Forgive And Forget

By Fl0w3rs_18

784 21 15

Hawks, a child prodigy, is separated from his best friend at a young age. After years of searching for him, h... More

Chap. 1 πŸ”₯
Chap. 2 πŸ”₯
Chap. 3 πŸ”₯
Chap. 4 πŸ”₯
Chap. 5 πŸ”₯
Chap. 6 πŸ”₯
Chap. 8 πŸ”₯
Chap. 9 πŸ”₯
Chap. 10 πŸ”₯
Chap. 11 πŸ”₯
Chap. 12 πŸ”₯

Chap. 7 πŸ”₯

53 0 2
By Fl0w3rs_18

"You got in?! That is amazing to hear! I knew you could do it!" Commissioner Gordon you exclaimed, patting Hawks on the back.

That's bullshit.

"Ah, well, it wasn't very difficult, they all immediately succumbed to my charms," he gave his signature wink, internally cringing at himself.

"Of course they did. We didn't create the perfect hero for nothing, did we? It's only a matter of time before you surpass Endeavour."

There it is. You only care about me being better than literally anyone else.

"So, what do I do now?" Hawks asked, in an attempt to not get roped into another one of the commissioner's power hungry speeches. The hero didn't even get why he was so obsessed with control. He already basically had all of Japan wrapped around his little finger, yet he wanted more? His own trainee, best hero in the country, it could make a decent title. The only thing it would do though, was raise the fame of the agency and of the commissioner himself. But Hawks? He was already known worldwide, so giving him the scraps wouldn't do much harm, would it?

"Now, you attend their meetings and try to be around them for as long as possible. Then, you report everything to me!" the older man explained, all smiles.

What happened to the other members of the commission involved? Why's it just the two of us now?

"Yes sir!" Hawks saluted, before making his way to the exit.

"Oh, and Hawks?"


"Try not to get too attached."


In the hideout, Shigaraki was ranting to Kurogiri how important it was that Hawks should be supervised at all times to be sure he wasn't a double agent for the heroes. He may have completed the mission with Best Jeanist but he wasn't to be completely trusted yet. The warped man was half-listening, more focused on Twice and Toga trying to make prop molotov cocktails... With real alcohol... And real fire. He used his quirk to get rid of the bottles before they managed to burn the place down. The leader, noticing his friend's dismissiveness, tried to get his attention back by talking about plans for a future liberation war. Kurogiri immediately seemed more interested.

"If I'm boring you with my talk of being careful and making sure we don't get caught, do say so," Shigaraki said, waiting expectantly.

"Pardon me, Master Tomura, I just don't think we should be worried about the hero. He seems passionate about this," Kurogiri countered.

"You can never be too sure about something like that... Twice?"

"Yeah, boss?" Twice's head poked out from the behind the bar, curiosity in his voice.

"First of all, stop with this molotov cocktail thing, I'd like to keep the base intact. Second, you're going to be keeping tabs on Hawks while he's with us. Tell us if he does anything suspicious," Shigaraki commanded, slightly smirking as his underling's expression became one of fear.

"You want me to follow Hawks? The No. 2 hero? Are you trying to get me killed?" the masked villain asked, panicked.

"Of course not. If I wanted you dead, you would already be six feet under."

Twice glared at a giggling Toga who immediately busied herself with an imaginary stain on her skirt, in a way that she could hide her face. He turned back to face Shigaraki with a question on his mind.

"Are you scared of Hawks?"


Hawks was helping an old lady with her grocery bags, when he saw a flash of blue light further down the street. Knowing exactly what caused it, or rather who, he sighed deeply and cursed to himself. Once he finished crossing the streets with the lady, he flew over to where a bunch of cops were grouping up. They warmly greeted him, then pointed to the problem. A black-haired man with big scars and a black trench-coat. In his hands, two little blue flames.

"What are you doing here?" Hawks yelled, earning a few confused stares.

"Oh damn, you again? Watch it, birdie, I might start thinking you like me," Dabi taunted, both to annoy Hawks and to try and reduce the suspicion that arose.

"Could you not wait for like, 5 minutes before trying to burn the city down? I was putting in my daily 10 acts of random kindness and helping an old lady with her bags," the hero sighed, grumbling about his day being ruined.

"You talk too much."

A wave of heat hit the officers and the few heroes that showed up. Hawks, being too fast for his own good, was already speeding towards Dabi with full intentions of knocking him out. But a blast of blue stumped his plans as he dodged to the left. The villain grabbed his arm with a surprising strength and sent them both tumbling behind the wall of fire Dabi had created earlier. They landed one on top of the other, Dabi pinning Hawks to the ground, preventing him from escaping.

"Hey, little birdie, fancy meeting you here," he said, chuckling at the hero's annoyed face.

"What do you want?" the other asked.

"I just wanted to see you, is that so bad?"

"Cut the bullshit."

"You're no fun. Bossman's making Twice follow you around to make sure you're not trying to fool us."

"And why are you telling me this?"

"He's not exactly subtle, so if this can help him not get killed, than be it."

"Okay then? Now fight me."


Hawks came out from behind the blue flames after shedding a few feathers and taking a couple hits to make it believable that he'd fought the villain. He announced that Dabi had gotten away, not without being quite injured himself. When everything started clearing up, he flew to his apartment, taking a few big breaths once he touched the ground. What had happened today? And why was he blushing?

The way he was looking at me... There wasn't a deeper meaning in that stare, was there? He almost looked worried... Unless I'm looking way too far into this and he just didn't want to get caught. I guess we were in a pretty provocative position... Oh god, why am I thinking about that?!

"Thinking about what?"

He jumped, immediately facing the door in a defensive stance. When Mirko stepped in, his best friend and the No. 6 pro hero, he relaxed, dramatically clutching his chest.

"Rumi, you can't scare me like that!" he whined before giving her a big hug.

"What else am I supposed to do?" she asked jokingly, playfully rolling her eyes.

"Uh, you know, say hi like a normal person?"

"Boring... Anyway, what were you thinking about earlier?"

Hawks' face reddened considerably as he turned away from Mirko, who was trying not to laugh.

"Did I say that out loud?" he asked, peeking through his hands that were covering his face.

"You sure did! And now I get to tease you relentlessly about it! So who's the lucky guy?"

"There's no one, Rumi. I just- just... just nothing. Go away."

"But I just got here!"

"And now you can leave! Isn't that so fun?"

She stuck her tongue out at him and started going down the stairs, not before putting a bag down near the door.

"If you need a distraction," she had said, showing the bottles of cheap liquor and DVDs.

As she opened the main door, Hawks thought he saw a head of black hair and a pair of bright blue eyes.

It's official, I'm going insane.

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