The Secret - Alexia Putellas

Av juliendrf

455K 19.2K 1.7K

The title says it all. It's a secret. 🥇 woso 🥇 trainer 🥇 lareina 🥇 putellas 🥇 barcelona 🥇 fcbarcelona ... Mer

Thank you


6.5K 318 33
Av juliendrf

Thank you Eliza!

The day of Alexia's comeback.
March 22, 2023
12:21 a.m.

It was already past midnight.

Alexia was back in her room and had been trying to fall asleep for hours. In vain. Prior to her injury, it had never been a problem for her to fall asleep before match day. Being a mentally strong athlete, she used to feel calm under pressure. But just like many other things, it seems like that had changed as well.


Perhaps that changed after the mental problems Alexia suffered after her second Ballon D'Or win. And the fact that Erin wasn't lying next to her for the first time in weeks made it even worse.

Without giving it a second thought, and since a good amount of sleep was incredibly important before match day, Alexia unceremoniously threw on one of her favorite hoodies, grabbed her door card, and then tiptoed to Erin's room.

No one would be up at that time of day anyway.

It took a while before Erin answered the door. Since the blonde had already dozed off as they talked each other into sleep earlier - as it turned out, that only worked for Erin - she was quite confused when there was a knock at the door, jolting her out of her dreams.

With one eye closed and one half open, Erin peered outside, and found the hallway far too bright to look anywhere at all.

"Ale? You know you're not allowed out of your room at night", she mumbles, reaching forward to pull the brunette into the dark room nevertheless, in which Alexia happily enters as her fingers entwine with Erin's cold hand.

"I can't sleep", Alexia pouts, stripping off her hoodie and tossing it to the floor, before quickly slipping beneath the warm comforter Erin had been sleeping under just seconds ago. The blonde couldn't help but smile.

"Why is that?", wonders Erin, tiredly rubbing her eyes and taking a sip of her water, before getting in bed beside Alexia.

"Maybe I'm a little nervous", Alexia murmurs, shifting closer to her girlfriend, one arm draped across the blonde's body as she rests her head on Erin's chest.

"Maybe you still can't sleep without me. Or the fact that Martha kissed me is still in your head", Erin answers softly, running her fingers through Alexia's long hair, playing with the brunette's loose curls as she closes her eyes.

"Hmm... I won't deny that. I'm gonna have a talk with her. Your body is so much warmer than those ice cubes, you know", Alexia chuckles in a low voice. She closes her eyes and enjoys the feeling of the therapist's fingers tangled in her hair, while the other hand slowly runs up and down her strong back.

Those hands were still magical.

Since day one.

"You were outstanding in practice today. I know you'll deliver a perfect performance tomorrow, so don't worry", Erin whispers in a calm voice as she tries to talk Alexia into sleep.

Erin was counting down the days - she assumed she could stay in Spain for 12 more days before she had to leave the country - and she was very glad she had another night with the brunette.

Still 12 more days.

"Are you... okay?", Alexia asks, lifting her head from Erin's chest as she suddenly feels the blonde's body tense up.

"I'm fine, don't worry", Erin lies and pulls Alexia back towards her, wrapping her arms around the athletes strong body, who doesn't resist, but isn't satisfied with Erin's answer either.

"You do realize I already know something's wrong, right?", Alexia sighs as she rolls on top of Erin, propping herself up on the therapist's chest while looking down at her, despite not being able to see anything.

The room was completely dark.

"I told you... Don't worry. Please", Erin heaves a sad sigh, incapable not to blame herself for lying. But she couldn't force herself to say it. She couldn't. She couldn't hurt Alexia.

Still 12 more days.

"You telling me not to worry makes it worse, you know. Did I do something wrong?", the brunette asks, seeming rather confused about Erin's attempt to avoid answering.

She wanted to know.

She deserved to know if there was something wrong.

"No. No, of course not. You're perfect. It's just... can we talk about this when we get back home?", Erin begs, her throat tightening at the confession she just made.

"So something is indeed wrong, then. What is it?", Alexia urged, now sitting up on the blonde's lap, her knees on either side of Erin's body, refusing to let her move or turn away. She wasn't willing to let Erin get away with this any longer. The more she had to watch how miserable her girlfriend felt, the more Alexia wanted to help.

Erin felt her eyes watering.

Luckily, it was dark enough to prevent Alexia from seeing anything.

"Why are you pressuring me?", Erin mumbles softly, rubbing her eyes as she felt a tear slowly making its way down her cheek.

"Why won't you tell me? Are you afraid I'll get mad?", Alexia asks softly, extending her warm hands to caress the blonde's features and traces her thumb along Erin's jaw.

Of course, she noticed that Erin was crying.


Just like the day before when the therapist went to the bathroom. Or the previous night, when she came home from Madrid. Alexia wasn't blind, after all.

"I don't know...", Erin replies, squeezing her eyes shut as she lifts her arms and holds onto Alexia's wrists, while feeling more and more tears streaming down her face. It was impossible to suppress the tears any longer.

"Well, then you should know better. I'm not going to be mad at you. I trusted you with everything, Erin. So why don't you do the same?", Alexia suggests in the gentlest way possible, her voice so calm and soft that Erin's heart skipped a beat.

Erin wanted to answer. She wanted to say something. But the moment she parted her lips to speak, no words came out.

She couldn't.

Still 12 more days.

"You don't have to tell me if you're not ready. I just want you to know that whatever it is.... I really love you. I would never want to lose you", Alexia replies, running her thumbs over Erin's cheeks once more, wiping the tears away, before pressing a soft kiss to her forehead.

Erin's breathing stops for a moment.

Did she just say that?

"You... never said that before", she sobs.

"I love you", Alexia repeats softly, a huge smile forming on her lips as she hugs Erin tightly. Whatever it was that was wrong, she would be there for her. She would always be there for her.

"Yo también te quiero", Erin replies happily.

Now she could really no longer hold back her tears. Although Erin was glad that they finally said it out loud, she had the feeling that it didn't make it any better. Because when Alexia said she would never want to lose her, Erin couldn't help but think that this would happen very soon.

"How often did you practice this line? I never want to lose you, Erin. You make me really happy", Alexia smiles into the embrace, not realizing that those words just made it worse.

Erin did not answer. Once again, she couldn't.

She simply threw her arms around the captain's body and held her as close and as long as she could.

At least for 12 more days.

Who knows when she'll be able to hold her again.

March 22, 2023
08:34 a.m.

After sneaking back to her room before everyone else got up and the hotel became more crowded, Alexia was now on her way downstairs for breakfast.

Although Erin hadn't told her any of the issues she was worrying over, Alexia felt brilliant today. She was excited. She was happy. Even more than that.

This might even be the happiest day she's had in a very long time.

"Capitán! You're glowing today", Martha chirps as she walks up behind her, putting an arm around the athlete's shoulder as they round the corner into the restaurant.

"I know, right. My comeback is today", Alexia grins happily, reaching for a plate as she looks at the buffet, considering what to try first, because as usual, everything looked delicious.

"I'm happy for you. You worked so hard for this", Martha replies with a huge smile on her face and lines up behind the captain while Alexia selects different fruits.

"We all worked hard for this. You. Rose. Erin. Everyone on the team contributed", Alexia replies, unable to suppress the smile that spreads across her lips.

"We're just glad the day has finally come, capitán", Martha smiles, placing two croissants on her plate before reaching for the strawberry jam.

"How can you be so skinny when you're constantly eating?", Alexia banters, glancing down at her friend's plate.

"Sounds like something I heard yesterday. From a certain blonde, I might add", Martha replies, the volume of her voice dropping with the last words to prevent anyone from overhearing.

Alexia stops at the counter, orders an omelet, and then turns to Martha.

"Speaking of... she seems really upset lately, and she won't tell me why. I'm worried about her, Martha. Did she mention anything?", Alexia asks quietly, holding her plate of fruit in one hand as she waits for her omelet to be done, while Martha approaches her as soon as she got one of the chocolate puddings.

Martha pressed her lips together into a flat line, unsure how to answer. There was no way she could tell Alexia.

"Phew, and I thought you were going to ask why I kissed her yesterday. I was already thinking about the closest escape route", Martha initially giggles. That was all she could worry about right now.

"You know... I really appreciate everything you're doing for us... you're great. And about the other issue... I guess I'll have to be patient until she is ready to open up to me", Alexia sighs and reaches for the plate that was handed over.

"I'm sorry, Alexia... I wish...", Martha stammers.

"Don't worry about it. I'm just glad she talked to someone", Alexia assures with a sad smile, before heading to one of the tables, splitting from Martha.

March 22, 2023
6:35 p.m.

Time to warm up.

Alexia slipped into her black and gold Nike soccer shoes, customized especially for her after winning the 2nd Ballon D'Or, lacing them up with the most perfect bow possible. Her teammates were sitting in the locker room preparing themselves as well.

Patri accepts the captain's armband.

Alexia, of course, would not be in the starting eleven. They didn't even know if she would be able to make it through the full 90 minutes. And now, in the quarterfinals of the UWCL, the victory mattered most.

"Any last words, capitán?", Mapi asks, all eyes suddenly on Alexia.

The brunette's eyes wander around the room, encountering almost everyone, until her gaze lingers on Erin for a moment. Propped up sideways against the wall and with her arms crossed in front of her chest, Erin gazes at her proudly.

She had never been this proud before.

"I am honored to be part of this team. Thank you all for standing by me during these crazy months, it was hard work. And I couldn't have done it without all of you. I know that today we will fight, and I know that today we will win. Força Barça", Alexia exclaims, feeling her heart skip a beat as everyone nods in agreement. All teammates form a huge huddle, wrapping their arms around each other's shoulders.

"We're glad you're back, capitán", Mapi grins, while Sandra moves to the middle of the huddle, gloves in hand, preparing her usual motivational call with everyone gathered together.

"Alright ladies, get warmed up", Jonathan claps his hands, voice as loud as it usually is, as the goalkeepers head outside first.

Alexia was one of the last ones exiting the locker room. As she passed Erin for a quick fist bump, she felt her heart flutter. Sharing this moment with Erin was something she was overjoyed to be able to do. It was such a pleasure to have her there.

Alexia jogged down the hallway and up the stairs to enter the pitch and was stunned when she realized the number of people that came to the stadium today. Not to mention the amount of Barca jerseys she spotted in the stands.


She waved to the crowd when she heard the noise increasing once everyone realized Alexia was there. She felt as if she was flying.

The warm-up was amazing. Alexia didn't mind taking a seat on the bench since there was no way she would be starting in her comeback game.

Her excitement level was so high.

the athletes legs wouldn't stop moving. She wouldn't stop playing with her nails that Erin had painted just before heading towards the stadium.

Even in the second half, with the score tied 1-1 after 45 minutes, she was becoming more excited by the minute.

After an outstanding goal by Mapi - another free kick - she was ordered to the sidelines to warm up, followed by one of the coaches and some of the other players.

March 22, 2023
9:21 pm

This was the moment.

In the 65th minute of the UWCL quarterfinal against PSG. The moment when Jonathan called Alexia to the bench in preparation for her substitution.

The midfielder felt her hands shaking when she jogged along the line. The closer she got to the 4th official and her head coach, the faster her heart was beating.

And the feeling she had was incredible.

Alexia heads to the bench first, high-fiving everyone who is seated there as she notices only happy faces looking her way.

Especially Erin.

The blonde stands up, as does Martha for support - and because it didn't look too obvious when they both got up - Alexia quickly wraps her arms around the therapists's neck, hugging her tightly.

She couldn't help herself.

"Gracias, Bonita", she mumbles into Erin's neck and squeezes the blonde's slim body tightly, before letting go and embracing Martha. Erin couldn't answer. She was so proud. And so happy. Despite the sick feeling in the pit of her stomach, she had become accustomed to lying. For seeing Alexia this happy was all worth it.

At least for a little longer.

"Good luck, capitán", Martha grins happily.

The two therapists return to their seats, while Alexia walks to the sideline and takes her spot next to the referee in order to get her soccer boots checked, before the signal is given.

The crowd erupts in cheers.

It was loud. So loud. The usual Alexia chant resounded throughout 'Parc des Princes', and caused goosebumps to rise all over the brunette's body. It was an incredible feeling.

While Alexia waited for Patri to approach her, Erin sensed Martha's hand on her thigh and the black-haired woman leaned in closer.

"Even though you're lying, you're still doing the right thing, Erin. Look at her", Martha whispers with a smile on her lips.

"I feel like throwing up. I'm such a liar", was the only thing Erin managed to say, never averting her eyes from her girlfriend.

A few moments later, Alexia spotted Patri jogging her way. The interim captain grinned happily as she removed her captain's armband, well aware that she won't wear it again for a very long time.

Because this armband simply belonged to Alexia.

"Here you go, capitán", the midfielder smirks, wraps the captain's armband around Alexia's arm and gives her friend a quick hug, before watching Alexia sprint out onto the pitch.



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