The Unknown

By M-addie

45 0 0

Ally Cole meets a boy at the libary she works at He's very odd and has a secret life he tries to keep Ally aw... More

The Unknown
The Unknown
The Unknown
The Unknown
The Unknown
The Unknown
The Unknown
The Unknown
The Unknown
The Unknown
The Unknown
The Unknown
The Unknown
The Unknown
The Unknown
The Unknown
The Unknown
The Unknown

The Unknown

3 0 0
By M-addie


Me and Asher have been hanging out a lot in the last two weeks. I’ve stayed at his house a couple nights and he’d take me to work then pick me up. Tonight he wants to take me out for dinner. He said he would pick me up from work and take me back to my place to get ready. Olivia has had me busting my ass all day, making new cupcakes, taking orders, decorating the desserts, putting them in their places, naming new ones. 

I’ve sat here for 10 minutes trying to think of something to name this new cupcake Olivia made me make. I've already put out 5 new cupcakes and it took me an hour just to pick a name for them. 

The cupcake is decorated with black frosting and has a raven sitting on a gravestone 

“The Raven” i say to myself. Yes, that's perfect. All her cupcakes have dark weird names so that is perfect. Unless no one knows who Edgar Allan Poe is then it’s just a raven cupcake. I wonder where she gets these ideas from, a lot of these names you hear in movies and shows, probably where she got them from. 

After a couple more hours I'm finally off work, I see Asher walk in the shop and I go to get my stuff. When I walk over to he puts his phone in his pocket and grabs my hand. We walk out of the shop and get in his car. He always opens my door for me, I love it when he does. Me and him aren’t officially together but we sure do act like it. 

When we get back to my apartment I go to the bathroom and take a quick shower. Once I'm out I go in my closet and pick out a long sleeve black dress, he was dressed in a suit so i guess it’s somewhere fancy and extremely expensive. I put on my dress then redo my makeup. Once I'm done I walk out of my room and go to the living room where Asher is. 

“Oh fuck” he says looking me up and down, i do a little spin to show him the whole dress. He comes over to me and puts his hands on my waist then pulls me closer to him. He looks down at me and leans in and kisses me. I kiss him back. He starts kissing me harder and moves one of his hands from my waist to my neck, he squeezes it and continues kissing me. After a few seconds he pulls away but keeps his hand on my neck.

“You look beautiful” Asher says looking down at me 

“Thank you, you look very handsome” I say and he smiles at me then grabs my hand and takes me to his car. When we get in he puts his hand on my thigh and starts driving to the restaurant. When he pulls in I see a beautiful place and I know just from how it looks it’s expensive. 

“God Asher, this place looks expensive” I say to him and he smirks at me. We get out of the car, he grabs my hand and we walk inside the restaurant, the inside is more beautiful than the outside. I’m in debt just by walking into this place, how in the hell can he afford this. 

We sit down and the waiter comes and takes our order, once again he’s not eating, he just orders a drink. I want to ask him about it but i don’t want to upset him

“Ally” Asher says looking at me 


“Stay at my house tonight” he says

“I have work tomorrow and my house is closer” he knows this, we go over this so many different times

“I’ll take you to work, you’re staying with me” god this man just loves to argue with me 

“We can stay at my house, i don’t wanna get up early” i know nothing i say will change his mind

“Ally, you’re staying with me” he says now with a serious face. Probably shouldn’t have said what i did next 


After i told him NO if looks could kill i’d be dead. He looks me straight in the eyes then nods his head. Well I'm done for, i know exactly how this is gonna go. 

After dinner we walked back to his car, he started driving and placed his hand on my thigh. It feels weird to have him touch me and kiss me since we’re not actually dating. At least I don't think so. He acts like we are but he never asked. I get lost in thought and next thing i know we’re pulling into Asher’s driveway 

“Asher, I told you No” I say glaring at him. “And I don’t care, get out the car” he says then unbuckles his seatbelt and gets out the car. I don’t get out of the car, I sit in it and wait for him to take me back home. He continues walking up to his house when he looks back and doesn’t see me, he looks around for a second then turns his direction back to the car. I see him start walking back to the car, he makes it over to the passenger side door and opens the door

“Ally, get out” i don't respond so he reaches over me and unbuckles my seatbelt then picks me up outta the car throwing me over his shoulder

“Put me down” i yell at him and start hitting his back 

“Hitting me isn’t gonna hurt” he says and i can just see the smirk on his face right now

“Asher put me down and take me home” I keep hitting his back but he just laughs an takes me inside. Once we’re inside he puts me down and looks me in my eyes 

“You’re staying with me for a couple nights” he says and i laugh at him 

“No i’m not, i don’t have any of my stuff here and i have work and so do you” 

“You’re not going to work and neither am i” Oh this man must be crazy, who does he think he is

“Excuse me, i have to go to work i’m not staying here” 

“Olivia is closing the bakery down for a couple days and you can’t go back to your house” Um WHAT? How many drugs has he taken today? Olivia never once said anything about closing the bakery and what does he mean i can’t go back home? 

“Why can’t i go back home and Olivia never said anything about closing the bakery” 

“Ally please don’t start” 

“Start what? I wanna know why i can’t go home” 

“Just trust me” Trust him? God he really is crazy

“No Asher, why can’t i go home” he looks at me really annoyed but i don’t care, it’s my house why can’t i go there

“Ally someone has been following, i know you’ve seen them, they were there the night of Olivia’s party” Oh shit, how does he know that

“I saw someone a couple times, they would knock on my door but wouldn’t be there when i opened it, the night of Olivia’s party i got to the door before they could run away and they just stood there with their head down” I say and he nods his head at me 

“I don’t want you getting hurt Ally, this person is dangerous” 

How does he know this person is dangerous, i mean yeah sure stalking me he seems dangerous but the way he said it made it seem like he knew them

“Do you know them? And how did you know someone is following me? ''I say and he looks like he’s trying to come up with something to say. I swear to god if he says ‘Just trust me Ally’ I'm gonna slit his throat. 

“I can’t explain it” he says and starts walking away from me

“What do you mean you can’t explain it, you knew someone was following me but you can’t explain how you know?” i say to him but he keeps walking not answering me

“Asher, why can’t you explain it” he still doesn’t answer, he walks into the kitchen and grabs a glass then a bottle of Whiskey 

“Hello Asher” i say waving my hand in his face, he grabs my hand and holds it tightly

“Stop Ally, please stop” he lets go of my hand and grabs the bottle, instead of pouring it into the glass he tips the bottle back and takes a long drink of it.

“No Asher, tell me how you know” I'm very annoyed with him right now, i just don’t understand. He looks at me and i can tell he wants to say something but he doesn’t, instead he tips the bottle back again taking another long sip of the brown liquid 

“Asher, stop ignoring me and tell me or i’m leaving and walking home” i say, he doesn’t look at me so i turn and start walking to his front door. As i go to open it i feel him grab my hand and turn me around to look at me 

“God damnit Ally i can’t do this anymore, i can’t keep lying to you but i can’t tell you and it kills me everyday, you mean so much to me and already i’m putting you in danger, you need to leave Seattle, get as far away from here as you can and don’t look back” he says to me looking like he could cry but he doesn’t he has no emotions on his face 

“What no, i’m not leaving Asher you need to tell me what the fuck is going on, this morning you were kissing me and telling me how beautiful i am and now you want me to leave” 

“Ally i can’t keep lying to you” 

“Then stop, tell me what’s going on” 

“I can’t” 

“Then i’m going home, call me whenever you can stop lying to me” i say and go to go out the door but yet again he grabs me and turns me around back to look at me 

“If i tell you, you’ll leave me” he says and this time actually has some emotions on is face

“I won’t leave Asher, just tell me please” i say and grab his hands holding them tightly 

“Ally after i tell you if you want me to leave tell me and you’ll never see me or my family again, but if you decided to stay we can work something out and make this a true relationship” he says holding onto my hands 

“Asher I don't understand what you’re trying to say but I'm not gonna make you leave or your family” He’s starting to scare me with the way he’s talking and how he’s looking at me. Why would i want him to leave, i want him to be with me forever, we may not be a official couple but i still don’t want him gone

“Ally, I'm a vampire and so is my family, I am 165 years old. I know how crazy i sound but it’s true, the guy that has been following you is a hunter, he has been following you since you moved to Seattle, when he saw you around Olivia and me he got suspicious, he thinks you’re a vampire, the reason you can’t go back home is because he’s going to kill you. He’s been sitting outside your apartment since we left this morning, Olivia and Chris are there right now and they are going to kill him” Asher says and all i can do is stare at him, he’s crazy, vampires don’t exist. That's only in movies and books. 

I let go of his hands and stare at him blankly. How am I supposed to respond to that? The man I've been cuddling, kissing , going on dates with is a vampire and so are Olivia and Chris. 


Fuck i knew i shouldn’t have told her. The look on her face is hard to read but I can tell she’s in shock. She doesn’t believe me, honestly I wouldn't believe myself either. I should have kept away from her. I should have never gotten close to her. 

“Ally” i say to her but she remains quiet, she’s still looking at me but no words are coming out her mouth 

“If you want me to leave i will, give me sometime to close everything down, me and my family can be gone in two weeks” i say and she finally speaks 

“I don’t understand, vampires aren’t real they only exists in movies”

“Trust me baby, we’re real and there are many more in Seattle besides us” 

“This doesn’t make any sense Asher” 

“I know it doesn’t and like i said, if you want me gone, i will leave and you’ll never see me again” 

“I need time to think about it, i can’t make a decision right now” 

“That’s fine, but Ally just so you know i don’t want to leave and i really want something with you” i say to her, she nods then walks past me and goes up the stairs, i hear one of the doors close. She probably went into the guest room, I doubt she wants to see me anymore tonight. I leave her be and sit down on the couch. I look at my phone and see Chris texted me. They have the hunter, thank god. But there are many more roaming Seattle and he is just the first we have to get. 

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