Zootopia Before The Past

By StunningGuide72

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Brianna is a brave lioness that puts her skills and life on the line to protect the city of Zootopia. However... More

Chapter 1 - Judy Hopps
Chapter 2 - Predator Case
Chapter 3 - Nick Wilde
Chapter 4 - Yoga instructor
Chapter 5 - DMV
Chapter 6 - Mr. Big
Chapter 8 - Back to ZPD
Chapter 9 - Trapped
Chapter 10 - Arrested Brother
Chapter 11 - Press conference
Chapter 12 - Running away
Chapter 13 - Apologies
Chapter 14 - Night Howlers
Chapter 15 - Criminal reveal
Chapter 16 - Healing
Chapter 17 - Peace
Authors note

Chapter 7 - Mr Monchez

52 0 0
By StunningGuide72

Brianna, Nick and Judy was in the wedding but they needed to speak to Mr. Big about Mr. Otterton "Otterton is my florist, he's like part of the family. He had something important he needed to discuss so that's why I sent that car to pick him up. But it never arrived" Mr Big said "because he was attacked" Judy said "no. he attacked" Mr Big corrected "Otterton?" Brianna asked "Otterton. He went crazy. Ripped up the car. Scared my driver half to death! Then disappeared into the night" Mr Big explained "but he's a sweet little Otter" Brianna said "Hmm, watch out. We may be evolved but deep down we're still animals" Mr big warned. "If you wanna find Otterton, talk to the driver of the car. His name's Monchez, he lives in the rainforest district. Only he can tell you more" Mr Big said and they went to the given location.

Judy rang the doorbell to get Mr Monchez's attention "Mr. Monchez? Officer Hopps, ZPD! We just want to know happened to Emmet Otterton" she said as the door began to open "you should be asking what happened to me!" he said showing his scarred eye "woah! A tinsey otter did that?" Nick asked "what happened?" Judy questioned "he was an animal!" he said.


the car was driving at night "down on all fours" Mr Monchez was driving his car until Mr Otterton attacked him like an actual animal "he was a savage!!" making Mr Monchez skid on the grass and jumping out of the car holding his eye looking at the otter as it snarled.

End of flashback

"There was no warning! He just kept yelling about the night howlers! Over and over, the night howlers!" He complained "oh so you know about the Night howlers too? Good because the Night howlers are exactly what we are here to talk about, right?" Nick asked "yep, so open the door and tell us what you know and we'll tell you what we know, okay?" Judy continued "okay" he agreed as he closed the door to unlock it but something fell inside just as he unlocked it so Brianna opened the door "Mr. Monchez?" She asked as they all saw him looking like he was struggling to keep himself together "are you ok?" Judy asked but as soon as Judy asked he went Savage and went to attack Brianna, Nick and Judy but Brianna snarled back at Monchez as Judy and Nick started to run "run!" Judy shouted as she pulled Brianna towards the bridge.

"What is wrong with him?" Nick asked as they ran "I don't know" Judy said but he was catching up to them quickly so they jumped off the bridge onto a tree "come on!" Judy shouted to Nick but Brianna stopped as they both got under a log and crawled but Brianna chose to violently fight him like the lioness she is but they were breaking the log as they fought all over the log as Monchez was trying to reach them "Officer Hopps to dispatch!" Judy began.


Benjamin Clawhouser was showing a criminal his new app of him and Gazelle, his favourite singer. He got excited over it until he turned on the dispatcher "CLAWHOUSER!" Judy screamed "Clawhouser listen to me we got a 10:91 Jaguar gone savage! find in Tajunja!" she shouted "Its Tahunga!" Nick corrected "Okay we're sending back up!" Clawhouser said but Monchez and Brianna was still fighting violent and it made Judy drop her com "HOPPS!" it said as it fell.

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