Demon Coin (Gundam Iron Blood...

By zer0420

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There's always two sides to a story. Just as they're two sides to every coin. Despite being the same coin, ne... More

Chapter 1 Iron Blooded
Chapter 2 Amdusias And Barbatos
Chapter 3 The Iron Flower
Chapter 4 The Price Of Living
Chapter 5 Beyond The Red Sky...
Chapter 6 Downtime
Chapter 7 Whaling
Chapter 8 Sakazuki
Chapter 9 The Hands That Protect
Chapter 10 Space Pirates
Chapter 11 The Shoals
Chapter 12 Enjoyment
Chapter 13 Dort Colony
Chapter 14 Fear
Chapter 15 Kudelia's Resolve
Chapter 16 An Unexpected Alliance
Chapter 17 Nightmares
Chapter 18 Earth Arrival
Chapter 19 Death In The Family...
Chapter 20 Balance Of Power
Chapter 21 Vengeance
Chapter 22 A Future Reward
Chapter 23 Tekkadan
Chapter 24 Demon Wings
Chapter 25 In the Midst of Jealousy
Chapter 26 Battle Before Dawn
Chapter 27 Unease Anticipation
Chapter 28 Silent War
Chapter 29 Sovereign Of Mars
Chapter 30 Vidar Rising
Chapter 32 Stained Wings
Chapter 33 The Hunters of Angels
Chapter 34 Unchained Demons
Chapter 35 Damage Control
Chapter 36 False Charges
Chapter 37 False Assault
Chapter 38 Mourning
Chapter 39 Blood Payment
Chapter 40 The Spark
Chapter 41 The Calm Before The Storm
Chapter 42 Framing Fire
Chapter 43 Tail Between The Legs
Chapter 44 Scapegoat
Chapter 45 Last Ditch Effort
Chapter 46 One Final Stand
(Finale) Chapter 47 Unwavering Embers
Epilogue Aftermath
Epilogue#2 Their Promised Place...

Chapter 31 Awakening Calamities

1K 46 35
By zer0420

No one's POV

It's been a few weeks and currently, Nhazul, Atra and Mikazuki were getting in Atra's car. Atra in the driver's seat, Nhazul in the passenger seat, and Mikazuki sitting in the back.

Atra: Okay, let's go.

Atra said, but Hush came up to the passenger window.

Hush: Where are you going?

Atra: To Kudelia's office.

Hush: Why?

Atra: Well, because we've been busy and hadn't been able to visit her. Neither Mikazuki, Nhazul nor I.

Hush: I see.

Hush opens the door getting into the back seat.

Hush: If Nhazul is going, so am I.

Atra: Huh?

Nhazul just looked at Hush annoyed.

Nhazul: ...-_-... What did I tell you about being up my butt every second...?

Once they got to the Admoss Company, they were led into Kudelia's office by her assistant Cucubita Hougue.

Atra: Wow, what a grand office.

Cucubita: This way, please.

The four looked at the pictures on the wall, one picture was of the half-metal processing plant with the caption "South Chryse Halfmetal Processing Plant."

Atra: This is a picture of the plant.

Another picture was of the orphanage near Sakura Farm with the caption "Cornfield House Child and Family Services."

Nhazul: And the orphanage, too.

Cucubita: They're all projects of ours.

Atra: Great. Is this one a school?

A third picture showed a school with the caption...

Nhazul: "Fumitan Admoss Elementary School."

Hush: Huh? You can read?

Nhazul: ...-_-... Don't sound so surprised.

Mikazuki: it's an important name.

Atra: You're right. It's the name of a dear person.

Nhazul: The one who saved Kudelia's life.

Cucubita: Miss Kudelia made it so tuition is free. It even serves lunch.

Atra: Lunch, too?

Nhazul, Mikazuki, Atra, and Hush sat down on the couch, as Cucubita served them tea.

Cucubita: If they serve lunch, less children would need to work in order to eat. Children like you who have to become soldiers in exchange for food.

Atra: That's great.

Cucubita: And if there's a place where all children can learn equally, we might even be able to end all wars eventually.

Atra: I don't really understand, but Kudelia sure is amazing. Right, big bro? Mikazuki?

Mikazuki: If that happens, I wonder what I'm supposed to do for a living.

Nhazul: You run the farm you always wanted.

Mikazuki: Oh.

Suddenly, Kudelia then walked in.

Kudelia: I'm so sorry! You came all this way, and I made you wait.

Nhazul: Yo.

Atra: Hi, Kudelia.

Kudelia seated herself on another chair and was facing her four guests.

Kudelia: Nhazul. Here's your salary from Tekkadan this month.

She handed her tablet to Nhazul on the table.

Kudelia: Make sure to check it yourself, too.

Nhazul: Thanks.

Hush: What's that about?

Nhazul: My salary.

Hush: Huh? You two are like that?

Kudelia: No, it's not like that.

Atra: Kudelia looks after his money for him.

Nhazul: I only know the bare minimum when it comes to money management. Kudelia knows much more about money then I do.

Atra: I also have Kudelia manage mine after I send money to the shop manager. Mikazuki, Akihiro and Ride, too.

Hush: You're saving up your money?

Mikazuki: Not really. I just don't need it now.

Hush: So you don't need money?

Mikazuki: No, it's better to have some, right?

Hush: But you're not going to use it?

Nhazul: I mean, I only ever buy anything that I immediately need for myself or Atra. I buy my manga every other paycheck. So I rather if she manages it for me.

Hush: Okay. Well, we do have food and a place to stay at headquarters.

Atra: Why don't you do the same, Hush?

Hush: Yeah, I guess.

Elsewhere, Within the Arianrhod Fleet, Rustal, Vidar, Hyun, Julieta and Iok were on the bridge the ship, as Iok had received information from a mole within Teiwaz.

Julieta: Lord Fareed is going to Mars?

Iok: The disorder in Earth Sphere isn't even under control yet. And he's going all the way to Mars. In secret too. What in the world is he thinking?

Rustal: Where did you obtain this info?

Iok: A trading company, JPT Trust. My late father had connections with them. They sent some reports along with it.

Hyun looked over Julieta's shoulder, at the tablet, surprised by what he saw.

Hyun: Wait, they have a Pluma?

Julieta looked back at Hyun confused.

Julieta: Pluma?

Rustal then took the tablet and was surprised as well.

Rustal: Why do they have one?

Iok: You know what it is?

Rustal: Like Hyun said, it's a Pluma. An unmanned unit used with a Mobile Armor.

Iok: Mobile Armor?

Hyun: The weapons that caused the Calamity War.

Iok looked completely shocked.

Iok: The Calamity War?!

Julieta: What are you so surprised about? As a Gjallarhorn soldier, you should know about such things.

Iok: O-Of course I do.

Hyun: ...-_-... Uh huh...

Rustal: Agnika Kaieru and the ancestors of the Seven Stars destroyed them all, and so the Calamity War ended. I never imagined that there would be remains of it on Mars.

Julieta: But they're relics of 300 years ago. Why would Lord Fareed go all the way to Mars for that?

Vidar: It could be because they found a Mobile Armor's main body there. If that were true, Lord Fareed must be after the Order of the Seven Stars.

Hyun: That's actually a possibility I didn't think of.

Julieta: The Order of the Seven Stars?

Hyun: It's the highest title ever, given to those who destroyed a Mobile Armor.

Vidar: It's said the ranks of the Seven Stars were decided by the number of orders.

Julieta: I see. You're both quite knowledgeable.

Vidar: Currently, the highest ranking family is without a head. If Lord Fareed obtains an Order of the Seven Stars, the ranks could change for the first time in 300 years.

Rustal: An order of the Seven Stars after 300 years. And the demolition of the post war regime. So that's the reform he was talking about.

Iok proceeded to clinch his fists infuriated.

Iok: We cannot let him realize such a plot! Please allow me to purse McGillis!


Sometime later, McGillis and Isurugi arrived to meet with Orga and a small group from Tekkadan about that 2 large machines Tekkadan uncovered recently, the Mobile Armors.

McGillis: Sorry to keep you waiting, Orga.

McGillis said as he shook Orga's hand.

Orga: Thank you for coming all this way.

McGillis looked at the group behind Orga, Nhazul and Mikazuki were a part of that group.

McGillis: I'm glad to be able to meet you, members of Tekkadan.

Norba: Hello.

Akihiro and Chad bowed their heads, as McGillis looked at Nhazul and Mikazuki.

McGillis: We last met on Earth, Nhazul Hatake, Mikazuki Augus.

Nhazul: We did.

Mikazuki: Yeah.

The group proceeded to escort their guests to the site where they found the Mobile Armors. Nhazul, Mikazuki and Orga were riding in the back with McGillis and Isurugi.

Orga: But why were these things from 300 years ago undiscovered until now?

Isurugi: As you already know, Mars's half metal is used in electronic devices, built into Mobile suits and warships that use Ahab Reactors. It's a special type of metal. Within a vein of Ore you're not affected by the reactors. But you can't detect them either.

Chad: It's a really dangerous weapon, right? Shouldn't we have brought some Mobile suits?

McGillis: No, it's better this way. The presence of a Mobile suit might awaken them.

Nhazul: Awaken them?

Orga: What do you mean?

McGillis: Mobile suits were originally created solely for destroying Mobile Armors. In other words, they're archenemies.

McGillis looked over at Nhazul and Mikazuki.

McGillis: 300 years ago, your Gundam Frames must've fought Mobile Armors too.

Mikazuki: Amdusias and Barbatos did huh?

Akihiro: So Mobile suits were made to just fight Mobile Armor? What kind of monsters are they?

Orga: But they're just machines, right? They should be safe if there's nobody to operate them.

McGillis: That's not true. Mobile Armors don't need any pilots. They think by themselves and fights automatically.

Nhazul: Fights automatically? So they're A.I. controlled?

McGillis looked at Nhazul surprised before chuckling.

McGillis: That's correct. How did you guess that?

Everyone: Because of manga...

Nhazul just looked at them annoyed.

Nhazul: ...-_-... All of you can fuck off.

McGillis: They can destroy cites and slaughter humans without hesitation.

Nhazul: And we went and dug up not one, but two of them...

Upon arriving, McGillis was looking at the partially uncovered Mobile Armors with Isurugi, Orga, Mikazuki, and Nhazul.

McGillis: There it is.

Nhazul: To think something like that could kill millions of people, whoever created it thought they could control it but couldn't.

McGillis: Indeed.

Suddenly, Nhazul and Mikazuki heard something above them and looked up, which Orga noticed.

Orga: What's wrong, Mika, Nhazul?

Mikazuki: What's that?

Orga: What are they?

Orga asked when he also looked up.

Nhazul: Are those Mobile suits on heat shields?

One they got close enough to the ground, it was conformed to be Mobile suits from Gjallarhorn, as they threw away their heat shields and prepared for landing, they were being led by Iok's Reginlaze.

Orga: Gjallarhorn? Are they your guys?

McGillis: No, they're with the Arianrhod.

Iok: Don't move, McGillis Fareed.

Mikazuki: That Mobile Suit. It's from before...

Nhazul: ...-_-... The one with the shit aim...?

Isurugi: General.

McGillis: Yes. It seems like my movements were leaked somehow.

McGillis then looked over towards Iok's Reginlaze.

McGillis: Lord Kujan. What do you want?

Iok: I heard you were planning a rebellion so I came after you to Mars.

Isurugi: Rebellion?

Iok: Don't act all innocent. You came to destroy a Mobile Armor and obtain an Order of the Seven Stars. I know you're trying to snatch the top rank of the Seven Stars!

Nhazul: A what now?

McGillis: The Order of the Seven Stars? I see. That's how you mistook this.

Nhazul: ...-_-...So, this guy really is an idiot.

Iok: I didn't mistake it! And I'm not an idiot either you brat! The fact that you hid the Mobile Armors and acted on your own is proof. McGillis Fareed. I shall apprehend you!

Isurugi: What should we do?

Orga: We can't do anything against Mobile Suits.

Orga ran back to the car where Chad is.

Orga: Chad, call Eugene at headquarters. Tell him to send the Mobile Suits.

Chad: It's no use. We can't use the LCS from here.

Nhazul: You said a Mobile Suit could wake the Mobile Armor up, right?

McGillis: Yes, that's right.

Iok: Now, McGillis Fareed. Be prepared!

Iok proceeded to step forward, as McGillis yelled out to him.

McGillis: Stop, Iok! McGillis yelled out.Don't move your Mobile Suit any closer!

Iok: Don't waste your breath!

Nhazul then saw lights flashing from the Mobile Armors along with what sounds like activation noises.

Nhazul: Oh hell...

The Mobile Armors proceeded to fully awaken, as they fired a beam weapon that made a long trench in the ground before raising itself up from its burial site.

One looked like a bird with a beak and wings, but also with a tail,

and the other of a dinosaur, as they continued to fire its beam weapons at the sky, as the Mobile Armor's Seraph and Hashmal had both been reawakened.

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