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De nirzaara

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[completed] When Jeon Jungkook, a college student moves into an apartment, he isn't expecting to run into Kim... Mai multe

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De nirzaara

▶ Mistletoe ~ Justin Beiber

"TaeBear, you got a tree?!"

Childlike excitement glinted in the big doe eyes. Although they were red rimmed from crying and had dark circles, they still looked adorable as ever to Taehyung.

"Yeah! I want to decorate this with you. I had thought Jimin would like to join but... It didn't quite turn out the way I wanted."

Jungkook flung his arms around Tae's neck, happily spinning around. Taehyung laughed, glad to see his baby bun's mood slightly better than it had been the past two weeks.

"I wanted to cheer you up and celebrate the end of the last exam of your graduate course. What better way than Christmas hm?"

"You're the best I swear! I haven't decorated a tree since high school! Dad doesn't keep one and ever since Mom remarried I haven't been home for Christmas so this is cool! Thank you TaeBear!"

"Silly bunny, I'd do anything for you. Don't you know that by now?"

Jungkook kissed him passionately, in reply, cupping his face. Tae's lips slanted over his, hot and needy as he tasted his tongue and his arms held him tight, making him feel safe and so loved. They kissed slowly, leisurely, enjoying their proximity until they remembered to pull away and breathe.

Jungkook giggled.

"That was nice. You changed my whole mood in five minutes. You have so much power over me it's crazy," he whispered.
"But I wouldn't have it any other way."

"I wouldn't have it any other way either, my star. You make me deliriously happy and I love you."

Jungkook stole a quick kiss.

"Anyway, should we eat dinner first? Or do you want to start right away?"

"Let's eat first."

They set the table and heated the food which Taehyung had ordered before he went to Jimin's. Tae uncorked a red and filled two glasses. They ate silently, cleared the plates and went to the living room.

Tae made himself comfortable on the sofa and Jungkook sat on his lap, legs spread out, one hand running through Tae's hair. He hummed in relief at the sensation.

"I can't help but wonder. Is it wrong of us to try to move on? It's only been twelve days...." Jungkook asked quietly, sipping the wine. He stared into the glass.

Taehyung opened his eyes and looked at his beautiful boyfriend who was pouting a bit. Only Jungkook could be this endearing. Tae kissed the pout away.

"Kookie... there's no timeline for grief. If you want to think of the happy memories and stay positive then it's good. People grieve differently. Just because you want to look ahead doesn't mean it hurts any less."

Jungkook sighed. Tae was right. He still felt like crying at the thought of Yoongi... but doing a harmless activity like decorating a tree, would help him cope with the overwhelming sadness.

"It stung when Chim said we rub our relationship in his face. I'm sorry I yelled at him though, Kook."

"It was a bit much, I must say. It's still too early... I know he's shattered, because he had this too and it's been unfairly taken away from him. Honestly, they were couple goals. I looked at them countless times and always imagined that with you, before we got together."

"Aww, did you really?"

"Of course. Especially on the yacht, when they kissed during the fireworks, I was thinking of us in their place instead. That I wanted to do something like that for you someday."

Taehyung's gut filled with butterflies.

"I hope I can sometime in the future."

"You don't need any extravagant gesture to please me Kook. I love your nerdy psychologist self too!"

"Only that?" Jungkook pouted.

Taehyung laughed.

"And your pretty hair, your pink lips, your bambi eyes, your cute tantrums and the way you pout at the smallest things. I love how compassionate and energetic you are. Last but definitely not the least, I love your cooking! Happy?"

The adorable bunny smile made an appearance quickly.

"Yeah! Okay let's decorate the tree now!"

Taehyung got the ornament box.

The duo spent the next two hours having fun with the baubles and wreaths, playing Christmas carols on the dock and chasing each other around the living room.

"Kookie, wear this!" Tae handed Jungkook a matching Santa hat. He wrapped a fuzz red frieze around his neck.

They giggled, drunk in their love and on the wine. Tonight, it was just them. Just the two, without a care in the world. For tonight, nobody else mattered. Their sorrows were nonexistent, the moment a perfect happy infinity.

"Ra ra ah ah ah, roma roma mama GAGA oohlala, want your bad romance!" Jungkook sang, pretending that the empty wine bottle was a mic. Taehyung cheered, throwing confetti.

Jungkook picked him up bridal style and spun around, euphoric laughs spilling from their intoxicated lips. Tae's hands clung to his neck until they both landed on the floor, dizzy and out of breath, smiling till their cheeks ached.

"We haven't even halfway decorated the damn thing!" Taehyung giggled, spread starfish on the cool marble tile.

"You started the music and then wiggling your butt!"

"I did not! You were the one who started strutting around with the streamers like a some diva!"

They stopped short and then giggled again. Taehyung stood up and offered his hand to Kook.

"I can stay up all night doing this but I have work tomorrow and it's already one am," he grinned.

Soon, the tree was all done, glittering and sparkling. Jungkook lifted Taehyung up to add the final star at the top.

"Would it be too cheesy if I put your face up there, my baby star?" he asked Jungkook who blushed like the red holly on the tree.

"Yeah, excessively," he mumbled and Tae kissed his nose.

"You're too cute," he smiled.

They hung wreaths on the doors and put up stockings on the fireplace, which flickered, reflecting the warmth in the house. Taehyung lit some cinnamon and vanilla scented candles.

"Those smell delicious. Like a bakery and you. You have a vanilla scent too. It's my favourite fragrance."

Jungkook back hugged him, nuzzling into his neck. Tae hummed in pleasure, enjoying the feathery kisses on his shoulders.

"Oh wait! I almost forgot!"

He ran to the balcony and flung open the door like a dramatic Elsa and Jungkook laughed. He turned on a switch and the decor came to life.

"Wow TaeBear, when did you set this up?"

"When you were at Chim's. Do you like it? I wanted to cheer you up. I mean, the atmosphere isn't exactly celebratory but I don't like seeing you so down."

"It's beautiful! I love it! The little lanterns are perfect. You have good taste."

"Mm, that I do. I love you, don't I?" Tae winked, flirtily resting his arms around Jungkook's neck.

"Well, can't argue with that, I am one of a kind!" The ravenette chuckled, pushing back a strand of Tae's hair behind his ear. He let his fingers linger on his cheek, enchanted by his smile.

It was snowing and their noses were red, but they didn't care.

"Baby... look up," Tae whispered.

"Mistletoe. Was it part of your plan to cheer me up too?" Jungkook grinned cheekily.

"Did it work?"

"It did."

Jungkook wasted no time crushing their lips together. They both sighed into the kiss, shivering not from the snow but from the sparkles that ran through their veins. When the lack of oxygen burned his lungs more than his desire, Tae pulled back, stealing several little pecks. Jungkook lifted him up easily, closing the balcony door behind him.

Tae immediately attached their lips together, soft pants, sighs and gasps filling the room. He would probably never get used to the high that kissing Jungkook brought him. It was endless, he reached a new galaxy every time they kissed.

"I love you Kookie."

"I love you more my baby."

They walked to their bedroom, hand in hand, giggling like little kids. They changed into warm pajamas, before Taehyung snuggled upto Kook as always. The tattooed fingers ran through his hair, soothing the model.

"I feel amazing right now. Thank you for doing this for me, TaeBear."

"Seriously? You're gonna thank me for this? Come on Kook, don't annoy me now."

"I had promised myself I would make this month the best for both of us. Instead all I did for half of it was mope around and not even stay with you."

"Baby... Kookie, don't say that! Life cannot always be roses and rainbows. And you had all the right to mope. We have to be together, through all the highs and lows, that's how our bond will grow stronger."

Jungkook kissed his forehead in reply and Tae shifted closer. He loved being swallowed up by Jungkook's arms - his own personal piece of heaven. He kissed his bicep softly.

"I wonder how Jimin is coping. Do you think he'll ever get out of this state? I'm extremely worried about him, Tae. I don't want him to do something rash."

"Shh, don't speak things into existence. Jiminie is strong. He will pull through. He has to. Okay Koo? Don't get bogged by the what ifs. You're there for him and that's what will make the biggest difference."

"I hope you're right."


The Noel spirit in the air was contagious, the whole city vibrant and buzzing with lights like little fireflies. Dinner was moved to the Park residence as per Jungkook's request. It was a cozy gathering, with dinner by the Kim couple.

"Jiminah, those reindeer horns look so good on you!" Hoseok chuckled.

They all wore cute Christmas sweaters and headbands, it being the theme of the party. Seokjin had an angel halo, Hoseok wore a unicorn horn, Namjoon and Tae wore Santa Hats, Jungkook wore a crown made of hollys and fake pine leaves and Jimin wore reindeer horns. His parents wore sparkly red birthday hats.

Kiara, Soobin and Yeonjun were invited too, just to cheer Jimin up. They wore matching gingerbread man headbands.

"You look cute too Hobi Hyung! I say, were's Jisoo Noona?"

"Ah, she's in Gwangju, celebrating with her family, Jennie and her."

"Yeah! Eunwoo was invited too, you know? Him and Jennie are finally making it official!" Soobin said excitedly.

"Yeah... at least they're happy. They realised that their special one is right under their nose!" Yeonjun said with a smile but the underlying jab wasn't missed. Soobin nodded grinning, completely clueless about Yeonjun's feelings.

It stung Jimin.... everyone around him was so happy. He had promised himself to try his best to not dampen their spirits. His chest hurt and his eyes were perpetually watery, seeing his friends kiss each other and be absolutely in love. He wanted to scream and complain - why him? Why was he the one to suffer? Did he not deserve the same happiness?

Yet he held himself together for his parents' sake and for Jungkook's sake.
He apologized immediately for his shitty behaviour earlier and Jungkook forgave him instantly.

When Namjoon said Jungkook requested to host their Christmas dinner here just because Jimin didn't want to go out -
Jimin sobbed, hugging Jungkook tight. He was grateful to have him.

"It's alright Chim, you'd have done the same for me baby."

The action sparked a jealous nerve in Taehyung, who masked his feelings quickly. He understood it was a childish irrational reaction, but hearing Jungkook calling Jimin baby just didn't sit right with him. He sipped his drink instead, trying to wipe away the green Goblin in his chest.

"Thank you guys, for everything. I appreciate it a lot. Thank you so much Jinnie and Joonie for moving your whole plans just for me. I love you so much!" Jimin smiled weakly through his tears. "I would have come to your place too Jin Hyung... It's Christmas after all. Jungkook didn't need to plan this, but I'm so glad you did anyway. I'm sorry I must look like a brat right now."

Seokjin gave him a side hug, squeezing him tight.

"Don't say another word okay Chim? We just want you to know you aren't alone. And I'm glad Kook suggested we come here, we also got to spend time with your Appa, Eomma. My parents couldn't come down this year or else they'd be here too."

"Aw Jin, that's so sweet of you, Seokjin!" Jimin's mom smiled. "And you Jungkookie, thank you for making my son smile for the first time in two weeks. The house was feeling empty."

Jimin sniffled, hugging his mum. He felt a bit better today.

"Yeah ChimChim, it's good to see you smile," Kiara said, patting his shoulder comfortingly. She had grown very fond of the couple and was shocked to know the news. She had agreed instantly when Jungkook had called to invite her. The fierce little mochi was her friend after all.

"It just feels odd not having Yoongs around," Hoseok said quietly, addressing the elephant in the room. Other than Jungkook and Tae, Hoseok was the first to know about Jimin and Yoongi's relationship.

"I was in awe of him, even if he was a student. He had that old money aura, you know? It was rare he spoke but when he did, his intelligence shone through. He was popular among the students in our department too - the no nonsense rapper."

Jimin's heart swelled and tears flooded his eyes again.

"Yeah! He was! We were hoping to do the final showcase hiphop to one of his produced songs...." Soobin trailed off.

"You were? That's great!" Jungkook said, proud of his friend. Yoongi was multi-talented.

"Yeah... but now we can't have a live version so we'll have to use the recorded one. A tribute to him. I am pretty sure nobody from our graduating batch will ever forget him anyway," Yeonjun smiled.

"He wanted to start his own music label to launch underrated artists," Jimin whispered. He wanted to share happy memories. Everyone looked at him attentively.

"It was his dream. He was going to make it independent from Min Corp while managing his dad's firm with his brother. I always wondered where he got all the motivation from."

"I know what you mean. He handled life like it was easy. Whenever I worked with his father, I heard him talk about Yoongi at least once a day. He was only 23, helping his father in his work already and yet, he was so humble," Namjoon said, adding his own memory.

Everyone's eyes were watery. They all missed their friend. Yoongi's absence was gaping. It felt so incomplete, like an important puzzle piece that was lost, which would never make a clear picture again. How effortlessly he had become a part of their family, just four months ago. Time has changed so fast.

Jungkook raised his wine glass.

"To Yoongi Hyung."

They all raised their glasses and took a sip, Jimin trying to contain his sobs. Jungkook hugged him tight.

They ate a hearty meal. Soobin and Yeonjun praised Jin's cooking. After tidying up, they exchanged gifts. It turned to a whole riot, wrapping paper flew everywhere.

Jungkook got a Polaroid camera from Taehyung. They took nearly fifty photos on it, with the funniest poses. Then, Jimin's parents left to visit their friends.

"Let's play charades!" Soobin said excitedly.

They all huddled in the living room, around the fireplace, enjoying wine. Charades turned to Pictionary to Guess Who to Chinese Whispers.

Then Yeonjun put on a cheesy Christmas movie. He plopped into Soobin's lap carelessly. Kiara snickered at his red face.

"You guys look cute!" Taehyung smiled. "Are you together?"

Soobin choked on air and Yeonjun sighed, shaking his head. How he wished to be! but the other was too dense to realise his feelings.

"Why - why would you ask that?" Soobin whispered, ears red in embarrassment.

"No reason. You'd be a good couple," Kiara said, winking at the blue haired male who shrugged. Tae smiled. He was just like Soobin initially....

Jungkook tried to involve Jimin in the games as much as he could, but Jimin just didn't feel like it - he watched the others with a small smile on his face, cuddled up to Jungkook's left arm.

Taehyung tried to ignore it, telling himself it was just irrational to be jealous but he couldn't help it. He tugged Jungkook's other arm, making him withdraw from Jimin's hold. That satiated his heart a bit.

"Yes, TaeBear?"

"Nothing, I just... can you give me a hug?" he whispered, fidgeting with a thread on his sweater.

Jungkook's lips curved up in amusement. He put his arms around him instantly. Taehyung buried his face in his chest, sighing. They forgot everyone around them for a moment.

"Is everything okay? You're quiet," Jungkook asked, kissing the top of Tae's head.

"Nothing... Happy Christmas, Jungkookie," he whispered before kissing him softly.

"Happy Christmas TaeTae. I love you."

"I love you more."

Taehyung snuggled back into his arms.

"Hey, Tae, you wanna hear a lame pickup line?" Jungkook whispered, not wanting to disturb the others engrossed in the movie.


"If your right leg is Thanksgiving and your left leg is Christmas, can I visit you between the holidays?"

Taehyung giggled, hitting Jungkook's chest with his fist.

"Of course you can, Kookie. Then I'll be on Santa's naughty list and be a hoe-hoe-hoe for you!"

Jungkook snorted, earning loud shushes from everyone.

Jimin however, watched them with a heavy heart before he got up and left the room, going up to his own. It hurt.

Filler chapter for some Xmas vibes.

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