Demon Coin (Gundam Iron Blood...

By zer0420

79.3K 2.9K 1.5K

There's always two sides to a story. Just as they're two sides to every coin. Despite being the same coin, ne... More

Chapter 1 Iron Blooded
Chapter 2 Amdusias And Barbatos
Chapter 3 The Iron Flower
Chapter 4 The Price Of Living
Chapter 5 Beyond The Red Sky...
Chapter 6 Downtime
Chapter 7 Whaling
Chapter 8 Sakazuki
Chapter 9 The Hands That Protect
Chapter 10 Space Pirates
Chapter 11 The Shoals
Chapter 12 Enjoyment
Chapter 13 Dort Colony
Chapter 14 Fear
Chapter 15 Kudelia's Resolve
Chapter 16 An Unexpected Alliance
Chapter 17 Nightmares
Chapter 18 Earth Arrival
Chapter 19 Death In The Family...
Chapter 20 Balance Of Power
Chapter 21 Vengeance
Chapter 22 A Future Reward
Chapter 23 Tekkadan
Chapter 24 Demon Wings
Chapter 25 In the Midst of Jealousy
Chapter 26 Battle Before Dawn
Chapter 27 Unease Anticipation
Chapter 28 Silent War
Chapter 29 Sovereign Of Mars
Chapter 30 Vidar Rising
Chapter 31 Awakening Calamities
Chapter 33 The Hunters of Angels
Chapter 34 Unchained Demons
Chapter 35 Damage Control
Chapter 36 False Charges
Chapter 37 False Assault
Chapter 38 Mourning
Chapter 39 Blood Payment
Chapter 40 The Spark
Chapter 41 The Calm Before The Storm
Chapter 42 Framing Fire
Chapter 43 Tail Between The Legs
Chapter 44 Scapegoat
Chapter 45 Last Ditch Effort
Chapter 46 One Final Stand
(Finale) Chapter 47 Unwavering Embers
Epilogue Aftermath
Epilogue#2 Their Promised Place...

Chapter 32 Stained Wings

963 55 25
By zer0420

No one's POV

As the Mobile Armors fired a beam weapon that made a long trench in the ground before raising itself up from its burial site. It looked like a bird with a beak and wings, but also with a tail, and the other of a dinosaur, as they continued to fire its beam weapons at the sky as the Mobile Armor's Seraph and Hashmal had both been reawakened.

Nhazul: Great...

McGillis: That idiot... He has awakened them.

Iok: What happened? What is that?

The Seraph and Hashmal then turned and attacked Iok and one of his soldiers.

Orga: Dang it... What are those things?

McGillis: Let's retreat while we can.

Orga: Wait. The mine will be smashed to bits if we leave.I called headquarters for backup. If they arrive...

McGillis: It's no use. Those things can't be beat that easily.

Orga: How do we stop it?

McGillis: Now that they're activated, our only choice is to destroy it. That is, if we can.

Nhazul: Wait. Are you saying you weren't planning on destroying it in the first place?

McGillis: I took precautions so this wouldn't happen.

Orga: Mika, Nhazul, let's go.

Orga called out, as Nhazul and Mikazuki went to the car for the retreat.

McGillis: Iok Kujan. How foolish can you get?

Elsewhere, aboard a ship on it's way to Mars, Hyun, Julieta and Vidar had gotten a call from Rustal, informing them of his status.

Rustal: Contact from Iok's advance team has ceased.

Julieta: Have they been wiped out?

Rustal: I don't know. The Mars Branch knows nothing too.

Julieta: That's a problem...

Vidar: We shouldn't jump to the conclusion that they've been annihilated. The Mars Branch is under Lord Fareed's command. It could be false information

Hyun: That's a possibility. But there's also another option. If the Mobile Armor was in a dormant state, they communications shouldn't have been lost. The only way they could awaken is if someone activates it manually or it senses a mobile suit's Ahab Waves. And McGillis knows that and isn't stupid enough to do either or. Unlike a certain someone who we lost contact with.

Rustal: Hmmm.

Julieta: Unbelievable... We finally get some peace with him gone, but he has to stir up more trouble.

Hyun: ...-_-... You say it, as you're surprised.

Rustal: Anyway, we have to follow up on this Mobile Armor and Iok's team. I want reliable information. Can you do that?

Julieta: Yes, sir!

Rustal: I'm counting on you.


With the Tekkadan group, after they fled the scene to a safe location while Iok and his team tried to fight the Mobile Armors and their sub-units, the Plumas, resulting in Iok being the only survivor. Once they were in a safe location, with Norba and Dante arriving in their Mobile suits, they began to assess the situation.

Dante: Only the remains of Gjallarhorn's machines are left at the mining plant. No survivors.

Orga: None? You already checked that far?

Norba: No need for that. All the cockpits were completely crushed.

McGillis: I knew it.

Orga: What do you mean?

McGillis: That's how Mobile Armors work.

McGillis turned to Nhazul and Mikazuki.

McGillis: What did you think of them? Nhazul Hatake, Mikazuki Augus.

Mikazuki: It was amazing. Really beautiful. Like one of those birds I saw on Earth.

Nhazul: The other one seemed more like a dinosaur.

McGillis: It's no bird or dinosaur. They're Angels. A calamity for humanity, known as an Angel. Those monsters that once antagonized humanity and killed a fourth of the population.

Orga: A fourth?

McGillis: That's right. Mobile Armor's sole purpose was to kill humans. They were specifically designed for that. They're the enemy of mankind that Agnika Kaieru, the founder of Gjallarhorn, fought 300 years ago. The catastrophe known as the Calamity War was brought about by those Mobile Armors.

Nhazul: Who the hell created those things? A bunch of crazy scientists or something?

Hush: What's the Calamity War?

Zack: You don't know?

McGillis: Mobile Armors... Angels that hunt humans. Then Demons were created to emulate and hunt down those Angels... The Mobile Suits. And the Alaya-Vijnana System to control them.

Orga turned back to Norba and Dante.

Orga: Anything else?

Dante: Oh yeah, the warehouse with fuel and materials was destroyed.

Orga: But there was no one there.

Dante: Right...

Zack: Oh, that. I saw that too. Some small things were ransacking the place like thieves.

Orga: What...?

McGillis They're resupplying. Unlike Ahab reactors, which run almost indefinitely, propellant and fuel are expendable.

Orga: I see. No matter what kind of monster it is, it's just another machine. Then it's nothing Tekkadan can't defeat. Am I wrong?

Mikazuki: If you tell me to, I'll crush anything.

Nhazul: Even though Mobile Armors are scary, if humanity could beat them 300 years ago, how's today any different?

McGillis: You're right. Agnika Kaieru defeated the Mobile Armors and started Gjallarhorn.

Isurugi: General.

Isurugi was on a Mobile Worker with a headset on.

Isurugi: We just got a call from Chief Arae in orbit. The Third Ground Base has been attacked by the Mobile Armors.

Orga: Third Ground Base?

McGillis: That's the place we were just at. It's a big base. They must've resupplied quite a lot.

Isurugi: Also, a Halfbeak class ship from Arianrhod is headed this way.

Norba: So? What do we do? Do we go back them up?

McGillis: That's unnecessary. We won't make it in time. Besides, that area is flat with a wide-open view. It's not the right place to ambush the enemy.

Orga: Ambush? Will you?

McGillis: We will. You'll help, right? Waking that monster up was Gjallarhorn's blunder. I must take responsibility for it. But it's you, Tekkadan, who dug it up in the first place.

Nhazul: ...-_-... It's not like there was a sign that said "Warning: A weapon of mass destruction is buried here, do not dig!" anywhere in the area...

Orga: Nhazul, please stop...

Orga turned to McGillis.

Orga: I know. We won't run from it.

McGillis: Then...

Orga: We have no choice but to do it. Bring me the geographical data of this area.

Hush and Zack: Yes!

Hush and Zack went to get data.

Orga: And find out where the Mobile Armor is now. Send Akihiro's team to go scout.

Norba: Roger.

Nhazul: Norba, those Gjallarhorn machines you found, was there a black Graze looking one among them?

Norba: No, all of them were the usual dark green. Why?

Nhazul: ...-_-...You're saying Lord Dipshit might still be alive... I was hoping he'd get killed.

Norba: Lord Dipshit?

After deciding on what to do, a table was set up where everyone could start planning the ambush.

Isurugi: The worst are those numerous Plumas that accompany the Mobile Armors. Besides attacking, they have another important role. They repair the main bodies.

Orga: Repair?

McGillis: They're self-repairing.

Orga: What the heck?

McGillis: Plus, the main body can produce new Plumas. With enough time and material, they can multiply indefinitely.

Norba: That's crazy.

Dante: Yeah.

McGillis: In this way, they endlessly continue to kill people.

Nhazul: So those Plumas won't make it easy for us if we try to destroy the Mobile Armors first, but just taking out all the Plumas first instead won't get us anywhere since more will be produced.

Mikazuki: In that case, if we isolate then from those small ones, we can defeat them, right?

McGillis: Correct.

Isurugi: Once they're done repairing, they will head to a heavily populated area. To search for humans and kill them. That's the basic protocol for Mobile Armors. It's like their instinct.

McGillis: So instead of chasing after them, we should set a trap in its course. That's the best way to fight them.

Orga started typing on his tablet.

Orga: The closest place with a dense population...

Norba: Wait! That's Chryse, of course!


Once the ambush had been planned out. Everyone got to work to set up the ambush point and warn Chryse of the Mobile Armors. Nhazul. Mikazuki and Hush went to the Admoss Company to warn Kudelia and Atra.

Kudelia: Mobile Armors?

Nhazul: Think of them as unmanned Mobile suits capable of wiping out cites in a matter of minutes. And two of them are heading this this way.

Mikazuki: Orga went to tell the city execs to evacuate the residents.

Nhazul: Which includes the both of you.

Atra: But where to?

Mikazuki: I heard there's a shelter close by.

Kudelia: Yes, there's one that was made this land was first settled. But it's far from large enough to shelter the entire population.

Hush: Then you need to hurry!

Kudelia: No... I will not evacuate.

Atra: Kudelia?

Kudelia: If I go, people in weaker standing will be left out. I started this company to help those people in need. If I run away first, nobody will trust me in the future. Just like how Mikazuki, Nhazul and the others rest risk their lives, I want to risk my life for my job, too.

Atra: Then I'm not going, either.

Nhazul looked over at Atra.

Atra: The shop manager lives here, too. I just can't leave you and run.

Kudelia: Atra...

Hush: Hey... Nhazul, Mikazuki!

Mikazuki: Okay.

Hush: Huh?!

Atra: If I'm here, then I know big bro will do everything in his power to beat them.

Nhazul just chuckled.

Nhazul: Putting a lot of faith in me, huh?

Atra smiled at Nhazul.

Atra: Of course. I wouldn't be sitting here if I didn't.


After leaving Chryse, Nhazul, Mikazuki and Hush returned to where Orga was stationed and told him what had happened.

Orga: Huh?! They're not evacuating?

Nhazul: Nope. She isn't going unless everyone can.

Orga: Damn it...

Mikazuki: Did they decided where to ambush the bird and dinosaur?

Orga: Yeah. If they're coming for Chryse, they'll have to pass through here. We'll ambush them at the gorge.

A few minutes later, Nadi pulled up with Barbatos Lupus and Amdusias Bestia.

Nadi: Sorry to keep you waiting.

Hush: Nhazul, Mikazuki. Barbatos Lupus and Amdusias Bestia are here.

Mikazuki: We'll stop them before it gets here.

Nhazul: Yeah.

Orga: Counting on you both, Commando Unit.

Mikazuki: Right.

Elsewhere, up in the space, Agares, Vidar and Julieta's Reginlaze were currently in the middle of falling down towards Mars, using heat shields to enter safely.

Julieta: We will start searching from the area Master Iok landed.

Vidar: Let's split up. It'll be more efficient.

Julieta: Roger that.

As the three proceeded to land on Mars, they saw that spot where Seraph and Hashmal had reawakened, along with Iok's entire team being slaughtered. Breaking off, the three of them began searching for him, when both Hayato and Julieta picked up his Ahab waves, after seeing the Mobile Armors change their course.

Iok: I did it... I did...! I really did it!

Iok looked up with a satisfied look.

Iok: I did it for you guys. I was able to get back at the monster thanks to your loyalty.

Julieta: Was it you that just attacked it, Master Iok?

Iok looked up and saw Julieta's Reginlaze and Agares land in front of him.

Iok: Julieta? Hyun? Did you both see that? I retaliated against them!

Julieta: Are you stupid?

Hyun: Is that even up for discussion at this point?

Iok: Huh?

Hyun: ...-_-...Those shots didn't even leave some much as a scratch.

Iok just looked completely and utterly dumbfounded.

Iok: What....?! That was Reginlaze's max output...!

Julieta: If that were enough to do it, they wouldn't be called "The Wickedest Weapons" ever.

Hyun then looked at Iok irritated, narrowing his eyes.

Hyun: And given how you landed directly next to the crater I assume they were in, you're the reason why they're awakened. Meaning you're responsible for all the deaths of not only your team, but the destroyed Mars bases including everyone inside.

Iok just clinched his teeth, getting back into his Reginlaze.

Julieta: What are you doing?

Iok: Don't stop me! My men give up their lives to give me another chance! I cannot return without taking revenge!

Julieta: Please, just stay out of the way!


With Barbatos Lupus and Amdusias Bestia, Nhazul, Mikazuki and Hush all began making their way to the agricultural plant due to Seraph and Hashmal charging course due to Iok. From the sky,

Nhazul saw Ride's Shiden fighting the Plumas in melee but was quickly getting swarmed by them, along with the Agricultural Plant in ruins.

Nhazul: Mika!

Mikazuki: Yeah.

Upon landing, Barbatos Lupus and Amdusias Bestia took out all of the Plumas, saving him.

Nhazul: You good, Ride?

Ride: Nhazul! Mikazuki!

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