Carina and Maya (TWO)

By EmmaaGabriellaa

10.8K 158 3

sequel of my {Maya and Carina πŸ’› } storylines, when you finish the recent update come here for the next ones... More

Eleven hours flight ✈️
Making memories β˜ƒοΈπŸ₯³
Christmas day πŸŽ…πŸ»πŸŽ„πŸ§‘πŸ»β€πŸŽ„
Carina im here for you
But for how long?
That was a close call
What do we do now
Franny's Feet πŸ¦ΆπŸ‘§πŸ»
A surprise visitor?
Maya is finally home!!
Abbhhh ! Owwwwww !
the elastic wrap really hurts
Oh thank goodness Kayla you are okay!
Is it true ?
Andy , everything is going to be okay!
Thank you i needed that
One more one more!!!
How could you do this to me?
Carina you almost ...
Never again
You are my Firefighter Barbie! MINE !
Potty training?
Why am i always sick?
So i did tear ??
Welcome Baby Girl
Surprise Bambina.
In the laundry room
Lets partyyyyy part 2
Can i do gymnastics again?
What does the cat say?
Please please momma!!
Toys for Tots πŸš‚πŸ§Έ
Alone time in Jamaica
What a HONEYMOON πŸ―πŸŒ™!!
Byebye JamaΓ―ca !
Happy happy Families !
Welcome to your new home!
Who's our next patient?
I what now?
Can't shake the feeling off
Elf on the what ?
You know i don't like being home alone when im sick
You did that for me ? Thank you! πŸ₯Ί
Honey , im home!!
Stop it , it's not funny !
So we are making another one?
Hello elves ! πŸ§πŸ§β€β™€οΈπŸ’ž
Violet , Scarlett and ...
Who the hell is making all that noise?
Chloe the ice queen
Maya you have to help me !
You look even more gorgeous baby !
Excuse me what now?
Growing up too fast πŸ₯ΊπŸ₯Ί
Dreading those teenage years 😳
Are you in labour?
Congratulations guys !!
Spencer, Mila meet your baby sister!
What is going on here ? 😊😊😊
Ohhhh baby !!
Andy's new job !
My own home studio
Maya's new job !
But why momma!
Im ready
That was unexpected
We are not complete
Three Peas in a Pod !
Zero to one hundred !!
Tree house building
Just a dream?!
Happy Valentine's Day mi amore
We are really doing this?
Tristan. Very talented fellow !
It's happening again
I feel pretty and unpretty !

Call Carina!! Now!

117 2 0
By EmmaaGabriellaa

Tuesday September 12 th 2017

**Andy is now nine months pregnant and she's 10 days away from her due date and she is not doing well... she's been aching everywhere, she doesn't know if she's in the earliest stage of labour but she's breathing slowly. Her husband is by her side ! massaging her shoulders and back ! **

2h28 am
Andy; hmmmmmmm ouhhhhhh ahhhhhh ! Fuck it huuuuuuuuuurts !
James: breathe mi amor !
Andy: I don't know how to lay down babe! Everything hurts!!
** she is laying on her bed and on her back with her legs semi spread out **
Call Carina please!!!
James: okay my love.... Just breathe everything is going to be okay!
Andy: okay.... ** she slowed her breathing down **
Still call Carina please!!
James : okay I am ! Hang on !
** Carina knows Andy is ten days away from her due date so she's on alert for her call **
James: hi Carina! So sorry to wake you up this early...
Carina: hi James ! It's okay! I know she's close to her due date....
James: right!! I know we did it all with Mila but she seems freaked out and I don't know what to do!
Carina: it's totally fine! I'll ask you a few questions and it's going to tell me whether or not this is the real thing!
James : okay perfect!!
Carina: okay... my first question is is she feeling tightness in her lower stomach area ?
James : I'll put you on speaker phone!!
Carina: okay Andrea , can you please describe how you feel the best way you can !
Andrea : okay.... Ummm I feel a sharp pain in my vagina and also in my lower stomach, like period cramps!
Carina: okay, my next question is how frequently do you feel that way?
Andrea : I don't know... I just started feeling like this!! Are they practice contractions?
Carina: I do believe it is ... but you just need to know the best indication for knowing if you are indeed in labour is the five one one!
Andy: okay... I forgot what that is
Carina: it's okay, it's quite simple, it's when you are having contractions every five minutes, lasting for a minute each and that lasts for one hour!! Then we'll know when baby is going to be coming soon!
Andy: okay thank you!! So the practice contractions can last for days right?
Carina: yes ! Braxton hicks !! Ohh and another indication is if your stomach has dropped!
Andy: ahhhhhhhh ! Owwwwww ! Okay!
James : how can I know if her stomach has dropped??
Carina: well it's pretty easy... it's when the baby gets extremely low and descending into the birth canal !
Andy : okay! I definitely didn't drop !
Carina: okay! That's totally alright!!
James : okay thank you so much Carina!
Carina: you are very welcome! Andy , focus on something in the room that you are in ! And every time you have a contraction breathe in and out and stay focused on your object!
Andy: okay thank you so much!
Carina: my pleasure!!
** James and Carina hung up **

Andy : We have to figure out names babe, since we don't know what we are having !! Ouuuuuhhh ! Ahhh ! I cant sleep anymore!!

James : right!! Okay well get as comfortable as you can be , and we will figure out a name !
Andy: okay... ** she sits up straight against the bed board and has dozens of pillows to support her back**
Andy : I'm ready! Come sit beside me mi amore
James : yes ! I'm coming!

**Spencer and Milenna both woke up and came over to hug their momma who was still in bed , Andy doesn't want to make sudden movements so she doesn't go into labour yet . James made poorage for breakfast **
Spencer: hiiii momma!!! How are you doing today?
Andrea : ohhh hiiiii buddy!! I'm doing okay! And you?
Spencer: I'm doing good thank you!
Mila : hi mommy hi hiii !
Andrea : ohhhh hiiii ! Oh, eres tan adorable con tu pequeño cabello de cama! ( on , you look so adorable with your little bed hair!)
Andrea : ¡Ven aquí, te arreglaré el cabello, niña! ( come up here I'll fix your hair baby girl )
Mila : okay momma!!
Andrea : do you want two ponytails? One ? Two braids or one ?
Mila : dos trenzas momma !! Por favor
Andrea: okay!!
Spencer: you look very beautiful momma!!
Andrea : ohhh thank youuu trésor ! I dont feel beautiful but that's okay!
Spencer: Awnn why not?
Andrea: well it's because when mommies are pregnant and they are about to have the babies they are extremely big and uncomfortable until the babies find their keys to open the special door.... And baby brother or baby sister is going to come out soon ... within the next 10 days or before that!
Mila : Will you have baby home or housepital ?
Andrea: I'm going to have the baby here at home ! Auntie Carina will come help me!!
Voila ! Mila , you have two beautiful braids !
Spencer: ohh alright!!
James : guys breakfast is ready!!
Mila : okay daddy ! Bye momma!! I love youuu!
Spencer: okay daddy we are coming!
Andrea : help your sister down the stairs please!
Have a wonderful day guys ! Mommy loves you so much! Be nice in daycare okay!
Mila : siiiii momma !
Spencer: okay momma! Don't worry!


James : babe! I'm going to drop the kids off at daycare , if you feel contractions just breathe through it in and out okay? I'll be back in ten minutes!
Andrea : okay perfect!!! I will !!

*** ten minutes later James comes back home and comes in their bedroom, Andrea hadn't moved at all **


James : I'm back lovey !
Andrea : okay thank goodness!! Ahhhh !
James : okay! Breathe honey !
Andrea : it's not a contraction but more discomfort in my vagina!! Ahhhh !
James: ohhh ! How can I help?
Andy: you just being here is all I need!!

Later that day!

** Andy has her laptop out they are looking for girl names and boy names! She decided to make a list with Excel ! **
Andy : how many names baby oh and short or long names?
James : uhhh ! Well both of our kids have seven letters each !
Andy: wait really?
James : yes ! I just noticed that too!
Andy : okay so shorter than seven or higher?
James : how about we just pick the names we love and then deal with the decision of short or long later?
Andy: okay but we absolutely need a name before I deliver the bambine !
James : alright deal !!
Andrea : okay! We don't really have much time babe! My due date is ten days away, but the baby can come sooner or later then ten days! And this is my second labour and delivery and Carina said they come quicker the next time around!
James: alright! We will have a name before you have the baby!!
Andrea: okay!! ** she randomly gets emotional **
I want the middle name to be either " joy, faith or hope" if it's a girl! And I don't have any middle names suggestions for a boy ! I'm sorry mi amore
James : okay ! I love the idea of those middle names for a girl and Maybe we can give my father's name as a middle name if it's a boy !
Andrea : okay perfect idea !

James boy names.
1. Hudson
2. Elijah
3. Joshua
4. Carter

James girl names
1 Raelyn
2 Olivia/ Olive
3 Addisyn
4 Elizabeth
5. Madalynn

Andrea boy names
1. Emmanuel
2. Carlos
3. Joshua
4 Carson

Andrea girl names
1. Emersyn.
2. Clara
3. Charlotte
4 McKenzie
5. Kennadee/ Kennedy

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