
By random_flute

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My poems More

The lonely bird
Why me?
Bad day
Protect my heart Or Let the shield melt?
Storys with there hidden secrets
Words and breaths
She said it or my inner voice said it, but am I truly a demon?
Life of a forest
(Meh to laze to think of a title)
Strong inside
Past to persent
Night to day
*I'm too lazy to give this a name, so deal with it*
Move Forward
The night's moon
Diamonds and Coals
Most important thing
Demons in the skin
I See a Tornado
Simply Kind Acts
The trials we leave behind


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By random_flute

I'm suck a stupid idoit that screws up everything
I hurt my soul
I put fear in other hearts
Hurt those I can for
I'm idiot
I know I am
I'm stupid stinking idiot walking on a lane
Heeling the curb
Think of running away
To never be heard of again

I almost didn't once
from what was A 'harmless joke'
Locking me out
Not caring for my cries
To be let back in the house
I look around to see if could escape
so I started walking away almost out of view
Almost out of their reach
But you must have heard my foot steps going away
To find a new home

So them you open the door panicking and made me go back inside
Soon mom and dad came back to find me stuck in a chair
not knowing I had almost ran away or that my sisters locked me outside for hours
I had a cut from falling of the steps
Still bleeding so I lied saying it was from playing outside with them
Not from a attempted escape
I was almost free but now
I'm too attached to let y'all go
I'm stuck here for you to hurt me
I'm like a tick bomb
Goes the clock to tell the time I'm stuck at "home"
Searching for another way out
I seek my life
Not a place be hurt but to be loved

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