Together forever

By love_wisperer__

873 50 0

She is broken .... He is a happy guy what will happen if these two cross their paths will he able to heal the... More

Main characters
Kabir Family
Mia Family
His Life
Her Life.
Their Meet
New feelings
I missed u sweetheart
New Bonds
New characters
Do you know each other
Shocker for mia
Won't you hug me oreo
It's time to go back
First day in New York
New characters
He Is Out Of Danger
You Moved On So Easily
The Main Culprit
It's Not Easy To Forget Everything.
The Heartfelt Talk-II
The Heartfelt Talk-III
The Heart Felt Talk-IV

First day of office

25 1 0
By love_wisperer__


He woke as usual early in the morning and he was going to gym but he stopped in between when he saw mia's door open so he went towards mia's room and he saw that mia was doing yoga in the center of the bedroom he observed her for sometime and again he scolded himself for observing like that and he went away to the gym for his workout. After completing his workout he went towards his room and got ready for office and when he came down he saw his parents are back so he went and wished them. And kabir informed his dad 

Kabir: Dad my pa is staying with us for few days till the penthouse work is done

KD: So where is pa i want to meet

Kabir called a servant and asked him to call mia but his parents were shocked to hear a girl name from their son mouth

KM: Kabir did u just say a girl name that means your pa is a girl she said dramatically

Kabir sighed by seeing his mother and said

Kabir: Yes mom she is a girl and she is an orphan 

KM and KD were shocked to hear this in the meanwhile kabir saw mia approaching them so he said

 Kabir: Mom Dad she is mia reddy my new pa

KD and KD were shocked to see her because she looked so beautiful and innocent at the same time

KD: I hope u are comfortable here miss reddy

Mia : You can call me mia Mr Malhotra and yes i am comfortable over here she said with a small smile

KM was just admiring mia because she looked a cute doll to her and she said 

KM: Be comfortable mia 

Mia did not say anything but nodded with a smile

Kabir: Mia you can shift to the penthouse which is excatly in front of the house in night because work was going over there so i asked you to stay here

Mia: No problem sir i will shift to the penthouse after returning 

Kabir : Okay then i will inform servants to shift all ur things

Mia: Okay

Kabir: Fine then lets move we need to reach office

Mia nodded and went towards her room and brought her things which are needed for office so they both started for the office

After sometime they reached office and they both got settled down in their cabins

After sometime mia came to kabir's cabin with coffee and schedule  and knocked

Mia: May i come in sir

Kabir: Come in

Mia: Sir here is your coffee and i bought ur schedule do u want me to read sir

Kabir was impressed by her because she is talking related to work without any delay so he nodded mia said his schedule when kabir said

Kabir: Mia u need not to knock my cabin u can come directly 

Mia just nodded and went away

Kabir saw her eyes which held some pain but he could not understand anything so he went back to his work . 

Both are engrossed in their work when arjun and veer barged in kabir's cabin

Kabir Rolled his eyes by knowing its them only who can enter his cabin so veer started talking to kabir 

Veer: Hey bro come on take some break and spend some time with us

Kabir: I am busy veer 

Arjun: Come on dude take some break it's already lunch time come have have lunch with us even maanvi and maahi are waiting for us

Kabir: But

Veer: No i don't want to hear anything you are coming with us

Kabir sighed knowing that they won't listen to them so he called mia  to his cabin and mia came inside his cabin and saw arjun and veer

Kabir: I am going out for lunch so arrange the files and prepare a report on saxena's project

Mia: Okay sir anything else

Kabir : No you may go now

Arjun: mia wait he said and turned to kabir

Arjun: Y don't we take her also with us maanvi and maahi would get some company 

kabir: But work

Veer: Only for sometime kabir even yesterday maanvi and maahi did not meet mia properly

 Kabir: Fine ask her then

Arjun turned towards mia and said

Arjun: Mia y don't you join us

Mia: But sir how can i she said nervously 

Arjun and veer smiled by seeing her like that and veer said 

Veer: Relax mia even our gf's are coming u can join us you will have a company and don't take me wrong but you are like a small sister to us

Arjun nodded by hearing this made a puppy face and slightly pouted and asked her

Arjun: won't you come with us pleaseeee

Kabir was shocked to see both of them behaving like kids

Mia rooted in her place after hearing sister it's been 6 years that someone called her sister

But arjun and veer thought she don't won't to come so they made a sad face and turned towards kabir asked him to come with them

Now mia composed herself and saw that they were leaving so she said

Mia: I will come but only in one condition

Arjun and Veer looked at each other and turned towards her but they were confused by hearing condition and even kabir was confused by hearing her

Arjun : What condition he asked and mia nervously said 

Mia: I will come for the lunch with you but i will call u both as bhai 

 Arjun and Veer were shocked and happy at the same time but they did not say anything so mia misunderstood them and with a sad face she said

Mia: It's okay if u don't like she said with a sad pout

Arjun and Veer composed themselves and said at the same time 

Arjun, Veer: No we don't have any problem you can call us bhai

Mia was so happy so she smiled widely showing her teeth 

Arjun and Veer chuckled by seeing her and asked her to come with them 

Mia: Bhai you three go down i will bring my phone

They nodded and went outside so kabir asked them

Kabir: Guys what's wrong like seriously u asked her to call u both bhai you both did not let even khushi to call u as bhai then why mia

Veer sighed and said

Veer: Buddy her eyes they have a story and i don't know but i want her to be safe and protected and we don't have a sisiter so we asked her

Kabir just nodded and in the meanwhile mia came towards them so they settled in the car and went towards the hotel

Finally arjun and veer asked mia to call them bhai

Will she be happy now

How will maanvi and maahi react

And who are saxena's ?

Are they related to mia's past?

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