TDI Gwen X Male Reader

By RealMemey

122K 1.8K 1.1K

(Please Note This Is My First Ever Story. So If The Quality Isn't That Good, Sorry!) [You will be replacing... More

[Chapter One] Beginnings
[Chapter Two] Great Heights, Greater Falls
[Chapter Three] A Snooze Fest
[Chapter Four] Unsportly Sportsmanship
[Chapter Five] Total Drama's Got Talent!
[Chapter Six] Summer Time Camping
[Chapter Seven] Challenging Fears
[Chapter Eight] Up Creek Without A Paddle
[Chapter Nine] Campers Unknown Hunting Grounds
[Chapter Ten] Kitchen Drama Nightmares
[Chapter Eleven] Trust Issues
[Chapter Twelve] Boot-Camp
[Chapter Thirteen] Haiku Conflicts
[Chapter Fourteen] Gender Wars
[Chapter Fifteen] Wheel Of Misfortune
[Chapter Sixteen] Homewrecker Ahoy!
[Chapter Seventeen] Hide And Go Seek
[Chapter Eighteen] Moto-X Star
[Chapter Nineteen] Thursday The 12th
[Chapter Twenty] A Wild Duck Chase
[Chapter Twenty One] Uncomfortable Bonds
[Chapter Twenty Two] Daily Life, Daily Strife
[Chapter Twenty Three] Castaway Campers
[Chapter Twenty Five] Done By A Dare
[Chapter Twenty Six] The Last Chapter, Really!
[Epilogue] Campers Clash, and a lot of Cash!
[Bonus Chapter] Totally Incorrect Quotes
[Bonus Chapter] House Flipping Freakshow!

[Chapter Twenty Four] Forest Frolicke

1.8K 46 13
By RealMemey

[The camera shows the sun rising behind some trees, it then cuts to you sleeping soundly in your bed, only a bird flies next to you and perches on your head. A squirrel then climbs up next to Gwen's nose, causing her to sneeze. A fly pesters Duncan as he swats it away, only for a frog to then come and eat it. Lastly Heather chokes on an acorn that landed inside her throat, she spits it out as a squirrel comes and takes it, scampering off with it. With a jolt Heather wakes up yelling, waking the rest of you up.]

Heather: "What-!? Who's that, where are we!? 

Duncan :"How did we get here?"

Gwen: "Chris!?" 

(Y/N): "Of course we can't actually wake up in the cabins for once.."

[Suddenly Chef in his usual attire comes flying down from a helicopter.]

Chef: "Everybody just shut up! How you got here is not your concern!"

[He gives the helicopter a thumbs up as it flies off.]

Gwen: "What happened to Chris!?"

Chef: "None of your gosh darn business what happened to Chris! I'm in charge now, and I'm gonna make you wish you were never born!" [He says, looking at you specifically.]

[He walks up to the four of you as he explains the rules.]

Chef: "Your mission, is to find your way out of the forest or die trying." [He says as he gets up in your face as you stare at him, annoyed.]

Heather: "You can't be serious! We will die." 

*Confessional Booth*

Gwen: "They left us in the woods, alone, again! With Heather!! I'd rather go swimming in the shark-infested water!"


[Chef holds up two duffel bags.]

Chef: "Here's how it works." [He tosses a duffel bag over to you as you catch it.] "Team one, delinquent and Romeo.

*Confessional Booth*

(Y/N): "So what is that my permanent nickname now?" [You say as you sigh and roll your eyes.]


Chef: " Team two." [He tosses the other duffel bag to Gwen.] "Grim and grimmer. Everything you need is in these bags. You'll navigate your way north to base camp, the first team to tag the camp totem pole wins, and here's a tip, better et up tent before sundown! Because once nightfall hits, you won't even see your trembling hand in front of your terrified face. Unless, you got night vision goggles." [He holds up a pair of night vision goggles.] "But ya don't." [He laughs as he puts them away. Duncan then runs up to him and grabs him by the apron, looking desperate.]

Duncan: "Oh please please don't leave us here I'm begging you we won't survive!"

[Chef just shoves him away]

Chef: "Grab ahold of your gut soldier!"

*Confessional Booth*

Heather: "Duncan's a lot of thing's but he is definitely not a chicken. He's up to something I can tell, and I am going to find out what it is!"


(Y/N): "Sooo what happens when we eventually get mauled by a bear out in the middle of the woods?"

Chef: "Oh I wouldn't worry about that, you'd wish you saw a grizzly once you meet up with old Sasquatchanakwa! He's one mean mama jamma!"

[The helicopter comes back down and takes away Chef.]

Chef: "Good luck troops!"

[Gwen and Heather look in shock as he flies away.]

Chef: "Try not to diiiiieeeee!"

[Suddenly some claws come down and take away the bunk beds, leaving you with nothing but the duffel bags.]

Heather: "This isn't legal! You can't do this!"

[Gwen looks through their bag and pulls out a compass.]

Duncan: [Taking the bag from you.] "Hey peaches, file it with the network lawyers." [He grabs you by the collar as he runs off with you.]

(Y/N): [Calling out.] "Welp see you babe! Good luck, I love you!"

Heather: "Where do they think they're going!? They can't survive out there it's suicide! It's- "

Gwen: "Hey! I got an idea, let's see what happens if you shut up already!" 

*Confessional Booth*

Heather: "Okay nothing would give me greater pleasure than ditching her grim little butt in the middle of nowhere, but this is the wild! I need someone to shove in front of me if the bear comes by."


Duncan: "I gotta say I was jazzed to be paired with (Y/N), I mean come on! If you were a grizzly would you rather be dipping in barbecue sauce, Romeo or the hot juvinial delinquint?"


[You and Duncan are running through the woods, seemingly at random.]

(Y/N): "Do you even know where we're going!?"

Duncan: "I just wanted to get away from the girls psych them out a bit you know?" 

(Y/N): "So you're telling me you got us lost in the woods just to 'phych the girls out'? Great move smooth brain."

Duncan: "Whatever, let's see what we got."

[Duncan dumps out the duffel bag, dropping a sleeping bag, a map, some bug spray, and a pair of binoculars.]

(Y/N):"I mean, it's all pretty good. Especially for Chris standards."

[Suddenly, you and Duncan hear a loud roar from within the forest.]

Duncan: "What was that!?"

(Y/N): [Sarcastically] "I don't know, a kitten?"

Duncan: "Save the sarcasm tough guy. We'll be out of the woods in no time thanks to these babies!"

[Duncan pulls out a pair of night vision goggles he stole from Chef.]

(Y/N): "Wow, you actually managed to get those off him!"

Duncan: "What can I say- I'm a hardened criminal! With these babies we can see as clear as day."

[Duncan tosses you the duffel bag.]

Duncan: "Now grab the map, while I figure out where we are."

(Y/N): "Sure, but the map isn't much use without a compass, is it?"

[You say whilst looking at him annoyed.]

Duncan: "Okay, the sun rose from the east." [He points to his left.] "Which means that's north. Camp is that way!"

[You take a look at the map, confused.]

(Y/N): "This map's all messed up, the scenery is correct but the compass is upside down. Which should we trust?"

[Duncan takes a look at the map and shrugs.]

Duncan: "Looks like we're doing it my way, let's get a move on."

*Scene Change*

[Gwen looks down at the compass aa it points north.]

Gwen: "Camp is north, so we just follow the river. Easy!"

[Heather just rolls her eyes.]

Heather: "Yeah, as long as we're not munched by Sas-whatchamacallit."

Gwen: "Will you relax! It's obviously just another stupid made up myth to scare us."

[Gwen picks up the duffel bag and walks in front, Heather tailing behind.]

*Confessional Booth*

Heather: "I don't believe in Sasquatches. I don't, and they wouldn't like- drop us here in the middle of the forest if there was one! What if we died!?"

[She glances over to the side for a second and goes wide eyed.]

Heather: "Would they?"


[Gwen and Heather are walking around as Heather is trying to swat away some mosquitoes.]

Heather: "Ugh! I'd kill for some bug spray! These mosquitoes think I'm an all you can eat buffet!"

[Suddenly she stops and starts hacking.]

Heather: "I think a mosquito bit the inside of my throat! Oh it itches!" 

[Gwen just looks back at her and rolls her eyes.]

*Confessional Booth* 

Gwen: "Okay, I can't believe I'm saying this, but I think I actually miss Chris. Anything is better than Chef's psychopath! Why do camp cooks always look like escaped criminals?"


Heather: "Can you hear me Chris!? I hope you enjoyed your little day off while we put up with your psychotic sidekick, who by the way, wasn't even doing anything. He just ditched us in the woods!"


[The camera shows Chef relaxing on the dock as he lays down and reads a magazine.]

Chef: "[I don't know, something in French?]"

*Scene Change*

[You and Duncan are climbing up the side of a cliff.]

(Y/N): "Do you really believe in that stupid Sasquachanakwa crap Chef said, sounds like something a kindergartener would make up."

[Duncan just rolls his eyes when suddenly he slips on a loose rock and almost falls, but luckily he's able to catch himself before he does.]

[You both reach the top of the cliff as Duncan helps you up.]

Duncan: "Besides. If he was real, you'd think someone would have caught him by now."

[Duncan holds up his binoculars and frowns.]

Duncan: "Hey, it's the girls!"

[The camera shows what Duncan's seeing as Gwen and Heather look up at the both of you, Heather waving her arms.]

Duncan: "And they're going the wrong way! Typical chicks with zero sense of direction, hey here's a pointer- try checking a map!"

[You smack Duncan in the back of the head as he yelps out in pain.]

Gwen: "Thanks babe! And we would if we had one! But this compass tells us that's north, you know like- where Chef said the camp is!"

[Duncan puts down his binoculars as he looks on in shock as you angrily stare him, pissed.]

(Y/N): "Your way is the right way, huh?"

[He yanks the map out of your hand and groans in annoyance.]

Heather: "Enjoy the view up there, suckers!"

(Y/N): "Great, now we're behind! We'll just have to jump into the river!" [You say angrily as you gesture off the cliff, picking up the duffel bag.]

*Confessional Booth* 

(Y/N): "You know, after doing that cliff dive on the first day. I was hoping I'd never have to do something like that ever again, but when times are dire and an opportunity presents itself, you just have to take it." [You say as you angrily look into the camera, crossing your arms.]


Duncan: "Okay, no. There's no way I'm doing that again!"

(Y/N): "It's okay, I'll just to it FOR YOU!"

[You shove Duncan off the cliff as you jump off after him as you both land in the water.]

*Confessional Booth*

Duncan: "Okay, gotta admit, (Y/N) can be pretty scary when he's mad."


[The camera shows Chef looking through the inside of the cabins, going through draws as he takes out Gwen's diary, your breath mints, Duncan's switch blade, and Heathers facial cream.]

*Scene Change*

[Gwen sets down the duffel bag and takes out some snacks as she and Heather take a break.]

Heather: "Okay look, we both know we don't like each other, and we both probably wish we could push each other off a cliff right now! 

Gwen: [Smiles and puts up a finger.]  "The thought had crossed my mind!" 

Heather: "But I think we can also agree that we have to win this challenge! We can't afford to let the guys win invincibility and who knows what kind of evil bonding they're up to right now." 

[You and Duncan are sitting on a makeshift raft, you learnt to make it from Gwen during the last episode.]

(Y/N): "See, I told ya the fall wouldn't be too bad."

Duncan: "Yeah yeah whatever."

[You look over and notice the girls as they're talking.]

Heather: "So we're a team on this right?" 

Gwen: "Right.."

[Gwen and Heather look over and see you and Duncan riding by on the raft.]

(Y/N): "Hey babe! See you at the finish line!"

Gwen and Heather: "They're getting away!"

[Heather quickly runs off as Gwen picks up the duffel bag and takes off.]

*Confessional Booth*

Heather: "Ah- using the river was brilliant! Well played boys, well played!"


[You and Duncan walk past a tree and notice a chocolate bar on the ground. Duncan picks it up thinking nothing of it when suddenly he's pulled and strung upside down, you roll your eyes and pull out a switchblade of your own, you climb up the tree and edge your way over to him, unbeknownst to the both of you, Heather goes through your bag , takes the bug spray and runs off. You cut Duncan down as he falls to the ground, dropping the candy bar as you book it with the duffel bag.]

 *Scene Change*

[You and Duncan peer out from behind a bush and start making noises right behind Heather and Gwen, causing them to run off and into a log where you and Duncan push a giant boulder into the entrance, blocking them inside as he goes through their bag and pulls out two candy bars. Gwen and Heather come out on the other end scratching their heads in confusion.]

 *Scene Change*

[Gwen runs around Heather, wrapping her in toilet paper making her look like a mummy, once she's finished she walks up to you and Duncan, you run off to go find supplies as Duncan notices the 'mummy' and climbs up the tree in fear as Gwen runs over and snatches your guy's sleeping bags.]

*Scene Change*

[You and Duncan finish putting a bunch of sticks over a hole and run off as Gwen and Heather approach, they both fall in as Gwen lets go of their duffel bag, Duncan quickly catches it before it can fall in and takes out the compass, he hands it to you and throws the duffel bag back in as you both run off.]

*Scene Change*

[It's now night as Heather and Gwen walk through the forest, now without their bag.]

Heather: "Ugh! I can't believe they stole all our supplies!"

Gwen: "Never underestimate a known criminal, I doubt (Y/N) would have willingly gone that far."

[She looks at Heather and takes a whiff.]

Gwen: "Ew, I hope we find the camp soon you really stink!"

Heather: "You should talk! I can smell your armpits from here!"

[They walk in silence for a few steps before Gwen suddenly stops, she points down at a large footprint in the ground as they both smile and nod at each other as they both get an idea.]

Gwen: *Gasps* "Heather look! It's a sasquatch footprint I'm so scared!"

[They look over at a nearby bush as it rustles a bit.]

Heather: "Please you're embarrassing yourselves!"

[Gwen quickly hushes her as she sneaks over to the bush and dives in, a large hairy beast stands up as Gwen's on top of it, Heather screams as she runs off, Gwen looks down and sees the beast as she screams and flails her arms, causing the beast to do the same thing and run off, Gwen still on its back.]

*Scene Change*

[Duncan's holding the compass as you hold the bag, though you look guilty.]

(Y/N): "You think we went too hard on them? I mean we literally stole everything."

Duncan: "Pssh, who cares, they're our enemy so it's either them or us."

[You angrily glare at Duncan.]

(Y/N): "Yeah, and one of those 'enemy's' is my girlfriend. Now I feel like a bad boyfriend for essentially leaving her out in the woods with nothing!"

Duncan: "I'm sure they're doing just fine man."

(Y/N): "Pssh, whatever. I'll just apologize after the challenge."

[You hear yelling as you turn your head, you see Gwen on top of the Sasquachanawkwa flailing their arms as Duncan quickly takes your arm and books it, Heather trailing a bit behind and the Sasquachanawkwa and Gwen right at the end.]

*Scene Change* 

[You and Duncan quickly take cover inside of a dark cave where you can see only your eyes]

(Y/N): "Duncan?"

Heather: "(Y/N)?"

Duncan: "Heather?"

Heather: "Duncan?"

Gwen: "Heather?"

(Y/N): "Gwen!?"

Gwen: "(Y/N)!?"

[You and Gwen hug each other in the dark, thanks to your night vision goggles.]

Heather: "Now that we've taken roll call, what are we going to do?"

Gwen: "Did you see the size of that thing!?"

[Suddenly a pair of red eyes appear.]

Duncan: "I could've taken em."

Gwen: "Is that why you were screaming like a little girl?" 

Duncan: "Right-  I was just faking him out! Anyway I think we're safe here for a while." 

[Suddenly a bunch of red eyes appear around you all as you all look scared.]

(Y/N): "Uh.. that depends on what you mean by safe?"

Heather: "I never thought I'd say this but, please tell me that tongue in my ear is (Y/N)."

(Y/N): "Ew! What? No! That would be.. the.." [You take a moment to realize what's going on.]

(Y/N): "The Sasquachanakwa!"

[The Sasquachanakwa runs out the entrance as the four of your run out a different exit, Gwen and you carrying the duffel bags as you all run for your lives as a bunch of bats chase you out.]

*Scene Change*

[After a while, the four of you sit and rest to recover.]

Heather: "Do Sasquatches get meaner at night?"

Duncan: [Out of breath] "I don't know... but I don't really want to find out!"

[Suddenly you hear growling near by as you all look in horror.]

*Scene Change*

[Chef is on the stage, playing a harp as he sings, suddenly a mosquito goes into his throat as he spits it out.]

*Scene Change*

[The duffel bags sit in between both teams as Heather explains.]

Heather: "Since you guys still have supplies in a map, I guess you beat us!" 

Gwen: [Scoffs] "Speak for yourself!" 

Heather: "It's obvious they kicked our butts."

[Gwen crosses her arms and looks away, annoyed.]

Gwen: "Fine! Whatever, you beat us."

[You look conflicted as Duncan picks up the bags.]

Duncan: "Oh look if you guys want to bunk with us it's cool!" [He tosses them the duffel bags as he runs off.]  "Why don't you uh set up camp while we look for firewood?"

[You scratch the back of your head and look at them as they both raise an eyebrow.]

(Y/N): "Sorry.. it was mainly Duncan's idea, if it were me I wouldn't have left you with nothing."

Duncan: [Calling out] "Hey Romeo! You coming to help or what!"

(Y/N): [Calling out] "Yeah hold on!" 

[You quickly peck Gwen on the cheek and run off. As she smiles at you.]

Gwen: "At least (Y/N) has some level of remorse."

Heather: "Which makes what we're going to do to them feel half as worse now."

[They both glare and smile at each other mischievously.]

*Confessional Booth*

Heather: "It's so easy to fool guys, they're like little kids, they never see it coming!"


Gwen: "I've gotta admit, just when I think Heather can't get more underhanded, she gets more underhanded! Toying with the boys, well played."

*Scene Change*

[You and Duncan are walking through the woods as you look back nervously.]

(Y/N): "You really think we can trust them with our stuff back there?" 

Duncan: "As if!" [He pulls up his shirt to reveal the map in his waste band.] "Trust no one."


[You're all sitting by the fire, you and Gwen cuddling as you pull out a chocolate bar and offer one to Gwen.]

(Y/N): "Want one babe?"

Gwen: "No thanks, but I'll take your sleeping bag though!"

[You smile and hand her the sleeping bag as she gives you a peck on the cheek and wraps it around the both of you as you both start to drift off to sleep.]

[Heather looks over and sees Duncan resting against the tree with his eyes shut.]

 Heather: "I can't sleep I'm too scared can I just-" 

[She cuddles up to Duncan as he just looks at her in surprise.]

Duncan: "Uh yeah, sure." [He rests his arm on her back as she looks up at him.]

Heather: "I feel so safe in your arms! You won't fall asleep right?" 

Duncan: "Yep you can count on it."


[It's now the next morning as Duncan is passed out on the tree, he wakes up once he hears you though.]

(Y/N): "Uhh dude, everything's gone.."

Duncan: "What!?"

[He checks his waste band only for the map to not be there.]

(Y/N): "Yeah, but Gwen left me this note."


[Heather taps Gwen on the head as she wakes up, she looks around and notices the sun rising.]

Heather: "Hey, we gotta go."

[Gwen groggily looks to her side where you're still wrapped around her in a hug as she smiles.]

Heather: "Let's just take everything and get out of here! I can't wait to see the look on their faces!"


[They've packed everything up as you and Duncan are still asleep.]

Heather: "Sweet! Now let's ditch them and win!"

Gwen: "Wait.."

[She looks over with a look of guilt and sees you asleep on the ground. She reaches into the bag and takes out the compass, two chocolate bars, and two bottles of water as she sets them next to you. She also quickly writes down a note from her drawing notebook.]

Dear (Y/N): 

"Sorry we had to do this, but don't worry, I left you with some stuff because I still love you!~"

-Love, Gwen.

[To add to the letter she even scribbles a little smiley face and a heart as she folds it and puts it in your pocket. She stands back, her and Heather smiling.]

Gwen: "It's what he would have done."

Heather: "Yeah."

[They both turn and book it into the forest.]

*Flashback End*

[Duncan groans in frustration as you try and calm him down.]

(Y/N): "I mean, at least they left us with the compass still!"

Duncan: "Come on we gotta go! We don't know how far ahead they are!"

[You both run off taking the remaining supplies with you.]

*Scene Change*

[Heather and Gwen are running through the forest laughing to themselves, both holding the duffel bags.]

*Confessional Booth*

Gwen: "Do we feel bad? Well only for (Y/N), Duncan stole our stuff first! As he put it, 'All is fair in love and war', and this is definitely war now."

[She smerks and puts her fist in her hand.]


Heather: "Okay that was so much fun! I just wish I could have seen the look on Duncan's face! And for the record Gwen was just as into scamming him as I was!" 

[She then looks down and scratches the back of her head, remorse on her face.]

Heather: "Though, sorry (Y/N).. just got caught in the crossfire." 


[You both are running through the forest.]

Duncan: "I can't believe I let myself get suckered by a chick!" 

(Y/N): "Ah two chicks, and what can I say, it was your idea to let them sleep with us! Now I don't mind spending time with Gwen but-"

[Suddenly you catch a whiff of some food.]

(Y/N): "You smell that?"

Duncan: "What!?"

(Y/N): "It smells like, sticky buns! We're close to the camp!"

*Scene Change*

[Inside the main lodge Chef can be seen taking a batch of freshly made sticky buns out of the oven.]

Chef: "That's some oven lovin!"

*Scene Change*

(Y/N): "Come on dude, we can still win!"

[You pick up speed as Duncan struggles to keep up, suddenly his stomach rumbles as he looks down.]

*Scene Change*

[Chef takes a seat at a chair near a totem pole, he's a bout to eat one of his buns when suddenly he hears Heather.]

Heather: "We made it!"

[He looks up and sees Heather and Gwen with the duffel bags running straight towards him, suddenly you run past the both of them as they gasp in shock.]

Heather: "How did you manage to catch up!?"

(Y/N): "Short cut! And thanks for the gifts by the way!" 

[You wink and run up and touch the totem poll.]

(Y/N): "We made it! Duncan your- turn-?"

[You look and see that instead of going where you went, Duncan just straight up took Chefs tray of sticky buns and pops one in his mouth.]

(Y/N): "Dude what are you doing!!?"

[Suddenly Heather and Gwen run up and touch the pole as they both high five.]

(Y/N): "Are you serious dude!? Both of us had to touch the pole!!"

Duncan: "What!? I thought only one of us had to!"

(Y/N): "Did you not listen to what Chef said before the challenge!!?"


Chef: "The first team to tag the camp totem pole wins." [The flashback slows down as he says team.]

*Flashback End*

[Chef swats the trey out of his hands and jabs him with his finger.]

Chef: "Those are mine! I was looking forward to those buns, all right game's over! Girls win, guys lose."

[You facepalm and groan in annoyance as Duncan just scratches the back of his head.]

*Confessional Booth*

Duncan: "Hey, not my fault Chefs voice is so annoying to listen to so I just naturally toned him out. Besides, I thought that the prize was the sticky buns! You know, after enduring days in the forest with nothing but stupid chocolate bars, we'd actually get some real food!"


(Y/N): "We lost the challenge for a few sticky buns what was that! Do you know how many sticky buns I could have bought with a hundred thousand dollars!?" 


Heather: "Omg that was so pathetic! I hope those buns were worth it!"


Gwen: "Wow, we kind of scored that one. Jeez now I really feel bad for (Y/N)."


[It's now the elimination ceremony, but instead of Chris standing at the front as usual, it's Chef walking around complaining.]

Chef: "This was supposed to be my day! Had it all planned, I was going to eat my sticky bun and relax with one of Heather's facials and freshen my breath with one of (Y/N)'s mints."

[As he says that you and Heather gasp.]

Chef: "When I finished Gwen's diary! Still on Chapter 12 on how much she loves (Y/N)."

[Gwen gaps as you blush.]

Chef: "And clean my toenails, that reminds me you need to- sharpen this."

[He tosses Duncan his switchblade, he catches it only for there to be a bunch of gunk on it and the blade itself is all bent up as Duncan's jaw practically hits the floor.]

Chef: [To self] "Then I was gonna loot the rest of Owen's snack stash." [He then turns and points at you all, raising his voice.] "But you all ruined it! So here's your infidarn-bility!"

[He tosses Gwen and Heather their marshmallows as you and Duncan nervously look at Chef smiles at the both of you.]

Chef: "(Y/N)... (Y/N), (Y/N), (Y/N).. I still have that boot camp ordeal locked in my brain you know." [He says as he smiles at you.]

[You gulp nervously and start shaking a bit as Duncan, Heather and Gwen look at you, nervously.]

Chef: "You know it's never good to talk down to authority right boy? Yet you still continue to do it. You made it pretty far in this competition, managed to get a girlfriend that you love so much."

[He then gets in your face.]

Chef: "Would be a shame if it all just, ended here, right at the final four."

[You nervously shake as Chef looks over to Duncan.]

Chef: "And as for you prison boy, you've been a thorn in my side since day one. And don't think I didn't notice you snag these."

[He pulls the nightvision goggles out from behind his back as you all gasp.]

Chef: "Rule number one boy, never steal from me."

[Duncan nervously nods as Chef steps back.]

Chef: "Boys, tonight it's up to me who goes home, you both are equally as bad as each other, yet I have to choose only one. The last one safe tonight is..."

[Chef holds the suspense for a very long time, creating a lot of tension as you and Duncan worriedly look at Chef.]
































Chef: "(Y/N), but only because Duncan stole my sweet bun!"

[Chef tosses you a marshmallow as you and Gwen give a huge sigh of relief.]

Duncan: [Throws up his arms in anger.] "Pfft, good. Get me out of here and back to juvie, at least with convicts you know what to expect."

*Scene Change*

[Chef is walking Duncan to the boat of losers as he constantly says left and right.]

Chef: "Come on soldier! Do I bear a striking resemblance to somebody who's got all day!" 

[The three of you stand on the dock to wish Duncan goodbye.]

Heather: "What can I say, you had the chance to rock an alliance with me but you blew it!" 

[Gwen walks up to him.]

Gwen: "You played the game well, sorry you had to lose over sticky buns."

[They both fist bump as he walks up to you, a smile on both of your faces.]

(Y/N): "It's been a wild ride man, our friendship being full of ups and downs, but hey, it'd had to be some of the best times of my life." [You reach out a hand as he takes it and shakes it.]

(Y/N): "See you on the flipside man, hopefully juvie treats you well."

Duncan: "Yeah, it's been fun man. Talk to you later."

[He walks onto the boat of losers as Chef takes him away.]

*Scene Change*

[You, Heather, and Gwen are sat around the campfire, being the final three campers in the competition.]

Heather: "So, looks like we made it to the final three!" 

*Confessional Booth*

Heather: "I just want to thank everyone who got me to the final three! Courtney, I feel your pain girl, you should not have been cheated off like that. Noah you are one seriously smart guy, don't think I didn't notice! And Lindsay, the most fashionable girl on the island next to me you know you'll always be one of my bffs!"


Gwen: "I've gotta admit I didn't think I'd make it this far, but now that I have and (Y/N)'s still in the game with me, I might as well win!"


(Y/N): "Final three with Heather and Gwen huh, it's a shame Duncan had to go like that but hey, I'm sure he's gonna have some wild stories to tell back at juvie!"


[Duncan can be seen in the back, bored.]

Duncan: "Just get me out of this place."

[From inside the cockpit, Sasquatchanakwa can be seen as it turns and growls at Duncan as he screams in terror, it then rips off it's head, only for it to be Chef underneath. This calms Duncan down as it rips off the head, only for it to be Sasquatchanakwa again as Duncan screams in terror, it keeps doing it over and over and over again as they ride off into the moonlight.]

[To Be Continued...]

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