By _devilishEJ_

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** COMPLETED ** Nabina Rai has had an overall difficult life growing up. She got sick at a young age but got... More

- 𝗦𝗘𝗔𝗦𝗢𝗡 𝟮 -
Ch. 1 - OMEGA
Ch. 3 - ICE PICK
Ch. 8 - RAVING
Ch. 10 - FURY
Ch. 13 - TATTOO
Ch. 17 - FRAYED
Ch. 25 - ANCHORS
Ch. 30 - RIDDLED
Ch. 34 - DE-VOID


2K 98 11
By _devilishEJ_

Nabina's outfit:

꧁ 💥🖤🕯꧂

Chapter Eleven
🦎 Battlefield 🦎

Nabina walked into her room only to find Isaac sitting on her bed. "I see you're back to coming through the window." Nabina said and Isaac didn't say anything, just chuckled lightly as Nabina leaned against her desk. Neither of them said anything for a moment as Nabina stared at Isaac for a second before speaking up. 

"I thought Erica said you were leaving with her and Boyd." Nabina said and Isaac took a deep breath and nodded, "That's why I came here. I wanted your advice." He said and she moved to sit on her chair. "Advice for what?" She asked and he sighed, "Should I actually leave?" He asked. 

"That's something only you can decide. But I will say... I don't want you to leave." She said, making him look at her, "But don't let that dictate whether you stay or leave. That's your choice. But I do like you, a lot, so I'd like it if you stayed. Hell, I'm sure my mom would even let you stay here if you need a place." Nabina said and all Isaac did was smirk slightly. 

"You like me?" He asked, making Nabina roll her eyes, "Was that really the only thing you heard?" She asked and he shrugged slightly. "It was the most important part." He said and she chuckled and shook her head, "Why am I not surprised?" She mumbled. 

"But seriously. If you feel like your best option is to leave and live a safer life, do it. But I will miss you if you go." Nabina said and Isaac stared at her for a moment before nodding slightly. 


Nabina walked over to the Lacrosse team bench, sitting down next to Scott as Stiles ran off onto the field. "Has he ever played?" Nabina asked and Scott sighed, "Not really." He said and she nodded before looking at him confused. "Shouldn't you be out there? Given the fact that you're a captain." She said and he shook his head slightly. 

"I got benched because of my grades. And by the way, Gerard is here somewhere and he has Jacksom working for him now." Scott said and Nabina sighed and went to say something but they heard someone else talk. "Scott, can you hear me?" They heard Gerard say making them look at each other alarmed. 

"Ah, you both can. Good, I wasn't expecting Miss. Rai to be able to hear me." Gerard said and Nabina raised her eyebrows slightly, "You and me both." She mumbled. 

"Then listen closely, because the game is about to get interesting... Let's put a real clock on this game, Scott, Nabina. I'll give you until the last thirty seconds. When that scoreboard clock begins counting down from thirty, if you haven't given me Derek, then Jackson is gonna kill someone." 

"So, you tell me, Scott- who's gonna die tonight? Should it be your mother, who so bravely came out to support you? Or the Sheriff, your best friend's father? Or, how about the pretty little redhead who managed to survive the bite of an Alpha?" Gerard said, making Nabina glance around to see Lydia sit down next to Melissa. 

"Or maybe one of these innocent teenagers with their whole lives ahead of them? Or should I do everyone a favor and kill that ridiculous coach? It's up to you. But, you are going to help me take Derek down... because if you don't, I'll have Jackson rip someone's head off right in the middle of the field and drench everyone you love and care about in blood." 

"You can't give him Derek." Nabina said as she looked over at Scott, "He doesn't want to just kill Derek and you know that. And who do you think will be next after he kills Derek?" She said and Scott sighed and shook his head slightly. "I know." He said as the referee blew the whistle. They looked back out at the field, watching as Stiles glanced up in shock as the ball landed right in the pocket of his lacrosse stick. 

But before he can even turn around, a player rams into him, the sound of crunching pad brings audible groans from the crowd. At the next whistle blow the ball landed in front of Stiles, making him quickly try to scoop it up, failing to do so in the process while opposing players converge on him. Another vicious crunch sets the crowd flinching back while Scott and Nabina both sigh, putting their heads into their hands. 

Another whistle blew and Stiles tried to catch a pass, but the ball bounced right off his helmet. The ref blew the whistle and Scott stood up making Coach run over and push him back down onto the bench. "Sit down, McCall." Coach said, "But Coach, we're dying out there!" Scott said and Coach looked at him and nodded. 

"Oh, I'm aware of that! Now sit." Coach said and a second after Coach walked away someone sat down next to Nabina making them look over to see Isaac. "You came to help." Scott said and Isaac looked at them and smirked, "I came to win." He said. He looked over at Nabina, who smiled at him, making him smile as he put his gloves on. 

They all looked over at Gerard who looked back at them, unprepared to see Isaac with them now. "You got a plan yet?" Isaac asked and Nabina sighed, "Right now, it's pretty much just to keep Jackson from killing anyone." She said and Isaac looked at Scott. "Well, that might be easier if you're actually in the game. We have to make it so Coach has no choice but to play you." He said and Scott sighed in exasperation, "How do we do that? He's got a bench full of guys he can use before he ever puts me on the field." He said. 

Nabina glanced over at the other players on the bench and hummed slightly, "He'll have no choice if there's no more players to put out." She said and the guys instantly got what she was saying."Can do it without putting anyone in the hospital?" Scott asked and Isaac shrugged, "I can try." He said before getting up. 

Nabina bit her lip slightly as she watched Isaac walk out to the field before groaning slightly and getting up. "Isaac!" She called out before he could get his helmet on and she jogged over to him as he turned around. He furrowed his brows slightly as she ran up to him, "What?" He asked and she smiled at him. 

"I wanna give you something for good luck." She said before hooking her hand around his neck. She pulled him down and connected their lips making him drop his helmet and stick to grab her hips as he kissed back. Their lips moved in sync for a moment before she pulled away and smiled at him. "I'm glad you stayed." She said in a slight whisper, "Now go kick some ass." She said and he smirked slightly and nodded before picking up his stuff. 

He leaned down and kissed her again before pulling away and putting his helmet on. He winked at her before running out to the field and she smiled before going back over to the bench. "Say anything and I'll feed you to Jackson." Nabina said as Scott looked at her with his eyebrows raised, "I wasn't going to say anything." He said, raising his hands in defense. 

Isaac paused slightly as he walked past Jackson to take his position and Jackson turned an icy gaze on him. Isaac just smirked at him, eliciting a curious look from Jackson. The whistle blew and the ball dropped. In the crash of players, Isaac knocked into a fellow Beacon Hills teammate and sent him crashing to the dirt. 

"Lahey!" Coach yelled as the crowd groaned while Nabina watched in amusement. "Ramirez! You're in." Coach yelled and a player from the bench quickly ran out to the field while the injured teammate was helped past Scott and Nabina. They glanced at each other and Nabina chuckled, "He's gonna have a lot of fun with this." Nabina said. 

With another whistle blow and another brutal crash, a second teammate comes rolling toward Coach's feet. "Murphy. You're in." Coach said and another player ran out to the field. Another whistle blew and Isaac knocked two more players down making the crowd groan. 

"Lahey, what the hell's your problem!" Isaac glances back at Coach and holds his hands up in apology making Nabina chuckle. "Yep, he's definitely having fun." Nabina said, making Isaac look over at her and wink, making her chuckle and shake her head slightly. 

A couple minutes later bodies crash into each other and among several downed players, Isaac also hitting the ground. Rolling to his feet, Jackson glanced back, lips pulled together in a devious smile. Nabina's eyes widened when she noticed Isaac wasn't getting back up, making her quickly run over to him with Scott not far behind her. 

"You okay?" Nabina asked as she got down next to him, gently grabbing his face, "It's not broken. But I can't move it. I think Jackson nicked me. I can feel it spreading." Isaac said as a couple EMTs helped him onto a stretcher. Nabina sighed as she and Scott both looked over at Gerard. 

"You want to play chess, Scott? Then you better be willing to sacrifice your own pawns."  Gerard said and Nabina looked over at Scott, "Now what do we do?" She asked and Scott sighed as they both stood up. Coach ran up and the EMTs started to carry Isaac away and he sighed, "McCall..." Coach as he smacked a helmet to Scott's chest. 

"Either you're in, or we forfeit." He said before handing Scott a stick and walking away while Melissa ran up to them. "Hey, something's happening, isn't it? Something more than a lacrosse game?" She asked and Scott sighed. 

"You should go." Scott said and Melissa shook her head, "Oh, I'm not going  anywhere. And everything I said before? Forget it. All of it. Okay? If you can do something to help, then you do it. You have to." Melissa said and Scott looked at Nabina who nodded. "I will." He said before putting his helmet on and running out to the field. 

A little while later Scott ran down the field, a ball in his net before his eyes widened when the Abomination ran at him, pushing him down to the ground. Nabina sighed as Stiles quickly managed to get the ball before also getting pushed down by the Abomination. 

"Don't you know what you're really bargaining for, Scott? Haven't you guessed what the real offer on the table is? It's Allison. It's always been Allison. You give me Derek, and I'll let you have Allison." Nabina heard Gerard say, making her glance around, not being able to find him anywhere, making her eyes widen before Scott ran over to her. 

"What do we do?" Scott asked and she sighed as she glanced around, "Keep playing. Keep an eye on everyone. I'm gonna go find Isaac." She said and he nodded. "Be careful." He said and she nodded, "You too." She said before running off in the direction of the locker room. 

When she got to the locker room she immediately noticed the paramedics that took Isaac lying on the floor. Crouching down she felt around don't for a moment before sighing softly when she felt a pulse. She slowly got up and made her way through the locker room. 

She peered around a row of lockers to see a half paralyzed Isaac trying to crawl his way to the door, hands digging at the cement floor. Behind him, a couple amused hunter watches him struggle to escape while a second hunter hands Gerard the sheathed long sword that was used to bisect the Omega. 

"It was a good effort, Isaac. It was." Gerard said as he lifted the sword, "This would be so much more poetic if it were halftime." He said but before he could do anything, a thud made them all look behind him. Nabina stood there, holding a Lacrosse stick as she shrugged slightly, "Always wanted to play a sport." She said. 

The other hunter held his gun up to her but she quickly hit the hunter across the face with the Lacrosse stick. The hunter fell to the ground and she quickly kicked the gun away from him before she moved to stand in front of Isaac while Gerard chuckled. 

"It was a mistake to come alone, Nabina." He said and she chuckler and raised her eyebrows slightly, "Who said I was alone?" She said making him furrow his brows. He turned around right as one of the hunter that just got up went flying into the lockers. 

Nabina quickly moved to check on Isaac while Scott slammed the hunter into the bench, splitting it in half. Nabina and Scott looked up at Gerard only to see him no longer standing there. "Where the hell did he go?" Nabina asked as they glanced around before her and Scott looked at each other. 

"Jackson..." She mumbled, making them both quickly run back out to the field and they instantly looked over at the ticking clock. They spotted Jackson still on the field but then lost him behind the moving players. 

Scott spun around, trying to find Jackson or even his intended target as the scoreboard clock hit zero and the crowd went ballistic. Stilinski jumped to his feet, yanking Melissa into a hug while Lydia cheered. On the field, Stiles grinned as his teammates rallied around him, celebrating. 

Confused, Scott and Nabina looked at the scoreboard clock before looking at each other. "Nothing happened. Nothing..." Scott said and then a second later, one-by-one, the stadium lights click off, plunging the entire field into darkness. And in that sudden darkness, someone screamed. 

"Isaac!" Nabina yelled running through the crowd of people, Scott went to go look for his mom while Nabina went to find Isaac. "Isaac!" She called out before someone suddenly grabbed her arm, "I'm right here." Isaac said, making Nabina sigh in relief, "This is definitely part of Gerard's plan so it might be best if we stick together." She said and before Isaac could say anything the lights turned back on. 

Looking around they noticed everyone crowding around someone down on the field making them run over. They met up with Scott at the front of the crowd before noticing Jackson who was laying on the ground unmoving. Lydia hurtled past, pushing aside lacrosse players twice her size, "Jackson? What's happening- What happened?" 

"Can we get a medic over here!" Coach yelled and Melissa ran through the ground and instantly kneeled down next to him, putting her ear to his chest. A quiet came over the waiting crowd before she looked up, "He's not breathing. No pulse." She said before lifting his shirt up to find multiple blood punctures wounds on his stomach. 

"Oh God- there's blood- there's blood on him." 

"Look." Nabina whispered, making Scott and Isaac look at her and she nodded towards Jackson bloody hands. "He did it to himself?" Isaac asked as he furrowed his brows while Melissa started doing CPR chest compressions. 

Helpless, everyone can only watch while a tear-stained Lydia stood above her former boyfriend, "Get down here." Melissa said, glancing up at a frozen Lydia. "Get down here and hold his head. Tilt it up." Melissa said and Lydia nodded before going down on her knees, gently putting her hands under Jackson's head. 

A few feet away, Sheriff Stilinski turned from the scene, glancing through the crowd. "Stiles? Where's Stiles? Where's my son?" Stilinski called out searching for his son, making Nabina, Isaac and Scott look at each other. 

"Where's Stiles? Where the hell's my son?!"

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