His Rooh | Deep Affection

By hkoriginal

13.2K 849 55

Jodhbir Agnihotri had been faking friendly smiles since his father was murdered. But then he fell head over h... More

✿ One • Troublemaker ✿
✿ Two • Wedding Chaos ✿
✿ Three • The Proposal ✿
✿ Four • You, Me And Stars ✿
✿ Five • Midnight's Kiss ✿
✿ Seven • Tied The Knot ✿
✿ Eight • The Truth ✿
✿ Nine • Fears And Tangled Desires ✿
✿ Ten • Epilogue ✿
His Rooh & more

✿ Six • A New Chapter ✿

837 69 2
By hkoriginal

Ruhani stood at Jodhbir's apartment door, a bright bouquet of white roses in her hands and a wide smile on her face. She pressed the doorbell, eagerly waiting for him to answer. After a couple of minutes, the door swung open, revealing Jodhbir. Her smile quickly faded as she noticed his injured hand, neatly dressed, and the redness in his eyes.

"Hey," he greeted, attempting a smile.

Ruhani's eyes were drawn to his gloomy expression. She stepped inside after he moved aside to let her in, her happiness diminishing at the sight of his condition. After he closed the main door, he turned to her, his face a mix of confusion and sorrow.

"You're here?" he asked.

"I came to wish you a happy birthday. Happy birthday, Jodh," she replied with a warm smile, extending the bouquet towards him.

"So, now we're on nickname terms. Thank you, Rooh," he said, smiling as he accepted the bouquet.

Jodhbir quickly placed the flowers in an empty vase and filled it with water, a gesture that didn't go unnoticed by Ruhani. She smiled at his thoughtfulness.

"Come, let's sit and chat," he suggested, still holding her hand as they moved to the sitting area.

As they both took their seats, Ruhani felt the gentle caress of his hand holding hers. She looked at him with concern. "Why do you look so sad?"

Jodhbir remained silent, biting his lower lip, his eyes focused on their intertwined hands.

"Jodh, please tell me," she pleaded.

He finally spoke, his voice tinged with sorrow. "When I was born twenty-eight years ago, my mother died the same day due to childbirth. And when I was celebrating my fifteenth birthday, my father was assassinated."

Tears welled up in his eyes as he shared his painful past with her. Ruhani wasn't sure what to say, but she reached out and slowly pulled her hand from his, embracing him in a gentle hug. His head rested on her shoulder, his arms encircling her waist. Ruhani planted a kiss on his forehead, her own eyes filling with tears.

"I miss them, Ruhani. I miss them a lot," he admitted, his voice breaking.

Ruhani held him, allowing him to cry in her arms while she gently stroked his back. She felt privileged that he was willing to show her his vulnerable side so openly. Not many would reveal their pain to a stranger, especially a woman, unless they felt a deep connection.

After about twenty minutes, Jodhbir's tears subsided, leaving him feeling lighter. He ended the hug and wiped his tears away.

"How are you feeling now?" Ruhani asked with genuine concern.

"I feel relieved," he replied, managing a smile.

"Now, let's celebrate your twenty-eighth birthday. Show me the kitchen," she said, standing up from the couch and playfully tugging him along with her.


"I didn't know you could cook so well," Jodhbir complimented her as he savored the white sauce pasta she had prepared for him.

"Yeah, you must be thinking of me as a spoiled, rich brat," she jokingly replied, taking the last bite of her pasta.

"Actually, yes. But you surprised me," he admitted, pointing at his nearly empty plate.

"I'm glad," she said, beaming with pride.

By that time, both of them had finished their meal. Jodhbir picked up both their plates and placed them in the sink. Ruhani walked over to the fridge, poured herself a glass of cold water, and stood near the kitchen counter, sipping her drink. As she did, Jodhbir moved closer, placing his hands on either side of the counter, effectively trapping her between himself and the counter. She set the glass down and gently held his injured hand, which was wrapped in a white dressing.

"How did this happen?" she asked, her concern evident in her eyes.

"I might have voluntarily harmed myself," he replied, looking away.

"Why would you do that?" she inquired, her voice filled with worry.

"Because I may have wanted to hurt myself," he confessed, his tone casual, as if self-harm were a common occurrence for him. Ruhani couldn't help but wonder how many times he had done this before.

"Jodh, my mother also died while giving birth to me. But I don't hate myself because my dad made it clear that it wasn't my fault. You need to understand that it wasn't your fault that your mother died. She didn't sacrifice her life for you to hate yourself. She loved you, and seeing you like this must be hurting her," she said, cupping his face gently to emphasize her point.

Jodhbir sighed and pulled her into a tight hug. After a few moments of silence, he spoke, "Let's get married, Ruhani. I desperately need you in my life." He kissed her temple.

"Hmm," she hummed, still in shock. Had he just proposed to her?

Jodhbir moved back slightly to look at her face and asked, "Now, can I please kiss you?"

She nodded shyly, and their lips met in a tender kiss. Her hands reached up to run through his curly hair, while his hands slipped beneath her t-shirt. Ruhani closed her eyes as his cool hands explored her warm skin. The kiss was slow and gentle, but his chilly fingers traveled up and down her body, making her breath quicken. Her heart raced as he began unbuttoning her jeans. Ruhani quickly pushed him away.

"Not there!" she warned him, breathless, before falling against his chest.

"Sorry," he apologized, hugging her tightly.

"I'm tired, Jodh," she mumbled against his chest.

"Let me take you to my bedroom. You can rest there for a while, okay?" he suggested.

"Okay. But first, button up my jeans," she requested.

He promptly buttoned her denim jeans and then carried her to the bedroom. Gently, Jodhbir laid her down on the bed and kissed her forehead.

"Should I inform your family that you'll be late?" he asked.

"No, they'll kill you. I'll make up an excuse myself," she replied, her eyes closed.

"But your flustered face will tell them what happened between us," he teased, pinching her rosy cheeks.

"I'll tell them about my decision as soon as I get home," Ruhani said, opening her eyes and looking at him lovingly.

"I love you, Rooh," he whispered, kissing her lips.

"I love you too... Jodh," she replied with a soft smile.

Jodhbir gently caressed her forehead until she fell asleep. After about ten minutes, he went to the kitchen to clean the dishes, his heart filled with love and relief.


The familiar scent of home welcomed Ruhani as she entered the Shekhawat Mansion. The soft glow of the chandeliers cast a warm, inviting ambiance in the dining room where her family was already seated. Her heart raced with anticipation; she had a decision to share, one that had been weighing on her for a while.

At the head of the dining table sat her father, Sahib, his usual air of calm masking a subtle hint of anxiety that he couldn't quite hide. On the opposite side was her Bade Papa, Angraj, engrossed in the day's newspaper but stealing glances in her direction, a reflection of his own unease.

Angad, sat nearby, fiddling with his phone, his thoughts a distant whirlwind. Chandni, her Badi Maa, stood gracefully by the table, overseeing the arrangements, a gentle smile playing on her lips as she caught Ruhani's eye.

Taking a deep breath to steady herself, Ruhani greeted her family, exchanged pleasantries, and then began serving herself. Her appetite, though, was not for the delicious food before her; it was for the courage to share her life-changing decision.

"Dad, Bade Papa," she started, her voice calm and measured, "there's something I want to discuss."

Sahib looked up from his plate, his eyes reflecting a mix of curiosity and dread. "Go ahead, Ruhi."

She locked eyes with her father and uncle, determined to maintain her composure. "I've come to a decision. I've decided to marry Jodhbir."

The room fell silent as her family absorbed the weight of her declaration. Sahib's fork paused midway to his mouth, and Angraj lowered his newspaper, their expressions unreadable but loaded with a mixture of emotions.

Chandni, on the other hand, couldn't contain her excitement. Her eyes sparkled with delight, and she clasped her hands together. "Oh, Ruhi, that's wonderful news! I'm so happy for you!"

Angad, her cousin, looked up from his phone, skepticism written all over his face. "Really, Ruhi? Are you sure about this?"

Ruhani sensed her cousin's hesitation and couldn't resist a playful retort. "Well, Angad, I can't let you have all the fun with a partner, can I?"

A hint of a smile tugged at the corner of Angad's lips, and he shrugged, conceding the point. "I suppose not."

Her father and uncle exchanged another glance, this one tinged with a mixture of concern and acceptance. "Ruhi," Sahib began carefully, "we want what's best for you. If Jodhbir makes you happy, then we'll support your decision."

Angraj nodded in agreement, his expression softening. "Yes, your happiness is our priority."

Chandni couldn't contain her joy any longer. She rushed over and enveloped Ruhani in a tight hug. "I'm thrilled for you, my dear. This is the beginning of a beautiful journey."

Ruhani felt a wave of relief wash over her. The support of her family meant everything to her, even if they held their reservations. Tonight marked the start of a new chapter in her life, one filled with both excitement and uncertainty, but she knew she wouldn't have to face it alone.

Chandni released her from the hug and returned to her place at the table. Ruhani sat down, still feeling the warmth of her aunt's embrace. As she picked up her fork, a thousand thoughts raced through her mind, and she decided to share more of her feelings.

"Dad, Bade Papa," Ruhani began, "I know this decision may come as a surprise. I've spent a lot of time with Jodhbir, and I've come to realize that we share a deep connection. He's not just a businessman; he's a compassionate, caring person who's been through a lot in his life."

Sahib listened intently, his gaze fixed on Ruhani.

"I believe that together, we can support and love each other. And I promise, I won't let this decision affect my responsibilities to the family."

Angraj, although still cautious, nodded in acknowledgment. "Ruhi, your happiness is most important to us. Just be sure this is what you truly want."

Ruhani appreciated their understanding, but she knew there were concerns beneath the surface. As dinner continued, the conversation lightened. Angad, who had been unusually quiet, couldn't resist poking fun at his cousin.

"So, Ruhi," he teased, "when's the big day?"

Ruhani chuckled at her cousin's antics. "Not so fast, Angad. We've just made this decision, and there's much planning to be done. But you'll be the first to know."

Angad raised an eyebrow in mock surprise. "Oh, really? I thought you'd keep it a secret from me."

Ruhani playfully rolled her eyes. "You? My partner in mischief? Never."

Laughter filled the dining room as the family shared a moment of light-hearted banter. Underneath the jokes and smiles, though, the depth of emotions and the significance of Ruhani's decision lingered in the air, reminding them all that change was on the horizon.


Jodhbir had just settled into his apartment, enjoying a rare moment of solitude, when the doorbell rang. He glanced at the clock, puzzled by the unexpected visitor at this hour. As he opened the door, he was greeted by the animated face of his cousin, Jashn.

"Jodh!" Jashn exclaimed, barging in without an invitation. "I can't believe you didn't tell me about your decision!"

Jodhbir, taken aback by the sudden intrusion and Jashn's theatrical tone, chuckled. "Well, hello to you too, Jashn. What decision are you talking about?"

Jashn closed the door behind him, and with exaggerated exasperation, he replied, "You know what decision! The one involving Ruhani! I'm your partner in matchmaking, remember?"

Jodhbir laughed at Jashn's enthusiasm. "Ah, that decision! Yes, I should have told you, but things happened in a hurry."

Jashn pouted dramatically. "Hurried decisions? In matters of the heart? You disappoint me, Jodh."

Jodhbir couldn't help but shake his head at his cousin's theatricality. "Come on, Jashn. It's not like I eloped. We'll have a proper engagement and wedding ceremony."

Jashn raised an eyebrow, clearly not convinced. "And what about the romantic details, Jodh? I expect rose petals, candlelit dinners, and at least one grand, dramatic gesture."

Jodhbir chuckled. "Well, maybe I'll surprise you with something extravagant when the time comes."

Jashn finally cracked a smile. "Good enough, brother. Now, tell me everything. How did you two decide? Did she say yes immediately? Did you get down on one knee?"

Jodhbir settled on the couch, and Jashn took a seat across from him, leaning forward eagerly.

"It wasn't quite the fairy tale you're imagining, Jashn," Jodhbir began, "but it was a lovely moment. We talked, got to know each other better, and, well, one thing led to another."

Jashn's eyes twinkled with curiosity. "One thing led to another? That's it?"

Jodhbir chuckled, realizing his cousin's appetite for drama was insatiable. "Alright, alright. There was a proposal, but it wasn't the typical down-on-one-knee affair."

Jashn leaned in closer, hanging on Jodhbir's every word. "Tell me more!"

Jodhbir couldn't help but get caught up in the excitement of Jashn's enthusiasm. "Okay, okay. So, we were talking, and I just couldn't imagine my life without her. I looked into her eyes, and I asked if she'd marry me. She was surprised but, thankfully, said yes."

Jashn let out a dramatic sigh of satisfaction. "Now that's a proposal story worth hearing!"

Jodhbir laughed at his cousin's theatrics. "I'm glad you approve, Jashn."

Jashn leaned back in his chair, a grin spreading across his face. "Of course, I approve! I have a reputation as a matchmaker to uphold, you know."

Jodhbir nodded in agreement. "Well, rest assured, Jashn, that you played a significant role in bringing us together."

Jashn's eyes sparkled with pride. "I knew I had a knack for these things!"

The two cousins shared a hearty laugh, and Jodhbir couldn't help but appreciate Jashn's infectious enthusiasm. His cousin had a heart of gold and a genuine passion for love.

As they continued to chat about wedding plans and romantic gestures, Jodhbir felt grateful for Jashn's presence in his life. He might not have had the most traditional proposal story, but he had the support and excitement of a cousin who was more than ready to play his role as a matchmaker extraordinaire.

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