The Unknown

By M-addie

45 0 0

Ally Cole meets a boy at the libary she works at He's very odd and has a secret life he tries to keep Ally aw... More

The Unknown
The Unknown
The Unknown
The Unknown
The Unknown
The Unknown
The Unknown
The Unknown
The Unknown
The Unknown
The Unknown
The Unknown
The Unknown
The Unknown
The Unknown
The Unknown
The Unknown
The Unknown

The Unknown

2 0 0
By M-addie


I knew what was going to happen when she woke up. She was going to make me leave and honestly i don’t blame her for wanting me gone, i’ll only bring her pain and misery. She will never have a normal life with me in it. I mean for fucks sake a hunter was going to kill her last night because of me. If she didn’t want me gone then sooner or later she’d have to change and i don’t want that for her, i would give anything to not be like this anymore. But i don’t want her to leave me.

I feel sane around her. I feel like i can breathe around her, even tho my heart no longer beats she makes me feel like it does. Anytime i see her she makes me feel human once again, i wish i would’ve met her when i was younger so we could have lived a normal life together. But now if she stays we will live forever together. 


I could not sleep at all last night, my mind was everywhere. I want to be with him but i can’t. There is no way i could be with him, but he makes me happy and i can’t bring myself to leave him, but maybe i need to. 

How would i explain to my parents why he doesn’t age or eat or even sleep. It doesn’t seem possible. I can’t give him an answer right now, i still need to figure this out.

I walk out of the spare bedroom and start walking down the stairs, i reach the last step and i stop to try to calm myself down before i go talk to Asher. I’m scared of him right now, i don’t know what he is capable of, he could kill me at any time and what if that’s his plan. 

What if he does kill me or worse he kills my family. Those guys at Olivia’s party were going to kill me, why wouldn’t he? 

I put my hands through my hair then walk to the living room, i don’t see him in there so i go into the kitchen. I see Asher sitting on one of the barstools by the table, he was typing something on his computer. I couldn’t help but stare, he didn’t have a shirt on so his bare back us open for me to see. He has a few tattoos on his back. One is a huge dragon laying over his shoulder and going down to his lower back and the other is a woman holding an upside down cross with her eyes rolling to the back of her head, it was placed on his right shoulder and the rest of his back was open, i know he has other tattoos but i’ve never seen these. 

I continue to stare at him but he lets out a small laugh and then says 

“Staring isn’t nice my love” he gets shuts his computer and turns around looking at me 

“I’m sorry, i was looking at your tattoos i really like them” i say and he chuckles then motions me to come to him. I walk over and stand in front of him, he’s sitting down so he looks up at me and smiles. 

“Thank you Ally” he says and i repay him with a smile back 

“Why did you get that women on your back, it’s kinda creepy” I say to him

“Because i’m the devil and women love the devil” he says with a smirk on his face which scared me a little

“Oh” i didn’t know what to say, he’s not doing a very good job of making me less scared of him

“I scared you didn’t I?” he says and stands up, now i’m looking up at him. He walks a little closer and puts his hands on my hip 

“Asher” i say hoping he’d back up and notice how uncomfortable i was

“Am I scaring you Ally, are you scared of me, do you fear me, i can hear how fast your heart is beating right now, tell me Ally are you scared?” Fuck yes i’m scared, nomally i wouldn’t be, but now it’s different

“Yes, please stop Asher” i say but he doesn’t move

“I don’t want you to be afraid of me Ally, i would never hurt you or let anyone hurt you” his eyes soften and he lets go of my hips but still stares down into my eyes

“I don’t know if i can trust that Asher, you scare me alot” 

“Ally i want you to listen to me, can you do that please” he says and i nod my head at him. “Ally i know i scare you, i know you think i’m going to kill you but i can promise you i would never hurt you, i would rather get staked in the heart then hurt you, i will never let anyone or myself hurt you, you have my word Ally and if you didn’t know, if a vampire gives you their word it can not be broken” i don’t know how to respond to him, i still feel scared and him staring in my eyes frightens me even more. I want him but i don’t know if i can deal with being scared out of my mind anytime he’s near me. 

My heart used to skip a beat everytime i saw him, now it stops beating and I want to run away in fear. I wanted the truth and little did i know the truth would lead to this

“You’ve said that many times Asher, but i still don’t know what i want, i want you but im scared” i know he can hear how fast my heart is beating right now, i can feel it pulsing in my eyes so there's no way he can’t hear it

“Ally i’ll need an answer soon, no matter what you choose even if i don’t like it i gave you my word, no one will get hurt and if you want me gone, im gone, if you want me to stay, then i stay” he says and i can’t help but notice the sadness on his face when he mentions leaving. 

“I know Asher, can you please take me home and i promise i’ll give you an answer by the end of the week” I say and he justs nods then walks around me and i hear him walk up the stairs

Asher dropped me off yesterday and after i got home i laid in bed and tried to figure out what I wanted to do. I can’t make up my mind on what i want, I'm so used to others making my choices. My parents have always chosen what I did. The only thing I've done on my own is choose to move away from them. Which was the best decision I've ever made. 

I can’t help but want him even tho he makes my soul leave my body and i shake with fear whenever he’s around. 

Funny how the truth makes things change in a second…..

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