DUSTY DOLL S2| Suga ff 18+ [s...

By cmkbts

9.8K 661 164

You wake up from a dream thinking you saw a human yoongi, but he wasn't there. I guess it was just a dream... More

DUSTY DOLL | Suga ff 18+ [season 2]
2 souls
Prized possession
Antique shop
A child
He is back
Under the roof
new page
Golden flames
Desire of heart?
Insecurity and Fear
A peaceful night
Never Part
The last phase
Until death I met you (ENDING)

The foggy world

370 21 14
By cmkbts




"Where were you?"

I saw him crying like a baby, right in front of me as I stood under the rain. There was this void between us, but I just stared at him with utter despair.

My hand trembled from my poor decisions, but at the same time. It was the first time in my entire life, I saw him weep real tears.....and I couldn't handle this unbearable pain inside my chest. It was like someone was slowly piercing through my heart. "stop crying" You lightly speak, while showing no emotions on your face....

He covered his eyes from embarrassment, trying to rub them dry but they won't go away, he was keeping those tears hidden when I first disappeared...and now I get to see them. It showed he was a human. I remember craving for those tears, he wouldn't let them out when he was a doll....and it made me feel......alone....but now....I could finally...

You run up to, desperately hugging him with a craving heart. "I'm here for you" Saying those words he never needed in the past, and now you fill your desire. Yoongi hugs you back, sniffing away, "You know, I tried to hold back my emotions.....cause I didn't want you to know..." He wanted to say something else, "I really love you, please don't let me be alone in this house (crying) I've always been so alone....there was so much darkness to the point I put up as many lights as possible. I want a family" He tightens his hug. "I've always been your family" You smile a little from satisfaction.




We get inside, and it wasn't long before I told something....unpleasant.



"You're moving out!" He looked at you, shooked and sad. "You said you won't leave me" He wanted to let it all out. "Who said I'm leaving you (smiles), as soon as I'm done with that job I'll be back......I promise" You try to calm him down, while seeing his head hanging low. "Don't you trust me? I won't ever loose you again, and we are going to live together forever (sinister grin) just like a real family" You get closer to him, while planning betrayal....towards yoongi.

"I trust you" He felt angry but....he trusted you would return to him, as he looks up to find your face near his.





I look in the mirror.....but I couldn't find him again. I couldn't find yoongi again. I slowly turn my head back to see jimin, expecting him to laugh at me....but this time he stared right at me, with a simple smile. "You finally accept me" He reaches his hand out....and I wake up.
[blinks eyes open]

You ruffle your hair, hating what you just witnessed in your dream, was it a nightmare this time?  you were sure, but you didn't like it that's for certain.

I look besides me, and yoongi was gone.....probably to work, but he left a note......saying....
'good luck with your job', as I give out a sad, lonely smile......because this was my worst mistake.
[bell rings]

Jimin opens the door towards your stone cold attitude. "you're scaring me unno" He winces down at you, weirded by your intense stare. "where is my share?" You ask for your room, giving the cold shoulders. "Donkey needs a room now?" He chuckles jokingly, trying to lighten the mood but instead it was screaming bully alert. "You really suck" there was this hate lurking in your eyes, "Listen, You get your part of the share and I get my deal. Ok? We discussed this" He tried to recall the agreement, "why do you care if I live with yoongi? You don't have a problem with me living with you" You glare in silence, questioning his actions. "don't give me the 'I don't trust you crap' we both know I am not up to anything bad" you wait for his response.....patiently.

"I'm just trying to protect my friend (annoyed) you may have ill motives, and if not....it's not right. He barely makes a living, and doesn't ask for my help, you think you'll make things easier for him? I took you in because it's the only way you would have agreed to this, besides you're his friend so I would've let you stay here anyways." Jimin slides his hands into his trouser pockets. "That should be non of your business" You smirk at him, not believing a single uttered bull, that was coming out of his mouth.

"Then non of your business asking me these questions (scoffs)" He sat on his couch, "well your room is next to mine" he takes a glimpse at me, pointing towards the direction my room was at. "(sarcastic smile) go change your attitude.....in there" He rolled his eyes, annoyed by you already, but you just ignored him and rushed to your room for some space.

I closed the door on my way inside as I leaned against the wooden door, sighing in despair. A tear drop left my eye, I didn't want this.... I wish I could go back to yoongi......but I'm smothered with fear. It's killing me. Those dreams are haunting me, it's hard to breathe.

You take a deep breath, looking around the room, it was spacious....complete opposite of the house you shared the with yoongi. You slowly take a seat at the desk, lost in thought. It felt weird, as if the time spent with yoongi here felt like it was 10 years ago, it was so hazy and it felt so out of reach. Us enjoying our time on the bicycle felt like a dream......I felt like a complete different person, it was hard to control my own body and mind, I was turning into someone I'm not.

You smiled creepily, looking up at the ceiling....."I feel so alive" the eyelids slowly begun to shut for some relaxation. You felt alive because you were finally going to destroy what was in your way.....all this time.

Time passed.....and I fell asleep on the comfortable chair.....

I looked at myself in the mirror.....and I could see my eyes change colour. As if....I became a doll, that's when it hit me.....wasn't yoongi also a doll?  Didn't he disappear into ashes, he was merely dust when I last saw him. 

You slowly caress the mirror, seeing your doll like face cracking away, and suddenly yoongi popped up in the mirror.......he was crying while touching my hand from the opposite side. "I'm here, don't cry".....(smile)




*knock *knock

I jump from shock, hearing someone knock at the door. Looking around, realising I fell asleep. 

You head to the door, opening it, as you find jimin staring at your tired face. "You didn't have anything to eat...so...wanna join me?" He tried to look after you. "No its-" You stop mid sentence, remembering your purpose for being here, as you deeply stare into his eyes....grinning away.

 "(smile) ye lets go" You walk past him, into the dinning room, while jimin confusingly just stands there. "(wince) she was a total different person not long ago" he mumbles to himself.




[at the dining table]

(cough) You quickly grab a glass of water, inhaling it whole, dying from nervousness as jimin weirdly looks at you while chewing his food. "You good?" he pours more water in the glass. "No - its-.....nothing" You silently stare at him eating, putting down your fork. 

I felt sad. I don't know why? but I have these weird memories in my head.....and....this memory was quite similar to when..





*cough! *cough!

"hey eat slowly." Jimin pats your back, as he shares his water. I saw the worry, and care in his eyes, looking at me as if it was the end of the world. I always wondered back then, it would have been better if I was also dead along with yoongi.....atleast he would have a decent life, rather than wasting his time on someone like me. If I could just see him smile with someone who actually liked him.



"thanks for the meal" You lick the sauce off your lips. "Manners? nice...didn't expect it from you" He chuckled a bit. "You *****......you ******.....you're a ****************"  I gave him a whole speech, about lovely, pretty things. "(gasp!) man you have a foul tongue" He gave you a surprised expression. "I have more kind words for you,.....wanna hear it?" You chuckled back as payback. "You're funny, but very annoying and rude its kinda crazy....(sigh) anyways,  I wanted to clear out some things regarding work, I can give you a place in my company." His face was a bit serious, just like the other time at the dinner table with yoongi., but I felt a bit of excitement hearing that I could make real money and sort yoongi's problems away. " You're good at writing right, so the work is related to that....writing articles, reports, documents...and whatever I can give you to work on. Is that fine?" He wanted to make sure you were up to the task. "Ofcourse! I'm good at that stuff, actually that was something I use to-" You think back, working late hours when yoongi was a doll. 

Jimin looks at you, seeing a confused look on your face. "You have huh....that's strange I thought you couldn't afford anything judging by how you live" He found it suspicious. "O you know....stuff happened" I looked away nervously, not wanting to tell him anything since it felt unreal to me as well. "Well goodnight, wake up early ok. I'll will wait in the car, when you're ready...but you better not be late or I will leave you" He looks at his watch.



"Wait-" You hold his hand before he left, "ye?" He shockingly glimpsed at you touching him, "can I sleep in your room? I don't sleep well on my own" weirdly your heart ached saying such things....even though you were pretending why did it feel real....as if...I was use to being besides him. 

I was pretending but....I remember the nights we spent together cuddling each other to sleep, I was getting use to it day by day. Why is this so hazy in my head....was it all a dream?



"Whaaaat?! No way" He slightly shook his hand away, absolutely flabergasted. "You have been acting weird unno that? This is so not you" He was completely freaked out....but in a funny way. "But you.......you hate sleeping along....don't you?" You sadly look at him, knowing all his weaknesses......knowing all about him. "I-....Why would you say that? its not your business" He quickly gets away from the situation, closing the door shut.




Jimin's pov:

How did she know? 

(grabbing his hair)




He softly cries while covering himself with the blanket.....trying to go to sleep....it was always lonely.....but he forced himself to get used to it....until you reminded him once again...on how sad and lonely he was.




I do have a plan, and I will go through it.....

Doesn't matter about these stupid fake memories, that I can't even recall properly....

All I know is....that....

After every tragedy, there is still hope.

At least that's what I thought, but I'm glad......I'm so relieved.....that tragedy came my way.


Yoongi came home, finding no one to smile along side him....as he looks at the letter on the small table.



to be continued......
Some y'all confused, don't worry you'll know at the end of this story hopefully haha, well this story is mixed romance, mystery....which i rarely do (romance), it's a bit new so i hope ur enjoying it and i'm  sorry for late uploads, I have so much to do it's crazy💜💜💜 have a great day, cant wait for u guys to know the end lmao.

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