The First Spark To Forever (A...

By Free_Strings

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Louis is sent to a Summer Camp as soon as his last year of school ends because the Principal of his school to... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9

Chapter 2

705 21 19
By Free_Strings

Sorry for the wait guys, but it's not so easy as you might think :P

This chapter is rated R for sexual content, so if you have any problems with that, I recommend you not to keep reading :)

If you don't, then go ahead and enjoy :D


In no time they were all in the dining room walking in and mixing with the bunch of campers there, carefully listening to what one of the counsellors was saying...

"... so if you see either of the boys please let us know, we are desperate to find them, you all know their description so please, tell us as soon as possible if you spot them, thanks" she finished and soon one of the boys next to Louis raised his hand.

"isn't he one of them?" he asked pointing to Louis. 

Harry bit his lip and cursed under his breath. How the hell could going swimming for a couple of hours cause this much of a problem, it was ridiculous.

He felt his cheeks heat up as the girl beside him pointed to him.

"And that’s the other" she said staring at Harry like he was some sort of foreign animal.

"you were here?! And you were not capable of showing up whilst we had a heart attack?!" the woman raised her voice.

"we actually weren't here, we just walked in" Louis said as he felt his hands trembling. 

"It was my fault" Harry said standing up, "I didn't know the curfew and made Louis come with me exploring last night unintentionally breaking it. We got a little lost so we got back way later than anticipated and overslept this morning because of it" he said giving Louis a smile.

Despite the fact Harry had given a great excuse, he still was shaking because of the leader's faces.

"well then, we don't want this to happen ever again, clear boys?" the woman said and that’s when Louis let out the deep breath he was holding in.

He then mouthed a 'thank you' to Harry with a reassuring smile.

Harry sighed in relief as well.

"it won't" he said dutifully before sitting back down next to Louis a grin on his face, "that's that sorted" he smiled, "and Niall and Zayn won't get told off either"

Louis grinned and feels like leaning against Harry's arm, but he wasn't sure about that. He was a bully after all, he had to stick up to that reputation.

The leaders kept saying some more stuff about the woods and the lake, and games, etc, etc, but Louis couldn't concentrate in anything but Harry, he looked so good even after recently being woken up, how could a boy make him feel this way? 

Harry held Louis’ hand subtly beneath the table where they were all sat, smiling gently.

The camp leaders were saying something about schedules and team building but Harry really couldn't care less to be honest, just so long as he got to spend time with Louis he was fine.

Harry held Louis’ hand subtly beneath the table where they were all sat, smiling gently. The camp leaders were saying something about schedules and team building but Harry really couldn't care less to be honest, just so long as he got to spend time with Louis he was fine.

Louis was quite scared, knowing there was people everywhere surrounding them, but will just a 'friendly' hand in hand moment ruin his reputation? He decided to intertwine his fingers to Harry's under the table. He closed his eyes shut tightly and took a deep breath, knowing it wasn’t friendly at all.

Harry grinned widely as Louis held his hand back but acted cool about it. He gave Louis’ hand a little squeeze of reassurance before starting to talk to some of the other campers.

"I see you're holding hands, bet you weren't just swimming last night" Zayn, who was next to Louis, whispers in his ear, making him feel Goosebumps all of a sudden.

Shit, Zayn knew, and now what? He's already teasing him!

Harry didn't hear Zayn and just continued to get acquainted with some of the other campers, holding Louis’ hand loosely occasionally giving it a squeeze.

"Zayn is mocking me" Louis whispers in Harry's ear as Zayn continued to say silly stuff to him.

It was hard to contain himself, but he couldn't punch him in front of everyone, no wait… scratch that, he couldn't punch Zayn in front of Harry.

"ignore him" Harry whispered back softly, "he's just being stupid"

He gave Louis’ hand another squeeze, running his thumb over Louis’ skin.

Louis wanted to smile at Harry's touch, but being teased is not something he likes.

"are you talking about escaping again tonight to have more sex?" Zayn whispers as he chuckles but Louis can't control himself anymore.

"look Zayn, I could actually punch you right now and knock you out, but I won't, I don't want any more trouble, so please, shut the fuck up for once" he says louder than needed with a dead serious face.

Harry bit his lip and gave Zayn a pointed look, "fuck off Zayn" he hissed in Louis’ defence, his eyes narrowing a little as he put his arm around Louis’ shoulder in a way that appeared to be friendly, but meant a lot more.

"woah, calm down faggy, I was just kiddin' him" Zayn chuckles but Louis knew he wasn't kidding.

He buried his face in his arm down at the table, not being able to handle this right now.

"piss of Zayn" Harry said glaring at him now.

Zayn laughed but deep down he knew Louis was right, leaders had warned Harry, Niall and him about Louis and how mean he could be sometimes. He decided it was best to keep talking to Niall, who was trying to shut Zayn up as well as Harry.

"thanks" Louis says as he squeezes Harry's hand under the table.

He dropped his phone 'accidentally' to pretend he was gonna pick it up when he kissed Harry's hand and then got back to his previous position.

Harry smiled, "no bother Lou" he said shivering as Louis kissed his hand, a good kind of shiver though.

Louis rested his face on the table as everyone chattered with someone, he felt left out.

Zayn was talking with Niall, eying him once in a while, so it was obvious they were talking about him, and Harry was totally ignoring him, he was talking with a guy that was sitting next to him, he was pretty attractive, and that's what scared Louis the most. Would Harry switch him for this chocolate eyed lad? The only thing that kept Louis from punching the boy was squeezing Harry’s hand tighter each second.

Harry turned to Louis as his grasp on his hand reached the point when it was almost painful.

"you alright Lou?" he asked softly seeming concerned, "you've got a pretty firm grip on my hand" he said, his attention pulled away from his other new friend, Liam.

"I just... I'm fine, just..."

Not even the prettiest girl he's been with made him stammer that much.

"who's your friend?" he asks with a small smile as he shifts closer to Harry so he could introduce himself in the conversation.

Harry smiled and sat back just a little so Louis could speak to Liam.

“this is Liam" he said pointing to his mate, "and Liam this is Louis" he put his arm around Louis’ shoulder in a way that just looked friendly but meant so much more.

Louis smiled at the gesture, and stretched his hand to shake with Liam, his smile was still glued to his lips but he knew it was fake. Harry smiled happily, still with his arm around Louis as he spoke to both the lads.

Time passed by and eventually everyone was old to lead the woods. Louis stood up and noticed Liam didn't walk away, he followed both guys with the rest of the campers by Harry’s side. Harry kind've lent on Louis as they walked, still chatting oblivious of the half glare Liam was giving Louis.

"so... Liam, in which cabin are you staying at?" Louis asks, a mere plan forming in his mind.

"Cabin 5" Liam said.

Harry was slightly disappointed that his new mate wouldn't be in the same cabin as him. Louis smiled to himself but then he remembered he was in cabin 6, pretty close...

"oh, we're right next to you then" he laughs, but deep down he knew what was going through his evil mind.

Don't forget Louis was bully after all, and if he doesn't like something, he fixes it.

Liam smiled.

"yup" he nodded his arm slinging around Harry’s waist happily.

Harry laughed leaning into Liam’s side moving his arm from Louis shoulders and holding his hand instead. Louis first boiled with anger, but it faded when Harry held his hand, was this a PDA? They couldn't hide their hands under anywhere! Was Harry... proud of holding hands with a boy?

He began to shake, not noticeable for most people, but his hand was shaking uncontrollably. Harry tipped his head to the side a little giving Louis hand a reassuring squeeze and giving him a little smile.

"you ok?" he asked not letting their hands drop.

"I-I'm f-fine..." Louis stutters as he looks down to their hands, fingers intertwined a bit, it wasn't just a friendly squeeze, it was so much more and people already started to talk about it, giving them weird looks, specially Liam.

Harry paid no heed to the looks they were receiving and didn't let up his hold on Louis hand until the camp leader insisted they did so. He moved away from both of the boys slightly standing in the middle of them.

'that's it, my reputation here is over... damn Harry, why so cute?!' Louis thought to himself when the man intervened between them, it was unfair, but yet he was kind of glad he did so, he felt he was gonna fain from the nerves.

"I... I'll go with Niall" Louis says rapidly before storming backwards to where Niall and Zayn were, quite far from Harry and Liam.

Harry nibbled his lip as he watched Louis storming off, hoping he hadn't ruined things with the boy. He sighed and turned to Liam who just nodded answering his unasked question. They would be going boating on the lake today and were required to work in groups.

Later that day they reached the lake, Louis hadn't left Niall's side for quite a while, ignoring Zayn's comments. Niall was the only one who seemed to support him. He started to search for Harry through the mob of people and suddenly he found him, laughing hard with Liam, one hand on Liam's shoulder, sending him a pang of jealousy.

Harry laughed at the joke Liam told, holding onto Liam’s shoulder to steady himself his other arm wrapped around his stomach.

"oh God" he chuckled as Liam also laughed, "too funny" he drawled just about managing to straighten up as Liam supported him.

Liam chuckled, arm around Harry’s waist as he led him to a boat. It felt nice to Harry but he wished it was Louis’ arm around him.

"everyone, pick two friends to go on a boat, we are parting in five!" a leader said and everyone started to search for someone.

Louis was talking with Niall and Zayn, but he wanted to go with Harry, not that he disliked the boys, they were fun, but it wasn't the same.

Harry looked at Liam.

"we need one more person" he said solemnly.

Liam nodded his arm still around Harry’s waist.

"that we do, how about we get that Louis kid?" Harry shrugged and called Louis over.

"Louis!" he called out waving a bit.

Louis turned around at the sound of the curly boy. He understood what he meant and looked at Niall sympathetically.

"go, I know you want to, I'll go with Zayn and who knows, maybe a hot chick" Niall jokes and Louis quickly smiles to the boy, running towards Harry and Liam.

"I'm sorry" Louis whispers to Harry after some moments of standing there, looking around.

"it's fine" Harry said with a nod giving Louis and ever so quick hug before he grabbed both Louis and Liam’s hands leading them to their boat. 

They were in the line, waiting for a couple of seconds until it was their turn to get into a boat.

"hello!" Louis greets the leader cheerfully, happy because Harry wasn't mad at him for running off, but the woman just looked at him with disgust in her eyes.

Harry gave the woman a frown as she practically glared at Louis.

"who’s twisting your knickers?" he piped up innocently causing Liam and Louis to chuckle.

"excuse me?!" the woman hissed at him as she stopped adjusting the floaters around their torsos. 

Harry bit his lip slightly "I meant, what was the glare for?" he shrugged.

"PDA's, forbidden in the Camp, specially with homosexuals, there are people that are against it and it would just create trouble, so stop, for your own sake" the woman says, disgust clear in her voice.

Louis wanted to kick her ass, she was a lady, yeah… no scratch that, she was a bitch, but a female anyways, and it was just wrong...

"well, thanks for the warning" Louis says with a little smile on his face.

Harry frowned.

"hardly PDA, I hugged him for God’s sake and urm… PDA may be banned in camp but homophobic discrimination’s illegal" he countered glaring up at her and daring her to challenge him not at all happy.

"I'm concerned about that dear, but do you think teenagers will agree with law? I saw how everyone glared at you in the woods, you can be boyfriends and kiss all you want, as long as no one is able to see you, clear?" she says with a little wink.

Louis knew the wink was genuine, he knew the kind of people who are homophobic, she was not. Harry relaxed slightly knowing the woman was actually ok, he gave her a small smile and nodded his thanks. Louis smiled once again and she led the three boys into the boat. Liam bit his lip as they got into the boat holding Harry for balance.

"this a bad time to say that I don't really like boats?" he said nervously.

"you can jump out if you want, Liam, we didn't launch yet" Louis says, a slight smirk in his lips, but he tend to be friendly.

Liam shook his head noticing Louis smirk.

"nah," he grinned, “I got Harry to protect me" he said with his own smirk, Harry just agreed oblivious.

Louis was certain Liam knew about him and Harry, he was a cheeky lad after all... and was still getting on Louis’ nerves. Liam gave Louis a knowing wink taking his place on the boat behind Harry, Harry sat in the middle leaving Louis to sit in the front.

They began rowing, Harry specifically, as they followed six more boats in front of them, a few more behind. Louis heard Liam chattering with Harry, and tilted his head to the side a bit to see Liam's hand on Harry’s shoulder as he whispered something in the boy's ear. Harry giggled slightly as Liam whispered in his ear before turning slightly to whisper back. They weren't talking about anything special really, just joking on but Harry was having fun. Louis was jealous, nothing could change that and it was so obvious it seemed he had the word written in his forehead. How could he gain Harry again?

He finds himself resting his back against Harry’s torso, shifting to get both in a comfy position so Harry could continue to row. Harry smiled as Louis leant against him, shifting back so he could row properly as the other two were pretty awful at it.

"Am I bothering you?" Louis asks as innocent as possible when he noticed Liam and his curly stopped talking.

Harry shook his head, "not at all" he said as Liam bit back a yes.

Louis was looking up when Harry answered, so he saw Liam's expression and looked back down, smirking to himself as he rested his head in the crook of Harry’s neck, still looking forward, making it seem he was tired. Harry quickly kissed Louis cheek as his head rested in the crook of his neck.

"Imma turn us around, you're clearly shattered Lou" he said as he started doing just that.

Liam gave Louis a little glare feeling rather jealous.

"no, please, I like it..." Louis says, nuzzling furtively in his neck.

He heard Liam sigh, maybe he was in fact interrupting the start of a new friendship... but he didn't know Liam, he could just be a horrible person, so he may be doing Harry a favour. Harry nodded.

"ok" he said, "but not much longer or my arms might drop off"

Liam laughed "and God, forbid that" he chuckled.

Louis chuckled at boys’ joke, and in some way it was true, but he deserved it, for making him jealous.

Some minutes later they find themselves back at the woods on their way to the cabins. Harry sighed as they walked through the woods stretching his achy arms above his head causing his shirt hem to rise up just a little as a yawn escaped his lips. Liam found his eyes automatically locking on the tiny bit of exposed skin.

Ok, this was definitely not just 'friendship', Liam had his eyes on Harry, it was so obvious. Louis saw the little skin shown, and that's when he saw the look in Liam's eyes...

"oh God!" Louis yells as he holds his stomach in pain, arching his back as he stopped walking.

Harry froze, turning to Louis eyes worried.

"Louis, what’s up?" he asked frantically, putting his arm around Louis shoulders his eyes worried, "Louis?"

"I-I... I don't know, i-it hurts..." Louis cringed as he tried to walk, shutting his eyes tight letting out a gasp.

Maybe taking that drama class after all was useful.

"do you need me to carry you to the nurses" Harry asked concerned, his arm still wrapped tightly around Louis. 

"no! I-I hate nurses..." Louis stutters, and Liam lets out yet another deep sigh.

Harry bit his lip ignoring Liam’s sigh.

"I’ll take you back to the cabin" he said picking Louis up before the other boy could protest, giving Liam an apologetic look, "I'll speak to you later Li" he said with a smile.

"sorry L-Liam, bye lad..." Louis said trying to sound breathless, still clutching at his stomach.

Liam just nodded, "It's fine" he said quietly, "get better"

Harry gave Liam another smile before beginning to walk with Louis in his arms.

Louis tried to smile, giving him a crooked little twitch from his lips and Liam just walked off to his cabin. Lou and Harry walked to their cabin, Harry helping Louis on their way, and they reached the log room it was surprisingly empty.

"Are you alright?" Harry asked concerned as he set Louis down on his own bunk not wanting to make him climb the ladder to the top one, sitting at the end of the bed looking slightly worried.

"yeah... i-it's nothing... maybe something I ate..." Louis says as he continues to clutch his stomach.

"may I ask y-you something...?" Louis says as he looks up at Harry.

Harry nodded still not moving away, worry on his face, "sure you can" 

"haven't you seen Liam yet...?" Louis says in a bare whisper, faking pain.

Harry cocked his head to the side "course I’ve seen him" he said slightly confused, stroking Louis forehead softly. 

"n-no... I mean... he's flirting w-with you..." Lou says, looking up at the boy in front of him, leaning into his touch.

"it seems y-you do..." Louis says, lookind down as he looses his grip on his stomach.

Harry shook his head.

"no I don’t" he said though he wasn't sure whether it was the truth. He rubbed Louis’ forehead once more.

"you do... I saw you staring at him... and laughing... a-and..." Louis stopped as he arched his back downwards, letting a gasp escape his throat.

Harry shook his head once again.

"I don't" he said softly pressing a kiss to Louis’ forehead, looking worried.

"I wish we could have as much fun as you have with him..." Louis sighs, not pretending this time.

Harry cocked his head to the side.

 "what's stopping us?" he asked softly.

"my fake stomach ache..." Louis sighs as he fakes a loud moan whilst cluthching his shirt once again.

Harry frowned.

"urm what?" he asked.

"I had to pull you away from him Harry! But I do have sorta headche, no kidding this time babe" Louis states, and despite his last lie, he was being honest, all this jealousy thingy got him very stressed, too much to make him believe he just called Harry babe.

Harry chuckled.

"that's kind've cute actually" he smiled, "do you want me get you a paracetemol for your head, babe?"

"please" Louis smiled and pecked the curly's cheek.

Harry smiled before kissing Louis cheek back and going to get the tablet. When Harry left Louis collapsed in the bed under his own, Harry just kissed him, in the cheek, yeah, but it was a kiss, and every kiss counts. And what's the best thing out of all this? He doesn't like Liam!

Harry got Louis some water and a tablet before coming back, sitting on the end of the bed once more and handing him the water carefully, smiling gently.

"thanks" is all Lou said before taking in the small tablet and a couple of sips of the water. He placed the empty glass on the small nighstand beside him and hurled himself into Harry's arms all of a sudden.

Harry was taken by surprise as Louis suddenly hurled himself into his arms but hugged back none the less.

"I'm sorry..."

"It's fine" Harry said giving Louis a squeeze.

"I'm supposed to be killing someone right now, maybe Zayn or Liam... but for some reason I'm quite... touchy, with you..." Louis admits sheepishly.

Harry chuckled and kissed the top of Louis head.

"And I plan on getting touchier" he joked with a wink still hugging the boy with ocean blue eyes.

Louis chuckled and looked up at the boy, he then hurridly pecked his lips for a second... but everyone know a second is never enough. Harry bit his lip slightly before leaning down a bit and kissing Louis’ lips properly. Lou smiled into the kiss, he kissed billions of girls before, he was the badboy after all... but none of them compared to what he was feeling inside of him, but there was still a doubt on his mind... how could he find himself falling for this boy he barely knows?

Harry felt his stomach twisting and his heart pounding as he kissed Louis and he couldn't help but hug him closer. Louis lifeted his hand up to the boy's neck, he wanted more, more and more from Harry, but it would only be awkward to take so much control. Harry smiled against Louis’ lips deepening the kiss ever so slightly not wanting to freak the boy out.

Louis knew this move, he knew Harry wanted more... and oh, he was gonna give him more. He finds himself deepening the kiss as well, until he traces his tongue along the green eyed boy's bottom lip. Harry parted his lips almost the second he felt Louis licking across them, a happy little sigh escaping his mouth. The grip on Harry's neck became tighter as Louis engraved his fingertips in his skin. Tilting his head a little for more comfort, he began to explore every single spot on the young's mouth, feeling butterflies erupt from his belly. Harry moaned slightly, his hands clutching to the back of Louis shirt. His stomach was fluttering. His free hand was travling all the way to Harry's waist, still unsure wether he should do what was on his mind... was too early for some little heat?

Harry played with Louis shirt softly wanting nothing more than to pull it off but restraining himself. When Louis felt his fingertips lightly touching his hips he decided to slid his hand under Harry's shirt, if Harry was playing with his shirt, he might as well do the same, but better...

Harry let out another sigh as Louis fingers graced over his skin loving the feel of it. Louis let out a small sigh when he felt Harry's hands touch his body, cheeky boy he was rowing fond on. Harry slid his own fingers up under Louis shirt, fingers taking a hold of Louis hips. It was impossible to hold it any longer, so Louis decides to take a shot. He starts to lift up the navy blue shirt with his fingers, slowly and carefully, so he didn't seem so hungry to see that bare torso he's been thinking about since the lake last night. Harry grinned against Louis lips, moving away from Louis to take his shirt off properly before reattaching their lips. Louis took advantage of the few seconds between Harry's actions to stare in awe at his body, it was milk coloured and it seemed to shine... perfect. But he didn't let himslef fall yet, he instead made a rough movement when Harry kissed him, and this was throwing Harry against the bed, straddling him completely.

Harry was taken by surprise as he found himself pinned back to the bed but he didn't complain, still kissing Louis’ lips his hands resting on Louis’ stomach. Louis bent downwards with Harry's sudden touch, he was surprised he didn't jerk back, but well, he deserved it after all this Liam drama. He kisses him passionately before asking something.

"wanna take it off of me?" he asked as he clutched his baby blue shirt.

Harry nodded with a smile, hands moving down to the hem of the shirt

"course" he said pulling at the fabric.

Louis straightened his arms up so it was easier for the boy to take it off, finally getting rid of the material, he jumps back down and connect their lips as smile twitched up in Louis' face. Harry threw the shirt aside kissing Louis’ back passionately. Hands searching for his pale neck as he rolled his hips against the boy. Harry let out a sigh of pleasure as Louis’ hips met his. It's less to say the friction made Louis feel a bit awkward down there... but he didn't mind, as he continued to move against Harry's body, not letting go off his charming lips. Harry pushed his hips up to meet Louis’, hands moving to Louis’ waist as they kissed. When Harry did that, Louis felt his groin, and it seems Harry was udner the same awkward situation, but it only made things more exciting for him. Sound kind of creepy, but Louis smield and kissed down Harry's jaw, leaving little pecks as he traveled down to his neck. Harry let out another little moan as Louis kissed his neck, he was incredibly sensitive there and having Louis kiss him drove him wild. He was very pleased however when he realized he wasn't the only one aroused. Lowering one hand, leaving burnt flames where his fingertips touched along Harry's torso, he reached the growing buldge on Harry's jeans, he left the hand there, slightly moving it not to scare him so fast, if he hadn't already. Harry moaned out pushing his hips to Louis’ hand.

 "Louis…" he said against said boys lips, "more…"

Louis was startled by the boy's words, but you must finish what you once started, right? He began palming the boy's are with ease, though his heart was almost bursting out of his ribcage. Slowly he caressed the still growing buldge on Harry's pants as he let out a seductive moan, lips joined to the curly's. Harry moaned against Louis’ lips, his stomach fluttering as he pushed to Louis’ hand pleasure rippling through him. Louis finds himself unbuttoning Harry's jean's and unzipping it slowly, making the boy beg for his touch.

"Louis," Harry demanded breathily "hurry up please…!" he sounded desperate.

Louis chuckled by Harry's voice, raspy and sexy. He liked him way to much to let his sass take over right now, so he slid his hand inside Harry's boxers and began to caress the length, shivering by thought of it. Harry moaned loudly, his mouth falling open and his eyes squeezing shut.

"hmmm Louis..." he breathed out, his skin tingling under Louis’ touch.

"I know, just..." but he couldn't find any more words, just let out a moan when he felt his own member hardening more in his pants, but he forbid himself to touch it, he wanted Harry, and no other than him.

Knowing this he kissed the boy, his lips red and swollen from snogging. Harry kissed back messily, moving his own hand down Louis’ body trying to give the other boy some pleasure as well. Louis smiled, he was feeling extremely happy, so happy we was giving someone such pleasure... it was his first time with a boy, and it seems he was doing it right. But all thoughts faded when he felt it, Harry's own fingers touching him through the fabric, it was too much... to much for him to stay silent.

"I need... more" Louis breathed as he gave Harry a love bite, still caressing his member up and down.

"what do you want to do?" Harry just about managed to breathe out as Louis continued to stroke his member, his own hand rubbing Louis’ crotch.

"you are the one who knows..." Louis choked out, he barely had any idea of what he wanted, but all he knew was that everything involved Harry.He gave him a nod and a comforting smiled before flipping them over so he was on top of Louis.

"woah...!" Louis chuckled from the sudden switch, he wasn't expecting it, neither loosing Harry's touch.

Harry laughed slightly, before moving down Louis’ body, hands resting on his crotch still eyes glinting flirtatiously.

"I- Harry... I-..." Louis wanted to warn, but was shut by Harry’s actions.

Harry gave Louis a reassuring look as he pulled his zipper down.

"It's alright Lou" he said gently as he freed Louis’ erection.

"yeah... but, Harry-" he couldn't speak, he really couldn't, he was breathless.

The sudden confidence left his body and now he couldn't even tell him, nor motion a single move. Harry gave him another smile.

"just tell me if you want me to stop" he said softly, rubbing Louis’ erection a couple of times before taking it in his mouth. Louis' eyes shot open in shock at the sudden move, he felt this knot in his belly, and truth is he liked the feeling and-


Harry let out a loud groan, pulling up from Louis and turning to whoever it was who had just walked in with a not so happy look.

"I-... nothing, we just... I-" but once again, Louis was breathless, mostly because Zayn and Niall just covered their mouths in shock.

He saw how Niall closed the door and he covered his erection as quick as possible.

"look don't tell anyone" Harry said with a glare towards both boys, pulling his boxers on and sitting in front of Louis so the boys wouldn't see him.

"but you just...! I-... why?! For God's sake...!" Zayn begins to yell at the lovebirds whilst Niall watched with wide eyes.

"I tried to tell you Harry... I thought I heard somehting outside... sorry" Louis says ashamed whilst pulling up his boxers as fast as possible as he hid behind Harry.

Harry groaned, sighing slightly but giving Louis a smile anyway.

"look, shut up," he glared at Zayn, "we're not gonna talk about it anymore"

"but you can't just-"

"shut up Zayn, cut the shit!" Niall shouts and Zayn storms out.

Harry eyebrows raised as he gave Niall a surprised looked.

"urm thanks…" he said awkwardly.

"I'll go check on him" Niall says as he shoot the boys a half smile, "oh, and lads, lock the door next time" he winks and steps out, making both boys chuckle a bit.

"I'm sorry... again" Louis sighs.

Harry laughed.

 "It's fine Louis" he chuckled, "that was actually rather amusing"

"amusing? you find two guys shouting at us amusing?" Louis chuckled, startled in every way possible.

"nah, I find Zayn’s reaction quite amusing, the shouting not so much" Harry explained, "his face"

"yeah... was funny" Louis chuckles, "but Niall's was more, you saw the innocence fading away from the boy? I think we ruined his childhood" Louis jokes as he sits up, his boxers still not well on.

 Harry bit his lip, "oops" he said with a laugh turning round so he could face Louis again.

Louis' laughter died down when he saw Harry's eyes, they were shining a different green, it was more clear and somehow more... mesmerazing. Harry smiled at Louis once more, stretching out a Little.

“Next time we'll have to take his advice though" he said with a wink.

"yeah..." Louis' face flush pink, "what a great first time..." he said rolling his eyes a bit whilst he chuckled.

Harry cocked his head to the side.

"first time?" he questioned.

"y-yeah..." Louis admits, he thought Harry remembered he's a closet gay, he wasn't even sure before yesterday, but guess he was wrong.

Harry nodded.

"with a guy or in general?" he asked slightly curious.

Louis thought for a second... he did have had heated moments with a girl before, but he never actually...

"in general..." Louis says in a bare whisper, he was a teenager, an actual teenager, not those little thirteen year olds... and even being the player he was back in Doncaster, he was a virgin.

Harry nodded biting his lip taking the information before kissing Louis cheek lightly

"I'm honored" he smiled.

Louis' length was still half hard, and he wanted as hell to continue were they stopped, but he jerked the idea when Harry kissed his cheek, a cheek is not what he was expecting.

"you should be" Louis jokes.

Harry let his eyes trail down to Louis’ half hard member.

"how about we finish what we started?" he asked softly, lips grazing Louis’ ear.

Louis smiled to himself before standing up and running towards the door after fetching the keys from the nightstand and locking it with a smirk.

"if you insist..." he smiled as he apprached the low bunk and kissed those lips furiosly.

Harry grinned against Louis lips, kissing them passionately, his hands once more going to Louis’ bulge. Lou doesn't hesitate when he laid back down on their previous position, lips joined to the curly's, moving deeply in synch. Harry licked over Louis’ bottom lip, his hand moving to the hem of Louis’ boxers, slipping inside them. Louis let out a satisfied moan by the touch on his buldge, raising one hand to Harry's neck and the other one down his hip. Harry smirked slightly pulling off of Louis lips.

"do you want me to blow you?" he offered.

It's funny how Louis' breath hitched at his words. He was about to nod but…

"Harry... how many... how many boys have you... blowed?" he asked biting his lip, regretting the question as soon as it leaves his lips.

 "one" he said simply, "but he doesn't matter, i'm with you now"

Louis wanted to smile, but the idea of someone else with Harry made his blood boil. Either way he kissed Harry's lips once again and said a simple "good" before giving Harry a look that answered his previous question. Harry smiled before moving back down Louis’ body, pulling his boxers away once more. Just one single breath on his member and Louis already was biting his lip not to let out a gasp. Was he ready for Harry? Harry gave Louis a cheeky wink before taking him into his mouth properly.

"Harreh..." Louis mumbled as the boy began to lick his cock, the shivers travelling all the way up his spine.

Harry looked up, his eyes locking with Louis as he took all of Louis into his mouth gagging slightly but not pulling back. Louis arched his back whe he touched harry's throat, but he didn't moan, he didn't let Harry have that pleasure just yet. But he did take a fist of Harry's hair ever so lightly not to hurt the boy. Harry pulled back slightly, his eyes watering a bit and his lips red swollen. He caught his breath before repeating the process.

"Styles... you're gonna kill me b-boy" Louis breathes as Harry moved his head down his length.

He felt his stomach was about to rip open with butterflies erupting from it but he held tight grip of the sheets beneath them not to let that happen, even though he knew it was impossible. Harry chuckled slightly, his laugh sending vibrations down Louis’ member but still he didn't pull completely away. Louis moves his hips up, knowing he'd make the boy choke but he wasn't thinking properly, his body took over his mind. Harry surely gagged but didn't pull back, loving the feeling. Louis moaned, and loud, he never experienced that feeling before, but he was looking forward to keep in touch with it. He arched his back in pleasure when he hears Harry moaning. Harry pushed down, Louis’ member touching the back of his throat causing his eyes to wáter. He felt it, he felt the come near, but he didn't mind, he held it back and let Harry continue his plan. Harry pulled up slightly, licking the head of Louis’ dick teasing him.

"H-Harry, I'm gonna-" but he's not able to finish his sentence, but still waits for Harry's approval.

Harry nodded, acknowledging Louis’ statement but not pulling back. And that's when Louis finally let out the warm liquid, invading Harry's throat as he thrusted into his mouth. Harry moaned out swallowing all of Louis down.

"Harry..." Louis finally moans when he's finished, caaressing the boy's hair inthe process.

Harry pulled up from Louis’ member, licking his lips.

"thanks..." Louis smiles, heavily breathing.

"no bother" Harry said with a grin.

Louis motioned a 'come over' nod as he smiled wide. Harry smiled and went back up so he was level with Louis once more. Louis kissed his swollen lips, they were soft and tasted... different, but he definetely liked it. Harry kissed Louis back passionately, aware of his own hard on.When Louis moved slightly his hand towards Harry's hip, he 'accidentaly' brushed his hand down Harry's member, still under the black fabric. Harry let out a moan, rocking to Louis’ hand. Louis caressed the stiff length beneath his skin, sliding it up and down once he made it through the waistline and down with it. Harry bit his lip to stop himself letting out anymore embarrasingly loud moans.

"want me to...?" Louis asks, sudden lack of confidence hitting him.

"only if you want to, I’m ok with the rubbing" Harry said gently.

Louis was about to look down Harry's sweaty torso when he noticed somehting in his eyes... it was something that invaded Louis' body with guilt... he wanted him to do it, he so wanted but he's just being a gentleman. Louis didn't say a word, he just found his way to escape Harry’s grip above him and kneeled at the side of the bed, resting his forearms in the mess of sheets. Harry gave him a little look not quite sure what he was doing as he bit his lip.

"I thought you... Gosh, I'm such an idiot...!" Louis mumbles the last part to himself as he buries his head in his arms, letting his body plomp down on the floor with a loud thud.

Harry understood rolling off the bed next to Louis and hugging him tightly.

"hey, it's ok" he said softly, "you just confused me for a second there, you're definitely not an idiot"

"I am! I'm sorry, I didn't want to rush you... I better… I better go" Louis says as he starts to reach the bathroom with his clothes.

Harry caught Louis’ wrist and pulled him so he was looking in his eyes "it's fine" he said truthfully, "you're not rushing me, I just sucked you off for gods sake. Now what was it you wanted?" he smiled.

Louis thought for a minute... he still wasn't convinced Harry wanted to, but it was his first time, so guess he needed soem control in the situation. He looked into those beautiful eyes and kissed his lips, and then his nose... then his jaw line down to his neck... leaving love bites all over his torse as he kneeled slowly and carefully not to hurt himself. Harry ran his hand through Louis’ hair gently in a reassuring manner, allowing him to go at his own pace. Louis was about to commit his sin, but stopped on his tracks when he removed the boy's underwear. It was the first time he was so close to a dick, but not the first time he saw one, for sure, his mates back at school, after practise, they all showered, but this was different...

He felt uneasy all of a sudden…

"you ok?" Harry checked not wanting to push Louis too much, "Louis you don't have to baby"

He paid no attention to Harry's words, all he could do was stare at the hard on in front of him.

"I'm sorry, I pushed myself too far this time... I owe you though” Louis says with shame, looking down and chuckling a bit at the last part.

"it's fine Louis" Harry said pulling Louis up to his feet and kissing his cheek, "I'll wait as long as I need to for you”

Louis smiled, a genuine smile, and kissed the boy's lips quickly before pecking his nose and finally his forehead as he cupped his face.

"I... I really like you Harry"

"I really like you too Louis" Harry said softly, resting his forehead against Louis’.

Just then there was a knock on the door after some struggling was heard, as if someone was trying to open up. Louis rushed to put his clothes back on as he waited for Harry to do the same, he then went and opened the door.

"what?" is all Louis says when he sees Liam face popping up.

Harry ran a hand through his messy hair inwardly groaning when he saw Liam.

"hey Louis, Harry" the boy said cheerfully oblivious to their discomfort, "I was wondering, do you wanna come down to the lake with me?"


Sooooo, what do you think? 

Remember every chapter is written by both Bella and I, hard to explain... but yeah, we hope you liked it and we look forward for comments, votes, fans, whatever, but please tell us :)

xxxxx <3

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