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monsters are not born they are made and in this story you will learn that a true dark lord does not come into... More



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3rd Person POV.
Location: the Plagueis

Right now the Dark Lord of all is in his personal Trophy Room admiring his trophies he had collected from all of his Fallen enemies he he was currently in his normal power down form in his trophy room he had a piece of All Might's superhero suit all for one's helmet a broken rosary from the demi-human academy a piece of shattered armor from the White Dragon Emperor the Excalibur fragment known as Excalibur ruler and the holy sword askalon otherwise known as the dragon slayer.

Y/n: my power continues to grow as the hope for this world slowly dies like a noose around its neck slowly choking the life out of my enemies it is just as the natural order as Darkness Grows All light dies~

As the dark lord was reveling in his recent victory over the Infinite Stratos Academy he was planning his next move his Ultralink Army had grown vastly stronger but there were still hundreds more without a host to link with but Y/n L/n already had a plan to take down the new age Academy but before he could he had to take out the other academies so they could not send reinforcements or be of any Aid.

Y/n: where to strike next I must strike while the iron is hot but I must act decisively if I am to win the war~

Y/n L/n thought about it for a moment and eventually he had an idea he was going to attack all three of the separate academies at the same time using a three-pronged attack this was the beginning of the end and time waits for no man he was going to use a massive shock and awe attack unleashing each one of his forces again the three separate Academies all around the world and once all three of the remaining academies have fallen they will regroup at the new age Academy and there a final battle will take place and once the new age Academy Has Fallen the Earth will be as good as his.

Y/n: yes a three-pronged shock and awe attack Destiny waits for no man there is no reason to attack these academies one at a time anymore I'm too powerful for them to stop me now

With that said the Dark Lord of all immediately made his way to his throne room when he got there he summoned all of his servants once they arrived Y/n L/n started to discuss the plans for the next phase of the war.

Y/n: now here's how it's going to go down my ultralink Army will attack the kingdom of Atlas once it has been completely annihilated they will bring what is left of General Ironwood to the new age Academy.

Aku: yes my Lord and hopefully when we get there I can find a suitable host~

Y/n: hopefully next my monster and dragon armies will make their way to the blade Academy in Europe they will completely destroy the academy and they will bring their headmistress to me at the new age Academy.

Monster general & Ember: as you wish my Lord~

Y/n: meanwhile I will personally lead the charge against the death weapon meister Academy there me and my most trusted servants will destroy everything including the city I shall personally destroy death himself and finally I will meet up with the rest of my forces at the new age Academy where I shall destroy the two members of the Inner Circle right before my enemies very eyes and once they realize that they have no more tactical support all of my forces will attack the new age Academy and with every last ounce of strength my military has the New Age Academy will fall and once they have been defeated we can destroy the rest of this world's resistance at our leisure.

All while this was happening the three mistresses of Darkness were watching this meeting unfold via a seer grimm.

Salem: this plan is quite impressive consider our militaries under your control.

Y/n: excellent then the Grimm shall be deployed to atlas the covers to the blade Academy and the monster insurrection shall go to the death weapon meister Academy!!!

Salem: an excellent plan~

Missi: I like this plan I'm excited to be a part of it~

Ragyo: consider it done.

Y/n: excellent then we strike when the moon is full over the DWMA!!!!

Medusa: so about 5 hours from now?

Y/n: yeah basically

Junko: what should we do until then?

A long moment of silence past and eventually the Dark Lord of all spoke with his suggestion.

Y/n: wanna get something to eat

Everyone: yeah why not!

With that said everyone made their way to the cafeteria the mistresses of the dark faction teleported directly to the cafeteria of the Plagueis and there they had a meal fit for royalty prepared by the beautiful Dragon maid Tohru.

(Time skip 5 hours later)
Location: the Plagueis

Right now everyone aboard the Plagueis is getting ready for full on War because as soon as they leave the Plagueis all hell is going to break loose meanwhile the Dark Lord of all is crafting something very special deep in the Plagueis the Dark Lord of all is forging a weapon to exact his vengeance upon the world a weapon worthy of his power and greatness Y/n L/n is using a combination of Science and Magic to craft the Ultimate Weapon he managed to recreate the same material that formed his crystal heart using this super substance he was able to forge a blade unlike anything the world had ever seen a blade of unlimited power and through using dark rituals and techniques the Dark Lord of all was able to transfer a piece of his soul out of his crystal heart and into this weapon making it into the deadliest and most powerful weapon the universe had ever seen this weapon took the form of a sword a sword the dark lord affectionately named Tenebris a word that comes from the ancient language known as Latin a word that means Darkness the indestructible Crystal blade glowed with a dark sinister spectrum of unimaginable power the handle had a black wrapping made up of the flesh of the dark lord himself.

(A/n): this piece of art is a creation of my own design tell me what you think in the comments, is it good? Is it bad? Or is it somewhere in between? I'll let you all decide.

Once the Dark Lord of all had his new weapon ready to go he made his way towards his other servants out of the forge.

Y/n: all right everyone you all know your places when the sun rises and falls on this world these three academies will fall and come sunset tomorrow this world will be mine~

Everyone cheered feeling the total confidence of the Dark Lord of all soon enough the time came The Plagueis loomed over the death weapon meister Academy it would have been so easy just to use every last weapon that the plague had to wipe out the entire city and it's inhabitants but where would be the fun in that.

Y/n: all right everyone you know your places so let's destroy everything and take no prisoners~

Everyone: as you wish my Lord!!!

With that said Samantha opened a ground Bridge directly to the death weapon meister Academy immediately everyone entered the ground Bridge and the War truly began citizens were running around screaming fires began to burn through homes and businesses alike as the dark lord transformed into his Apex form the Dark Lord of all began to March towards the academy that had done him so much wrong eventually students and staff from the death weapon meister Academy began to defend the academy and it's inhabitants leading the resistance was none other than Death himself.

Death: hello dark lord or should I call you Y/n L/n.

Scaloris: you have no right to use that name I am a fuck mothering dark lord I killed a lot of people to get this title and I will be called as such!!!!!

Death: whatever it seems that your little Ragtag group of villains has done a lot of damage in the last few days.

Scaloris: yes we have and we're about to do a whole lot more damage now it's time for your Academy to fall along with its creator it's time for my revenge!!!!!

Soon enough all hell broke loose between the forces of Good and Evil soon enough the Meister Maka Albarn noticed the witch Medusa and she charged at her attempting to destroy her again.

Maka: I don't understand I killed you how are you alive?!?!

Medusa: the darkness is a pathway to many abilities some consider to be unnatural~

Maka: the dark lord raised you from the dead didn't he?!

Medusa: yes he did and once I get my revenge on you the dark lord will have killed your master and this world will fall~

Maka: not going to happen snake face!!!!

As this was all happening the Dark Lord of all and the Grim Reaper were already fighting each other Lord Death armed himself with his trusty Death Scythe Spirit as the Grim Reaper and the Dark Lord of all clashed blades the two of them stared each other down with malice and hatred of burning in both of their sets of eyes.

Death: After all you've done after all the lives you have taken it's still not enough?!?!

Scaloris: as long as you're still existing it'll never be enough I've already conquered you and now I'll destroy you leaving nothing behind not even your soul~

Death: for everything you've done I'll destroy you on the molecular level and I'll leave nothing behind not even your soul!!!!

The Grim Reaper now no longer speaking in his normally goofy cartoony voice he was now speaking in a more dark serious tone showing the now the time for games was over and it was time to pull out the big guns.

Death: it's time to end this charade once and for all!!!!!!!

The Grim Reaper himself began to use his ultimate technique the soul resonance.

Death: let's go Soul resonance!!!!!!!!!!

As The Souls of death himself and his weapon began to pass increasingly Amplified energy back and forth eventually the Grim reaper's weapon transformed into a massive energy blade with the power to extinguish evil wherever it may hide.

Death: KISHIN HUNTER!!!!!!!!

The Dark Lord of all blocked the attack with his blade as the Grim Reaper himself poured all of his power into the attack unfortunately it wasn't enough eventually the Dark Lord of all poured 50% of his full power into his blade causing an energy repulse destroying the energy blade and sending the Grim Reaper flying backwards.

Death: he's more powerful than I ever could have imagined.

Scaloris: you have no idea the depth of my full power I have more power than you could ever dream possible I have the power of this world in the palm of my hand~

Lord Death watched as each and every one of his precious students and staff member fell to the forces of Darkness one by one each and every one of them died some of them even dying a second time fighting the forces of Darkness.

Scaloris: yes watch as your precious students fall this is the fate of all those who dare to oppose me~

Death: as long as there is light in the universe there will always be those who will stand up to you to oppose you and eventually the light will grow and snuff out your Darkness~

Scaloris: then I'll just have to destroy them as well~

The Dark Lord of all raised his blade and he was about to Snuff out the Grim Reaper once and for all but before he could Spirit transformed back into human form and he blocked the incoming attack with his body cutting him in half in a diagonal fashion his death was quick and relatively painless but the look of determination was Forever Frozen on his face.

Death: SPIRIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Scaloris: he may have delayed the inevitable but ironically death comes for us all even for the Grim Reaper~

With one last swing of his Blade the Dark Lord of all killed the Grim Reaper his blade completely disintegrated the Grim Reaper himself and in doing so the soul of Lord Death was extinguished once and for all since his soul was completely destroyed his Spirit could no longer move on to the afterlife in layman's terms Lord Death no longer existed in any form the Dark Lord of all turned around and he noticed that everyone had finished their assignment students and staff of the death weapon meister Academy had been killed and defeated the city was now a ghost town littered with the Corpses of its inhabitants.

Scaloris: my revenge is nearly complete now it is time to make our way to the final battle~

With that said a ground Bridge opened up the Dark Lord of all and his servants entered the ground Bridge back to the Plagueis once everyone was back on board the Plagueis the Dark Lord of all activated the Maelstrom Cannon the Ultimate Weapon of the Plagueis the cannon charged up for a period of 10 seconds once it was charged up to 10%, he fired the Maelstrom Cannon in doing so he completely obliterated the death weapon meister Academy and the city it stood on and the surrounding sand of the desert was turned to glass all that remained of death City and the academy was nothing more than dust some rubble and a large ring of razor sharp glass.

Scaloris: yes the deed is done now it's time for the final battle~

With that said the Dark Lord of all commanded Samantha to Pilot the ship straight towards the new age Academy on their way there the academy was already surrounded by an army of Grimm covers monsters dragons and Ultralinks but instead of attacking they were holding their positions once the Plagueis arrived the Dark Lord of all and his most trusted servants were teleported to the new age Academy where all of the combat students and staff were already outside awaiting orders.

Scaloris: look at this place it really hasn't changed since the last time I've been here~

Ozpin: listen you don't have to do this you can stop here and we can all walk away.

Scaloris: no it's already too late it was too late when you tried to enslave me all those months ago when you tried to kill me but now the time for my revenge has come and I'm going to make sure it hurts a lot~

The Dark Lord of all use the simple hand gesture to summon some of his servants soon enough Aku now with a host.

Walked forward holding General Ironwood whose cybernetic arm had been completely ripped off he was now disarmed covered in cuts and bruises and he was defeated waiting for death take him in it's cold embrace.

And the three mistresses of Darkness stepped forward and they were holding none other than Erza Scarlett who was also battered and bruised waiting for death she was dressed up in her armorless clothing she looked like she was on death's door already.

The director: James?! Erza?! What did you do to them?!?!

Scaloris: the same thing I'm going to do to all of you~

Salem: isn't it glorious Ozma to see all of your allies fall before you your world is crumbling around you and there's nothing you can do about it~

Ragyo: you know it's not too late my daughters if you repent for all of the sins you have committed against me Maybe I'll forgive you and you can join us~

Ryuko: will join you when hell freezes over!!!

Satsuki: I have to agree with my sister you murdered our father in Cold Blood and for that you shall die!!!

Nui: technically I was the one who slaughtered your pathetic Daddy~

Ryuko: you're going to pay in blood for what you all did to us!!!!

Scaloris: I like this one she's got some spunk maybe I'll take her as a trophy~

Ryuko: yeah that's never going to happen tall dark and creepy!!!

Scaloris: Never Say Never~

The Dark Lord of all reached onto his back and pulled out his Unholy blade it radiated with a spectrum of colors as within pulsed The Immortal raging Firestorm of the Dark Lord's soul.

Scaloris: do you like it it is one of my most Brilliant Creations fashioned from the crystal substance that makes up my heart I imbued it with my very strength cooled it in my blood and the wrappings around the handle are made of my very own living technoorganic flesh I call it Tenebris Slayer of Heroes if you will it is already tasted the blood and soul of the Grim Reaper himself but yet it's still thirsts for more~

Ozpin: you truly are demented!!!

Scaloris: sure I am what's your point~

Zeoticus: our point is we've already called in reinforcements the entirety of the three factions will be here in a moment and they will wipe out your armies once and for all~

Scaloris: I assure you all that my armies are stronger than ever and even though you may have the entirety of the three factions at your command I have much stronger forces of Darkness at my command and they will stand no chance against my armies for we are like the Hydra cut off one head and two more will take its place!!!!!

The director: whatever let's just get this over with~

Scaloris: yes I agree but first this!~

The Dark Lord of all proceeded to kill General James Ironwood and the headmistress of the blade Academy decapitating them both and completely destroying them on a sub-molecular level.

Scaloris: now we may begin~

(A/n): (WORD COUNT 3054)

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