Demon Coin (Gundam Iron Blood...

By zer0420

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There's always two sides to a story. Just as they're two sides to every coin. Despite being the same coin, ne... More

Chapter 1 Iron Blooded
Chapter 2 Amdusias And Barbatos
Chapter 3 The Iron Flower
Chapter 4 The Price Of Living
Chapter 5 Beyond The Red Sky...
Chapter 6 Downtime
Chapter 7 Whaling
Chapter 8 Sakazuki
Chapter 9 The Hands That Protect
Chapter 10 Space Pirates
Chapter 11 The Shoals
Chapter 12 Enjoyment
Chapter 13 Dort Colony
Chapter 14 Fear
Chapter 15 Kudelia's Resolve
Chapter 16 An Unexpected Alliance
Chapter 17 Nightmares
Chapter 18 Earth Arrival
Chapter 19 Death In The Family...
Chapter 20 Balance Of Power
Chapter 21 Vengeance
Chapter 22 A Future Reward
Chapter 23 Tekkadan
Chapter 24 Demon Wings
Chapter 25 In the Midst of Jealousy
Chapter 26 Battle Before Dawn
Chapter 28 Silent War
Chapter 29 Sovereign Of Mars
Chapter 30 Vidar Rising
Chapter 31 Awakening Calamities
Chapter 32 Stained Wings
Chapter 33 The Hunters of Angels
Chapter 34 Unchained Demons
Chapter 35 Damage Control
Chapter 36 False Charges
Chapter 37 False Assault
Chapter 38 Mourning
Chapter 39 Blood Payment
Chapter 40 The Spark
Chapter 41 The Calm Before The Storm
Chapter 42 Framing Fire
Chapter 43 Tail Between The Legs
Chapter 44 Scapegoat
Chapter 45 Last Ditch Effort
Chapter 46 One Final Stand
(Finale) Chapter 47 Unwavering Embers
Epilogue Aftermath
Epilogue#2 Their Promised Place...

Chapter 27 Unease Anticipation

1K 55 32
By zer0420

No one's POV

After Orga, Mikazuki, and Merribit returned from Ares Station, they informed everyone at headquarters that Tekkadan will assist McGillis Fareed against Rustal Elion within Gjallarhorn. Nhazul was a bit concerned about Tekkadan getting involved in Gjallarhorn's internal affairs, but he wasn't in any position to object, so he just went along with it. He also heard from Fuka, who had called him that the Arbrau Defense Force will soon become official, so it will be a big day for Tekkadan's Earth Branch since they are the ones training this new force.

Currently it was the middle of the night , and he was with Mikazuki in the mess hall where Orga has just been served a meal from Atra, even though it wasn't warm.

Mikazuki: Why don't you heat it?

Orga: No, it's good enough for me.

Mikazuki: Why?

Mikazuki asked as he sat down across the table from Orga.

Orga: It's the same for food, work, and trouble. You just deal with whatever's in front of you. If you don't, you can't move forward.

Orga said as he started eating.

Nhazul: If you say so, just don't blame us or Atra if you have to shit every few seconds from unheated food.

Orga just chuckled.

Orga: My stomach is tougher than you think, Nhazul.

Atra: Big bro, can you help me with this?

Nhazul: Sure.

As Nhazul went into the kitchen to help Atra, Mikazuki just started at Orga.

Orga: What? I can't eat with you staring at me...

Mikazuki: Did you lose weight?

Nhazul: Yeah, I noticed that too. He's getting pretty lanky. Probably could break him like a twig.

Orga just looked at Nhazul annoyed, as Mikazuki took out some of the Mars palms he was carrying and dropped a few into Orga's mashed potatoes. Orga was surprised when he saw this.

Orga: Hey...

Mikazuki: Nutrients. I don't like seeing you getting lanky.

Nhazul's thoughts: ...-_-... Mars palms in mashed potatoes, how does that taste?

As Nhazul and Atra walked out with some boxes. Orga took a bite with one the palms and stopped chewing.

Orga: ...

Mikazuki: Was it bad?

Nhazul's thoughts: ...-_-... Probably...


Currently within the Arianrhod Fleet, Hyun, Julieta and Iok had reported to Rustal on their last assignment.

Iok: Forgive me. We let McGillis have his way right under our noses.

Julieta: You can even say we helped him out.

Hyun: ...-_-... I mean, you don't technically have to blame Iok. He really didn't do all that much.

Iok just looked at both Hayato and Julieta annoyed, as Rustal spoke up.

Rustal: No worries. They got the upper hand in Mars. But it's our turn next.

Iok: Our turn?

Rustal: The next stage is Earth.

Hyun: Earth?

Iok: Earth is the home ground of the McGillis faction. Making our move there would cause problems within the Seven Stars.

Rustal: That's why I asked that man to help out.

Hyun: That man?

Iok: You don't mean...

Julieta looked surprised.

Julieta: The bearded Gentleman?

Hyun: Bearded Gentlemen?

After speaking with Rustal, Hyun made his way down to the hanger, meeting up with Vidar, as he was looking at his still being modified Gundam.

Hyun: Yo. Starting lovingly at it like always.

Vidar: Hyun.

Hyun then looked up at the Gundam.

Hyun: To think this used to be Kimaris. Looks nothing like it.

Vidar: That is the point after all.

Hyun just chuckled.

Hyun: I guess so. So, have you modified it to your liking finally?

Vidar: If memory serves me correctly, you spent much longer with Agares.

Hyun rolled his eyes, when the two of them heard a voice.

???: I cannot comprehend it.

The two then saw it was Julieta floating down to them.

Julieta: There are many people in Gjallarhorn. Instead of them, he chose you, some obscure man to be his close aide. This is a grave problem.

Hyun: ...-_-... Are you seriously still on this...?

Julieta: You can't give a proper opinion on the situation, given your relationship with him, but it is a problem.

Vidar: Grave you say?

Julieta: Simply put, Master Rustal is picking favorites.

Both Hyun and Vidar just chuckled, annoying Julieta.

Julieta: Are you both laughing at me?

Vidar: Yes.

Hyun: Very much so.

Vidar: I just remembered how people in this fleet said the same about you.

Julieta: ...

Julieta just looked down, before speaking up.

Julieta: You're right... I have no rank or supporters. But Master Rustal acknowledged me for my ability to pilot a Mobile suit.

Hyun: I wouldn't go as far to say that.

Julieta just looked at Hyun annoyed and offended.

Julieta: What?! Are you trying to say that Master Rustal-

Hyun: I'm not talking about that.

Julieta: Huh?

Hyun: I was talking about the supporter statement. It's not true. You have at least one supporter.

Julieta: Who?

Hyun: Me.

Julieta: You?

Hyun: Yeah. I know how it feels be seen as an outcast by his peers. It can be infuriating and disheartening to some, but if one person treats you with kindness, it makes it all bearable. I learnt that from someone very dear to me.

Julieta look at Hyun surprised, but soon spoke up.

Julieta: All I care about is Master Rustal's approval.

Hyun just chuckled.

Hyun: Right.

Julieta: But...

Hyun looked at Julieta, and saw her looking away.

Julieta: I do appreciate your support and friendship...

Hyun just chuckled again, as Julieta looked at him blushing and embarrassed.

Julieta: Stop laughing!


A few days later, Tekkadan had been informed that both Mr. Makanai and Chad were injured from a bomb that was meant to assassinate Mr. Makanai during the commencement ceremony of the Arbrau Defense Force. Upon learning this information, Orga had informed the others they would rush the Shiden delivery to Earth and have a nice long chat with Radice due to him withholding information. Nhazul, along with Mikazuki, Eugene, Akihiro, and a few others, even Kudelia herself were getting ready to depart.

Mikazuki: Kudelia?

Nhazul: Oh? You're coming too?

Nadi: Yeah, I heard. You must be worried about Mr. Makanai too.

Akihiro: I have a bad feeling.

Eugene: Yeah...

Upon entering the Hotarubi, Orga informed everyone that a war between Arbrau and the SAU was possibly about to break out.

Eugene: A war between Arbrau and the SAU?!

Orga: They're just saying that it could happen. But it's definitely a critical situation.

Kudelia: Can't be...

Eugene: No way... Even if we hurry to get to Earth-

Orga: It'll take at least 3 weeks.

Nhazul: And within those 3 weeks, a war could have already started...


Two weeks had passed since the Hotarubi began its journey to Earth. Currently in the gym area, Akihiro was lifting weights, while Nhazul was punching a punching bag, as Azee and Lafter were watching.

Lafter: You're so dedicated, day in and day out.

Azee: You plan to bulk up even more?

Akihiro: Leave me alone. It's my hobby.

Nhazul: What's wrong with trying to stay in shape, big sis Azee?

Without warning, Nhazul punched the punching bag with a little too much force,

making it bust, as the sand fell to the ground, surprising the others.

Nhazul: Oops...

Akihiro: The hell...?

Lafter: Okay, what's up with that inhuman strength of yours?! It's not normal!

Azee: I've been curious about it myself and looked into it. I believe you have an extremely rare muscle condition.

Nhazul: Huh?

Azee: It's called Myostatin-related muscle hypertrophy.

Nhazul: Myostatin-related muscle hypertrophy?

Azee: It makes a person's muscles 2 times denser than that of a regular human, as well as twice the amount of muscle mass. Which definitely explains your abnormal amounts of strength.

Nhazul: Huh. Never knew that.

Lafter: Huh? You didn't know?

Nhazul: Nope. Never really bothered looking into it.

Nhazul looked at his hand, with a sad smile, thinking back to his mom's words.

Nhazul: Maybe she was right. I am a Demon...

Lafter: Hmm?

Azee: She?

Nhazul: It's nothing.

Suddenly, the door opened, revealing Hush as he walked in, looking at Nhazul.

Hush: Nhazul, I've finished the Shiden simulation.

Nhazul: Alright, that's a good start. But actual combat is far different from a simulation, the possibility of death will be real. Be ready to look straight at Death's face.

Hush: Understood. What should I do next?

Nhazul: Tune up the Shiden you used.

Hush: I did.

Nhazul: Alright, then work out.

Hush: I did that too.

Nhazul just chuckled.

Nhazul: Man, you're on top of everything, aren't you? In that case, get some rest.

Hush: Rest? Wait, I'm going to fight my first Mobile Suit battle on Earth. I want to prepare while I have time, s-

Nhazul: Which is exactly why you need to rest. So rest.

Nhazul then looked at Hush with a serious expression.

Nhazul: Now's your chance. Because once we touch down on Earth, you'll have no time to.

Hush: ...

As Hush walked out the room, Nhazul just sighed, as Azee patted his head.

Azee: Wise words.

Lafter: Aren't you the teacher.

Nhazul: Hey, I had to take some inspiration from a few hard ass teachers.

Azee and Lafter looked at Nhazul annoyed, as Azee started twisting her knuckles on his head.

Azee: Who are you calling hardass...?

Elsewhere, within the Arianrhod Fleet, Julieta was in the hanger, looking at Agares and Vidar's Gundams, with curiosity.

Julieta: Could I pilot those mobile suits...?

???: I do not know. That would be for the Agares to determine. If it would let you, then yes.

Julieta jumped up surprised, seeing Hyun float down to her. His words brought a smug grin to Julieta's face.

Julieta: And here I thought you to be above calling machines what they're not. You talk as it's sentient.

Hyun just chuckled.

Hyun: "What is a Human being but a machine made of flesh and blood?"

Julieta just looked at Hyun confused.

Julieta: Huh?

Hyun: When I would pilot Grazes, and never felt this way. Even when I was given a Schwalbe. For some reason it's different with Agares. I don't consider it just a machine, more like a partner.

Julieta: You still are weird...

Hyun: And yet you are here.

Julieta balked as she realized that she indeed had sought him out, and could not claim that it was a one-time thing since she had done so multiple times already. The two of them looked up and saw Vidar make his way to his Gundam.

Julieta: He's quite attached to that. Always occupied with his favorite. When is it ever going to be finished?

Hyun: It's got a unique system. Pretty experimental. Configuring isn't an easy thing.

Julieta: Unique?

Hyun: Yep. Changing the subject, I've heard the Outer Earth Orbit Regulatory Joint Fleet is struggling

Julieta then regained her smug look, speaking confidently.

Julieta: Of course. The Bearded Gentleman is in charge.

Hyun: Bearded? Again with this person?

Julieta: He's a man with no name who taught me everything I know.

Hyun: That so.

Julieta: He's also a genius tactician whom Master Rustal trusts wholly. He's invincible in battles with organized groups.

Hyun: I guess we'll just have to see.

Julieta then looked at Hyun annoyed.

Julieta: What's supposed to mean?

Hayato: Exactly what it sounds like. They're up against the new commander of the Regulatory Joint Fleet. He shouldn't be taken lightly.

Julieta: You know Lord Fareed?

Hyun: Personally, no. But I've met him a few times in the past. But there's someone else who does have some history though.

Julieta just narrowed her , looking up at Vidar, immediately connecting the dots.

Julieta: Who is he?

Hyun just shrugged his shoulders.

Hyun: Who knows.

Julieta looked at Hayato annoyed again.

Hyun: Why is it that you are so curious?

Julieta: I do not like being surprised!

Hyun: ...-_-... You looked up to a man with no name. Is having no face so much worse?

Julieta looked back at him with a sideways glare.

Julieta: Even if a man has no name, I can still read their face. But because of that special mask of his, I can't even read his eyes.

???: You must find clowns scary.

The two looked over and saw Vidar floating over to them. She gaped at his odd statement.

Julieta: What? What did clowns have to do with this?

Vidar: Face paint can mask a Human's ability to read the expression of the wearer.

Julieta smirked at him and poked at his mask under where his eye would be.

Julieta: So you are a clown?

Vidar: Am I not funny?

With her hand now back at her side, Julieta lifted it to tap her nose.

Julieta: What is funny is that your vision should be clouded by a mask like that. How is it that you see?

Hyun: To be fair, that's actually something I've wondered too.

Vidar just looked at Hayato, possibly with an annoyed look, before turning back to Julieta.

Vidar: Not to be rude, but must everything be a question?

Julieta: Huh?

Vidar: The more I say, the less reason I have for wearing this mask.

Julieta just looked annoyed, not satisfied but decided to stop.

Julieta: Fine...

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