only companions starved and perished, so she developed a spell to bring them back -- the "Magice Necromantiorum."

"Okay. What will we need?"

"Oh, well, um the Necromantiorum requires enormous power. The ingredients are relatively simple. Um, nothing you wouldn't have handy in the bunker."

"Rowena?! Open up!" Dean demanded.

"You've been stalling me," Jack realized.


"Tricking me!"

"Just talk to them. Jack. They're your kin," Rowena told him.

"Come on! Open up!" Dean yelled.

Castiel arrived at the playground and found it deserted.

"Hello? Hello?" Castiel called. There was a high-pitched ringing. "Naomi."


"Jack!" Rowena exclaimed as they arrived back at the bunker.

Jack saw the floor and had a flashback.

"Come on," Jack and Jayci said.

"Okay. Outward position. Right Index. Index finger. Flip. Thumb. No, keep your finger over there. All right. Thumb. And then switch it all around. There you go. Right. Outward position. Index, flip. That's okay. That one was close. That's enough for today. You're doing great. It's not easy," Mary reassured.

"When we get Dean back, he's gonna kill me for this," Jack said.

Jayci smiled. "I won't let him."

"For what?" Mary saw the marks on the floor and chuckled as she moved the table to cover it.

"Hey," Sam greeted.

"Hey," Mary replied.

"How's his training coming along?"

"He's got heart. He'll get there. Jayci's encouraging him and being incredibly supportive."

"I feel bad. I've been so busy looking for Dean-"

"Sam, everyone here understands what you've been doing and what you've been putting yourself through."

"Yeah, we know, but Jack's been through a lot -- you know, losing his powers. And I haven't really been there for him or Jayci. Sorry, Mom. I don't mean to lay all this on you."

"No. Are you kidding? It's nice knowing I'm not the only one with parental guilt. How much did the two of you go through when I wasn't there for you? And even when Amara brought me back and we got a second chance, things got complicated. I got complicated."


"No, I'm just saying parenting is always a struggle. You always feel like you're failing, but then you look at them, and somehow, they're amazing. And somehow, they're literally the bravest, kindest, most heroic men on the planet. Kids. They'll always surprise you."

"Well, how the hell are we supposed to keep up with Jack when he's got wings, huh?! And now he's got Rowena? He's got the Book of the Damned? I don't know what to do. I don't even know where to go! Cas should have told us. As soon as he saw Jack go all Dahmer on his stupid freakin' snake, they should have told us," Dean said.

"Dean, it wasn't just Cas. It wasn't. We knew Jack was dangerous. We always knew. Long before he killed Michael. You more than anyone. I mean, from the very beginning, you knew. But, you know, we fell for him 'cause he had a good heart and a good soul. Then he didn't. And that's on me, too, by the way. I mean, I'm the one who made the call to bring him back. He didn't ask for that. I decided for him. And you warned me," Sam reasoned.

"No, you didn't know, okay?"

"We didn't know. Exactly. We didn't know. But -- He and Jayci had become our family. You know, after Maggie and the other hunters died I just left. Just dumped Jack on Cas and left. I knew. I mean, I knew something was gonna I just didn't know it'd be this."

"I did it, too. When I talked to Donatello about Jack, he said he was good as far as he could tell. But then he talked about how powerful Jack was and that he could never really be sure. And it was a warning. I just couldn't see it."


"Are you done yet?" Jack asked.

"I said they were simple ingredients, but there are a lot of them, and they need to be compounded precisely. You know, I could have fought you back at my flat. I'm not saying I would have won, but I could have tried. I didn't because you want the same thing the boys and their sister want, that I want," Rowena said.

"No offense, buddy, but this is just so sad. Jack? Bringing the witch bitch into your desperate little plan? Why? So you can "make things right" with the Winchesters?" Nick suggested.

"You stop it," Jack demanded.

"Excuse me?" Rowena questioned.

"It's -- It's fine."

"Um, just what do you want? Forgiveness? You want gratitude for bringing Mommy back? Why? So you can call this dump home again? So you can ease your guilt? But you don't have guilt anymore, do you, Jack? Admit it. You don't feel anything anymore," Nick said.

"Shut up."

"Are you okay?" Rowena wondered.

"Keep working."

"You know this torment that you're feeling right now? It's just a reflex. It's just a habit, man. It's -- It's an echo from when you actually could feel something, when it mattered. But you know what? The sooner you give up this little fantasy, the sooner this phantom pain can go away," Nick told him.

"No. Shut up."

"Mnh-mnh. Not gonna. And you know what, Jack? It's not gonna work.You know it's not gonna work. You know it."

"Shut up, shut up, shut up! Are you done yet? Are you done?!"

"Yes. We have everything we need. All but the last thing. The last thing. Her body."


"Naomi. I'm still here, and I'm not going anywhere, not until I have a word with you. Dumah. Where's Naomi?" Castiel asked.

"Well, I'd tell you it's none of your business, but you already know it's none of your business. Why are you here?" Dumah questioned.

"I'm looking for someone."

"Mary Winchester? If that's why you're here, then you should leave now."

"Why? There may be a way to bring her back."

"Why would you want to do that? Because she's gone. She is at peace. You know, she died painlessly. Instantly. Completely. She's in Heaven, a special Heaven. Mary Winchester is complete. You and the Winchesters may not be. But she is."


"Jack?" Rowena called.

"I brought you to the right place. We have the right ingredients," Jack told her.

"Where's the body, Jack?"

"We can do this. That's -- You will make it work!"

"It won't. Can't."

"Then I'll do it myself."

"You're in no condition. Jack, a cardinal rule of magic -- disposition affects execution and you are spinning! Whatever you bring back, it won't be her."

"Then help me!"

"I won't." Rowena was sent home by Jack aggressively using his powers. "Ugh!" She dialed a number.

"Rowena, hey. We just left your place," Sam said.

"Well, I'm back! Listen. Jack is using magic to try to bring your mum back."

"Can he do that?"

"There's no body. And your boy, he snapped. He's desperate. Confused, angry. You have to try to stop him."


"Necromancy is a delicate art. It's unpredictable under ideal circumstances. In his state, oh, I fear your boy will bring back something terrible."

Jack began casting a spell. "Id quod mortuum, nunc oriatur. Hoc quod cecidit, nunc revertatur. Id quod mortuum, nunc oriatur. Hoc quod cecidit, nunc revertatur. Hoc quod cecidit, nunc revertatur. Orimini. Ori mini."

A swirling purple vortex appeared in the sky. The Impala raced down the dirt road as Jack continued to chant. He saw the Impala approaching and magically switched off the engine.

"What the hell? - What are you doing?" Sam asked.

"The engine just stopped." Dean informed.

Sam and Dean ran through the woods, hoping to stop Jack in time. Jack finished the spell as they arrived.

"Jack," Sam called.

"It didn't work," Jack replied tearfully.

"No, no. No. Mom? Mom." Dean held Mary's lifeless body in his arms as he and Sam cried.

Dean had a flashback of Mary sleeping on his shoulder in a car.


"Well, I warned you. It's worse -- trying and failing. There's no going back. You realize that now. Cas, Sam, Dean, they're never gonna trust you again. And you know what that means," Nick said.

What?" Jack asked.

"You can never trust them."


"Cas," Sam called.

"She's in Heaven. And she's at peace," Castiel informed.

"So Naomi told you, huh?"

"Dumah, actually."

"So, what? Are you just gonna take her word for it?" Dean questioned.

"No. No, she let me in." Castiel, in Heaven, found Mary's room with the plate 1954-1983 and 2016-2019 on the door. He went to look for himself. "I saw your mother's Heaven, and she is happy. She's with John, and there's no sorrow. There's no guilt. Just joy. I talked to Rowena. Um, she said she thinks that what Jack brought back -- He just brought back a shell. A body, you know. That it was empty. Just a a replica. "Incapable of holding life.""

"So, what are we supposed to do now?" Sam wondered.

Dean glanced at him. "What we always do."

Castiel, Dean, Jayci, who had joined them, and Sam had a funeral pyre outside with Mary's body burning as they stood watching her burn. Castiel wanted go over to Dean, but Sam stopped him. Dean had a photo of Mary and tossed it into the fire as they said their goodbyes.

Jayci turned to Sam and he hugged her. "It's okay, Jayci."

She shook her head. "No, it isn't. I'm terrified of my brother and it shouldn't be that way. He... I'm really, really sorry about your mom."

"Thanks, sweetheart."

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