Demon Coin (Gundam Iron Blood...

By zer0420

79.3K 2.9K 1.5K

There's always two sides to a story. Just as they're two sides to every coin. Despite being the same coin, ne... More

Chapter 1 Iron Blooded
Chapter 2 Amdusias And Barbatos
Chapter 3 The Iron Flower
Chapter 4 The Price Of Living
Chapter 5 Beyond The Red Sky...
Chapter 6 Downtime
Chapter 7 Whaling
Chapter 8 Sakazuki
Chapter 9 The Hands That Protect
Chapter 10 Space Pirates
Chapter 11 The Shoals
Chapter 12 Enjoyment
Chapter 13 Dort Colony
Chapter 14 Fear
Chapter 15 Kudelia's Resolve
Chapter 16 An Unexpected Alliance
Chapter 17 Nightmares
Chapter 18 Earth Arrival
Chapter 19 Death In The Family...
Chapter 20 Balance Of Power
Chapter 21 Vengeance
Chapter 22 A Future Reward
Chapter 23 Tekkadan
Chapter 24 Demon Wings
Chapter 25 In the Midst of Jealousy
Chapter 26 Battle Before Dawn
Chapter 27 Unease Anticipation
Chapter 28 Silent War
Chapter 30 Vidar Rising
Chapter 31 Awakening Calamities
Chapter 32 Stained Wings
Chapter 33 The Hunters of Angels
Chapter 34 Unchained Demons
Chapter 35 Damage Control
Chapter 36 False Charges
Chapter 37 False Assault
Chapter 38 Mourning
Chapter 39 Blood Payment
Chapter 40 The Spark
Chapter 41 The Calm Before The Storm
Chapter 42 Framing Fire
Chapter 43 Tail Between The Legs
Chapter 44 Scapegoat
Chapter 45 Last Ditch Effort
Chapter 46 One Final Stand
(Finale) Chapter 47 Unwavering Embers
Epilogue Aftermath
Epilogue#2 Their Promised Place...

Chapter 29 Sovereign Of Mars

950 51 6
By zer0420

No one's POV

1 month later...

A month had passed since the end of the war on Earth. The SAU and the Arbrau Defense Force agreed to a peace settlement, but Tekkadan will have to withdraw from Earth. Thus, bringing an end to the Earth Branch, Orga himself came to Earth to finalize the paperwork. Mr. Makanai and Chad had both managed to wake up from their comas, while Mr. Makanai still needs to rest, Chad is already back at work helping close up the Earth Branch. Takaki had been a bit out of it for a few days and who can blame him, the person he trusted lied to him and he was following the orders of a complete stranger who wanted to keep the war going.

Currently, Takaki was standing over the body bag of Aston.

Takaki: ...

As he continued to look at the body bag, Takaki began thinking of his time he spect with Aston and Fuka, as he began to tear up.

Takaki: I'm sorry, Aston...

As Takaki just stood there, he suddenly heard footsteps behind him, as he turned to see Nhazul.

Nhazul: Yo.

Takaki: Oh, Nhazul...

Nhazul: Still beating yourself up, I see.

Takaki just looked down.

Takaki: I'm not worthy to be in Tekkadan...

Nhazul: Oh?

Takaki: I believed Mr Radice's lies and followed the orders of a stranger... Even though the Boss's orders are the most important in Takkadan. I...

Nhazul: Takaki, what happened wasn't your fault and no one blames you. You carried out those orders believing they were from Orga. Despite how it began, you put an end to it. Even if you don't, I think that counts for something.

Takaki didn't say anything, as he looked back at the body bag.

Takaki: But Aston did... He wished he never met us... Neither me or Fuka...

Nhazul: And you really believe that?

Takaki: Huh...?

Nhazul: While Atra and I were surviving on the streets the best we could, we were still fortunate enough to not have been Hunan Debris... But I can only imagine the hardships. They couldn't really spare the emotions to develop friendships, a family. For the first time, he had that with Akihiro, with you and with Fuka. The thought of losing such a life would make anyone wish they didn't have it to begin with. Him saying that is proof he enjoyed all the time he spent with you. His best friend.

Hearing Nhazul's words, Takaki began to full on cry, as he chose to believe what Nhazul said was true, as Nhazul just put his hand on his head.


It's later in the night, and within Takaki and Fuka's apartment, the two had heard a knock at the door.

Takaki: Huh...?

Fuka: Who could that be this late?

Fuka had opened the door, and saw Nhazul was standing there, as he smiled at Fuka.

Nhazul: Hiya. Long time no see.

Seeing Nhazul, Fuka's eyes widened.

Fuka: Nhazul!

Fuka hugged Nhazul, as he smiled, patting her head, surprising Takaki.

Takaki: Nhazul? What are you doing here?

Nhazul: Sorry for stopping by so late, but I'm going to busy for the rest of the time here and I wanted to check on Fuka.

Takaki: Oh...

Nhazul: How are you holding up?

Takaki: ...

Nhazul looked over and saw Takaki holding a picture of himself, Fuka and Aston.

Nhazul's thoughts: Hmm...

Nhazul: I'm going to head out of you guy's hair.

Hearing this, Fuka looked down saddened.

Fuka: Huh? But you just got here...

Nhazul: Yeah, but I just wanted to see you how you were holding up. Haven't seen you in person since you left form Mars. But...

Nhazul knelt down to Fuka, looking at her.

Nhazul: It's going to be alright.

Fuka: ...

Fuka began tearing up, but Nhazul just wiped her tears.

Nhazul: Fuka. Look after your brother and if you ever need anything, just give me a call, alright?

Fuka: Right...

Without warning, Fuka hugged Nhazul again.

Fuka: Nhazul... Please don't go somewhere far away either... Don't you or big brother go anywhere...

Nhazul just smiled, rubbing her head, as he hugged her back, pressing his forehead to hers.

Nhazul: I won't. I promise.

Elsewhere, within the Arianrhod Fleet, Julieta was pushing herself ever harder in her training, as she just finished a simulation.

Julieta: No good! Have harder simulations ready! I can't train like this.

Hyun: You've been doing nothing but simulations for the past month. What's with the enthusiasm?

Julieta looked up and saw Hyun, landing next to him and Vidar.

Julieta: If I were stronger, Master Rustal would've let me join the battle. Then we wouldn't lost my...

Julieta began clinching the bars of the railing tightly, as Hyun went speak up, Vidar beat him to it, as he floated down.

Vidar: You think the war would've been different if you were there?

Julieta: Of course!

Vidar: Do you realize by saying that, you're belittling the deceased man?

Julieta didn't say anything, as Hyun spoke up.

Hyun: I've seen that look on your face before. It's the look of revenge.

Julieta: And how would you know what it looks like?

Hyun: Because I've experienced it.

Julieta looked at Hyun surprised.

Julieta: What?

Hyun: The man I told you about, Lieutenant Crank. After his death, I sought out revenge. It's the reason why I underwent the Alaya Vijnana surgery. Since I wasn't considered human, I thought I gained the abilities of something seen as inhuman. All for the sake of revenge. But I soon started to be consumed by it. I let it cloud my mind and made multiple mistakes because of it. I found out that chasing after those for revenge was just disrespecting his memory, so instead of losing myself for the sake of revenge, I decided to work towards something more beneficial, helping change the corrupt Gjallarhorn system that was the reason for his death.

Julieta just looked at Hyun surprised, along with Vidar nodding at his statement in agreement. Hyun then looked at Julieta again.

Hyun: If revenge is the path you want to take, then I won't stop you. But just know the baggage it comes with. It's something I've reflected on over the years. Once you achieve your revenge, then there will be those who may take revenge upon you. So in my personal experience, it's best to just honor the man you admired, and make sure his memory doesn't die out.

Hearing Hyun say that, surprised Julieta, as she pondered his words and took it to heart.

Julieta: ...


It's the next day and currently Nhazul and the gang had just listened to what Orga had to say. Due to McGillis visiting the headquarters a day ago. McGillis told Orga that he will eventually face off against Rustal Elion and he wants to ensure that he receives Tekkadan's help. Once McGillis gains control of Gjallarhorn he will transfer all the powers of its Mars Branch to Tekkadan, making Tekkadan into the King of Mars.

Eugene: The King of Mars? What do you mean?

Chad: That means somebody important, right?

Kudelia: Transferring the powers of Gjallarhorn's Mars Branch...

Eugene: Hold on, my brain can't keep up.

Mikazuki: What do you want to do, Orga?

Orga: I want to accept the offer.

Kudelia: Boss!

Orga: Considering what you said about Mars' independence, I say it's a great offer.

Kudelia: Yet...

Merribit: Wait, then what will happen with us and Teiwaz?

Orga: Would there be a problem?

Merribit: Yes, a big problem! If Tekkadan grows too big, it could become more influential externally.

Orga: Of course, I'll talk to Naze about it first. I'll think about what to do after. But for now, I only have one thing on my mind. We've been looked down on, kicked around, and taken advantage of. And we can become a king.

Orga reaches his hand above him and closes his fist.

Orga: Both status and honor can be ours. Wouldn't that be the greatest finish to all of us? What do you guys think?"

Mikazuki: I'm fine if you are.

Kudelia didn't like that answer.

Kudelia: Mikazuki....

Eugene: I really don't get all this, but as Deputy Boss, I'll go with whatever the Boss says.

Chad. Me too.

Akihiro nodded.

Merribit; You guys...

Nhazul: I honestly don't agree if I'm being honest.

This got everyone's attention.

Eugene: What do you mean?

Orga: Do you mean you're not into this offer?

Nhazul: Being the King of Mars... It's too good to be true. A reward that massive has to have a massive draw back in return. A drawback that could lead to our downfall.

Nhazul then looked towards Orga and sighed.

Nhazul: But like I said before. I put my bet on you. And the die has been cast already. I'm going to put my trust in you and guide us away from that downfall.

Orga looked at Nhazul and nodded, as Takaki now spoke up.

Takaki: I can't go with you. I'm... going to quit Tekkadan...

Orga: Do you mean you're not into this offer either?

Takaki: I don't understand what it means to be the king of Mars. But that means more people are going to die, right?

Eugene: Well yeah, but...

Takaki: I understand that the Boss is doing all this for our future. But I don't want to make Fuka cry. If we become king of Mars, a huge happiness might await us. But that'll make us throw away the happiness we have before us. I can't do that.

Akihiro: Takaki...

Orga: I understand.

Chad: But Boss...

Orga: I have no right to stop you. Thanks for all you've done for Tekkadan. Takaki.

Takaki: Boss...

Takaki bowed his head to Orga.

Takaki: Thank you for everything.

Nhazul: You realize you're going to be the person to break the news to Fuka, right?

Takaki: Yes, don't worry, I'm sure she'll take the news well.

Nhazul walked over to Takaki and held out his hand.

Nhazul: Good luck with wherever you end up, Takaki. And to one older brother to another, be sure to look after her.

Takaki nodded and shook Nhazul's hand, tearing up.

Takaki: Thanks Nhazul... I'm going to need it.

And so Takaki Uno quit Tekkadan to remain on Earth with his little sister Fuka. Once Tekkadan finished packing up, the Earth Branch Headquarters location was sold off and Tekkadan started their journey back to Mars on the Hotarubi. Currently within a pathway within the Hotarubi, Mikazuki and Orga were sitting on a railing, while Nhazul was leaning on it.

Orga: Once we're back on Mars, I'm back to meeting with Execs again.

Mikazuki: Oh yeah. When Takaki quit, I don't know why, but I was kinda relieved.

Orga looked at Mikazuki surprised.

Mikazuki: Could you tell me why?

Nhazul: It's because it means you're glad he and Fuka are going to be safe. Of the two years, he's the first one to ever quit. The thought knowing he and Fuka won't be in the line of fire anymore puts our mind at ease. No matter what anyone says, including you, he's family.

Mikazuki: I see...

Orga just looked at the two of them sadden.

Orga: I'm sorry...

Nhazul: Hmm?

Mikazuki: Why are you apologizing?

Orga: It's taking longer then I expected to get to the place...

Mikazuki: It's further then I thought.

Nhazul looked out the window into space.

Nhazul: I don't think that's bad thing.

Orga: ...

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