By multimunchkins

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》* 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ * 。° 。 •˚《 》* 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ * 。° 。 •˚《 Imagines based on the guys of Stranger Things! 》* 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ *... More

S T R A N G E R ≪ °❈° ≫ T H I N G S
Welcome To Hawkins || Jonathan Byers
Aye Aye Captain || Steve Harrington
Just Like In The Books || Billy Hargrove
Good Aim || Steve Harrington
My Muse || Jonathan Byers
Guitar God || Eddie Munson
Little Miss Perfect || Billy Hargrove
My Hero || Eddie Munson
More Than Friends || Steve Harrington
Our Song || Jonathan Byers
My Hero (2) || Eddie Munson
Wanna Be Yours || Steve Harrington
Secret Santa || Eddie Munson
What Are Friends For? || Jonathan Byers
Wicked Games || Steve Harrington
Wicked Games (2) || Steve Harrington
Pretty In Pink || Billy Hargrove
Lollygagging In The Library || Eddie Munson
Why'd You Only Call Me When You're High? || Jonathan Byers
I Hate That You... || Steve Harrington
Secret Santa (2) || Eddie Munson
Bad Idea Right? || Billy Hargrove & Steve Harrington
The Canvas & The Painter || Steve Harrington
The Canvas & The Painter (2) || Steve Harrington
Mellifluous Melody || Eddie Munson
Bad Idea Right? (2) || Billy Hargrove & Steve Harrington
Head Over Heels || Steve Harrington

Bewitched || Billy Hargrove

851 5 2
By multimunchkins

You swayed your head to the music that played through the radio in your car while you turned into the school's parking lot. You instantly found your usual spot and parked your car quickly. Before you turned off your car, you quickly checked your reflection through the rear view mirror. You did a quick makeup check and did a quick touch up with your lipstick as you hummed to the beat of the song that was playing. Once you finished, you took a quick look at your hair and moved a few strands from your face. "God you're so self conceited." You heard Max mumble in an annoyed tone.

A bit of anger rushed over you as you look over at her. "Why are you still here? Get out!" You snapped at her. Max furrowed her eyebrows and grabbed her backpack, opening the passenger car as she mumbled things under her breath. "And you better be here as soon as the bell rings. If you're not here, I'm leaving and you're walking home." You said sternly as you turned off your car. Max furiously slammed the passenger door shut. You get out of your car and close your door. You look over to see Max walking towards her school campus, and as she's walking she has her hand behind her head, her middle finger giving you a nice hello. You clenched your jaw and sighed simultaneously rolling your eyes.

You opened the back passenger door to quickly grab your bag from the back seat. You lean in towards the inside of your car, bending down to grab your bag when you instantly hear a whistle from behind you. After grabbing your bag you stand up, closing the car door behind you as you lock your car and throw your keys in the bag. You fixed your hair then fixed your black leather mini skirt that had scrunched up to your upper thigh when you bent down. You lug your bag on one shoulder and fixed your collar from your black leather jacket that was placed over your red laced tank top. You continued to hear whistles. Looking over, you spot three boys standing around a car that had been parked two cars down from yours. You quickly smile, flipping your hair to the side as you walk towards them. "Hello boys." You said in a playful flirtatious tone. The three boys eye you from head to toe. They were left speechless as their heads turned from side to side while you walked straight past them. As you walked right by them and head towards the high school entrance, you quickly smirk and stop your tracks. You turn around and face the three boys again. "Take a picture. I'm sure it'll last longer." You said with a wink as you turn back around and continued to walk towards the building, making sure you sway your hips a bit more than what you regularly do. Walking inside the school you could hear your echoing footsteps as you walked down the hall with your black chunky boots. Every head turned as soon as you walked past people.

You loved being the show stopper every morning when you arrived to school. The girls would (and continue to) envy you based on what you were wearing. Every inch of you from your clothes, shoes, makeup and hair were perfect. The boys will practically drool whenever you walk by. Every head turns to see you walk the walk whenever you strutted down the hallway. You loved seeing the boys get on their knees for you, and you loved seeing every girl look at their own clothes or hair after they spotted you. You loved the attention, it made you know you had everyone wrapped around your finger.

"Hey Y/N." You heard a boy say. You turn your head and smile. "Hey." You replied with a wink. "Hey Y/N! I love your outfit." You heard a girl squeal as you walked past her. You smiled and tilted your head. "Aw. Thanks." You said.

Every time you walked down the halls throughout the school it felt like it was a parade. You would get to see everyone and get the compliments you wanted to hear, but what you loved the most was stopping to say hi to the really cute guys of the school.

You continued to walk towards your locker when you then spotted someone that interested you the most.

"Hey Harrington." You said with a genuine smile but still kept your flirtatious tone. You quickly stopped and stood in front of him from a distance. You quickly raised your hand and waved at him. You noticed that he stood in front of his locker next to his best friend that had his eyes on you. "Hey Hargrove." You added with a nod as you lowered your hand. Steve looked at Billy then back to you. "Hey." Steve replied as he returned a wave. Your gaze shifts from Steve to Billy, as Billy stood there frozen. His eyes scanned you from head to toe. You noticed that Steve quickly elbows him on the side making Billy blink and clear his throat. "Oh. H-hey Y/N." He responds awkwardly as if he's come back to reality. You look back at Steve to see that his hands are buried in his face. You raised an eyebrow and chuckle. "See you boys later." You tell them as you gave them both a quick wink and walked away.


When Y/N walked away, the two boys let out a sigh. "Dude what the hell was that?" Steve asked annoyed. Billy scoffed and placed his hands over his head. He felt his cheeks turn red. "Dude I don't know I panicked." Billy replied. Steve rolled his eyes and punched his best friend on the shoulder. "You're an idiot. She was right there!" He whispered yelled. Billy pressed his lips together. "And she looked so hot." He said. Steve ran his hand through his hair while he simultaneously whispered "Oh my God." under his breath. "Dude, she looked at you and said hi, how do you mess that up?!" Steve asked frustrated. Feeling embarrassed, Billy shrugged his shoulders. "I don't know! I'm sorry!" He said. Steve shook his head. "Listen man, you're into her. Just go for it!" Steve says as he pats Billy's shoulder and fixes his collar from his white under shirt. Billy's eyes widened. "Oh no! You're crazy! Steve I'm not like you! I don't know my way around with the ladies." Billy replied unconfidently. Steve rolled his eyes as he picked a loose thread from Billy's sweater vest. "Dude you're being stupid. Look at you! You're Billy Hargrove. You've got the looks!" He says. Billy shook his head. "But I do not have the moves." He replied as he emphasized on the word "not."

"Nonsense!" Steve said. "Besides, she's interested in you. Why should I make a move?" Billy adds. Steve's eyes widened. "So not true." He says. Billy scoffs. "I see how she looks at you." He replied. Steve shook his head. "No way, she's looking at you. She'll look at me for a second and then will look at you. She's into you. Trust me man. I've seen her eyeing you." Steve says. Billy licks his lips at the sight of Y/N. "Now is your chance. You go in there and make your move." Steve says as he massages Billy's shoulders while standing behind him. "And boom!" he adds gripping his shoulders tightly then shaking his best friend, scaring Billy to pieces. "She's all over you." He adds. Billy's eyes light up when the sight of Y/N pops up into his head again. "It's not rocket science." Steve said. Billy began to feel better as he smiled and nodded. "Yeah." Billy said proud. Steve smiled. "Yeah." Steve repeated. "You're the man Billy Hargrove." Steve added. Billy nodded. "I'm the man. I'm the man!" Billy said confidently.

As of on cue, the school bell rang indicating first period began. "Now go in there and make your move!" Steve told Billy as he grabbed his shoulders and pushed him into his class. Billy inhaled and exhaled and pumped himself up with confidence as he walked in the classroom where he shared first period with Y/N.

In first period Billy sat towards the front of the class. He sat anxiously as he fiddles with his hands and his leg bounces up and down. He could hear Steve's voice echo in his mind that reminded him he was confident enough to make his move on Y/N. Billy mumbled a few words under his breath when he heard footsteps come in through the door.

He turned to spot that Y/N had entered the classroom. Y/N scanned around the room and spotted Billy. She made eye contact with him and smiled. Billy's heart skipped a beat when his eyes met hers. He could feel his face turn a bit hot. He quickly looked away and pretended to write something in his notebook that laid open on his desk. Out of the corner of his eye, he could see Y/N walk towards the back of the class towards her seat. She sat diagonal from him, so the two were able to eye each other from a distance.

Billy puffed his cheeks to inhale and exhale a great amount of air. He couldn't help but notice his leg was bouncing up and down so much from his anxiety. The rest of the class continued to walk in through the door to take their seats as class started, and Billy decided to quickly glance towards Y/N. Her face and focus was down on her notebook as she wrote something. He noticed how her hair sat on her shoulders and how well the black leather jacket hugged her waist perfectly. His eyes travelled down to her matching black leather mini skirt that had travelled from her hips to barely covering her upper thigh. She had her legs crossed as as she swung her foot, he could see her leg muscle flex as her skirt would ride up a bit from each movement.

Billy pressed his lips together as he studied her. She was perfect to him. He wanted her, but he just didn't know how he would get to be with her. Coming into realization, Billy turned back around to face the front of the class when he spotted the teacher walk in the room.


The class groaned as soon as your history teacher spoke. "Think of this as a way for you all to socialize better as a class." Your teacher said. You rolled your eyes and continued to scribble a doodle on your notebook paper. "Now, I'm making this easy for you all. I'm letting you all pick your own partners for this project this time." You heard your teacher say. Your ears perk up and you look around the room to see that the class had taken the additional news better than the first. "So in that note, you have 15 minutes to find a partner and decide while I go print out copies for today's activity. Go." The teacher said as he walked out of the room.

Without wasting a second you instantly knew who you wanted to work with. You quickly get up from your seat and walked towards the front of the classroom where Billy sat.

"Hey Billy." You said standing in front of his desk. Billy had his head down as he wrote something in his notebook. When he heard your voice he quickly looked up. You smile at him and placed your arms behind your back. "Hey." You said again. He dropped his pen and smiled. "Oh. Hi." He replies. "Do you want to be partners?" You asked him. His eyes widened and his cheeks turned slightly red. "M-me?" He replies. You chuckled. "I don't see anyone else asking you." You replied. "O-Oh." He stuttered. You could see how he avoided eye contact with you. "So how goes it?" You say. He placed his head down again. You looked around to see a few people already pairing up. You pressed your lips together and cleared your throat. "Oh come on Hargrove." You said lowering your tone in a flirty way. You bring your hands out from your back and place them on Billy's desk. "You and me. Just us." You said in a taunting way. You slowly lean towards Billy closer. You flip your hair towards the side and bring your face a bit closer to his. "Together." You added with a smile. You could see Billy chuckle nervously as his hands fidgeted together and his gaze quickly switched from your face to his lap. "What do you say?" You ask leaning forward, teasing him with your gaze on him. He looks up from his lap and finally makes eye contact with you. You followed his eyes that stared at your lips. You also noticed how quickly his eyes moved from your face to your cleavage that was taunting him. Billy's face turned even redder as he cleared his throat. "Oh, I- I don't know." He stuttered. You give him a smirk and walk towards the left side of his desk which so happened to be his right side where he sat. You move his notebook to the other edge of the desk and hoist yourself up to sit on his desk, your legs dangling from the side.

"Mmmm. Why not Hargrove? I'm sure we'll have a fun time together." You replied. You leaned towards him again and crossed your legs. His gaze instantly went towards your legs and travelled up to your thigh and waist.

"You can pick on what our project will be." You whispered, placing your hand on his chest. Billy's breath hitched. He looked down to see your hand that was placed on him. Vibrations that made Billy happy yet anxious ran throughout his body. You raised an eyebrow and lean towards him closer so that your face is inches away from his like before when you were leaning against his desk.

"I-oh r-really?" He stutters. You gave him a small giggle and nod. Your trail your hand upwards, your index finger tracing a straight line up to his sternum. "So yes?" You asked while batting your eyelashes. Billy leaned back against his seat and pulled his collar away from his neck while he cleared his throat.

"Y-Yes. I mean yes." He says. You smile. "Perfect. Your place?" You asked leaning in even more, feeling you nose lightly brushing up against his. You looked at his eyes and then at his lips. "Y-yeah." He said. You moved your hand up to his chin allowing your index finger to outline his jaw. "Perfect. I'll see you then." You whispered. You gave him a wink and booped his nose with your finger. You quickly uncross your legs and jump off Billy's desk and sway your way back to your desk leaving Billy speechless.


Steve's jaw dropped as he heard Billy's words come out of his mouth. "You're kidding." Steve says. Billy shook his head. "I couldn't believe it." He replied. Steve ran his hands through his hair. "She wants you." Steve said. Billy scoffed. "I want her too." He answered as the two stood in front of Billy's locker this time after class. "And you just sat there like an idiot!" Steve exclaimed. Billy's face turned red as his mind raced back to what happened in class with Y/N. "I'm sorry I wasn't expecting that. She was mesmerizing." He said. Steve crossed his arms. "She's bewitched you." He said. Billy placed his head against the locker. "She has." He replied. "Well now you have a chance dude. You can't mess this up later." Steve said. Billy nodded. "But how? I lose it whenever I'm near her." He said. Steve snapped his fingers. "I got you. Just as long as you listen to what I tell you, you'll be fine and bam! Instant girlfriend and Y/N is yours." He says elbowing his friend as the two walk to their next class of the day.


A few hours after school you approach Billy's place and park in front of his house. You gave yourself a quick makeup check and touched up your lipstick before leaving your car again. "You got this." You said to yourself taking in a deep breath. You realized you were getting nervous. But for what? You handle your nerves pretty well. But around Billy? Not so much. Getting out of your car you walked up to his doorstep and ring the door bell. You quickly fixed your collar from your leather jacket and rolled your shoulders to calm you down.

The door quickly opens and Billy answers the door and you immediately smiled. "Hi." You said. You could see Billy's eyes light up. "Hi." He says. He eyes you up and down and blushes. "You look great." He says. You couldn't help but feel your heart skip a beat as you chuckled. "So I didn't look great before?" You asked looking down at your outfit that you wore earlier to school. Billy's eyes widened. "No- I- I didn't mean-" he said panicked when you grinned. "I'm kidding Hargrove." You replied. Billy's face turned red as he sighed. He nervously laughed. "Uh please!" He said moving towards the side changing the topic of the conversation. "Do come in." He adds while motioning you to step inside.

You walk through the door and looked around at his place. Billy closes the door behind you and walks to the living room to sit down. "Nice place." You say looking at the interior decor. He walks in front of you and waves his hand to go towards him. "Please sit." He says gesturing to the couch he sat on. You smile and study his living room. Everything was polished and placed perfectly from frames to knick knacks. You take a seat right next to him on the couch and crossed your legs. Your legs lightly brushed his thigh causing goosebumps to run over his body. Billy's eyes immediately travelled to your legs as soon as you crossed them.

You sat so close to him, you could feel his body heat radiating off of him. You could smell his pine scented cologne and feel his warmth touch from his hands just inches away from yours. "Thanks for agreeing to be my partner Billy." You say. He placed his hands against his thighs while he anxiously rubbed his hands against his lap. "I just know we're going to have fun together." You taunt, stretching your hands out towards his hands. You grab his hands and intertwine your fingers with his. Billy looks at how you gripped onto him and looks up at your eyes. "Y-yeah. Of course." He responds. Billy then clears his throat and points to the coffee table in front of you both as he lets go of your hands. He leans forward towards the table to grab his school binder that sat opened. "So for our project, I was thinking we can do something with." He began to say when you suddenly tuned him out while you studied him. You noticed every single detail about him up close while eyeing his eyes, lips, hands and how his cheeks stayed rosy red.

"What do you think?" Billy asks you causing you to snap out of your thoughts. You blink and nod. You had no idea what he said, and your eyes met with his glossy eyes that stared you down. "Mhm! I think that sounds awesome. I'm happy with whatever you want to do." You replied placing your hand against his forearm. Billy smiles and grabs his pen and jots something down. "Perfect." He says as he scribbled something quickly. You pressed your lips together and noticed at how his attention was drawn to this project instead of you. You lean closer to him, causing your body to lean lightly on him so that your weight wasn't fully on him. Now both your thigh and his thigh came into contact while your arms rested on his forearm, and your head is just slightly angled under the crook of his neck. "You know I'm glad I picked you." You flirtatiously said. You could feel goosebumps appear on his arms. He dropped his pen and chuckled nervously. "Yeah?" He says. You pressed your lips together and uncrossed your legs. You decide to playfully tease him by rubbing your legs slowly down against his own legs. "Mmmhm." You said while running your hands up and down his arms. You look up to see Billy's face blushing like crazy. "You're so smart." You whispered. You quickly grab Billy's pen and binder from his grip and place it back on the coffee table. "I- I am?" He stuttered. You nod, taking his arms again and this time you took your hands and fingers and made little patterns against his skin that sent shivers down his spine. Your legs continued to rub against his legs slowly and seductively. "You're quiet and sweet." You add. You could feel his body tense up. He turned redder and redder by your touch and voice.

"But. You're so quiet and shy when I'm with you Hargrove." You said in a playful pout. You let go of holding and touching Billy and stand up from the couch. His gaze follows you as you stand in front of him. "You don't like me?" You ask playfully as you tilted your head. Your eyes scanned Billy's body and you could tell he was worked up. You knew he was just dying to give in to you, and that's what you wanted. "N-no." He stuttered and then his eyes widened. "No! I mean- I don't don't like you." He said so quickly and then raised an eyebrow. He chuckled nervously. "What I mean is." He said sitting up straighter from the couch when you stopped him. You grabbed his shoulders and pushed him against the couch.

"I mean. I like you." You said with a flirty smile. The room fell silent and Billy's eyes glistened and his cheeks turned a shade darker than before. He licked his lips. You saw that he was about to say something but you stopped him. You grab his legs and thighs and separated them apart. You quickly walked up to him and lowered yourself onto him. Taken back and surprised, Billy's eyes widened even more. You got on top of him and straddled him. "And I mean. Like you, like you." You whispered while wrapping your arms around his neck. You could tell he was taken back at what was happening. He sat there staring at you in awe. "A-are. Are you sure?" He asks. You tilted your head and smiled. "I'm sure." You whispered. His eyes went to your lips. He noticed your head moved closer to his as you reached in for a kiss. You could feel his hot breath blow against your lips when you lightly brushed your lips against his. You could feel yourself melt onto him when you felt Billy's hands instantly grab your waist. You move in closer to kiss him, your lips molding onto his as you kiss his full warm lips.

The kiss began lightly and soft, but before it turned a bit harder Billy quickly pulled away from your lips and slightly moved you off of him. Saddened at how quick the kiss lasted, you felt your heart drop. "I'm sorry. I- I can't." He said as he sat up and stood up from the couch. "Is this a joke?" He asks. You look up at him confused. "I'm sorry?" You asked while sitting up straighter. "You don't like me." Billy says. You felt your heart stop for a quick second. You chuckled nervously. "Billy." You said. He shook his head. "You don't like me. You like Harrington. I just know it." He blurted out. You furrowed your eyebrows. "What?! Why would you think that?" You asked offended as you stood up from the couch. "You always say hi to him and then me. How come you always come up to us when I'm with him?" Billy asks. You face Billy as he stood in front of you. "You're clueless Hargrove." You whispered.

The room fell silent and you both exchanged questionable looks. "Tell me. Am I wrong?" He asked while crossing his arms. "Well." You said looking down at your fingers. "Well?" Billy asked. "I-" You began to say, but somehow you couldn't find the strength to tell him. "Come on now. How come?" Billy asked. You sighed and look back up at Billy. You had to tell him now. "Because I like you!" You exclaimed throwing your hands in the air. Billy's facial expression changed and he looked taken back. He uncrossed his arms and tilted his head.

"How could I come up to you alone? I'd be a nervous wreck! I was nervous coming here! And I still am as we speak." You replied crossing your arms. "You don't look nervous, you never look nervous. You didn't seem nervous just now." Billy spoke softly. "Trust me it's hard to not look or act nervous. I'm a people person but I study or read people before I interact. But for some reason you're difficult to read Hargrove." You replied.

"I find it easier to talk to you when you're with Steve because it allows me to feel like it'll be less awkward and nerve wrecking to talk to you alone." You replied. "I'm sorry about what just happened." You add pointing towards the couch. "I got carried away I guess." You say while shaking your head. You look back up at Billy to find his gaze on you and how he now filled the space in between you both. "I like you Hargrove. I mean it. Why do you think I always have to say hi to you every morning? This project also gave me a good opening to talk to you alone. To not have Harrington as a security blanket. You're so shy and quiet and you're definitely mr. goodie two shoes that you drive me insane. You're weird and different and not like Harrington or other guys at the school. I mean it when I say I like you." You said.

Billy stood there shocked and quiet. You both stood in silence staring at each other. You begin to realize how so sudden this is to him. What is a girl like you, so popular and stunning, interested in a guy so shy and quiet like Billy Hargrove who walks in the shadows of his best friend Steve Harrington? That's a lot to taken in. You uncrossed your arms and sighed. "I'm sorry. Maybe I should just go then." You said softly. Billy shook his head and looked for your attention. "No please. Y/N. I'm sorry." He says. He places his arms on your shoulder and stares at you. "I just can't believe- I- You like me like me?" He asks amused. The room fell silent again, and the two of you searched into each other's eyes. You shook your head and smiled. "Duh!" You replied with a chuckle. He blushes and removes his hands from your shoulders. Billy ran his hands through his hair. "Oh my God. Y/N I'm so sorry." He says. He buries his face in his hands. "I just. I like you too and whenever I see you, you make me nervous and I can't talk." He explains. He shakes his head and sighs. "Harrington was right. You're so into me." He says. "I get so distracted by you that I forget what I'm doing or what I want to say." He adds. He pressed his lips together. "You're perfect and beautiful and popular and super fashionable." He says waving his hand up and down at you. You could feel yourself blush. You walk up towards him and wrap your arms around his neck. "Keep going." You said with a smile. His eyes move towards your lips. His arms snake their way towards your waist as he pulls you closer towards him. You could feel his heart beating out of his chest. "What more can I say?" He said. You stood on your tippy toes and lightly brush your lips against his lips again. "You've bewitched me Y/N Y/L/N." He whispered. You smiled before you could kiss him. You took your hand and placed it under his chin. "Bewitched by beauty." He added before crashing his lips into yours.

The kiss grew harder, allowing for the two of you to grip onto each other tighter. You could feel each other melt into each other's arms and it was perfect. This is what you wanted, and you got it. Billy's left hand quickly moves from your waist and gently places it on your neck, gently holding you while the kiss grew sloppier, and hotter. After what seemed for a while, you both give each other one last kiss. You both smiled within that final kiss to make it better. As a matter a fact it totally was because it left you both amazed. You took his hands and intertwined your fingers with his.

"Remember when I first moved here and Harrington invited me to one of his parties?" You asked smiling up at Billy. Billy chuckled and nodded. "Oh my gosh the one where the raccoon came out of nowhere and found it's way inside his house?" Billy asked. You laughed and nodded. "And you and Harrington ran throughout the entire house while everyone was going crazy!" You said. Both of you laughed, remembering the memory. "And somehow Steve got to trap the raccoon in the bathroom while you quickly found things around the house to make a trap with tape, a record cover, and a box." You said with a raised eyebrow. "And I successfully captured it!" Billy recalled. You laughed and looked up at him again and smiled. "Yeah that's when I knew you were smart and that I liked you. I was impressed." You told him. "Wow you actually remembered." He said. You shrugged your shoulders. "Because I like you. How could I forget things you've done?" You tell him. Billy gasps. "Wait you like me?" He asks sarcastically with a raised eyebrow. You playfully punched his arm. "Shut up and kiss me Hargrove." You teased. He lowered his head and connected his lips with yours to give you a kiss.

You playfully push him back against the nearest wall and kiss him on his jaw then neck. Billy was taken back at your movement, but he enjoyed every second of it. "Take me out?" You whispered as soon as you gave him one last kiss. Too stunned to speak, Billy nodded. "Tomorrow?" You asked. You could tell he was getting a bit jittery and anxious. You moved your hands and caressed his arms, cheeks, chest, and hands to calm him. He exhales to relax himself. "Yes." He responded. You smiled. "Perfect. I'll come by here to get you." You tell him. "How's 7?" You asked with a raised eyebrow. Billy licked his flushed pink lips. "Perfect." He tells you. You flash him a smile and give him one final kiss. "Great." You tell him. You lean in to make him think you're going to give him one final kiss as he dips his head and reaches towards your lips when you quickly giggle and whisper "I'll see you then Hargrove."

You peel yourself off of Billy and make your way towards the door. "You tease!" Billy exclaims with a chuckle. You turn your head and give him a quick wink. "You got it Hargrove." You replied blowing him a kiss in the air before you open the door and walk out closing the door behind you. As soon as you closed the door and stood outside you exhaled a sigh of relief and joy. You felt yourself blush at what just happened. "I did that." You whispered to yourself. You began to walk towards your car when you suddenly hear Billy shout a victory screech from the inside of his house. Your eyes widened and you couldn't help but chuckle. "He truly is a different person when you're around." You thought as you walked to your car.

And all because he was bewitched by you.

A/N: Ah! Thanks for reading! I wanted to switch things up a bit with this one. ;) Let me know what you think. I apologize if there's any grammar errors.

If you have a request comment or message me!

I'll catch you later in the next imagine. Once again, thank you so much for reading. :)

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