Roaming Storm

By uerechuku18

3.6K 36 4

Roaming Storm serves as an homage/parody of the multimedia franchise Sonic the Hedgehog. As such, the series... More

S1E1: One Fateful Friday ...for Fast Friends (Part I)
S1E2: One Fateful Friday ...for Fast Friends (Part II)
S1E3: Welcome to Immobi ...for MoonFall
S1E4: Look What the Cat Dragged In ...You Little Nightmare!!
S1E5: Like a Wise Man Once Said ...The More The Merrier
S1E6: The Hunt is On ...for Wild Hunt
S1E7: Itsy-Bitsy ...for Arachnofoe (Part I)
S1E8: Itsy-Bitsy ...for Arachnofoe (Part II)
S1E9: Now Then ...Where Were We?
S1E10: ediS rehtO ehT rof... rorriM ,rorriM
S1E11: Shoulda' Brought My Umbrella ...for Storm-Brew Blues
S1E12: ''I...'' for an ''I...''
S1E13: Survival of the Fittest ...Lord of the Flies
S2E1: Shoot! Not My Day ...Come Rain or Shine (Part I)
S2E2: Shoot! Not My Day ...Come Rain or Shine (Part II)
S2E3: And Speaking of ''Wrecked'' ...
S2E4: Duel in the Dunes ...for Desert Punks
S2E5: sknuP treseD rof... senuD eht ni leuD
S2E6: Dive-Thru ...for A Quick Dip
S2E7: Zoned Out ...for Adrift Apart
S2E8: Uproot N' At 'Em ...for Off-Tropic
S2E10: Don't Be a Stranger ...Foreign Falcon
S2E11: Keep Your Friends Close ...and Your NMEs Closer
S2E12: Long Time, No See ...for Reunion
S2E13: No Turning Back ...for Exodus
S3E1: Sayonara, Immobi ...for MoonTrip
RS: Story Select
RS: Character Select
RS: Stage Select (Vol. 1)
RS: Stage Select (Vol. 2)
RS: Misc. Select (Vol. 1)
RS: Misc. Select (Vol. 2)
RS: Misc. Select (Vol. 3)
RS: Disc Select
RS: Credits

S2E9: Back to the Lab ...for Keeps

38 1 0
By uerechuku18


Nothing quite like a peaceful morning in the open outdoors -- and the encompassing wildlife makes the most out of it. This includes a herd of giraffes, grazing the high-hung greens for a balanced breakfast. Some share the same tree, while others prefer to eat alone. But regarding one such giraffe, it's already had its fill -- proceeding to burn it off in a stroll through the woodlands. However, something puts a little pause on that. Something... interesting.

A portion of ground it's about to walk past suddenly unearths itself, seamlessly sliding open like gates. This causes the giraffe to trip, and almost fall like a tree. Fortunately, the long-legged ungulate snatches back its balance, immediately fleeing soon after. Regarding the square-shaped hole in the ground, inside reveals that it's more than just a hole. Rather, it's some sort of stairway structure, leading deep down to... well, wherever.

Just then, footsteps can be heard from below, growing stronger with each step. Whoever could it be? Whatever could it be? Well, soon to arise from the shadowy depths to the light of day is...

Terra: [Finishes her ascent back to the surface. After briefly checking her Nightmare Radar, she then looks around to see if anyone saw her just now]...

Aside from some neighboring wildlife, the coast is pretty much clear. The psychic jellyfish then proceeds to close the hole of the earthen stairway, making it look like it was never there to begin with. Just the way she intends to keep it.

With business taken care of, Terra gets ready to head off. But right before she does, she hears a sudden commotion not too far from her. Curious, the jellyfish takes flight over to it. And upon bird's-eye-view, she sees both the symptom and cause for said commotion. A whole herd of startled giraffes, running away in a frenzy. But from what?

Terra: ... [soon recognizes the cause]!

It's some sort of arm sticking out of the ground, with the rest of its body... well, not exactly "buried" per se. It's more so encased within the ground, almost like a fossil. Regarding the visible body part -- it's long and dangly, but most notably, mechanical. Without a second thought, Terra hurries in descent towards the arm. And with her psionic prowess in hand, she scoops up a sizable chunk of the earth -- discarding its contents until there's nothing left but a priceless treasure.

Terra: Doc, you okay?


Terra: ... I'll take that as a "no" then.


In a short passage of time, the jellyfish is seen cruising high in the sky -- all while offering Doc a free ride via telekinesis. As this occurs, Terra tries calling Radi on her cellphone (currently 23% power). Only to get...

Phone: ... Your call has been for-

Terra: [hangs up] He's not answering either.

She'd ask what happened to the others, but she's not expecting an answer anytime soon. Aside from the occasional "єгг๏г, єгг๏г", the closest Doc can give to a response are just twitches and jerks -- his extended arm included.

Terra: Let's deal with you first. One trip to the lab, and you'll be good as n-

Doc: ["regurgitates" some sorta oil-like substance mid flight] ɆⱤⱤØⱤ.

Terra: ... Well, "good" in general.

With that destination in mind, it's full speed ahead as Terra blasts off through the upper blue.

>> >> >> NOW LOADING...


Meanwhile, in a lower blue, all seems relatively normal. Calm even, like the slow flow of the passing waters. However, that flow is soon interrupted by an unknown creature, as its silhouette is seen swimming over to the edge of the basin. Emerging straight from the murk and onto dry land, the creature reveals itself as not part of this habitat. Or any habitat for that matter.

If judged solely for the silhouette earlier, it would've been mistaken for a crocodile. But upon a better look, that's nowhere near the resemblance. The overall organism is an overgrown fish, walking with limbs where its fins should be. As well as sporting a sleek silver white / neon blue color. Believe it or not, but that's not even the most bizarre part.

Laced across varying parts of the walking fish's body are several other fish. More specifically, electric catfish -- appearing to have grown quite attached to the creature. Albeit unwillingly, due to its gorilla glue-like grip. And judging by their rawboned physique, plus complete lack of struggle, these catfish have long since lost their sparks of life.

Having no further use for them, the walking fish discards their corpses onto the ground -- not even bothering to dump them back in the water. Its only concern is finding a new source of sustenance. But first, it changes into something a bit more... comfortable.

???: ... (buzz-buzz)

Ah, the "Big Boi Bee". Oldie but a goodie. The perfect form for taking to the sky and over to the next potential score. However, right before it does, something catches its eye. Among the rest of the natural environment, one object in particular appears to stand out. Not just in aesthetic, but motion as well. This peaks the bee's curiosity, prompting it to fly over and investigate.

Upon closer look, it appears to be some sort of organism. One of a more mechanical nature -- unlike any creature it's come across so far. That's because this "organism" is a Soldier Droid, currently in a paralyzed state. Its limited yet abnormal movement, in the form of jerking about, keeps the bee from getting any closer. However, it soon becomes less limited than anticipated.

Either by sheer attempt or complete accident, the droid curls up into its wheel mode and revs up along the ground. But it does so incorrectly, spinning horizontally in place instead of vertically. This sudden change in kinetics triggers the bee's fight-or-flight mode. Well, technically fight-&-flight, as it briefly flies off the ground and shoots its own stinger straight into the droid's metallic exterior.

This ceases the spinning in an instant, as well as any other movement it can muster. However, a new form of movement musters on its own upon impact. And the bee, realizing what, lands immediately after.

Exuding from the soldier's pierced armor are crackles of electricity. Sweet, savory electricity. In response to this revelation, the bee's lingering stinger melts into muck -- and seeps straight into the exposed circuitry. It then proceeds to crudely dismantle the droid from the inside-out, gaining access to more and more of the good stuff.

Eventually, what was once a mechanical marvel has been now reduced to a scrap metal mess. But at the very least, the soldier served as another satisfying meal for the oozeborne insect. And akin to an empty can of soda, the bee's detached chunk leaves it littered just like the unlucky catfish -- reattaching soon after. Now with no other reason to stay, it buzzes off to greener pastures.


Minutes later, the bee now finds itself swimming through an adrift sea of clouds. Experience has taught it that a whole lotta them bundled together might result in quite the banquet.

???: ... (buzz)

Emphasis on "might". So far, they don't appear to be darkening. In fact -- it could swear that a clump of cloud, several meters away, is starting to get brighter. With a green glow no less.

???: ...!

Breaching out into the open space seconds later is the source of said glow. Who stops on a dime at the sight of an oversized bee.

Terra: ...!!

With clear visual contact established, the insect soon sees that the source is accompanied by something else. Hm... shiny... metallic... jittering all over...


???: ... (buzz-buzz)!

Another easy meal? This time delivered right to the bee? How awfully generous. Not wanting to be rude, it aims its stinger directly at Doc. And with the patience of a bullet, it comes off immediately after to feast on another metal hide.

However, said patience is prolonged by the gelata piscis' psychokinesis. Terra manages to quickly catch the stinger before it could skewer Doc through the chrome dome. She then turns said stinger around and launches it right back to its maker. Just like that, bullseye! Harpooned straight through its dome.

Terra: (blows a sigh of relief, only to stop midway when she hears more buzzing)!!

To her surprise, the beast is still flying in place, appearing completely unfazed. The fact that it didn't even make an attempt at dodging makes Terra all the more puzzled. As if that wasn't enough -- she sees the entire stinger melting away. Assimilating back into the bee's mass (and afterward, out its ass). In little time, its head now appears good as new -- and not a scar in sight.

The insect then advances over to Terra, ready to snatch Doc away from her. But she doesn't let that happen, as she quickly ensnares the creature in a telekinetic hold. It starts trying to break free -- and while that happens, the jellyfish charges her other hand with psychic energy. The bee sees clear as day what's about to take fold, prompting it to stop struggling for some reason.

Strange. The typical response would be to struggle some more out of desperation. But Terra doesn't ponder it too much. Instead she raises the insect above her level, and lets loose a staggering psionic stream straight towards it. In mere moments, the beast gets engulfed in a gale of pure green.

The immense power of the physic beam blows away the surrounding clouds like chalk powder. And making like a comet, said beam exits Immobi's orbit; however, something else doesn't.

Terra: ...!!

The jellyfish sees that the beast is still in one piece. Not only that, but now it looks sort of different than before. It's still a big boi bee, except its entire exoskeleton appears to be hardened and rigid -- having a diamond-esque quality to it. And results show that it makes for quite the impressive suit of armor. A bit shoddy in craftsmanship though, given that it was whipped up at the last second.

Without further delay, the insect dives down towards its paralyzed prey, all the more eager to sate its hunger. But it'll have to catch Doc first, as Terra flies away with him to broaden their distance. This gives way to a high speed chase, across the roadless road that is the big blue sky. Even with a super-dense exoskeleton, the bee is nowhere near close to a snail's pace. Already hot on her trail, it creeps closer and closer by the second. Terra tries to shake it off, but to no avail. The insect is just that quick on its feet (well, technically wings).

But how's this for "quick"? Terra once again uses her telekinesis to halt the bee. Only this time, she creates a psychic bubble that quickly envelopes it whole. Not exactly roomy, the cramped creature attempts to break out. But right before it has the chance, Terra precedes to spin the sphere at an insane speed.

???: [wanting off this crazy thing] (BUZZZZZZ-

While this spin cycle goes on, the jellyfish expels extra psionic bubbles from her body. These ones however are much, much larger than the first -- and for good reason. Having produced just about enough, she moves them over to the rapid whirling bubble, surrounding it from all corners. Terra then makes the massive spheres condense to a smaller size. This causes the air within each one to intensify in pressure, yearning for freedom like caged beasts. Speaking of which...

In due time, said bubble eventually stops spinning, and disappears soon after. The bee can now fly free, if it wasn't extremely dizzy that is. Temporarily caught in free fall, a plethora of highly condensed psionic bubbles hurry over to the incapacitated insect -- ever so eager to pop. And even though it still bears a harder-than-hard exoskeleton, that's not exactly what Terra's aiming for.

Instead, the jellyfish sends them inside the bee via literal force feeding. With little resistance, they're all shoved straight down the beast's throat. And before it even has the chance to regurgitate, it's too late. The bubbles finally go pop -- and from the inside-out, so does the bee.

An explosion takes form via an immense shockwave, instantly turning the armored insect into shrapnel. Compared to that psychic beam from earlier, this shockwave clears the entire sea of clouds in a matter of seconds. To say it packed quite a punch would be a severe understatement. Which is why Terra was lucky enough to create a force field before it could reach both her and Doc. Although...

Terra: (winces in a sharp pain coming from her hip)!!!

She immediately looks down to see a piece of the bee pierced straight through her pocket. Terra quickly takes it out, revealing that it could have been a lot worse if not for her phone. It miraculously shielded her from the incoming shrapnel -- albeit partially, as it did a real number on it. (Same goes for her stowaway Watcherfly, now an unrecognizable husk of its former self.) Sparks n' crackles seep out of the phone like a bleeding wound. And upon realizing it, the piece of bee makes like a mosquito and digs in.

Before it's able to dine on Doc afterward, Terra quickly tosses her phone outta the force field -- still keeping hold of it via a small psychic bubble.

Terra: ...?

The jellyfish takes out her Nightmare Radar from her other pocket. To her further surprise, she sees no energy signature coming from the lively piece. As for something unlively, Terra turns to see that her damaged phone has been sapped completely dry of electricity. And now the piece of white n' blue ooze is itching for freedom from this psychic prison. Not only that, but she notices its direction being once again pointed at the paralyzed automaton.

Terra: ... [moves the bubble around a bit, seeing that the ooze's direction is still set towards Doc] So that explains it. [hears a loud, bellowing buzz from below]!!

Looks like she's not outta the woods yet. Terra sees the bee reassembling itself mid-flight. As the rest of the pieces (having temporarily grown wings of their own) return to their original mass.

The oozeborne insect, now in an agitated state, flies back upward at alarming speeds. Upon rough impact, the bee latches onto the force field, still maintained by Terra. Though for how long depends. The bee morphs its own stinger to resemble that of a drill, which begins acting as such when attempting to break through the field.

The bee's piece tries the same thing for its own prison, though with little-to-no results. As for the overgrown pest, its perseverance finally leads somewhere -- as cracks quickly begin to show. This alerts Terra to create extra layers for her force field. And for every layer shattered like fine glass, a new one is made to take its place. That should make things a little easier, right? Well, no -- if anything, it only divides her focus even further. On keeping the bee out. On keeping a piece of it in. And on keeping Doc from harm's way.

Terra: [grunting]...!!

Despite pumping out more and more layers, more and a lot more get reduced to pieces. She can't do this forever, and this fact encourages the bee to kick things up a notch. It does so by turning two of its six legs into extra spinning drills, tearing through even more layers than previously. The insect is now just moments away from breaking the last barrier between it and its prey. It can almost taste i-

???: [gets "hit" by a blast of yellow electricity] (bzzz)!!!?

That outta-the-blue projectile immediately causes the bee to cease drilling and look behind it. Well, technically outta-the-green -- as a familiar fiery vortex of verde can be seen just a few meters away. Though it doesn't appear to be sucking anything in, as evident to what it just spat out.

Terra: ...?!!

Doc: ѲѲ1Ѳ111Ѳ ѲѲ1Ѳ111Ѳ ѲѲ1Ѳ111Ѳ ѲѲ111111 ѲѲ1ѲѲѲѲ1 ѲѲ1ѲѲѲѲ1

???: ...

By complete impulse, the bee straight up ditches Doc, and heads straight into the wild green yonder -- ecstatic to see if there's more where that came from. And just at the nick o' time too, as the swirling fire instantly vanishes into thin air.


Terra: [dissipates the last force field as she finally catches her breath]...?

But even with the bee seemingly gone, she hasn't forgotten about its still-contained piece -- now trying harder to break free after what just happened.


Terra: Hm...

Well -- with that delay out of the way, Terra Airlines can finally proceed towards its destination. Carrying both Doc and an extra (albeit restless) passenger.

>> >> >> NOW LOADING...


The bee's missing piece has spent hours trying to escape its new prison. But the inner containment room of Friska's lab proves to be air-tight. Literally, as the air vents have been sealed completely shut. Even the lights above are hard to break through, due to their newly armored plating. Better safe than sorry.

And all throughout that time, Terra has been keeping watch of it. Better safer than sorry.

Terra: ...

Just then, the sound of metal footsteps can be heard close by. Making his way into the outer room is Doc, fully functional once more.

Terra: Those Maintenance Droids sure worked wonders, huh?

Doc: [walks over to her] To an extent.

Terra: Good to see you up 'n running again, Doc.

Doc: All thanks to you, of course. You have my sincerest gratitude for finding- [hears a thumping sound]!

Both: [look at what the jellyfish dragged in]...

The desperate clump of ooze, having jumped straight onto the glass, repeatedly slaps itself on it -- fully aware of Doc's presence.

Terra: Yeah, I'd steer clear if I were you. Apparently this "thing" feeds on electricity. And whatever it is, it's not a Nightmare.

Doc: [continues looking]...

Terra: ...? Doc?

Doc: ... For now, let's focus on finding - [suddenly receives a call from his radio cellular system]!! [quickly answers and puts it on speaker] Friska?

Friska: (voice-over) Doc?! (excited plus relieved) Oh thank god you're okay! Where are you?!

Doc: I'm currently back at the lab with Terra.

Terra: [telekinetically flicks the white/blue booger off of the glass] (to Friska) Hey.

Friska: [as Umeme fixes a hole in the helicopter flooring with duct tape, which he got from Neduma after fishing through his hat] Wait, really? Me and Umeme are heading there right now. (to Terra) Also hey.

Doc: (voice-over) And Radi?

Friska: ... We -- tried calling him first, but he didn't answer. I'm kinda worried.

Umeme: Don't be. If you, me, and Doc came out okay, same goes for him.

Friska: But if same went for us, he might be in a whole new heap of trouble. (back to Doc) Doc, I need help from the rabbots. (voice-over) If they can't find that ziggurat, at least they can find Radi.

Doc: Affirmative.

Friska: (voice-over) Alright, we'll be back as soon as we can.

Umeme: (voice-over) There, that should hold.

Cue the sudden sound of ripped tape and rushing wind.

Umeme: (voice-over) Ah shi- [Friska hangs up]

Terra: I'll help too.

Doc: But your phone. How do you intend to keep tabs with us?

Terra: Don't worry, [takes out her salvaged SIM card] got a spare cell back home. [sees the persistent stain back on the glass]... Speaking of cell, I'll leave this to you and Friska. That okay?

Doc: Affirmative. I will bring you up speed on what has transpired soon afterwards.

Terra: [gives a nod in response]

The two wave each other goodbye as Terra makes a flying exit from the room. It's just him and the ooze now.

Doc: ...

???: [still trying to break free and feed]!!!

Doc: ... [activates something from the control panel]

That something arises from the floor of the inner containment chamber. It appears to be a large metal tube of some sort, pointed directly at the preoccupied pus. With just one more push of a button, the tube begins sucking in air with ferocious force -- enough to get the muck's attention. Despite an earnest effort to cling on for dear life, it just doesn't have enough strength left to muster. Eventually, the ooze gets consumed by the vacuum tube. And sent where, exactly? Ask him.

Doc: [Turns off the suction, deactivates the tube, and walks away from the chamber. As if there was nothing there to begin with]


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