š“š”šž š…šØš«š›š¢šššžš§ | āœ“

By softnakd

2.4K 45 2

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authors note
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13

Chapter 1

275 4 1
By softnakd

It was the perfect day for a funeral.

The sun shone brightly overhead in the cloudless sky and the wind had a slight chill to it as it blew among the small crowd gathered closely to pay their last respects to Randall Vincent Wolfe.

I tugged my coat closer against my body and brushed at the tears that fell slowly down my cheeks as I watched my step father's casket being slowly lowered to the ground.

My mother, Jullian, had married Randall when I was just fourteen years old. It was a marriage of convenience she'd told me, still too young to understand what those words actually meant. I'd learn soon enough. My father had been an investment banker and we'd been living a very comfortable life. My mom didn't need to work so she'd stayed at home to raise me. My father died suddenly in a car accident two years before my mother remarried. It was then we'd found out that he'd been siphoning money from his investor into offshore accounts and we'd found ourselves in serious debt.

Less than a year later, my mom met Randall. I never knew the details of their first meeting or even their "arrangement", but soon I had a new father and we were moving into a large estate just outside the city.

It was like a fairytale.

I'd had not only my own room, but an entire wing of the house. When I'd done some exploring, I'd happened across a boy's room with sports and movie posters. I'd been confused because no one ever mentioned that Randall had children and I'd been living at the estate months now.

"This is Killian's room." Randall had said from the doorway. He looked good for a guy in his late forties. He was over six feet tall with salt and pepper hair and kind grey eyes. His body was lean as he swam in the Olympic sized pool every morning and evening, I knew.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to-" I'd started to apologize, not wanting to make my new stepfather angry.

But Randall had just put up a hand halting me and walked towards the bed and sat down. He patted the space next to him until I sat beside him on the huge king sized bed. Standing, he towered over me, but seated next to him, I felt like an equal even thought I still had to look up at him.

"Killian is my son." He began as his eyes wandered nostalgically over to the soccer trophies that lined the book case. "He went off to college before I met your mother."

I looked up at him in surprise, I had a step brother! I'd been so used to being an only child, the thought of a sibling was exiting. I caught sight of a graduation photo of Killian and Randall together, smiling and seemingly happy. He looked like he belonged in a boy band. He had a pretty face and the same dark hair and grey eyes as his father. The butterflies in my stomach caught me by surprise.

"How come he doesn't come visit?" I asked innocently.

Randall's head bowed then, making me frown. Ever since I'd met Randall he'd always been so cheerful and encouraging towards me. I couldn't imagine why Killian wouldn't come visit him.

"He's mad at me so he won't come home."

I was about to ask him why when the answer dawned on me.

"Is he mad at you because you married my mom?"

Randall turned then and took my shoulders turning me to face him.

"Nila, you have to do understand. Killian lost his mother when he was very young." He said then meeting my eyes squarely. "He doesn't think anyone can replace her in his life and I shouldn't replace her in mine either."

I understood that. Randall would never replace my father but then the two were so different. Randall was more like the doting uncle I never had.

"Does he think I'm replacing him?"

Randall smiled at me then.

"You're more perceptive than I gave you credit for." He said genuinely impressed and then he nodded.

"He thinks I've got a new family and that I don't want him anymore."

"But I want him!" I piped up quickly, "I mean I want a brother." I corrected.

Randall laughed.

"I'm sure you do, sweetheart." He ran a hand over my wavy brown hair in a gentle caress, "so you'll have to help me convince him to come home won't you?"

I nodded eager to help.

But it was of no use.

Over the years, I constantly heard Randall in his home office arguing with Killian, begging him to come home.

But Killian never visited his father. He never came home. Until now.

I looked up as the first handful of soil was thrown in the grave and my eyes locked on molted silver ones.

❦ ❦

Killian Wolfe, in the flesh.

My heart gave a hard thump.

If it wasn't for the look of utter contempt on his face, I'd think he was gorgeous.

His dark hair was thick and wind swept, his pretty face was leaner, looked tougher and he had a dark shadow covering his jaw and cheeks. I could feel his eyes following my every movement as I reached for a handful of soil, but before I could throw it, I saw him turn his back and walk away, his long coat trailing behind him, fluttering in the wind.

"Miss James?"

I was walking back to the town car when someone called my name softly.

I turned to see Mr. Stanley Finch, Randall's lawyer walking quickly towards me.

"Shall I meet you back at the house for the reading of the will?"

I nodded. Ah, the will, it made sense why Killian was here, after his many years of absence. He wanted his inheritance. Did he expect to just waltz back in and take over Wolfe Incorporating? He had to know that I been acting CEO ever since Randall had fallen ill a month ago and Killian still had never visited him.

My driver opened the door for me and I slid into the car. I pulled out my compact and touched up my makeup but couldn't help my red, swollen eyes.

When I was in my last year of high school, I'd started interning at Wolfe Incorporated after Randall realized I had a knack for business, in particular spreadsheet. If worked there ever since I finished high school and then in college. Now I was finishing my masters in finance and couldn't imagine working anywhere else. I would not let Killian or anyone else take my job away from me. I had worked too hard for it- for the company.

It took less than twenty minutes for us to reach the Estate.

A black Escalade was parked in the driveway indicating Killian's presence as well. I took a deep breath, tempered down my anger at him finally being here after all this time, and made my way to my step father's home office.

The door was slightly ajar and I could hear voices- the deep baritone of Killian's voice was harsh as he demanded to know what the Will contained and then Mr. Finch's voice was soothing as he explained that they had to wait on my arrival.

"I'm here." I announced unnecessarily, walking into the room and then came to a hard stop when I saw Killian seated behind his father's desk while Mr. Finch was in an armchair directly in front of him.

My temper flared, hot and bright

"You're not allowed to sit there." My tone was frosty.

He raised a dark eyebrow at me and clasped his hands together as he leaned forward on the oak desk.

"Oh? And I suppose you are?" His tone matched mine.

"Ahem. Mr Wolfe, Miss James-"

"You're right! I am!" I ignored Mr. Finch and marched up to the desk, my black wrap dress flowing around my legs as I planted my hands on the desk in front of his, almost touching as I got into his face.

"Marrying into this family does not make your his daughter." Killian ground out as he stood up to confront me. I figured he was hoping his size would intimidate me. Boy he was wrong.

I seethed.

"Abandoning this family for the past eight years does not make you his son!" I shouted back at him.

"Nila, Killian!" Mr. Finch got up then and placed a placating hand between us.

I watched, through narrow slits as Killian's hands clenched as if wanting to fight. His chest heaved and then his gaze settled on Mr. Finch. With one last glare, he settled back into his chair, his eyes daring me to do the same.

With some semblance of composure, I took the chair next to Mr. Finch.

"Alright then." Mr. Finch said, returning to his chair, "I understand that emotions are running high right now, but Randall would not want you two to fight. He loved you both."

"Well then he shouldn't have married that money hungry women." Killian muttered. But I heard every word.

"That women was my mother." I shot back, scowling.

"We could sit here all night, unless you two calm down." Mr. Finch's voice rose this time making me stare at him. I'd never heard him raise his voice before, in the eight years I'd known him.

"Let's get this over with Finch." Killian said, his voice low as he tugged off his tie.

"Yes let's." I agreed, crossing my legs and leaning back in the chair.

Randall had a lot of assets, being a business mogul he'd acquired a lot over the years, but most were in the name of the company, Wolfe Incorporated, including this estate. I figured he'd hoped Killian would come back and take over the company and then everything would eventually pass to him.

"To my dear step-daughter Nila, I bequeath fifty one percent of Wolfe Incorporated-"

"What the fuck?!" Killian was out of his chair and rounding the desk so fast, I hadn't even let the words sink in.

"Forty nine percent?" He stared at the paper disbelievingly, "that's what he's left me with?"

I ignored Killian's outburst. The company was mine? I was the majority shareholder? I would keep my job?

Killian rounded on me then.

"You are not getting one piece of my father's company!" He snarled, "I'll make sure of it!"

He stormed out dramatically leaving me, slightly bemused at what had just happened.

❦ ❦

PINTEREST: @badglam
TIKTOK: @softnakd

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