Austin Butler imagines

By kiantrans

11.3K 82 32

Watched Elvis and now I have so many ideas involving Austin (and elvis too now) . I thought I'd start with im... More

Elvis Exhaustion
Panic in the Trailer
Anxiety in the Studio
HoneyBee's Sadness (Little!elvis x CG reader)
Little E 2: A Bad Day
Little E 3: an absolute tantrum
Mommy to the Rescue

Austin Has the Flu

1.8K 14 1
By kiantrans

You've just passed the halfway point in your book when you hear the front door open. That's weird, Austin isn't due home for at least another three hours. Something must be up. You toss your book aside to find him stopped just inside the front door looking sweaty, pale and disheveled. All together sick. "Baby? What happened?" He stumbles to the kitchen island and drops into a seat. "I threw up at work, Jerry sent me home." You come up behind your boyfriend and place your hand on his forehead to check for a fever. "Yeah, you're burning up bub. Do you know when this started?" He shrugged. "I felt kinda achey and hot when I first got up today but today was an important day on set, couldn't just not show up." You sigh, slightly squeezing his shoulders. "You need to stop and relax. Didn't you learn from what happened after Elvis?" He rubs his hand over his face. "I just wanted... I don't know. I wanted to get some of the big stuff done. I'm the star again, they needed me." You put your hand on Austin's cheek so he can lay his head against it, rest his eyes. "Well now I need you to rest. You puked baby, you don't want to make all your costars sick too, huh?" He shakes his head. "No." You grab him under his armpits and pull, hauling him to his unsteady feet. "Alright then, into bed you go."

He places his arm around your shoulders so that he can lean on you to help him walk and leans his face into your body, wanting comfort. Slowly, your halfway across the room when Austin quickly stops in his tracks. "I-I'm gonna puke again." You nod, basically dragging him the rest of the way to the bathroom and he collapses as soon as he can, wrapping his large body around the toilet and hunching over it, emptying his stomach contents into the bowl violently. As soon as the puking slows, you rise from your crouch behind Austin and go to the linen closet, grabbing a washcloth and wetting it in the bathroom sink before placing it on the back of his neck.

Spitting a couple times since the spewing has stopped, Austin groans and leans into you. "I'm sorry, I'm gross." You chuckle, kissing his warm shoulderblade. "No, you're sick there's a big difference.." Austin sighs, his fingertips wrapping around the hem of his shirt but he grows frustrated at himself that he can't get his shirt up and off his sweltering body. "What? You want this off?" When he nods, he turns his face toward you and you sigh realizing he's nearly in tears. "Here let me help." You successfully get the shirt off of him and toss it in the corner to be dealt with later. You place your hands on his lanky but hunched back, running your palms up and down his feverish skin. He coughs again harshly, this time only bringing up bile. "Ew." He mutters. "Let me get you a water." You resist the urge to tell him to stay put despite the fact that he can hardly move anyway.

You're gone less than five minutes and you press the chilled bottle to his cheek he moans deeply at how good it feels. "Here, slow sips, baby." He nods once, cracking the bottle open and taking a nervous sip. Half expecting it to come right back up, he turns back toward the bowl and hugs it, taking labored deep breaths, letting the saliva fall from his lips. "You're okay, Aus. Just let it happen." You inch your hand up from his shoulder blade into his hair, letting yourself card your fingers through his unruly but styled blonde locks hoping that will calm him down some.

As you run your fingers comfortingly through his hair he tries everything to get up this last little bit of vomit sitting angrily in his belly and finally get rid of his nausea. He sits over the bowl, anxiously with his tongue sticking out a bit just waiting and trying to will the vomit to exit his body when he finally gives one last loud gag and the very last of it comes up.

"There you go. There." Austin feel like every little bit of energy he came home with was spent trying to get that last bit of nausea out of his belly. The man feels like he's seeing stars and his teeth are... buzzing? (A/N: Something I experience in anxiety attacks.) 

"I-I feel weird Y/N." You nod, rubbing his shoulder blades again. "Yeah, your sick and anxious bub. It takes a lot out of ya. And this came on so quick," You hand him the abandoned water bottle. "Why don't you take another drink, it'll help." He obeys taking the tiniest of sips. Once he recaps the bottle, you take a piece of tissue and wipe the sweat from his face. Tossing that in the toilet too, you place your hand on his cheek, rubbing your thumb across it. "You need to get in bed sir. Do you think can stand yet? Too tall for me to carry you." He shrugs halfheartedly. "Don't know. If I get dizzy I don't want to accidentally fall and take you down with me." You sigh, opening your legs behind Austin and leaning him back so his back is against your chest. "I'd always catch you if you fell." Austin does want his bed but he's afraid to move right now and being held feels really good. "Mm-mm." He rejects the idea, sighing and closing his eyes when your fingers land in his curls again. You nod and just let him stay there for a few minutes, watching his face for any immediate signs of 'oh gosh I'm gonna puke again'.


Twenty minutes later, after finally getting him up off the bathroom floor and basically tiptoeing to the bedroom, you finally have grumpy and whiny Austin in bed. He only got grumpy with you when he realize you didn't move to lay with him asking, "Where ya going?" You had to get supplies first and he only pouted when you left the room telling him you'd be right back.

While he was in bed, you grabbed all the necessary things, the thermometer, a sleeve of crackers for him to nibble on, multiple bottles of water, fever reducer meds and once you put that all on your nightstand you lastly went back to the lenin closet and grabbed a ratty old bath towel to put on the floor on Austin's side of the bed just in case he was sick too fast before he could get into the bathroom.

Feeling the mattress dip, he 'Mmm'd' happily and turned toward you immediately putting his head on your chest, his favorite pillow. "Hi sicko. You survived five minutes without me. Well done." He cracked his eyes open and pouted at you. "Don't be mean, It's normal to be clingy when I'm dying." You chuckled, grabbing the recommended dosage from the bottle of fever reducer meds beside you. "You're not dying, Aus. It's just the flu. Here, take these." He sits up, grumbling at the sight of the fever reducers. "Well I feel like I'm dying." You nod. "I know you do babe. And I know those taste like ass but the sooner you take them the sooner you'll feel better okay? I even got you another water to wash it down with." He gives you a tiny glare before popping the medication in his mouth and swallowing it down with a grimace.

You smile. "Good now you can sleep all you want okay?" He looks to you sadly. "You won't leave?" You shake your head, curling into his lanky body so technically he was the little spoon. "No, love, I'll be right here." You settle down into the blankets kissing his neck as you snuggle in. "I love you. Wake me up if you need to okay?" He 'mm's again and squeezes your hand in reply that's protectively wrapped around his waist.

He really was your big baby in the best way possible.

Woop woop! I updated again! I really liked this one mainly because Austin looks all big and tall and possibly intimidating but he's really just a baby that wants cuddles <3 I hope you liked it. If you have any requests I'd love to hear them! See you soon!

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