The Death Of Error The Life O...

By Nova_The_Supernora

6.1K 243 30

Error is a god, of destruction. He doesn't like his job, but he doesn't hate it. In all of his inmortal lif... More

[First things first]
Growing Up.
Learning Something New.
Frienship Is Magic.
Birds And Bees.
Echoes Full Of Lies.
Time Changes.
Why Go And Foretell?
How To Train Your Electrolves.
It's A Beautiful Day.
Kids Like You Should Be...
It's nice to see you.
A New And Old Friend.
Memories From Another Life.
Learning Something Known.
You Gained Love.
[One Last Thing]


747 16 1
By Nova_The_Supernora

This chapter is sooooooo bad, sorry. hope you like it regardless.

It was very messy, this whole fight felt so messy. All of the sanses fighting for their worlds, thinking they're doing the right thing. but they were ALL idiots. Not that he blames them, nah, Error undestands that they were just afraid, afraid that one day, he will come to their universe, and destroyed it. 

And I mean, yeah, that was his job, not one he likes, but his job nonetheless.

Plus, he was sure that squid didn't told them the whole story.

So there he was, fighting for his life, at first he didn't attacked them, but after a while he decided that was too boring, so he killed some of the more anoying ones first, then some others who got unlucky, it didn't matter to him. He didn't care for those random sanses and papyruses, their universes will replace their code once the were gone, and well, the multiverse was damned anyway, since he will stop existing shortly. So why care now?

Well, for a while he did care, for some of them, for his friends who lived in this multiverse, his family. But, they're gone now... and he will be gone too.

But he wasn't scare, not of death. After all, the sans who liked to be called Reaper was his friend. Almost like a brother.

Ah, he couldn't help but start thinking of how it all started, of how did everything turned out like this.

Well it all started...


  Where am I?

    Who... am I?


Is... Is someone there?

 Someone? Anyone!? 


please... I don't want to be alone...

. . .

  No one can hear me, can they?

 I just want to go home...

           I want to... 

   Where is "home" anyway?

   Do I have a home?



           I dOn't beLoNg AnywEre!




 ThEn iF I cAn'T h4ve 0nE...

        No 0n3 3Is3 c4n 31tH3r!

Then, the next thing he knew, he was somewhere. attacking monsters and people. He was killing, monsters and people. he was DESTROYING those monsters and peoples home.

 And he was doing it, again and again.

And it felt great.

Those anomalies didn't deserved it, they were all mistakes, they should not exist. They didn't deserve to. Eventually, he started collecting the souls of those time travelers, Frisks and Charas. Their SOULs now where now reminders of his victories. Neatly store in his "home", the Anti-Void. Which was very empty before he started decorating it with his strings and stuff he stole to be more comfortable in that endless white. But he still got bored, and sometimes the silence was so loud... His mind was so loud.

So, he learn how to knit, waching other sanses do it, using his own strings to knit a scarf, took a lot of tries but he got the hand of it, and then he started wearing it everywhere.


Everything was fine until INK ruin it! He was in the middle of destroying another world then this idiot got in the way, claiming he was the creator of it, and saying he will protect this 'unique' universe and that he will not let him destroy another one of his universes. Apparently he created all of the USELESS worlds that existed. Sadly, it was his first fight with someone as strong as him, and he got his ass kicked, his ribs all cracked and also a broken leg.

He then swore to the annoying dog that he will destroy that damn SQUID, even if is the last thing he does. Well, it didn't happend, but is the thought that counts.

He then got more vicious in destroying, and then when that idiot came to 'save' it, he fought with everything he had, sometimes he won and sometimes he was the one losing.


Until it became boring and meaningless, it was like suddenly Ink stopped hating his metaphorical guts and began to annoy the HELL out of him and act like they were friends or something.

So in one of those times where they were fighting, he decide to kidnap the Sans of that world just to piss off that squid, which was an Underswap. 

                       He couldn't decide if it was the best or the worst decision he has made.

Anyways, he can't change the past so it doesn't matter. At first it was annoying, but he would admit that he liked the company that the Sans could offer, Swap kept insisting on being his friend and talking to him, irritating but he could manage. Eventually he started to like Swap, much to his dismay.

And a weird friendship started to bloom, he told Swap (That's the nickname he chose for himself) everything he knew about the multiverse, and how it works and answered every question Swap got, he wasn't sure how Swap convince him to the thing about "balances" and all that stuff of ying and yan was true but he checked and well, Swap was right, the multiverse needed balance to exist, especially Ink's and his balance.

At first he didn't care about it, until something started to happend.

Swap started to glitch, it was very small and only he seem to notice it happening, so out of the goodness of his heart (and the fear that his friend could become like him) he let Swap return to his 'home' with his real family, with a silent promise to never destroy the world his friend lived in.

And also, to try and keep the balance. He remembers his smile as he was going back where he belonged.

"Goodbye Error, it was nice meeting you, I'm glad I got to be your friend!"

"y34h, Th3 f33l1ng 1s mUtu4l SwAp."

There was this pause he did, like he was thinking something, making his choice he gave Error a goodbye hug, Error flinched and maybe glitched a bit but returned the hug with a soft smile, as much as his phobia let him. Swap let go of him and waving he left the anti-void.

    He did try to tell the creator about the balance, but he always said that he was delusional. That there was no way that the multiverse they were living in was finite, and that he alone could destroy the whole multiverse if things continue to go this way.

He tried, he tried, and he TR13D!

But that squid just never listened, damn it!

            So he gave up, like all of those sanses.

It was... alright, until one day, in one of the universes he was gonna destroy, he notice something was wrong, the world was dark, the flowers seem to be dead and he could smell the despair in the air. 

That's when he meet Nightmare.

Nightmare, the king of negativity he called himself, he was only the mere guardian of it but whatever roams his boat.

At first they weren't friends, but they had similar goals, which were to bring despair to those being who didn't deserve to be happy. He kinda lied but he wanted Nightmare to be on his side, it could be beneficial to him in the future.

At first, Nightmare tried to use him, he cause his worst fears to hunt his mind so that he would give up mentally and become a loyal dog or something.

     It didn't work of course, so he decide to make Nightmare respect him by showing him how easily he can be killed.

Like, Error was a GOD and Nightmare was just a guardian who depended on others to be strong. Error just needed to keep his emotions in check and Nightmare wouldn't stand a chance against him.

 Proving how powerfull he was, was what got Nightmare to listen to him. Nice.

So they were kinda working together, and eventually both meet Ink and a lot of fighthing happened. They both agreed that Ink was the worst.

A lot of time passed, like a hundred of years, maybe, and he and Nightmare started to have a club of sorts, a club of literature, one of the things Nightmare seem to actually enjoy was reading, and he got Error to read the same books as him and talk about it, and he also convince Error to create a space where they could have the meetings without Ink interrumping, it was easy, using codes he hid a library that he stole of a world that he destroyed, it was like... a mini omega timeline, but they use it to read books and be at peace. Ink never found it.

Anyways, everything was 'normal', UNTIL, he started noticing something.

                  Death seemed to follow every step he took, literally.

It was only sometimes, he notice that he would appear in the corner of his eye socket. Error never understood why Reaper was follow him and Nightmare. Until he caught him in his strings.

Once capture, he told them that he was only following them because Life was sad that the poor souls of the ones they killed never seem to find the way to the other side. So wainting to make her only friend happy he started to collect all the souls spirits he could to bring them to the spirit realm. Nightmare confirm that he wasn't lying so, he decided to let him go under an uneasy truce. 

That he could never tell Ink where they were and in return, he'll live, he and his friends.

Reaper listen to him, apparently because he was of a higher hierarchy. And cuz he knew that even if he tried to fight him, he will lose. AND, because of the balance. AAAAND 'cause he was inmortal anyway.

So now Reaper, he liked to be called that, became an ally of sorts.

Then he discovered the club he an Nightmare got and decided to join, much to Nightmares dismay, but well, not like Error care much.

And so, throught the years and years to come, like a couple of centuries, Error would admit, that he became attached to both of them. And he was sure that, they like him too.

Everything change a bit when Dream was freed from his prision of stone. It was oki doki, until he decided to join that soulless squid. and now they had to worry over it, cuz like Nightmare, Dream could know where they were if he tried hard enough. 

But they manage to hide quite well.

But it was still a paint in the ass when they did manage to find him and Nightmare, hehe... 

But Reaper seem to have an idea on how to help them with that.

"WHy d1D y0u Br1nG th4t 4n0m4ly h3r3?"

Error asked, waching how Reaper brought some random into their book club (That was suppose to be a secret). It looked like a Sans but his jacket seem to have lost it's color besides that wound that was there, also he had the scarf that belonged to Papyrus. A 'Geno'.

"Ah... well, you always seem to get in trouble for no having spots to hide from that rainbow squid and that banana bird, so my friend here, you can call him Geno, decided to help by offering his save screen as a hideout for you two."

Reaper explain his plan or well, it seemed to be Geno's plan.

"How do we know that THIS MERE MORTAL won't betray us?"

Nightmare asked, ready to kill this version of Geno at any moment. Waving his tentacles in a intimidating way.

"He won't, we've been friends for awhile now, and I told him a lot about me and he told me about him. Plus, he already knows what could happen to him if he betrays us."

"Ha, yeah sure, I still think that this idea it's stupid and it won't work, don't you agreed Error?"

"uH... 4ctUallY, 1t's n0t a b4d 1d34. h1d1ng 1n th3 4nt1-v01d d03sn't w0rk 'cuz 1nk c4n just g0 th3r3 wh3n3v3r h3 w4nts, h1d1nd 1n th3 b00k clUb 4ls0 1sn't g34t 'cUz 3v3ntU4llY th4t Squ1d w1ll f1nd 1t. 1nk w0uld n3v3r sUsp3ct th4t w3r3 h1d1ng 1n th1s G3n0s s4f3 sCr33n, 0r th4t w3 3v3n h4v3 4 g3n0 4s 4n 4lLy."

"Ha, you make sound like theres more of me."

"Th4t's b3c4uC3 Th3r3 1s, 1 h4v3 k1Ll 4nd d3str0y3d l1k3 a h0undr3s 0f y0u, 0r 1 l3t y0u d0 th4t y0uRs3lFs."

Error said with a bit of amusment, he had always thought that the Genos were interesting anomallies. Geno was a bit surprise at the new information, but only a bit. Nightmare didn't like it, but if Error thought it was a great idea then sure, he'll go with it.

And that's how Geno became part of the club of books, yay.

It was a bit distant at first but, eventually Error and Nightmare began to like Geno, he was just likable. He always have interesting thoughts on the book they were reading and also, how he didn't asked them personal questions and he just let them be, he was easy going even tho he still made some bad puns, he also like to knit with Error. He just kinda had this sibling energy, and well, no one was complaining about it. Oh yeah, the idea did work, that squid never suspected that they were hiding in Genos safe screen, even when Dream tried to tell him they were there. Great.

       For a couple of years, everything was normal. 

They had their club meetings, then they all left to do their jobs, and if they had time, maybe hang out a bit with eachother. 

It was a surprise for everyone when, Nightmare of all people, brought someone to their club meeting.

He was a Sans but, he was from an alternative timeline, like Geno, some black substance was droping from his empty eye sockets, and his soul looked like a red target. He also always had this emotionless smile. So, hello 'Killer'.

"Heya buddies, you may call me Killer, I'm Nightmares new employee."

"uHu... 0k4y, bUt wHy? 

Error asked Nightmare, he thought Nightmare disliked working with mortals.

"Well, sadly, Dream always manages to catch up with me while I'm having fun, and is always a hassle to have to fight him, so I got someone who could distract him."

"m4k3s s3ns3, c0ngr4ts 0n g3tt1ng 4 n3w p3t N1gHt. 1'll pr4y f0r h1m s0 th4t h3 w0n't d13 s0 qu1cKly."

Nightmare rolled his eyes then frowned but didn't say anything, Killer didn't seem to react to being called a pet. Welcome to the book club Killer.

At the start, he was very distant, always in a dark corner playing with his knife. Always with the same smile. Making dark comments and jokes, that only make Reaper laugh. Well sometimes Error would laugh too. Fortunatly Killer found something he liked to do besides killing, carving.

It started because he always wanted to stab someone in the room, so Error, being a genious, gave him a piece of wood and told killer to stab it. But after a lot of stabing he seem to have calm down his urges and then he decided to make something out of it, it wasn't very good but not bad for a first attempt, then again and again until he became a master at it. This seem to have relaxed him, and he became a little bit more open around everyone, that's when more good friendships started. Killer acted more like a sassy aunt, but his prescense was welcome.

               So more years passed, and everything was normal.

Until it wasn't.

Error was in his "home" the anti-void, just making puppets of whom he consider as a friend, he learn to make them, to remaing himself of what he has now, for what he's fighting, something to keep going. Right now he has made Swap, Nightmare, Reaper, Geno, and he was in the process of making killer.

Until he notice something in the corner of his eye socket. For a sec he though it was Ink bacause he was the only one who can get here. But when he looked around with his gaurd up ready for a fight, he didn't saw him anywhere, just the endless white, and he only heard the whispers of his mind telling him to go destroy, be he ignore it. So... if Ink wasn't here, then who--?

Error stopped when he notice this purple thing in front of him, it had four apendices that looked like tentacles, and it only had one red and yellow eye that seem to be inside his mouth full of pointy teeth. Took him a second to recognice it as a parasite, but when he wanted to move to erase it from reality, the parasite jumped on his face and began to invade his body, well, try to anyways, cuz his body vionlently lauched it out, he heard that parasite screech in fear before it got away, to somewhere else. 

Then Error crash trying to process what the FUNK just happened.

Error wanted to kinda forget about it, until a few days later when he got to Genos save screen to hang out for a bit, he encountered it again, and apparently, it found a host.

"G3nO Wh4t th3 FuNK 4r3 y0u d01ng wh1t th4t th1ng? ... Wa1t d1d 1 jUst s4y--?"

"Oh hello Error, meet Fresh, he's been keeping me company for a little while."

"Heya broski, nice to meet ya my glitchy pal."

Said that thing, like it didn't try to take over his soul a few days ago.

"D0n't t4lk t0 m3 l1k3 w3'r3 fr13nds, 4ctU4lly d0n't t4lk t0 m3 4t 4ll. gEn0 wh4t 4r3 y0u d01ng wh1t 1t? d0 y0u kn0w wh4t 1t 1s?"

"Yes Error I'm not stupid, but he's not so bad."

"h3's 4 fUnk1ng P4r4s1t3. Th4t 34ts s0uLs."

"So what? You're a Glitch that destroys worlds, and I'm friends with you."

"HmMm... wh4t 1f 1t tr13ds t0 34t y0u."

"He already tried but I got him out."

"WH4T? 4nd y0u st1Ll w4nt t0 b3 1t's fr1end?"

"Well, I was thinking of keeping him like a pet."

"... L1k3 4 p3t?"

Error said thinking about it, he decided to do a check to learn more of this parasite. That way he could see if it's dangerous. Ok, so it eats souls, doesn't have feelings other than fear, and he wasn't created by that squid. Good enough.

"W3lL, 1 gu3ss 1f y0u w4nt 1t, y0u c4n k33p 1t, bUt, w3ll h4v3 t0 sh4r3 1t."

"Sure I don't mind sharing."

"4lr1gHt Fr3sH, 1 0ff3r y0u 4 d34l, y0u k33p geN0 c0mp4nY 4nd 1'll f33d y0u 4ll th3 s0uls th4t y0u w4nt."

Fresh looked like he was comtemplating the idea, but Error knew it wasn't.

"Welp broski, seems like i have no choice but to accept this radical deal."

Fresh extended his hand to shake it, but Error just stared at it.

"What? To formal for ya? We can hug instead."

"N0 D0N'T T0UCH M3."

So Error began to run away from Fresh, he won't let it thouch him, but Geno just laughed at his misery.

                 It was a nice day.

And for more years to come, everything was... normal.

Fresh got along with everyone, not really, but he and Killer did had this mini club for being the 'pets' of the family. Fresh seemed to keep everything family friendly, censoring all the curse words, not like anyone there use them much, but it was still annoying. It also seem to not know how to socialize like a normal monster, like all of the rest here really. It just did whatever it wanted never thinking about how other people might think or react.

One thing Error could say the he liked about Fresh, was when it played those awfull and embarrasing pranks on Ink. It was hilarious, sometimes they'll do that together.

Then Fresh got this idea of having picnics in this AU Outertale once in a while, everyone kinda liked that. and also, because Outertale was situated in the moon instead of an underground, they had so much space to relax and just enjoy the view.

It felt great.

Error looked at everyone, and he smile, 'cuz after all this time, he had some sort of family. It wasn't always great, but he still liked it, he can live like this for the rest of his inmortal life.

What change for everything to go horribly wrong?

Well, Ink notice he had a family. And oh boy he was jealous.

Error knew, how much Ink would want to have something like this, how much Ink try to make himself a family. But it never worked.

Ink was always alone, and being soulless didn't help when he try to socialize with his own creations, yeah he had dream now, but they could barely call eachother friends.

It was unfair.

He was the creator of everyone. He was their protector. He was suposse to be their hero.

So why then...

 Why did Error got all of what he wanted? 

   Why was he alone?

            why, Why, WHY!?

 Why... Was it his FATE to be alone?



He won't let it be this way.

 He won't let Error take this from him.

   He won't let ANYONE get in the way of his goals.

And he has the perfect plan to do it.

He got as much Sanses and Papyruses in one place and told them about who he was and who Error was, how dangerous the drestroyer was and that he needed their help to stop him once and for all. They all agreed to help. 

  He was gonna make everything right.

Error took notice of it, he didn't really think this was gonna work, he can't die. Well... there was one thing that could 'kill' him.

The Void.

Being 'born' in the Anti-Void, Error couldn't really stand being in the Void, thats where all of the AU's go when he erase them. He could still heard their souls screaming...

 The Void was where ALL code was erase, even he could be erase if...


   OH... So that's what's happening, huh?

         That's... not really that surprising.

  The other reasong he didn't like the Void, was because of all of the bad dreams he got about it, of being erase. 

     But maybe, they weren't just bad dreams...

               Maybe, that's what was always destined to happen...

Heh... That's not funny.

Sadly, it kinda was, Reaper suddenly seem really nervous around him.

 It was like a silent confirmation. He was going to 'die'.

So... he didn't have a choice, he told his family about it. And Reaper confirm it. After years and years of being by his side, he never felt when he was going to die, but now, a timer has appeared on his soul.

 None of them liked this. But they couldn't stopped it.

   They couldn't do anything.

They only choice they could make?

 Was being erase at the hands of Error or live in the mutiverse and being erase in the Void when all of the multiverse collapse on itself, a fate worse than dead.

   So, obviosly they chose to die by his hand, they all said some words and it was... sweet but horrible it was endind this way.

"Ha... I can't belive this is happening."

"I know broski Gen, but it's either die now or die later."

"Hah, Dream won't even know what hit him, he will start dying and he won't even know why haha."

"Welp, i guess this is it, huh? Not the first time I've died but now it really feels final."

"... Hey Error?"

"Y3s Re4pEr?"

"I want to give you something."

Reaper aproach him and did something, Error wasn't sure what.


"Wh4t d1d y0u d0?"

"Well... I gave you a blessing."


"Just a little something to... help you. Don't worry about it."

"You can do that?"

"Yeah Kills, every god can."


"0k4y... 3v3rY0ne r34dY?"

 After that they all were... gone. 

     Error felt like he had lost himself. 

       Maybe it kinda had to do with how Nightmare and well, Dream were dead. Feelings we're now kinda unstable.

 So he destroyed all of the souls he had collected over the eons of being alive and made his strings stop decorating the 'cealing' of his... of this place. To try and calm him down, didn't do much but whatever.

Then, he got to Ink and his army.

  Error notice that Ink created this AU they were standing on, for this special occasion.

Ink did some speech or something, he wasn't paying attention.

 Then the fight started happening.

  And I guess we're when we left on.

Fighting, killing, drestroying.

   He lost track of time.

He fought until, it was meaningless. Until it was boring. Until he couldn't take it anymore.

And well, Ink finally got him trapped with his ink. 

 He was too tired to care.

"This is it, I finally win."

"y0u'r3 4nD 1d10t 1f y0u th1nK y0u w0n squ1d."

"I don't care, you'll be gone, and everyone can live happily, I can live happily."

"h4h4h4, sUr3... 0ur mUlt1v3rs3 1s 0n 4 t1m3 l1m1t n0w sQu1d."

"... I don't belive you, and it was never 'our's, at least not anymore."

"y34h y0u c4n h4v3 1t, 1 d0nt w4nt 1t... bUt 1f th1s 1s r34llY g00dbY3 th3n l3t m3 tell y0u s0m3th1ng."

"Go on, speak your last words."

"4lr1gHt... 1'm s0rRy. 1 n3v3r w4nt3d 1t t0 b3 th1s w4y Ink. m4yb3 1f th1ngs w3r3 d1fer3nt, th3y c0uld h4v3 b33n y0uR f4mIly t00..."

"You don't really mean it."

"Y34h, bUt 1'm n0t ly1nG, 1t c0ulD h4ve b33n d1f3r3nt."


  And just like that, Ink push him to the Void, and he was erase.



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