Proud & Powerful (Goku OR Veg...

By AraxieDawn

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The last female of a mostly extinct race, who was held captive her whole life by the very being who extinguis... More

Author's Note
Part I: Freedom- Prologue
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Part II: After ─ Invictus
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen

Chapter Five

127 12 0
By AraxieDawn

After Goku was finally stable in the Isolation Tank, Vegeta took Gohan and Krillin to the armory to get new fighting gear. The bald Earthling decided it was best for him to go to Guru's to get the Dragonball's password. As he flew away the Prince turned to Gohan,

"Watch the Dragonballs, I'm going to take a small nap." he walks away from the boy, when he finally stops walking, he finds himself in the lab where the Woman resides. He knew she had been in the tank for a while by now and wanted to see if her healing would be completed soon so he could interrogate her, he wanted answers about her knowledge.

He took a seat in front of the tank's door, setting a timer for a hour.

"This should be enough time for the baldy to get the password and to get my strength back, a warrior needs his rest too." He leaned back and closed his eyes, smiling to himself.

Xylias felt Vegeta near her, she knew her healing was almost complete, and she felt a slight glimmer of hope, 'Is he waiting to free me?' she asked herself

She wanted to try and communicate with telepathy again but was slightly hesitant because of what had just happened with Goku, she didn't know if she hurt him or not— but she knew something had gone wrong. 'I have to keep trying... my time is running out' she said to herself, which was true. Xylias didn't know what everyone was up to, but she knew the Emperor would catch on to whatever these guys were planning and come back here at some point to meet her when she woke, which she still did not know what Frieza planned to do with her when that time came.

She closed her eyes and took some time to try and center herself to focus her mind. When she finally felt the shift— she found herself transported back to the Dark Place. She stepped out of the tank, looking out the window she noticed the sky was quite dark, which was weird for a planet with 3 suns.

'Wait a second... there is no nighttime on Namek... what is going on?' she thought to herself, she focused her energy until she sensed the 2 earthling's energy signatures outside on the other side of the ship. Using instant transmission, her bodily projection appeared near the 2 earthlings, along with an extravagantly large Dragon apparition.

The robust Dragon took her breath away, it emulated otherworldly respect and terrifying beauty.

"Speak now and I will grant you three wishes of anything within my power." the deep voice booms down to the Earthlings and Namekian.

'Oh no, they're making their wishes, and Vegeta's still asleep!' she realized, she felt a ominous powerful energy ping in the opposite direction, 'Frieza... he knows, I have to be quick.'

Using instant transmission, she appeared next to Vegeta again, who was still sleeping soundly, she bent down and quickly placed her hand on his cheek. She focused her energy—feeling for his subconscious. The Prince's mind was absolutely quiet, he was exhausted after the multiple battles he had faced over the period of several days with little to no sleep. It was difficult to find his center of thoughts, but finally after a few moments of concentration, she saw a purple light within him and drew herself in.

'Vegeta wake up! The Dragon is here and Frieza is coming! Free me so I can help you fight him, please!' she commanded through her subconscious, she didn't care if she wasn't fully healed anymore, she just wanted to be free.

The Prince jolted awake, jumping to his feet. His short-lived slumber had been interrupted by flashing images of yellow eyes, a dragon, and Frieza, paired with a desperate plea.

He was breathing heavily, his cheek burned with warmth, and his mind was reeling. Vegeta looked at the unconscious woman in the Isolation Tank, the bone chilling scream could still be heard in his head,

'Vegeta...! The Dragon.... Frieza coming! Free me.... I can help you.... please!' the scream had echoed

'What the hell? Was that a dream or....' his thoughts were cut off when he noticed the black sky outside. He cursed at himself for sleeping for so long, but when he ran to the window the realization hit him, 'wait... this planet doesn't have night...'

He clenched his fists at his sides, remembering how the Earthlings told him the dragon summoning brought forth a lot of unusual things to a planet— including a dark sky. He realized they had gone ahead and summoned the dragon while he slept. Then all of a sudden the ping of a powerful energy was felt coming this way, 'Frieza... shit!', Filled with intense rage, Vegeta swore his revenge as he took off towards the magnificent power of the Dragon, momentarily forgetting the Woman who still floated in the tank.

'Well... that didn't work.' Xylias thought. She was frustrated, obviously she was doing something wrong with her power. As her last chance flew away the hope that had been building in her chest cracked, all 3 of those people didn't stand a chance against Frieza and she knew it. If she was free, her and the Prince would have a chance of defeating him if they worked together but that idea just quite literally flew out the door.

Her heartbeat starts to rise when she feels the gargantuan energy appear nearby, Frieza had finally shown himself to the 3 warriors. Xylias feels them go toe to toe with the Emperor, she would feel them slightly get the upper hand but to no avail. She knew what Frieza had in store, his transformations.

'She had only seen his final transformation once. It was when she was young during her first few weeks of capture, Xylias had pushed Frieza one too many times, was so unwilling to submit, that the Emperor showcased his true form to demolish any sort of thought that she could defeat him. He almost killed her in the process, ripping apart her body as he laughed in her face. After he thought the lesson was learned, he realized she was still breathing. "Hmmm, maybe you can be useful." His evil laugh echoed through the dark room as the girl went unconscious in a pool of her blood.'

She inwardly cringed at the memory, reliving the humiliation and defeat she felt, which to her Saiyan mind outweighed the immense pain she was put through.

Her memory was cut short when she felt the Earthling's, who she had heard been called Krillin, energy fade at the hands of Frieza. 'It's starting' her subconscious said

She felt so helpless in this tank, as more minutes passed, she became more aggravated, desperately wanting to help the others.

Xylias concentrated her energy, she was done waiting, she didn't care if she came out of this tank half dead— she was getting out.

The Saiyan woman started to concentrate her energy further, more than she had done in years, not caring about the cuffs limitations and the shocks that encased her body from the restraints. The color in the room changed from purple, to yellow, to red, and finally to white as the pinpoint of her energy circled to the center of the glass door of the Isolation Tank, shattering the glass and busting open the door. The synthetic DNA powerfully flooding out into the room.

The burst of liquid shoots her body out of the tank, she hits the ground and bounces from the impact then rolls a couple feet. Xylias was half conscious, unknowingly to her the tank was actually almost done with her healing, and the moments she spent on the ground the large puddle of liquid still nourished her body back to life.

She was face down in the liquid when her body snapped to life, and she accidentally took a gulp of the DNA. Rolling onto her back coughing viciously, she finally opens her eyes. She sits up, breathing heavily and still feeling woozy from being ripped out of her healing state. Scooping her hands into the liquid around her she drinks another handful, which immediately makes her feel better. Slowly standing up, she grasps onto the desk nearby to steady herself. A small smile sweeps across her face, "I'm not missing out on this Frieza, this ends now." She says with determination, almost to validate the anxiety that was building in her chest, she was finally going to face her tormentor.

When her body finally stops shaking and she was steady, she runs out of the lab and is met with countless bodies strewn around the large hallway, all of Frieza's men. A smirk spreads across her face as she runs towards the exit, "The work of Vegeta, I bet..."

When she steps outside, she closes her eyes, feeling the warm air on her face. She smiles softly to herself, reveling in this feeling of freedom, 'This might be my last time feeling like this, I must make my actions count.'

She opens her eyes, with a fierce look of determination she looks far off in the distance where dust clouds are forming, where the battle is. A new energy is felt, she didn't know who it belonged to, but they are going toe to toe with Frieza in his second form. "I gotta go now" she says with realization.

Concentrating her energy to her feet, she attempts to take off in flight. As she launches off the ground the burst of energy fizzles out and she falls from the air harshly, landing with a thump.

She rolls off the impact and jumps back up, shaking her head in frustration at the cuffs on her hands, ankles, and neck.

"Damnit, it's been too long... running it is then" she says as she takes off running in the direction of the battle.

She runs as fast as her power will let her, the scenery going by in a blur. As she is approaching the battlefield, she directs herself towards the top of a large cliff hill so she can overlook the battle and find her way in.

When she finally reaches the top, her chest is heaving. She hadn't done much physical exertion outside of her mind in such a long time, her body was still getting used to it. As she catches her breath, she takes in the events that are happening right in front of her.

Frieza is in his final form, having fun while he toys with Vegeta. She can feel the Prince's immense energy, Frieza is coming down from above with a powerful attack. 'You can do this Vegeta.' She thinks to herself, but looking more closely she sees the Prince shaking in fear with tears streaming down his cheeks.

"No.." she said, her body is frozen as she watches Frieza fully land the powerful blow onto the Prince. She can hear his pained cry as blood spews from his mouth, dripping down his face. Frieza's chuckling as he walks over to Vegeta, there's a large rock laying on his chest from the debris of his landing, and the Emperor continues to laugh while he applies pressure to it and starts twisting it with his foot, digging a wound into Vegeta's chest and ultimately crushing it; leaving a massive wound and hole in his armor. Frieza wraps his tail around his throat and slowly suspends Vegeta in the air, choking him.

The Prince strains against the Emperor but that just makes Frieza tighten his grip. He laughs and mocks the Saiyan warrior as he repeatedly punches him in the gut, each blow more powerful than before. With every punch Vegeta cries out and more blood comes from his body, the crunch of his bones could be heard across the area.

Xylias looks down at her hands and sees her shaking fists, blood trickling from her palms. She growls deeply, then shakes her head, trying to build her confidence but keep her composure, "I can't let any more of my people be killed.." Her head snaps up, if she didn't act now Vegeta would die. "It's now or never." She finally says, taking a deep breath.

"FRIEZA!" Xylias commands as loud as she can

The Emperor's back is to her, he was about to punch Vegeta again but freezes upon hearing her voice, the bloodied Saiyan cracks open one of his eyes at the sound of the voice and sees a figure on top of the cliff behind Frieza.

She leaps off the cliff, focusing her energy into her legs and fists to brace the impact and she hits the ground in a kneeling position, small sparks of lightning encases her right fist, cratering and cracking the ground around her. Xylias stands up slowly, the 3 other people nearby watching her entrance with their mouths agape.

"Who is that?" Piccolo asks the 2 Earthlings

"I don't know... Gohan and I first saw her with Frieza in the village we saved Dende from. Then we saw her in one of those healing tanks when we were in Frieza's ship, Vegeta seemed like he might know her, but we have no idea." Krillin responds, who had been healed by the deceased Dende minutes ago, unbeknownst to the Woman.

"Well, is she here to help us or not?" Piccolo asks, frustration clear in his voice

"Your guess is as good as ours..." Gohan says, exchanging a look of worry with Krillin

The Woman, with a stoic face and single target in her vision, starts to walk towards Frieza, who was still holding Vegeta by the throat. As she walks, she brings her right pointer and middle finger to the center of her forehead, and in the next instant she is behind the Dictator's back.

He still didn't turn to face her, "How wonderful that you've joined me, darling. I'm sorry for forgetting about you in the ship. I got carried away enjoying my revenge with this sweet Prince, and I'm not sharing. Perhaps the 3 pests over there will suit your bloodthirst better." Frieza said in his synthetic sweet voice, trying to reel her in.

The Prince's eyes were locked on Xylias, "Y-you..." he gasped, which makes Frieza tighten his grip on Vegeta's throat even more.

She glances at Vegeta but back to the Emperor, Frieza seemingly isn't worried about her 'shortcoming' earlier in the ship. For a moment she considers playing along, but knowing how this psychotic creature operates, she ultimately decides to be upfront.

"Let him go Frieza." she commands with seriousness; she doesn't want to play this game with him anymore, she wouldn't let him control her this time, she was not the blood thirsty animal he made her to be.

He finally turns to face her, slightly smirking, but still holding the Prince in his deathly grip.

"And why would I do that?" he cocks his head to the side daringly

Her eyes bore into him with an intense fire, "I won't let you kill anymore Saiyans, this ends now."

The Prince was at a loss, was he hearing her correctly? 'Why would she care about us.... about me...?' he thinks pitifully, remembering how he treated her in Frieza's ship, he gasps for more air—trying to cling onto consciousness as long as he can so he could watch this play out and find out more about the Mysterious Woman.

Frieza tries to keep his composure, laughing off the remark, "Oh? and why would you care so deeply for a race of puny monkeys? You. are. mine." he narrows his eyes at her, still hanging onto the idea that he could scare her back to his side like he always had, in denial of his failed methods of wiping her memory and personality.

"You know why Frieza, I'm done." she bluntly says, keeping her intense gaze onto him.

She kept her composure, still not used to speaking her true thoughts and feelings. She couldn't bring herself to say what she truly wanted to the vile being. How much she hated him for taking her life and family away from her, for all the pain he caused her and her people, but at the same time she didn't want to give him the satisfaction of hearing her devastation and pain.

Frieza could see the deep emotion behind her intense stare, he shakes his head incredulously.

"My, My, I never expected this turn of events. Especially from you, but no matter. I'll do away with you just as the rest." He flicks his tail to throw and discard the Prince. Xylias quickly reacts, using instant transmission to catch his body, then again to transport him a safe distance from Frieza's reach.

Softly laying his body on the ground, she cups his cheek, "Rest Prince, you've done well and honored your people. I'll take it from here." She says with earnest.

Vegeta wanted to reach up and grab her, to ask this Woman for her name, to express his gratitude, but she was gone before he could do or say anything. He grunts in pain as he props himself on one elbow to get a view of the face off before him, with tears in his eyes.

"I don't know who or what you are... But I believe in you." The Saiyan said

She appears in front of Frieza again, "It's over Frieza."

Frieza laughs, "Feeling confident are we? I know you and your body better than anyone else, you have no idea!" His laugh echoes through the area

She continues to stare at him, not responding to his remarks.

After a moment he stops laughing, anger taking over his face, "If this is how you want to end things, then so be it!"

The two continue to stare at one another, waiting for one or the other to make the first move.

Some distance away in Frieza's spaceship, Goku floats in an Isolation Tank, a beeping sound can be heard. 'I don't know why the battle has stopped, but just hold on for a bit longer, please...'

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