By jaeruffin17

567 29 3

Theo Arthur has been missing for months. After falling out with his family on graduation, everyone figured he... More

Face Claims
So human I am
Theo Interrupted
Bloody Valentine
Party's Over
Maggi's Window
Maggi and Theo are a thing?
Shyla Intervenes
What Are We?
So Over It
So human I am not
So much for "big happy family"
Things given and things forgotten
So Human she Is
Getting Too Close for Comfort
Executive Decisions
Truth to light
Trouble In Paradise (SMUT)
So, this is Christmas?
The end of the beginning

Mine (SMUT)

35 1 0
By jaeruffin17

Five minutes and a whole roll of paper towels later, I found myself pushing through the large, red, fence door to the lattice on the side of Maggi's house. I was just about to climb, when I spotted her leg dangling over the side of the roof. Her red sock covered foot swaying. She was looking up at the sky, letting the rain wash over her. I adjusted my hood on my head and stepped out into the back yard so she could see me. Her eyes locked in on me and her eyebrows and face pulled into a scowl. I shrugged my shoulders insinuating: what's up?

"What do you want?" she growled, rain droplets dripping from her hair.

"Can we talk?" I asked.

It wasn't a request, and I made it sound that way. I was so over this and everything else that had happened the last few weeks. I'd reached my cap of bullshit for a lifetime.

Maggi sucked her teeth, rolled her eyes and huffed all at the same time. Moody little girl. She got up, turned and started to her window. I took off for the lattice, climbing it fast without slipping, before she locked her window. Four more hours; I had four more hours to make this right. I heard her window slam shut just as I climbed onto the roof of the back porch. I quickly stride across, not caring if her mom saw me or not. I put my palms to the window and pushed it up aggressively, the wood making a loud slam and the pane of glass rattling. Yes, I was upset, but I didn't know if it was at her or more at myself for letting any of this go as far as it did. Either way she was about to catch it. Like a lightning rod in a thunderstorm. Just as I stepped my long legs over the sill a pillow hit me in the side of the face.

"You need to leave now!" Maggie bit, picking up a towel in her hands.

"No not until you hear me out" I demanded, straightening myself up, rain dripping from my sleeves.

"Go let Liv to hear you out, I'm done with the games you keep playing with me."

She turned to storm away for her bedroom door. Under her feet was a small area rug. I stomped my foot on it, jerking it in my direction a little with my leg, causing it to trip her up. She stumbled a bit and fell into the bedroom door her hands catching her. The door slammed loud, but I didn't care tonight whether her mother heard the ruckus. I had four hours, and regardless of the outcome of this night, she was going to hear my side.

"Seriously? Ow you jackass" she whined, rubbing her right wrist.

"Why are you so fucking stubborn?" I growled as I approached her.

"Why are you here?" she parried.

I guess the fencing match had begun.

En Garde.

"Because I love you!" I yelled.


Maggi froze. Her mouth gaped open as she leaned off the door.

"Wh...wh...what did you say?" she asked in shock.

"Maggi, I love you, that's why I even remotely care about you hearing my side" I said, walking up to her and looking her straight in the face.

By this time my injuries from the evening had settled into my face. This resulted in a deep cut on the right side of lip, my left eye blackened, a cut above the slit in my right eye brow, a plethora of bruises along my jawline, temple and neck, and I'm pretty sure a bruised pancreas or something. Maggi and I were so close every time we inhaled our chests touched. I hovered over her petite frame, looking down into her beautiful green eyes.

"You...you love me?" she whimpered it was just barely a whisper.

"Yes, I fucking love you" I replied deep and low.

"But...when...h...how? You can't" she stammered.

"And why can't I?"

I stepped closer to her, forcing her to take a few steps back.

"Move" she growled, trying to push me back with her elbow, but failing miserably.

"No" I said shaking my head.

I pushed her back a few more feet and her back landed flat against her bedroom door. Tears begin to well up in her eyes.

Prise de fer.

"You hurt me Theo" she whimpered.

"I know and I'm a dick for that. The whole thing between Olivia and I was so stupid and weird it never felt like we were together. She was using me to make her ex jealous" I explained.

"Well, what about us?" Maggi asked, looking up at me with big dewy eyes.

She was not getting off that easy.

"What about Terry?" I served, looking down on her, conviction in my voice.


Her doe eyes cleared as she snapped her chin up to me. Her eyebrows pulled back into angry caterpillars as she narrowed her eyes up at me. I could feel the heat radiating from her body, and it was giving me life. She shifted her weight on her legs and placed her hands down to the sides of her jean short and black legging covered hips. What was she thinking? I could feel my hands reacting as they lay at my sides. I popped my knuckles with my thumb on my left hand, while my fist kept opening and closing on my right hand. Was this a stare down?

"Terry and I are not together" she finally replied through bared teeth, like she was pissed that I brought him up.

"Are you sure? Because he seemed really confident you were" I rebuttal.

"He left me remember?" she sighed, stepping around me to get to the center of the room.

"Yea, but you guys looked real comfortable tonight at the party."

Back in your court baby.

"He was drunk at the party if you hadn't noticed. There was nothing going on, hell I spent half the time trying to keep him standing and keep him from spilling beer all over both of us" she explained.

"Yea I'm sure" I smirked.

"Why are you haggling me, don't you have a plane to catch?"

In three and a half hours.

"You needed to hear my side" I said.

"You couldn't have told me this on the phone?" she questioned.

"I'm sorry I'm a man and like to do things face to face no matter how much it hurts" I frowned.

"It does hurt, it all hurts" Maggi sighed, as she sniffled. "I don't know why he even said that to you tonight. I'm not his you know, I don't want to be, I just want to be...".

And her voice trailed off as she wrapped her arms around herself and rubbed them, fighting back tears again.

"You are mine" I piped up, as I walked up to her.

"What?" She looked up at me, with confusion on her face and tear-stained cheeks.

I reached my left hand out and placed it softly around her tiny neck, my long, skinny thumb resting on her trachea. I pulled her into me, my eyes cut low. Our faces were so close now our noses were nearly touching. I could practically see her heart beating rapidly in her chest. And her sweet breath invaded my nose in swirls. Strands of her strawberry blond hair tickled the space between my thumb and index finger. Thoughts of getting a tattoo that said: Maggi's throat here, invaded my mind. I closed my eyes and moaned lightly at the thought.

"I'm yours?" Maggi questioned softly, pulling me from my hedonistic thoughts.

My face went serious, but at the same time meaningful.

"Maggi, you are mine. From the day you and your stupid ass friends stepped into the coffee shop you were mine" I growled.

Maggi's face turned up into a smile I'd never seen before. It was sinister and domineering, but at the same time, pleasant. Was she turned on? I wasn't sure about her, but I could feel my slim fit jeans getting tighter. She looked up at me, sucking in her bottom lip and biting down on it.

"You're soaking wet" she said, touching my plaid shirt.

"So are you" I replied.

She swallowed, cutting her eyes up at me.

"I'm gonna go get a towel, you can take off your clothes" Maggi demanded, as she turned and headed for her bedroom door.

My eyebrows raised in surprise. Maggi stopped in her tracks and turned to face me. With a cringed look on her face, she tapped her index fingers together. Her cheeks flushed as she tried to find the words to help retract the previous statement.

"What I meant was..." she started.

"I get it" I laughed lightly.

"Yea" she said quickly, before turning back around and dashing out the door.

I laughed to myself as I began peeling out of my gray and black plaid hooded flannel, letting it fall to the floor. I stood in only a drenched, white t-shirt and jeans as Maggi returned with towels, a small bucket of water and a first aid kit.

"So, where's your mom?" I questioned.

"She's in Nome with my dad" Maggi answered. "Here, sit on the bed" she requested.

I stepped over to her California king sized, open-framed bed and sat down. I sank deep into the mattress and the burnt orange, lime green and teal comforter.

"What's all that?" I pointed as Maggi walked over and sat down beside me.

"Something for your war wounds 'Fight Club'" she grinned.

"Oh okay, we can't talk about it though" I chuckled lightly.

I began pulling my t-shirt over my head, and letting it fall to the floor in a crumpled heap on top of my flannel. I looked to see Maggi staring at me. Her eyes were trailing up and down my exposed torso. She dipped a washcloth in the bucket, rung it out and began dabbing at the dried blood on my cheek. I followed her eyes as she examined the scrapes and bruises all over my body.

"Jesus, who did this?" she winced.

"Sable" I replied.

"From the hockey team, seriously?" she growled. "Sable and Olivia have been broken up since last summer."

"Well apparently there's still something between them and I was baited" I frowned.

I winced in pain as Maggi dabbed my lip.

"She's such a bitch" she muttered.

"That bitch is your friend" I said.

"Yea I'm not so sure about that anymore, with either of them. We've been friends since my freshmen year, but I feel like a charity case with them most of the time. Like I'm so much of a social leper that they feel they have to save me" Maggi explained.

"You know you're better than them?" I muttered.

"I'm not so sure about that" Maggi said, as she opened a pack of band-aids and wrap gauze. "I'm just as petty, just as gossipy and moody and just as bitchy."

"Yes, you are...to all of that" I smiled.

We both burst out laughing as Maggi began wrapping the gauze around my bruised torso. I licked my lips, and my face went serious.

"But you're also extremely smart, self-aware, self-sufficient, head strong, sweet, protective, caring and not fucking fake. Being beautiful is just a plus" I explained.

"I'm not all that" Maggi blushed as she tucked the remains of the wrapping.

"Yes, you are, and you're too good for this world, it doesn't deserve you...I don't deserve you" I grinned.

"What about New York, how is that going to work?" she questioned laying her head on my shoulder.

"We'll make it work until you graduate, and then you're coming to New York" I insisted.

Maggi looked up and smiled lightly at me. She leaned up and kissed me under my chin. Her lips were gentle and passionate as she trailed tiny pecks from chin to my neck. I exhaled and closed my eyes, my jaw flinching at every kiss. I put my left index finger under her chin and lifted her eyes to mine. I put both hands on her cheeks, as she put a hand on mine. I could feel my heart racing as we looked at each other. Our chests heaved in and out, as tension built. Her green eyes burned into my azure eyes, making all the blood in my body run down south. With her thumb, she trailed softly over my bruised, swollen lip. With her touch there was no pain, only beauty.

I pulled her face in and smashed my lips into hers. We kissed passionately emptying our moans and our essence into each other. She was mine, and I grabbed her up and placed her on my lap as if she were. She wrapped her arms around my neck as we deepened the kiss. I gripped her thighs, squeezing them, feeling her thickness and curves between my fingers. Our hands were wild as we explored each other. She moaned at my every touch and my fingers burned with passion at the feeling of her soft skin under them. I was so hard now I couldn't stand it. The blood racing to my dick was too much. The pain was insufferable. I could tell Maggi felt the same because she began to do a slow grind in my lap. We broke the kiss to look at each other. Heaving and breathing hard, we burned embers of passion into each other's eyes.

Without breaking eye contact, Maggi clasped the hem of her t-shirt with both hands and pulled it over her head, unveiling her maroon-colored bra. Her pert, supple breasts sat so nice and beautiful, fitting perfectly into each cup. I ached to put one in my mouth, so I dove in, running my tongue right in between the crease. Maggi gasped, moaned and bucked her head, arching her back as I gripped her in my hands, holding her balanced. I pulled down her left bra strap, letting the cup fall just enough for a nipple to peek over the bra's lace. I took it between my teeth, flicking my tongue on it, and then sucking it as I knead her breast with my right hand. Maggi moaned loud, rearing her head back more as she reached and gripped my shoulders. She began riding my lap so hard I could feel the fabric of our clothes heating up.

My hard-on was killing me, as I reached behind her and unfastened her bra. I began kissing around her navel as she gripped my hair and pulled it like a set of horse reins. I gripped her ass with both hands, turned my body and dropped her onto the bed. She giggled flirtatiously, as I crawled up and hovered over her. She was so beautiful beneath me. Her long, thick hair lay splayed across the comforter and her body was beautifully contorted on the bed. She was the most amazing piece of art I'd ever seen. My dick throbbed as I let my eyes roam all over her body.

"Do you like what you see?" she grinned seductively.

"You have no idea" I smirked.

I leaned down and kissed around the top of her shorts below her navel. She moaned deeply. Her moaned sent me every time and my dick cried for release, but not yet. I reached down, unfastened her shorts, and slid them along with her underwear and leggings down to her ankles. She laid there watching me as I pulled them off her feet.

"You're so beautiful" I muttered softly, as I began unfastening my pants.

I pushed my pants and underwear down, letting my engorged soldier spring out. To finally release him felt like taking a breath of relief. I looked down at Maggi, who had an expression of worry on her face.

"What's wrong, are you a virgin?" I spoke.

"I am...Theo...you're not gonna fit" Maggi answered softly, her voice shaky.

I exhaled deeply, combing a hand through my black hair. I leaned down on the bed, my hands planted on each side of her head. I leaned down to her face, kissed her cheek softly, and then positioned myself next to her ear.

"I'll make it fit" I growled into her ear before planting a peck to her lobe.

Her breath hitched at my words, as she looked into my eyes.

She laid back down on the bed as I began rifling through my wallet compartments for a condom. I pulled it out, tearing the wrapping with my teeth. I dropped the wrapper to the floor and slid the condom down my length. Maggi swallowed, a look of nervousness on her face. I brushed the entrance of her heat with my member as I kissed her forehead. Her breath hitched once more.

"It's okay, do you trust me?" I whispered.

She nodded lightly. And with that I slowly pushed an inch at a time inside of her until I bottomed out. Maggi's eyes went wide as she gasped, gripping the comforter on either side of her.

"Baby, do you want me to stop?" I asked quietly.

"No" she whimpered softly. "Keep going."

"Are you sure?"

She nodded with reassurance.

And with her approval I slid slowly out and then back in, entwining one hand into her hair and holding her hand with my other hand. She moaned loud with each stroke, as I stretched her tight opening. My eyes rolled into my head as I moaned loud, feeling her wet warmth surround me the deeper I went. I could feel her fingers pressing into my back more with every thrust, as I leaned my forehead to hers. With every exhale her sweet breath was intoxicating as it swirled around me, pulling me into inebriated bliss. I slammed my lips into hers, letting her empty her moans into me, and I did the same. Indulged in everything that is each other we made love.

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