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monsters are not born they are made and in this story you will learn that a true dark lord does not come into... More



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3rd Person POV.
Location: Musutafu Japan

The students of class 1A or at least what was left of them watched in horror as the number one villain managed to not only regenerate completely from an attack that should have killed anyone but now he was not only stronger than ever but he was now ready for round two while the number one hero was now permanently out of play.

Scaloris: yes take a long slow look for this is this world's present and future~

Scaloris used his dark magic to create what can only be described as two bladed energy claws.

Scaloris: now it's time to end this~

The Dark Lord of all preceded to kill what remained of the number one hero with one single swing of his energy claws once All Might was dead once and for all the remainder of class 1A could feel a horrible dread and despair building within them and when this happened it made them susceptible to the influence of the chaos pearls.

Scaloris: yes allow that Darkness to build for now you are all my slaves~

Scaloris unleashed the dark Wicked powers of the chaos pearls by releasing neon green stank he was able to corrupt and mutate the students of class 1A warping them into horrifying and grotesque Abominations and thanks to the power of the Everstone the transformation was completely permanent.

Scaloris: yes now you will all do as I command!!!

Soon enough the rest of Y/n's servants returned from the slaughter of UA High and in one of their hands They Carried the broken battered body of the principle of UA High.

Scaloris: it appears that my true family has returned with my prize~

Vendetta: my Lord UA high Has Fallen and we've brought you a little gift~

The Symbiote bonded Junko tossed the bruised and bloodied body of Nezu.

Scaloris: hello Nezu~

Nezu attempted to get back up but he was too weak all he could do was look up at the Dark Lord of all.

Nezu: hello Scaloris or should I call you Y/n L/n?~

Lord Scaloris opened his face to reveal Y/n L/n.

Y/n: you have no right to call me by my old name and besides my true name is now....

His face closed up presenting the Visage of the Dark Lord of all.

Scaloris: Lord Scaloris!!!!~

Nezu: I'm sorry for what happened we shouldn't have treated you the way we did I am truly sorry.

Scaloris: you see now you respect me because I'm a threat and because I'm more powerful than you could ever possibly imagine and that's the way it works there are whole countries full of threats who demand and want respect and they will pay through the nose to get it but unlike them I truly have the power to wipe out all of my opponents and earn that respect~

Nezu looked up and to his other horror he saw his students mutated and their bodies worked into horrible monstrous transformations.

Nezu: what did you do to them?!?!

Scaloris: I remade them in my own image and you can take this to your grave your former students Shall Serve me forever because they are permanently under my control and now your students are no more now they will become the first of many who have fallen to my ultimate power!~

Scaloris proceeded to kill the former principal of UA High with no mercy whatsoever once he was done the Dark Lord of all and his new funkified monsters preceded to conquer all of Japan beginning a tour of Conquest across the island country of Japan building up his army of funkified monster Warriors eventually his small number of funkified mutated Warriors went from 19 to the hundreds and then to the thousands now his Legions of Warriors has grown to exponential numbers and now Japan Has Fallen.

(Time skip later)
Location: Earth

Right now high in the Sky of the Earth right above what used to be Japan the ship known as the Plagueis the Dark Lord of all and his original servants are currently having a very serious meeting about where to attack next.

Y/n: now our next Target is the IS Academy and we shall attack using my ultralink Army with the ultralinks in this battle the ultralinks will have viable hosts to merge with and they will grow infinitely stronger.

Y/n L/n immediately transformed into his dark lord form.

Scaloris: we must strike while the iron is hot we must not allow our enemies to become wise to my master plan.

The Dark Lord of all immediately contacted his ultralink army and gave them explicit instructions to begin their approach to the planet Earth which would only take a couple of hours.

Scaloris: now to prepare for the fall of the IS Academy~

(Time skip later)
Location: the IS Academy

Right now all is peaceful and calm at the Infinite Stratos Academy that was until the sky was filled up with what appeared to be hundreds of alien battlecrafts reading them was an enormous black craft with glowing violet highlights.

(A/n): as you already know this ship is a creation of my own design tell me what you think in the comments, is it good? Is it bad? Or is it somewhere in between? I'll let you all decide

As soon as the ships appeared from seemingly out of nowhere the sirens began blaring signaling that there was an invasion force moving towards the academy before anyone could get suited up hundreds of strange pods emerged from the battle crafts and they started making their way down to the academy within a couple of seconds these pods opened to reveal small techno organic creatures of all shapes sizes and colors.


eading the charge was none other than the ultralink general Aku.

Aku: follow me my ultralink Brothers link with anything you can find that has sufficient weapon potential and together this Academy shall fall!!!

Immediately all of the auxiliary Infinite Stratos units were taken over by ultralinks maximizing their weapon potential to an insane degree and permanently bonding with them turning them into cybernetic super soldiers within a couple of seconds the number of enemy Warriors grew at an exponential rate even though these Infinite Stratos units were generic and mass-produced they became infinitely more dangerous then when they started off soon enough a handful of Warriors emerged from the IS Academy these warriors were the most powerful of all the students these were the national Representatives and the only male IS pilot in the world each one of them were flying in their own specialized personal custom units.

Laura: what are these creatures I've never seen anything like these za the military?

Rin: I have no idea but whatever they are they're not friendly!

Houki: who cares what they are let's just kill them all before they can do any more damage!

Soon enough from the black Capitol ship emerged the Dark Lord of all flying towards them using his natural form.

Scaloris: get away from my weapons of mass destruction!!!

Charlotte: who are you?!

Scaloris: I am the 13th and a half dreadlord I am the bringer of Hellfire Keeper of the orange light of avarice I am the deliverer of Darkness the Shogun of Sorrow I am the reclaimer of the chaos pearls I am the Dark Lord of all I....Am....Lord SCALOURS!!!!!!!!

Cecilia: wow this villain really has a high opinion of himself.

The Cecilia's companions looked at her with faces of disbelief and slight condescension.

Cecilia: what?!?!? why are you looking at me like that!?!?!?

Cecilia's companions just looked away looking back at the Dark Lord of all.

Ichika: why are you here?!?!

Scaloris: oh you know I just moved into the neighborhood and I thought I'd do the neighborly thing say hello ask for a couple sugar and, why the hell do you think I'm here?!?! I'm here to destroy you all and cause the fall of your Academy!!!!!

Rin: well that's not going to happen tall dark and evil!!!!

Scaloris: I assure the lot of you that your Academy will fall on this day as I have caused the fall of the others.

Houki: what do you mean!?!?!

Scaloris: a question that you all shall take to your Graves!!!!

The Dark Lord of all immediately Unleashed a blast of destructive energy towards the 6 Infinite Stratos Pilots they all dodged out of the way of the attack but unfortunately their Academy was not so lucky the blast hit the academy with such power and force that it caused half of the island to explode the other half of the island was damaged and rendered a completely disabled.

Ichika: how could you do that?!?!?!??!

Ichika activated his weapon a single bladed sword and he charged at the Dark Lord of all with his blade held at the ready the Dark Lord of all simply caught the blade with two fingers as if it were nothing more than a minor nuisance to him.

Scaloris: well looky looky at this cookie we have a volunteer~

The Dark Lord of all proceeded to snap the blade in half with his bare hands and he proceeded to Jab the broken Shard of Blade into the young man's stomach.

The Girls: ICHIKA!!!!!!!!!

Scaloris: yes watch as this brick-headed fool learns what happens when you try to act as a hero in the face of Pure Evil~

The Dark Lord of all proceeded to twist The Shard of blade in his opponent's stomach in doing so he damaged his organs Beyond repair and he began to fall to the ground below but before he did the Dark Lord of all proceeded to deactivate his Infinite Stratos ripping it's deactivated form from his body and clipping it on to his waist.

Scaloris: one down five to go~

Now being driven by absolute rage and the deepest depths of grief the other five Infinite Stratos Pilots started wildly attacking the Dark Lord of all Rin through her double-bladed weapon at the Dark Lord of all in a spinning Arc cutting him in half she then used her shoulder mounted on the directional cannons to blast the Dark Lord of all partially disintegrating him Cecilia used her drones to blast the Dark Lord of all further damaging his physical body Houki started swinging her twin katanas trying to cut the remainder of his body to ribbons Laura used her shoulder mounted rail gun to blast pieces of the Dark Lord of all into Oblivion and finally Charlotte used her powerful and Fast Gun to rip through the remaining pieces of the Dark Lord of all not knowing that the black substance was nothing more than an extension of his true being once all the black substance was gone all that remained was the heart and the deactivated Infinite Stratos of the Fallen Warrior thinking that they had won the day they turn their backs and started crying but before they realized what happened the dark lord of all's heart stopped it's descent grabbing the Fallen Infinite Stratos unit and holding it in its telekinetic grip it then started flying back upwards towards the last five IS Pilots.

Scaloris: how pathetic weeping over a fallen comrade you lot know nothing of true sorrow for I am the embodiment of pure Darkness Be it physical, spiritual, emotional, and Supernatural~

To the horror of the Infinite Stratos Pilots the Dark Lord of all completely reformed as if nothing had ever happened he held the Fallen Pilot's Infinite Stratos in his telekinetic grip.

Charlotte: that does not belong to you!!!!!

Scaloris: and who here is going to take it from me most certainly not you five because you five are so pathetically weak that you couldn't even finish the job~

Rin: don't worry this time we'll do better!!!!!!

Scaloris: how adorable you believe that I'm going to give you a second chance to try~

The Dark Lord of all immediately Unleashed a devastating blizzard of attacks too quick for anyone to see the first of all was Cecilia when she received a blast to the chest that completely devastated her Shield and disintegrated her heart but before she could fall to the ground the Dark Lord of all took her Infinite Stratos and held it in his telekinetic grip along with the first he had taken.

Scaloris: and now I have 2~

The next foolish Warrior to charge into battle was Charlotte she started firing powerful blast at the Dark Lord but he simply blocked the incoming attacks with his bare hand he then Unleashed a torrent of red Hellfire powered by Argent energy burning the young French girl alive but leaving her Infinite Stratos unit undamaged he took the unit from her charred corpse and allowed the remainder of her body to fall to the ocean below.

Scaloris: and then there were 3~

Rin started charging up her omnidirectional cannons to full power she fired her twin omni-directional cannons at the Dark Lord of all but he proceeded to absorb the energy as if he were nothing more than an energy sponge powering him up further.

Scaloris: is that all you've got?~

The Dark Lord of all preceded to use the power of Nightmare Moon to drive the young woman completely insane with fear once she was driven irreversibly mad he then proceeded to use her own weapon to cut her down once she was dead he took her Infinite Stratos from her deactivating it and holding it in his telekinetic grip with the other three he had taken.

Scaloris: this is just too easy~

Cecilia: I assure you monster we will not fall as easily and we will avenge our friends!!!!

Laura: DA!!!

Laura fired her rail gun at the Dark Lord of all but he proceeded to use his telekinesis to redirect the ammunition back in its sender killing her instantly he used to telekinesis to remove her Infinite Stratos deactivating it and holding it along with the other five.

Scaloris: this is just pathetic why don't you just shoot yourself in the head and save me the trouble~

Cecilia now the last remaining member of her team she pulled out her sniper rifle and attempted to end this quickly by shooting the Dark Lord of all in the head his head did real back but it quickly moved forward again the hole in his head was large but it almost instantaneously regenerated his visor glowed once again and if you could the Dark Lord of all would have in Wicked Glee.

Cecilia: WHAT ARE YOU?!?!?!?!

Scaloris: I am a nightmare given physical form~

The Dark Lord of all preceded to use the power of His dark magic to disintegrates Cecilia's human body leaving nothing behind but her empty Infinite Stratos he grabbed the empty unit deactivated it and he held it in his telekinetic grip along with the other five.

Scaloris: yes the greatest Defenders of this Academy have fallen just as all others have and the future comers shall as well~

The Dark Lord of all preceded to use his technokinesis to combine the six Infinite Stratos units together once they were permanently fused together he proceeded to absorb the unit into his heart as soon as he did all the energy he had collected in the past and all the powers that he had stolen and obtained combined together his heart changed from Violet into a Sinister spectrum of colors pulsing with unimaginable powers.

(A/n): as you probably know this piece of art is a creation of my own design tell me what you think in the comments!

Soon enough the Apex Infinite Stratos unit took root within his soul and body changing his physical form making his physical form stronger more sleek and extremely technologically advanced the Everstone upon his codpiece changed from a circular Stone into the shape of a sinister acidic yellow star the chaos pearls changed from orbs into Emerald shaped gemstones upon his shoulders from his heart too short emerged from his crystal heart taking the shape of diamond cut gemstones which planted themselves in the back of his hands and the coup de gras upon his back a pair of energy Wings emerged from his back made out of sinister magenta energy.

(A/n): this piece of art is a creation of my own design tell me what you think in the comments!

Now in his Apex form the Dark Lord of all struck a dramatic pose unleashing the full extent of his power in the form of a massive blast of pure destructive energy the blast was so great that it completely vaporized the remainder of the IS Academy the only one who managed to escape the blast was none other than Chifuyu who was wearing a generic Infinite Stratos unit that she managed to acquire before all the rest were absorbed by the ultralinks.

Chifuyu: YOU MONSTER!!!!!!!!!!

Scaloris: oh you managed to survive my transformation I'm surprised so what brings you to my neighborhood~

Chifuyu: not only did you murder countless innocent students but you killed my brother and destroyed my home!!!!!!!!!!

Scaloris: well you have no one to blame but yourself and the rest of the Inner Circle members for that~

Chifuyu: you're insane!!!

Scaloris: sure I am what's your point?~

Chifuyu: I shall have my revenge and I shall avenge my students my home and more importantly my brother!!!!!!!

Scaloris: you shall die trying~

Chifuyu: pull out a single bladed katana and she proceeded to attack the Dark Lord of all But as soon as her weapon touched the outer shell of the dark lord her blade snapped in half not being able to withstand when she saw this Chifuyu gasped in shock seeing that her weapon could not cut the Dark Lord of all or deal any type of damage to him.

Chifuyu: how are you so powerful?!?!?!?!

Scaloris: push-ups sit-ups and plenty of juice~

Chifuyu: take me seriously damn it!!!!!!!!

Scaloris: sorry but that's not going to happen because that's what you want and I'm not going to give it to you~

With that said the Dark Lord of all proceeded to completely destroy Chifuyu with a simple low-level power blast which ripped through her defensive Shield and completely destroyed her and her Infinite Stratos.

Scaloris: it is done the Infinite Stratos Academy has fallen and with that this world's hope is closer to complete and utter eradication~

(A/n): (WORD COUNT 3116)

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