
Autorstwa ggukiekrush

48.6K 1.6K 488

"If obsession were a person, it'd be you." A street racer by evening, and a high-school student by day, 17 ye... Wiฤ™cej

p r o l o g u e
1 | volition
2 | effervescent
3 | reverist
4 | besotten
5 | aberrant
6 | aphonic
7 | ostentatious
8 | floruit
9 | zealotic
10 | druthers
11 | scrofolous
12 | letch
13 | reticent
14 | subtlety
16 | frore
17 | expedient
18 | imprimatur
19 | frolic
20 | aspartame
21 | belaud
22 | intrepid
23 | satiate
24 | consecrate
25 | impetus
26 | petulant
27 | nimiety
28 | disesteem
29 | relish
30 | contrapposto
31 | inebriate
32 | dithering
33 | palliate

15 | solace

1.3K 53 15
Autorstwa ggukiekrush


◢◤◢◤◢◤ Circuit 15 ◢◤◢◤◢◤

"I can't believe you guys got yourselves chased by cops," Skye shakes her head as the three of us strut down the halls of Whitehaven.

"I can," Jade giggles, snaking her arms around my left arm.

"I wanted that car so bad," I draw my hold around the books taut against my chest, fronting a disheartened look on my face.

I would be lying if I said I wasn't disappointed with myself for not winning and returning half an hour later that Jairo almost flagged me for car theft. However, I was not entirely dissatisfied with spending time with Theo, alone.

All I can think about is the feel of his muscular, toned thighs under my touch. I knew the guy was fit like a greek god from afar, but being able to feel every fiber of his chiseled body flexing beneath the clothes he wore, proved everything I had imagined.

"And why was Theo there?" Skye questions, raising her brows at me. I look away, not wanting to reveal anything that could jeopardize my plan of getting close to the boy. "Since when did you guys get so close? He's never opened up to anyone outside of his friend group. Especially a girl."

"Maybe I'm special," I shrug. Both Jade and Skye look at me, perplexed. I wipe the cocky smirk off my lips. "He's just... nice."

"Mhm. Nice, huh?" Jade quips, nudging my side. We come to a stop at our lockers. "What's nice about learning?"

"He helps me a lot," I retort, not entirely sure of my statement when I barely learned a thing or two and getting distracted most of the time. The pop quiz in my Algebra class I took this morning is enough evidence. It's the reason why I'm avoiding running into the Headmaster. I'm still trying to figure out how to break the news to Theo. Surely, he won't be happy with me.

But if I look at it, he might also extend our sessions, which also means good for me.

"About the situation that happened in the waiting room . . ." Skye looks around to make sure no one is eavesdropping before whispering, "Has he said anything to you?"

My mood drops right away. The topic hasn't been talked about ever since that night Theo apologized to me in the car. I let it go, concluding that indeed, it wasn't any of my business. But the fact that I got myself involved in a violent act for him, already puts me in the center of it. He doesn't see it that way, which clashes with my understanding. I don't like to force my beliefs on others but anyone could see it clearly - he is blinded.

I can care less about his history with Elle, what matters is now.

I haven't made up my mind about the psychotic girl. I don't like her and never will, no matter what reasons Theo wanted me to believe. End of story.

"Has he not said anything?" Jade leans against her locker, hairbrush in hand. I shove and take the books I need for my next class, ready to end the day with a cup of tea and Netflix. Mondays are the worst.

"No, he hasn't, and I don't think he will either."

"Did you ask him about what he's going to do about it? Will she be reported to the authorities or her school?"

"Not sure," I murmur. "Haven't talked to him much." Because every time I try, we end up touching each other or diverting our attention away from the topic.

I'm usually straightforward, but with Theo, my mind never lets my body relax. I'm always wanting to touch him, and say things I know will get a reaction out of him. I feel powerful and eager to provoke him knowing the reaction I get, the way he blushes and becomes flustered, stumbling over words he can perfectly form with anyone. It strokes my confidence more than I've ever had with anyone else.

With me, he isn't Theo the bookworm, but a completely different side of himself I rarely see. Although I have to admit I find a man sexy in reading glasses, spending most of their time divulged and sticking their nose in paperbacks. Hefty, and hard copies.

"Is he coping well at least?" Skye asks, taking me out of my reverie, her voice gentle as the way she is with everyone. Though there's no need to be, Theo isn't some kind of stray kitten. He wouldn't want to be pitied. It's just the situation he's in and the people he once trusted, betraying him, that makes me feel like he should stand up for himself.

"He didn't cry," I muttered, ignoring the unusual feeling in my chest. Skye stares at me for a moment, unbeknownst to the emotion in her eyes. I shrug it off, blasé. "That's good, right?" I say, instead.

If Theo didn't want me sticking my nose in his business, I shouldn't mull over it. I'll show him what it means to not care.

Skye sighs. "I guess so. Kade says he hasn't talked about it with them either. He's still very closed off."

"That sounds like the Theo we know," Jade says, getting to her feet. "Anyways, I've got Drama class. We're doing this Romeo and Juliet shit, and I can't be late. I'll see you guys later at lunch?"

Skye and I both agree. "Sounds good."

I playfully blow both girls a kiss, "Ciao!"

We all say our goodbyes and I make my way to Literature class, the vibration of my phone against my back pocket.

I pause around a corner, making sure I was out of sight of teachers and staff. I can't afford to receive another strike for being late or skipping classes.

The message is from an unknown number.

Can you meet me in the library? - Theo

Oh, fuck it. I'm skipping class.

I'm not surprised to see no students when I walk into the empty library because it's class time, but I am surprised to see no keeper at the front desk. There is usually a student assistant or a member of the staff present, but today there is only the familiar boy sitting at the very back, where a hidden bookshelf hides his figure. His fluff, brown hair strands are the only thing visible.

I smirk as I brush my fingers over my skirt and make sure to unbutton two buttons on my blouse, exposing a good amount of cleavage.

From a distance, it doesn't appear provocative, but up close, the ink around my nipples is almost peeking from how much amusement this is giving me. There is just something about Theo that coaxes me to unbind the esteem in him. It's almost gripping at my senses - the want and need to have him.

It makes me feel lively to wake up early, play dress up, and flutter my healthy eyelashes at him.

It's ridiculous.

I've never had to chase a guy before, but if I'd known the thrill that comes with it, I might have put in a little more effort than just flaunting the body I was born with. Boys enjoy it far more when tits and ass are flashed in their faces. Apparently, face and personality don't matter when you're getting it from the back. That's what the world has come to, and the one I hoped for was full of unrealistic expectations.

As they always say, the quiet ones are the most imaginative.

My steps are light and swift as I make my way to him. Theo's back is to me and I quietly sneak up on him, reaching for his tensed shoulders and kneading them. The pristine boy vaults in surprise and in doing so cause the book in his hands to drop with a thump.


"Oops," I giggle, lowering my voice as I lean down to whisper in his ear. "I hope I didn't make you wait," My fingers skim the back of Theo's neck. His skin is brightly flushed and warm as I caress it with the hollows of my palms.

Theo clears his throat, moving to pick up his book. "I . . . I didn't wait that long," he does everything to avoid my gaze. "I apologize for the abrupt text. I should've let you know beforehand—"

Pressing a kiss to his ear, he's taken off guard as I pull away and take the seat across from him. "I'm glad to be here."

Theo's gaze shies away and he shoves what seems like his reading glasses inside his bag sitting atop the ligneous stool next to him.

"Why'd you take it off?"

Theo stiffens, his head snapping to face me.

"The glasses," I clear my throat. "Why did you remove it? Don't you need it to see clearly?"

"I, uh . . . Yes, I do," he staggers with his words. "But I'm fine without it."

"You'll strain your eyes."

"It's okay," he assures, more to himself. "It's not that dark in here and I don't need it anymore."

"You looked . . ." I let it go, for his sake. The last thing I want is to make him feel uncomfortable. "So, what's this meeting for? Am I in trouble?"

"The Headmaster wanted me to check on your progress."

"My progress?" I lean forward and prop my elbows on the table's surface. "Shouldn't you know?"

"The only thing I know is what I teach you, not what goes to your grade book." Theo takes a paper out of his folder, "I have to write feedback on this evaluation sheet and report back to the Headmaster."

My brows lift. "I'm doing good and that's because of you. There's nothing else to say."

Theo looks down at the paper as he starts to scribble something. "You had a quiz earlier, right?

I hum, confirming.

"What was the result? We went over the lesson a few days ago."

There were more red marks scribbled on my paper than black ink, I didn't need to look at it to know I failed. As soon as class ended, I was the first one out of there.

"Oh, you know . . ." I trail off.

Theo pauses to stare back at me with fawn eyes, leaving me internally gutted. Why can't he be ugly? The boy could wear a trash bag and I'd still look at him the same. With fucking thirst.

His leg jitters as he waits for me to answer, his top row of teeth chewing down on his bottom lip.

My head tilts, abashed, "There's always a next time."

He looks more devastated than I am with myself; probably thinking about how slow I am and I don't blame him at all. I have an attention span of a child, that's no secret.

Nothing is more difficult than staying focused and doing one thing at a time. I prefer to be active, and even when I am not, I am always thinking of ways to spend my time. It takes my mind off things.

People are usually impatient with me, so no one stays long enough to teach me. I'm surprised Theo lasted a week, but there's no guarantee he won't back out and tell the Headmaster how bad I am doing.

Silence washes over us before Theo asks, "Am I really of help to you?" There's an inkling of gentleness in his voice. It's meek and docile, as if he didn't want to prickle me with critique. Wants me to take it as constructively as can. And, if I had to guess, he seemed more dissatisfied with himself than with me. He was a stickler for detail.

"I don't think my methods are effective."

There it is. The diffidence in himself and his capabilities. It maddens me - the way he gives himself little to no credit.

"No?" I prompt, wiping off the sullen in me.

Theo sighs, straightening. I resist looking at the first two buttons threatening to rend from how tight his white dress shirt clings to his body.

Shifting my gaze elsewhere, I try to find my words, "It's just that . . . it takes me a little longer to grasp new things — and I swear, it isn't your fault. These past few days, you've done everything you could to help me." And it's true, but the way I'm reassuring him doesn't sit well with me. It's not like me to be sentimental, but I can't help myself.

"And the book," I fish out the item from the crumpled paper balls stashed away in my bag. "Remember the book you gave me?"

He quietens, a glint of hope reflecting in his grey eyes.

"I went over it. Look, I even took notes," I pause, sticking my tongue proudly in the corner of my mouth out of pure, childish, habit.

My mannerisms are the only thing that has remained from everything that has left my life. Hell, I still chew on anything I could grind my teeth on. It's why I needed braces from the beginning of high school until I had to get them removed because Mom could no longer afford it.

Theo's eyes skim over the colorful hues of neon greens and oranges, a small smile gracing his lips. I spent all night perfecting the notes to show them off to him.

My chest swells. I'd never seen him smile so broadly before. It suits him. I suppose I could get used to it.

I keep my satisfaction to a minimum, afraid of ruining the spur. "Proud of me yet?"

He brings his gaze back to my face, the ends of his hair falling over his gorgeous irises. The loom over his eyes looks like the skies outside, I can't help but get lost in them.

Moments pass before he looks away, again. "That's g-good. We can go over it during our regular sessions if you have any other questions. I apologize if this was taken out of your class time, I just don't have any other free time," Theo shoves his belongings inside his bag. "I suppose you still have a class to get to?"

"No," I lie as I check to see if anyone else is in the room before lazing beside him. We were hidden from view thanks to the row of shelves on either side of the room. "Teacher didn't show up. I'm in luck today."

"Ola . . ." Theo murmurs, lips full of fervor as he chews on them and looks around to see if anyone could be watching. "I don't want to keep you any longer. You should get to class."

"Do you have other plans?" I asked.

"N-no, I don't. I volunteered to help out here."

"And you don't want to hang out with me?"

The crease around his eyes and brows tells me just how riven he feels.

I can tell Theo likes to please people. I recognize the look - his display of rejection fears, often feeling the need to satisfy people around him and worried that saying "no" might upset them, agreeing to do what may appear to be a safer option, even if he doesn't actually have the will to help. Others have fallen easily into it and done things they would rather not do.

Unfortunately, people abuse this by disregarding boundaries because they know you'll do whatever they want anyway.

I thought about it for days - what happened in the parking lot and the waiting room was the reason. I could be wrong, but when the conversation about Elle's actions had been brought up, and his readiness to take on the blame, even when what happened clearly was not his fault. Being the opposite sex, and being physically capable compared to a girl, Theo could have easily steered himself out of the situation, but it's as if he forgets what he is capable of.

I shouldn't be, but it plagues me at times, and I always feel compelled to keep an eye on him.

I pout, dramatically, just to get him in the feels. Rue him in the same way that boys feel when their significant others give them puppy, doe eyes.

It always works - I've seen girls at school do it - and the angelic boy in front of me is proof of that.

"Stay with me for a while?" I sough, rising from my seat to take the one across from him, but not before placing his bag on the table. The nest-like ripples atop his head frame his face like a work of art.

I shift my focus away from the warmth that is settling on my face. "And will you please put your glasses back on?" I take the rimless item from his bag and place it on top of his nose.

When Theo's hands come into contact with mine, I quickly pull away.

My skirt cinches higher beneath my black mesh stockings, and Theo's eyes rise to the ceiling as he reclines in his seat, legs widely stretched out.

I smirk to myself, crossing my legs to face him.  "See? You don't look any different."

He finally relaxes and a smile illuminates his features.

"Even better," I tease. He looks at me. "Look," I nudge my chin forward, where we can see outside through the glass.

Slowly glowing from above, the sun creates a reflection on the surface of the small body of water as birds flock throughout the garden. "The sun is out."

Theo stays silent and I can't help but gulp and shift around in my seat at the weight of his gaze on the side of my face.

"Must be because of me," I comment, breaking through the aery, quiescence.

Still, nothing.

"Theo," I whisper, frustratedly. There is pain in feeling like I'm talking to a wall, but the ache in my core is elusive.

I bite my lip, clenching my thighs harder as I push out the image of his hands on my skin.

I might have to take up on Grandma's offer to attend Sunday mass with her one of these days.

Theo hums, vibrato deepening as he does so. "If you don't stop staring at me, I'm going to think you want me."

"Oh, sorry," he shakes out of his daze. "There's something on your face."

"Oh," I mutter, embarrassed as I blindly wipe my face with the tip of my fingers. "You're too honest."

"Uh, here, let me help you," Theo moves closer to my face, cautious as he rests one hand behind me. Our eyes meet for a moment and we stay silent for those seconds.

For once, Theo doesn't seem to shy away from my stare, even going as far as his silver eyes flickering down my features.

I refuse to blink, not wanting to miss a second of his attention.

My body heats up, and his effortlessly towers over mine, making me feel secure in a way I've never felt with a guy.

It feels strange. Strange in a good way.

Then, I notice his eyes go lower, and lower, and lower until they stop at my lips.

"Theo," his name fluidly falls from my lips, "Why are you looking at me like that?"

"I don't know," he lets out, shyly. He's so close that I can almost hear the thump of his chest. "You're . . . pretty."

This is the first time a guy has called me pretty instead of commenting on my body. And I've met a lot of guys before, but none of them compare to the butterflies that set off in my stomach when I'm with him.

It's the bare minimum, but I can't help but feel good about it.

It's always been this way — whenever someone pays me a little bit of their attention, I take it and proudly run away with it. As an only child who did not have the benefit of growing up with both parents, it feels like a reward. A well-deserved present.

"Am I?" I remain stoic, not wanting him to see how impatient I've become over the last few days. The closer I get to my desires, the more difficult it is to control myself.

Theo responds with a nod and this only coaxes me to provoke him even more. I want to touch him so badly but I need him to give me a reason to.

"You're good with words, aren't you? I wonder what else you're good at."

I can see him faltering under my gaze, it urges me to continue. My attention is drawn to his perfectly parted hair, admiring how good he looks even in plain uniforms. "Hm, wish I could say the same about you," I joke, resulting in the tip of his mouth contorting as he doesn't realize I'm joking.

"I'm just kidding," I giggle, stroking the side of his neck with the tip of my fingers. He doesn't stop me, allowing me to touch him freely. "Should I do this often?" My head tips until my nose are filled with his scent. It's not cologne or lotion, but his natural scent is pleasant and easily absorbed by my nostrils. "Do I make you feel good, Theo?"

"God," he lets out, shakily. His head lowers and I catch his jaw with my right hand. "How do you do that?"

My eyes squint with interest, "Do what?" I can see Theo's thighs bouncing with fret from my peripheral vision. My left hand brushes against his knee, and he lazes with his hooded eyes fixed on me.

"Be this confident," he says, never moving his eyes lower than my face. I appreciate the respect he shows me, but the last thing I want is for him to act godly right now. I require him in every way imaginable - and righteous is not one of them.

"I can teach you," I tell him. "To be confident."

Theo's attempt to look away is broken when I move from my seat onto his lap. Theo tenses, his breathing becoming labored as he comes face to face with my protruding chest.

"Ola," Theo breathes out, his fists clenched to his sides. "We shouldn't— we're in the library."

I carefully move back, causing him to groan with the action.

"Perfect. No one will disturb us."

this chapter was sooo long I had to cut in half 😪
anywayss what do you guys think will happen next chapter? I love reading your comments, so don't be afraid to interact Xx


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