Final Fantasy VII: Remnant

By MightyChance

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(Vol.1-3) During the dawn of time in Remnant, legends tell that even during the uprising of Grimm, the One Wi... More

Chapter 1: Shining Beacon
Chapter 2: Initiation
Chapter 3: Team SZVC
Chapter 4: Dock Battle
Chapter 5: Reminded of Old Friends
Chapter 6: Assault on the Highway
Chapter 7: Slowing Down
Chapter 8: Searching for the Hideout
Chapter 9: Breach
Chapter 10: Crisis Core: Fall from Grace
Chapter 11: Crisis Core: The Price of Freedom & The Fall of Beacon
Chapter 12: Getting Back Up
Chapter 13: Bombing Mission
Chapter 14: Whereabouts
Chapter 16: Flower and Mute
Chapter 17: Deliverance
Chapter 18: Rebirth
Chapter 19: The Fall from Grace Story
Chapter 20: Back to Nibelheim
Chapter 21: The Hero who Hailed from Gongaga
Chapter 22: Dark Truths

Chapter 15: Reunion

209 9 1
By MightyChance

Back at Seventh Heaven in the morning, Cloud enters inside the bar to collect his pay. Walking inside, he sees Weiss by herself talking to Tifa about Mistral while Barret was taking care of Marlene. 

Tifa: So... that's what you think is going on? 

Weiss: I'm hoping to see my sister there and warn her of what could happen... Yeah. 

Tifa: ... *closes fists* Well, I'm coming too. 

Weiss: .. Are you sure you can hold your own?

Tifa: You haven't seen me, but I can hold out on my own. 

Weiss: Hm... Cloud, you hear that? Looks like she'll be coming with us to Mistral. 

Cloud: Are you even sure about this, Tifa? This isn't Beacon. 

Tifa: I'll be fine, and you'll need my help more then ever. 

Weiss: ... It would surely be nice to see my friends again... if they're there too. 

Cloud: They will be there. When are we leaving?

Tifa: Well, we're about ready. What about you?

Cloud: Once I get my pay, I'll tag along. 

Tifa: Oh yeah.... Barret?

Barret: Tch, cocky little bastard. Take the pay!

He then tosses the bag of the exact cut of lien to Cloud as he catches it.

Cloud: *sighs* I'll wait outside. 

He then walks out of the bar as Weiss looks over towards Tifa. 

Weiss: How long was he like this? 

Tifa: ... *sigh* .. Ever since the Fall of Beacon, he's been devastated from Zack's death. He never mentions his name and tries to continue on. But even underneath his stoic self, he feels as if he failed to save his best friend. 

Weiss: ... I see. What about the others? Vara and... Sephiroth?

Tifa: Well, for Vara... I don't know where he is, but for Sephiroth... he too was killed. Why don't we keep this between us? I don't want Cloud to feel sensitive about it. 

Weiss: Right. 

By now, Tifa and Weiss walk out of the bar as they join up with Cloud. The three all walked towards the train that lead to Seventh Heaven to Haven. Entering inside, the three all relaxed as they departed towards Mistral. Close to Haven, Vara and Yang stop at a nearby gas station to refuel the motorcycle. 

While refilling, Vara decides to ask the questions towards Yang. 

Vara: So, what have you've been doing all this time?

Yang: Been at home, training with Dad. Ruby went with Jaune, Nora, and Ren towards Mistral ahead of me. They should be there by now with Uncle Qrow. 

Vara: ... What about Weiss, Blake, and Pyrrha?

Yang: ... Weiss... went back home to Atlas. And I don't know if we'll see her again, since her and her father have some issues with each other. Blake told me that she was heading back home too, and for Pyrrha... she left. 

Vara: What do you mean by left?

Yang: Do you know of the power of the Maidens? 

Vara: ... Only a little. Why?

Yang: Well, ever since Ozpin as killed, she thought that if she left and completely went off the grid, then alot of enemies would keep off her. 

Vara: ... Can't imagine what Jaune had to go through with that. 

Yang gripped her fists for the longest while and didn't want to tell about it, but had to. 

Yang: Vara, about Zack... he-

Vara: He's dead. I know... Raven told me. If anything, Cloud would be hurt more since they were friends ever since they were kids.... I'm just bummed out that Sephiroth's gone as well. Me and Cloud are the only ones left of Team SZVC. 

Yang: ... That was her, wasn't it? Back on the train. My mom. 

Vara: Yep, and you do look like her. 

Yang: What did she tell you?

Vara: ... She wanted me to not partake in Ozpin's teachings, because they would lead to many losses... And I'm starting to believe she was right and I've been left to question my place with everyone.... The enemy we're up against... Salem... Raven said that she's not to be reasoned with and not to go up against. She said that all hope was lost the moment Salem appeared and created the Grimm. 

Yang: ... Just what does she want?

Vara: Salem's looking for something called a relic, and I have no idea what that is. And she's looking for the Spring Maiden as well.... But that's not the only thing we should be afraid of.

Yang: Why? 

Vara: .. I want to talk about it to Qrow, if he's alright with it. 

Yang: Hey, Uncle Qrow would love to hear your questions. Trust me, he's a chill kind of guy. And a cool uncle, even though a drunkard. 

Vara: ... Not something I would hear. 

After refilling the motorcycle, the two continue to ride down towards the path and head to Mistral. Behind them however, Raven stood back watching as she was in her bird form. She then starts to fly right behind them and begin to follow. Although ahead of Yang and Vara, a bullhead was flying over towards Haven, with Cloud, Tifa, and Weiss inside. 

Tifa had controls of the bullhead while Weiss was on the seat next to her. Weiss looks back at Cloud as he was just standing against the wall, not batting an eye to either of them. 

Weiss: ... 

Tifa: Something wrong?

Weiss: No, it's nothing... I was wondering though. When did all of this happen? The Mako.

Tifa: ... Well, ever since the Fall of Beacon. A bunch of those reactors started to become operational. The Mako is also the essence of the planet, and what Atlas is doing... it's insanity. Sucking up all of the life on this planet just for their own benefits. *grips fists tightly* ... The same bastards that were involved during the Nibelheim Incident. 

Weiss: What happened at Nibelheim?

Tifa knew the truth of Nibelheim, since she was there with Vara, Cloud, and Zack. She saw Sephiroth's turn, so she made sure to keep Weiss and everyone in the dark about Sephiroth. 

Tifa: ... Too much of Mako was exposed from the reactor, and it caused several fires. We didn't know... A bunch of Grimm entered the village and almost killed everyone.... We fought them off for as long as we could, but... Sephiroth didn't make it. 

Weiss: How? He was one of Beacon's most powerful students ever... How could he die like that? 

Tifa: Mako Exposure. While fighting, it made his body break down and we were weak from it too. He fought them all off while he told us to recover inside Atlas Manor. All of the Grimm was gone, but he too was gone as well.

Weiss: ... 

Tifa didn't want to lie to her, but for Cloud's sake, she would try her best to never mention what truly happened to Sephiroth. By now, the bullhead arrives at Haven, as Cloud looks on towards the landscape ahead of them. Outside of the cabin, Qrow was just outside drinking his flask and looking on as the sunsets. 

Qrow: *sigh* 

He then hears a motorcycle drifting behind him as he sees Yang arriving with Vara, taking off her helmet and looking at Qrow. 

Yang: Yo, Uncle Qrow. 

Qrow: Firecracker... Heh. Finally came. 

He then notices Vara with Yang. He knew that his sister took care of Vara for the past few months, but to avoid any awkwardness, he drinks as he spoke more playfully. 

Qrow: Finally found your boyfriend?

Yang: *blushes* Uh... What?

Vara: *blushes* Sir, it's not like that- we're just-

Qrow: *chuckles* Relax, I'm just teasing ya. *drinks* .. But let's be honest... You're Vara Shinra, Midgar's kid. 

Vara then gets off the motorcycle as did Yang. 

Vara: You knew my father?

Qrow: Him and I go way back, kid. That goes with Raven as well. We were very good friends... I'm sorry about your loss. 

Vara: ... It's okay, I'm over it. 

The three then hear footsteps as the turn around only to see Cloud, Tifa, and Weiss. The three looked at each other for a while until Yang and Weiss broke silence. 

Yang: Weiss?

Weiss: ... Yang. 

The two looked at each other for a while but both broke into a hug. 

Yang: I.. I thought we'd never see you again. 

Weiss: I didn't think so either... but you have to thank Cloud. 

Speaking of which, Vara walks over to Cloud and Tifa as the three didn't speak for a bit. Cloud decides to break silence. 

Cloud: So... how've you been?

Vara: ... Good, what about you?

Cloud: ... Getting there. 

Vara: ... Hi, Tifa. 

Tifa: Hi. 

Both Yang and Weiss break the hug as they both walk over to Cloud and Tifa. 

Yang: Yo, Cloud. How's it going?

Cloud: Fine. You?

Yang: Pretty nice.

She then turns towards Tifa. 

Yang: So... are you and Cloud by any chance a thing?

Tifa: *blushes* Uh... what makes you say that?

Yang: Nothing, I just like to play around. But... for real, it's been a long while. 

Qrow: If you all want to catch up, then how about we catch up with the others inside. 

Cloud: .. *nods* 

The seven all head inside as they walk in on Ruby, Jaune, Ren, and Nora cooking some food. 

Ren: Alright, the first batch is just about done. 

Ruby: Awesome. Now we just need Qrow and we'll be all set. 

Nora: Do you really think he's gonna bring that many people? This is alot of food. 

Ruby: I don't know, but it sounds like we can use all the help we can get. 

Qrow: *other room* I'm back!

Ruby: Be right there!

Ren: You're going to overcook that. 

Ruby: No I'm not, shut up!

Qrow: *other room* Hey, uh... Ruby. 

Ruby: I'm coming!

The food Ruby was cooking was now burning up, making her glance at Ren. 

Ruby: Fine, you take over. 

She then grabs the tray of tea and walks towards the living room. 

Ruby: So we didn't know how many people we're coming, so we just took all of it. 

She then drops her tray, realizing that Qrow was with Yang, Weiss, Vara, Cloud, and Tifa. Ruby looks over to Yang and was slightly silent for a long while, until Ruby breaks the silence.

Ruby: Yang, I'm so sorry! I should've stayed! And I should've talked to you more, I- I just- I just wasn't sure if you wanted me around and-

Yang then walks over to Ruby and hugs her. Both haven't talked to each other ever since the Fall of Beacon as it was hard for the both of them. 

Yang: ... I love you. 

Ruby then embraces her sisters hug and cries uncontrollably. 

Ruby: I love you too. 

By now, Jaune, Nora, and Ren walk in to see what's going on, as did a kid named Oscar Pine. Weiss tries to hold in her tears until Ruby spoke out to her. 

Ruby: Weiss.  

The two sisters offer her a hug as Weiss leaps in with a hug too. With the three hugging, Vara couldn't help but be happy that part of Team RWBY was coming together again. The three stopped hugging until Ruby turns towards Vara and walks towards her. 

Ruby: Vara.

Vara: ... You're growing. I guess eight months can change everyone. 

She slightly giggles at his words. Although, her emotions were let out once again as she leaps in to hug Vara. He returns the hug too as he couldn't hold his emotions as well. Cloud looks towards Vara as all he could do was smile, which was noticed by Tifa. 

Tifa: Cloud, you're... smiling?

His smile was then dropped back to his stoic manner. 

Cloud: ... It's nothing. 

Tifa couldn't help but smile as well until looking at everyone interacting with each other again after eight months. Cloud joined in as well since was part of Beacon, all while Tifa and Qrow stayed far back. After the heartfelt reunion, everyone sits at the table as Jaune presented a bunch full of cooked food, with everyone freaking out how big it was. 

Yang: How do you lose your math at a time like that?!

Jaune: Believe me, I've asked myself the same thing ever since. 

Nora: Hey, but you've made up for it. Mr. Muscles! You should've seen this guy take a giant Grimm head on!

Jaune: I couldn't have done it without Ruby wearing it down. 

Ruby: Uh, me? Did you see Ren during that fight? He was out of control!

Ren: .. I'm sorry, I've may have lost my temper momentarily.

Ruby: No, no. Out of control is awesome.

Ren: Oh....... Thank you. 

Everyone started to laugh once again. Weiss then tells her story of what has happened back at Atlas. 

Nora: You did not! 

Weiss: Yeah, right in the middle of the party. 

Yang: Please tell me you let that lady have it. 

Weiss: Of course not... even if I did really want to. 

Nora: No way, I don't believe it. 

Right next to Nora, an ice tusk Grimm appears next to Nora and scaring her, making everyone around the table laughing again. By now everyone notices the glove Vara has on. 

Yang: Been meaning  ask this but... what's with the arm, V?

Vara: Uh... what? Which arm?

Yang: Your right one. 

Vara: Uh... I don't know if you'll like it... I don't know if neither of you will. 

Nora: Come on, V. It can't be that bad!

Vara: *deep breath* 

He then stands up and unveils his arm. Everyone was in shock that his arm was now a Grimm Arm. 

Weiss: Your arm is... Grimm.

Vara: ... 

Jaune: How did you... get that?

Vara: I'm guess that Wyvern back at Beacon. It crushed my arm, I stabbed it a bunch of times, and it drew it's blood onto my.... Thankfully for the past few months, I've learned to control it. I can even make the claws less sharp. 

He then shows his nails growing and shrinking to his will. 

Vara: It's probably a bit scary to you all, but-

Ruby: Are you kidding?! That's amazing!

Vara: Uh... what? 

Ren: You of all people might be the first to even have a limb that is part Grimm. 

Nora: What? Come on, he can't be the only one! Matter of fact... 

Nora then put's her hand on the table and challenges Vara to an arm wrestle. 

Vara: You sure about this, Nora?

Nora: Try me, V. 

Weiss: Nora, please. Now is not the time-

Without listening to Weiss's words, both Vara and Nora challenge each other to an arm wrestle, with Jaune and Ren were rooting for Nora while Ruby and Yang were rooting for Vara. 

Nora: Is that all you got?! Your Grimm Arm just feels like your normal one!

Vara: *smirks* Wanna bet?!

He then extends the Grimm Arm and pushes Nora towards the wall as well as pinning the arm. She then notices and screams out of surprise. Vara then retracts back his Grimm Arm and starts to laugh. 

Ruby: So uh... what about you, Cloud? What have you been up to?

Cloud: Uh...

Weiss: Ruby, even if he told you, you probably wouldn't take any interest. 

Ruby: Oh, come on. Please?!

Weiss: Fine... He's a mercenary. 

Ruby: Whoa....

Cloud: ... I have to make a living somehow.

Tifa: Don't you already live with us at Seventh Heaven?

Cloud: ... That's different. 

By now everyone was done eating as Jaune was speaking weakly. 

Jaune: We ate it all... I think I'm gonna be sick. 

Yang: Easy there, vomit boy. I believe in you. 

Jaune: Oh, we're doing nickname throwbacks now. Wonderful. *walks out of room* 

Weiss: *giggles* 

Nora: I mean, Ice Queen seems to like it.

Weiss expression turned sorrow to that name, which made Ruby laugh once again. But Weiss this time brushes it off. 

Weiss: I so did not miss you people. 

Nora: *gasp* Oh my gosh, she really does like it. What, when, and where warmed your heart while you were gone? 

Weiss: Hey, you make it sound like I used to be terrible. 

Yang: Nah... just a lot to deal with at once. 

Weiss: Hmph.

Yang: *sticks tongue out* 

Ren: It's been a long time. We've grown in our ways. 

Ruby: You really think so?

Ren: Well, think back to when we were all at Beacon. Would you say you ever did something foolish or embarrassing, or did you think you were perfect? 

Weiss: Oh gosh. 

Yang: I may have been a little too gung-ho from time to time. 

Ruby: You? I've tried to 1v1 a Nevermore on the second day of school. 

Jaune: Yeah, well... don't even get me started. 

Ren: Well, that embarrassment, that desire to go back and tell yourself not to be so stupid, that just proves you're not the same person you used to be. You're smarter, or kinder, or stronger, and you're not done growing yet. None of us are. 

Ruby: Yeah, turns out Ren gets real deep when he feels like talking. 

Vara: I mean, not a bad thing, right? It's a change. 

The group started to share a laugh once again until Nora stood up. 

Nora: Well, hold on, I thought I was pretty great in school. 

Yang: Even at the dance when you spilled punch all over yourself in front of-

Nora: *plays music* Yes, especially at the dance! Thank you, Yang! 

Vara: I don't know if I had any other embarrassing stories... 

Cloud: What about Neo?

Ruby: Oh yeah, can't forget that. 

Yang: I forgot you had some crushing eyes on the Torchwick's henchman. I mean, you two would be great together if you all weren't on opposite sides. 

Vara: *blushes* ... Can we not go there, please?! I thought you all would drop it!

Ruby: Nope. And I'm not forgetting the time Neo kissed you. 

Yang & Weiss: She WHAT?!

Vara then slams his head on the table and groan out of embarrassment, making Tifa giggle and Cloud to look away and smile. 

Qrow: *walks in* How can nine kids possibly make so much noise without eating dinner? 

Everyone looks over to Qrow and Oscar who have enter inside the room. Nora turns off her music as everyone gathers in the living room. By this time, Vara, Cloud, and Tifa were informed by Qrow that Ozpin is still alive, but inhabits Oscar's body. Everyone was quiet until Vara breaks silence. 

Vara: Well, okay... The Maidens, Magic, Mako, Jenova, the Ancients, and Salem... it's true, right?

Qrow: ... Yeah. 

Oscar (Ozpin): That's what Raven told you, right?

Vara: Well.. she told me about the Maidens, Magic, and Salem... but I've learned about the others... from Genesis... regrettably. But I'll explain it some other time.

Yang: You forgot something. You forgot to tell everyone what you did to Qrow and my mother. 

By now, everyone, except for Vara, Cloud, and Tifa, were in shocked of what Ozpin truly did to both Qrow and Raven. 

Qrow: Oh great. 

Oscar (Ozpin): That's not a secret I thought she would give up easily. But Raven must trust you a great deal Mr. Shinra. 

Vara: This is about Qrow and Raven... *stands up* I'll explain the other story later, but I want no part of this... Since Raven told me. 

Vara then walks away from everyone and heads to his room. Ozpin sighed as he decided to press on the story about what he did to Qrow and Raven to everyone. 

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