TDI Gwen X Male Reader

By RealMemey

122K 1.8K 1.1K

(Please Note This Is My First Ever Story. So If The Quality Isn't That Good, Sorry!) [You will be replacing... More

[Chapter One] Beginnings
[Chapter Two] Great Heights, Greater Falls
[Chapter Three] A Snooze Fest
[Chapter Four] Unsportly Sportsmanship
[Chapter Five] Total Drama's Got Talent!
[Chapter Six] Summer Time Camping
[Chapter Seven] Challenging Fears
[Chapter Eight] Up Creek Without A Paddle
[Chapter Nine] Campers Unknown Hunting Grounds
[Chapter Ten] Kitchen Drama Nightmares
[Chapter Eleven] Trust Issues
[Chapter Twelve] Boot-Camp
[Chapter Thirteen] Haiku Conflicts
[Chapter Fourteen] Gender Wars
[Chapter Fifteen] Wheel Of Misfortune
[Chapter Sixteen] Homewrecker Ahoy!
[Chapter Seventeen] Hide And Go Seek
[Chapter Eighteen] Moto-X Star
[Chapter Nineteen] Thursday The 12th
[Chapter Twenty] A Wild Duck Chase
[Chapter Twenty One] Uncomfortable Bonds
[Chapter Twenty Two] Daily Life, Daily Strife
[Chapter Twenty Four] Forest Frolicke
[Chapter Twenty Five] Done By A Dare
[Chapter Twenty Six] The Last Chapter, Really!
[Epilogue] Campers Clash, and a lot of Cash!
[Bonus Chapter] Totally Incorrect Quotes
[Bonus Chapter] House Flipping Freakshow!

[Chapter Twenty Three] Castaway Campers

2.1K 43 5
By RealMemey

[It's raining on the Island as Chris stands at the dock holding an umbrella.]

Chris: "Welcome back to Total Drama Island! This week, we've prepared a bizarre episode full of surprises! For instance, take this weather! Rain is not an easy thing to control let me tell ya- but we figured the four remaining campers were getting off way too easy, so we pulled some strings and voila!"

[As he says the last part, he's struck by lightning.]

*Scene Change*

[Our final four are sitting out in the rain. You and Gwen are sitting next to each other on the steps. Heather keeping her distance sitting away from you two, applying nail polish to her feet, and Duncan sitting on the steps of the other cabin sharpening a wooden spear. Suddenly, Chris comes over the loud speakers.]

Chris: "Listen up campers, one of the most grueling challenges of any summer camp experience is the dreaded rain day, where all activities with even the remotest possibility of fun are cancelled in favor of the craft tent! The forecast for tomorrow rain, rain, and more rain, followed by rain. See you all in the craft tent tomorrow at O-7 hours."

[Gwen looks on in annoyance as you two hold hands, Heather turns to you to and speaks up.]

Heather: "Sitting there and moping won't bring Leshawna back you know, it'll just give you premature wrinkles."

[The camera shows you and Gwen looking at Heather now, still annoyed at the events of last night.]

Heather: "Oops! Too late."

[Gwen smerks and kicks the step, causing Heather to mess up her nail polish as Heather looks at her in anger.]

(Y/N): "Why don't you just put us all out of our misery and vote yourself off." [You say glaring at Heather.]

[Duncan speaks up while finishing his spear.]

Duncan: "It's so nice seeing you three get along, gives me the warm fuzzes."

Heather: "Ew! In your dreams perv!"

(Y/N): [To Self] "Bet if it were just me and her she'd like the idea."

[Duncan looks at her with a stone face for a few seconds before sitting up.]

Duncan: "This sucks, even if Owen was still here he couldn't put a happy spin on this weather."

*Mini Timeskip*

[You all decide to go back into the cabins after a while of sitting out in the rain, Duncan and Heather going into their own rooms while you and Gwen share one.]


[It's rained so much to the point where a chair, an entire shed, family of raccoons on a log, and a submarine that's submerged are seen being swept down a stream the rain made.]


[The camera is pointed into the sky, showing a brand new day on the island, Chef is seen standing outside of the main lodge ringing a bell as Chris pulls up on his quad, concerned.]

Chris: "Hey Chef, you seen the campers?"

Chef: "No! And I peeled a whole bag of rotten spuds." [He holds up a bucket full of peeled, green potatoes.]

Chris [Scratching his head.] "Hmm, I can't find them either!" [He then rests his finger on his chin.] "Come to think of it, I can't even find their cabins!"

[He looks next to him, revealing that the cabins are gone.]

*Scene Change*

[One of the cabins are seen in the water as two chairs and a bunkbed of two people are swept by, the two people being you and Gwen. Heather walks out of the cabin, tired. She stretches and yawns when suddenly she falls into the water. Gwen wakes up as she yells out in horror and falls into the water, the sound of her screaming also causing you to wake up.]

(Y/N): "What the-?"

[Before you can finish your sentence you roll off the bed and into the water, you and Gwen resubmerge as you spit out some water.]

Gwen: "Where did all of this water come from!?"

[Heather suddenly appears next to you and spits out water.]

Heather: "I don't know! Ask these leeches!"

[She holds up one of her arms revealing a bunch of leaches on her arm as she screams and waves her arm around, sending the leeches flying.]

(Y/N): "You know, this is so ridiculous, it's almost funny."

[Unbeknownst to you, a shark fin can be seen swimming around you all, you glance over and notice it as Heather and Gwen also notice it. You three jump out and run in place in the air for a second before running off.]

*Scene Change*

[The three of you are cowering on the cabin, you and Gwen holding onto each other as Heather holds onto your back. All three of you shaking in fear. The bunkbed is suddenly dragged under the water as the shark leaps out of the water and destroys a chair.]

Gwen: "Quick! We need something big and chewy to shove in his mouth!"

Heather: "Duncan!"

*Scene Change*

[Duncan opens the door of the confessional before noticing the large body of water around him as he looks on in shock]

Duncan: "What the heck happened last night!?"

*Scene Change*

[The cabin you three were on is seen docked as you three look around the new environment, Gwen on edge.]

Gwen: "O-kay- is anyone else a little creeped by this deserted island-?"

Heather: "Pah-lease." [She outstretches her arms.] "Any moron can see this is one of Chris's cheesy production sets with fake props!"

[She kicks the rock, only for it to be real as she stiffs up in pain.]

(Y/N): "Well, this is only wishful thinking, but by the looks of it it appears that we've just been swept downstream, the producers will send a search party."

*Confessional Booth*

Chris: "Just to set the record straight, my sets are not cheesy, I lost three interns moving those rocks into place. And about that search party, nuh uh! Those campers are on their own!"


[Chris looks at the empty spot in annoyance as Chef stands next to him, holding the bucket of old potatoes still.]

Chris: "So I guess that means craft day's canceled. Anyway, I'm starved, let's eat!"

[Chef looks down at the bucket and then at Chris in shock.]

Chef: "You actually wanna eat this slop!?"

Chris: "Yeah right, I may hit the breakfast buffet back at our camp."

Chef: "Cool."

[He laughs as he gently nudges Chris, Chris shoves Chef back as Chef looks at him, annoyed. He then pushes Chris to the ground as he yelps out in surprise.]

*Confessional Booth*

(Y/N): "Stuck on an island with a super hot goth chick who I can call my girlfriend and an annoying drama queen who's got a crush on me, hopefully this can't get any worse."


Gwen: "So I thought to myself, they left me here to die!"


Heather: "Mental note, never sign up for a reality show, ever again!"


[You decide to rest your head on a rock and groan.]

(Y/N): "I say we just wait here and wait for rescue to arrive."

Gwen: "What if there isn't a rescue team (Y/N), what if the producers think we're dead!? I say we build a raft and try to sail back to camp."

[You're taken aback at Gwen's outburst at you as you nervously look at her.]

(Y/N): "I- was just thinking that it would be easier for them to find us if we were near the cabin so they can use it as a landmark is all.. sorry babe.." [You say scratching the back of your head, kind of hurt.]

[Gwen gasps and kneels down to your level and hugs you.]

Gwen: "Sorry! I'm just- stressed is all.. I didn't mean to lash out."

[You both release the hug as she looks at you.]

Gwen: "I think it would be better for us if we were to build a raft so we can try and find the camp or even civilization again."

(Y/N): "Well, yeah, that makes sense. I guess I really shouldn't be thinking that Chris would actually care about our well beings."

Heather: "Duh, we're not lost! This is just Chris's lame attempt at challenging our ship wrecked survival skills. I'm onto you Chris!"

*Confessional Booth*

Chris: "Oooooo, I'm so scccaaaarrreedd!"


Heather: [Putting on her sunglasses.] "I'm going for a walk." [She says as she walks away.]

*Confessional Booth*

Heather: "It was clear things were getting tense, you have to remember that we were soaked, covered in bug bites, and starving! But I kept my wits about me as always, it's a good thing at least one of us can remain calm and collected in the face of adversity."


[Heather walks through some bushes as she spots a tree house.]

Heather: "Not bad! Beats living on the beach!"

*Confessional Booth*

Duncan: "Ugh.. how long have I been in here.? A week, a month?"

[Duncan tiredly rests his head on his hand as he falls asleep. Causing him to tip forward and out the booth.]


[Duncan falls face first onto sand as he lifts his head up and smiles in bewilderment as he looks at his surroundings.]

Duncan: "Sweet! I'm back at camp!"

[He runs off into the trees happily before stumbling across a T-Rex skull, he screams in fear and runs back to the booth and slams the door shut.]

Duncan: "This day is really sucking!"

*Confessional Booth*

Chris: "The T-Rex skull was my idea!" [He chuckles to himself] "Did you see the look on his face! That was worth every intern!"


[Heather is seen standing on the front porch of the treehouse as she looks around her surroundings.]

Heather: "Nice view!" [She then calls to you and Gwen.]

Heather: "Hey you two! If you're done having your lovers quarrel I found us a place to rest!"

[She opens the door as a skeleton prop comes down from the ceiling, scaring her and causing her to fall off the porch and scurry backwards. She bumps into the T-Rex skull as she screams in fear and throws herself away from it as you and Gwen walk up, surprised at the skeleton. Heather reappears from some bushes behind you two.]

Heather: "So, still think we're downstream from camp?"

(Y/N): "Okay, I've been wrong before.."

*Scene Change*

[Duncan is seen wandering aimlessly around the beach until a coconut falls onto his head, he looks up and sees a tree full of coconuts.]

Duncan: "Jackpot."

*Confessional Booth*

Chef: "Will someone please explain to me why there are palm trees and coconuts up here, we're in Northern Ontario!"

[The camera zooms out, showing Chris huddled next to him.]

Chris: "They were all out of props for the 'Bigassic Park' movie shoot."

[Chef raises an eyebrow to him.]

Chris: "What! We were on a budget."


[Duncan is seen resting up against the palm tree, a bunch of opened coconuts surrounding him as he burps as he pulls out another coconut.]

Duncan: "Wow, being alone really stinks.. what I'd give to hear Heathers bickering or (Y/N) and Gwen's sappy romance. Right Courtney?"

[The camera reveals that the coconut he's holding has a carved picture of Courtney on it as Duncan holds it close to him.]

Duncan: "Yeah, I love you too babe."

*Scene Change*

[Heather pokes the skeleton as she analyzes it more closely.]

Heather: "What the heck? This is just like when they sent us to Boney Island! Don't you see it's so obviously another survival challenge! [The camera pans out to show you raising an eyebrow to her as Gwen looks at Heather in annoyance.] "You can't scare me Chris!"

Gwen: "What's obvious is that we're stranded on a deserted island, and we'll die if we don't build a raft!"

Heather: "If we really were stranded than the producers would have come and saved us by now!"

Gwen: "What if the producers don't know where to look? They're not exactly the sharpest tools in the shed, incase you haven't noticed!"

*Confessional Booth*

[Chris is seen looking annoyed as Chef smiles at him.]

Chris: "I'm gonna let that little comment paaaasss."

[Chef nods and grunts in agreement.]


Heather: "I was so better off without those lunatics holding me back, good luck lost in the wild without shelter!


[Gwen angrily stares at Heather as she sighs in annoyance.]

Heather: "Fine, then let's make a new rule." [She points at you and Gwen.] "Every camper for themselves!"

(Y/N): "Weren't we already kind of doing that, minus me and Gwen."

Heather: "You know what I mean!"

[She storms off into the treehouse, shoving the skeleton aside.]

*Scene Change*

[You pick up a bow and arrow as you and Gwen look at each other.]

(Y/N): "Okay, so I'll go hunt for food, and you go look for supplies."

Gwen: "Sounds good babe!"

[You kiss her on the lips for a bit before standing back.]

(Y/N): "Be safe out there babe, and if you need me call for me!"

[Gwen smiles as she blushes.]

Gwen: "Thanks babe! I will!"

[You both part ways in the opposite direction to go hunt for supplies.]

*Scene Change*

[Inside the confessional booth, Duncan is carving out the number of days on the wall. The camera shows out to show a disheveled Duncan holding onto 'Courtney'.]

Duncan: "11 minutes of isolation, me and Courtney have decided to live in the outhouse where it's safe."

[Suddenly an arrow goes through 'Courtney' as Duncan yells out in fear.]

Duncan: "They're on to us babe!"

The camera pans over to show you holding the bow and aiming it in Duncan's direction, but you don't even know he's there just past the tree line.]

(Y/N): "Oh man, I really gotta work on my aim.."

[You hear rustling in the bushes behind you as you pull out an arrow and lunge at it, stabbing it multiple times, you take a look at what's on it only to reveal three bananas.]


[You've already filled most of a sack full of different fruits.]

(Y/N): "Haha sweet! We're gonna be eating well tonight!"

[You go to take the fruits back to the tree house when an egg resting in a nest catches your eye.]

(Y/N): "Well hellloo there!"

[You take the egg and sack, but unbeknownst to you, a giant bird can be seen flying over head as only it's shadow can be seen.]

*Scene Change*

[You walk up to Gwen, carrying the bow and arrow, sack of fruit, and the egg. Gwen on the other hand, is building a raft. You look up and see Heather eating a bar of chocolate.]

(Y/N): "Hey! Where'd you get that!?"

Heather: "Oh nowhere, just Owen's secret stash of junk food he forgot to take with him when he was eliminated~"

(Y/N): "That genius! I always thought his bed and mattress looked lumpy!" [You point up to her.] "You better share that with us man, we're starving!"

Heather: "Oh no, I believe the term was 'Every camper for themselves!', and since we're alone on the island-"

[Before she can finish her sentence, a loud droning noise can be heard, startling all of you.]

Heather: "Or not..."

*Scene Change*

[Duncan slightly opens the door and peers out.]

Duncan: "Don't worry Courtney, you're safe as long as you stick with me.."

[Suddenly he hears the loud drone too as he quickly shuts the door and cowers in fear.]

*Scene Change*

[Chef is seen blowing into a seashell as he puts it down.]

Chef: "Brunch is served!"

[Chris looks at the meal in delight.]

Chris: "Ahh brunch, such a civilized meal don't you think, I've already digested your brekkie but you're not quite ready for lunch."

[Something catches his eye as he dips his finger in it and holds it up, some pink goo on his finger.]

Chris: "Hollandaise, you've out done yourself Chef!"

[Chef smiles as he blows into the seashell once more.]

*Scene Change*

[Heather nervously bites into the chocolate bar as the noise can still be heard.]

Heather: "It's just Chris freaking us out!"

[Gwen's stomach starts growling as she looks down at her stomach. She turns and looks at you]

Gwen: "Hey babe, can you please toss over something, I can eat anything right now."

(Y/N): "Sure thing hon."

[You reach into your sack and pull out an orange as you toss it over to her.]

Gwen:" I love you so, so much babe- you don't even know!"

[She rips open the orange and starts eating it as she moans in delight at the taste.]

(Y/N): "Not a problem honey buns~" [You say as you wink at her.]

[She finishes the orange and wipes her mouth.]

Gwen: "As for the sound, I don't care to find out what it is, (Y/N) and I are out of here."

[She starts pushing the raft into the water as you bring your stuff with you, including the giant egg.]

Heather: "You don't even know where you're going!"

Gwen: "Anywhere is good as long as it's away from you!"

[You help Gwen onto the raft as she starts rowing away, Heather runs down and meets up with you two.]

Heather: "There's no way you two are actually gonna leave me stranded here!?"

Gwen: "Goodbye Heather!" [She says as she rows away.]

Heather: "P-please! I'll let you have some of Owen's candy!"

[You sigh as you look at Gwen, she meets your stare and goes wide eyed.]

Gwen: "Babe, there's no way.."

(Y/N): "I'm sorry hon but, I just don't like the idea of us leaving someone behind on a stranded island in the middle of nowhere, even if it is Heather, I don't think my subconscious would forgive me.."

[Gwen sighs as she understands where you're coming from, she stops rowing as you look at Heather.]

(Y/N): "Alright, let's go Heather."

[Heather is shocked as she looks around.]

Heather: "You're- actually letting me come with you-?"

Gwen: "Yeah, now hurry up before I change my mind!"

Heather: "Okay okay! At least let me grab the rest of the food!"

[Heather quickly runs back into the treehouse to grab the rest of the food. She runs back holding a bundled up blanket as she sets it on the raft and jumps on, immediately hugging you in the back.]

Heather: "Thank you so much (Y/N)!! I don't know how I could ever repay you~"

[She says that part with an under tone as you scooch forward.]

(Y/N): "Just, don't start anything."

Heather: "Alright, actually, what are we going to do about Duncan?"

Gwen: "We'll just have to hope that he managed to get swept back on the island, there's no way I'm staying here with an unknown beast!"

[She picks up the oar and starts rowing again.]

*Confessional Booth*

Heather: "Okay, I admit it, (Y/N)'s a dream boat!" [She says desperately.] "He's the only one out of the remaining three who can tolerate me, he's been somewhat kind to me, and he even cared about my well being by letting me on the raft!"


*Scene Change*

[Duncan jumps out of the confessional, wearing nothing but a loin cloth, a bunch of face paint on him, wielding a plunger and holding 'Courtney'."

Duncan: "Come on babe, let's go hunting."

*Scene Change*

[Chef is playing the drums as some snazzy music plays in the background, a limbo stick is set up as Chris bends under it.]

Chris: "Ah, fun in the great out doors! Too bad the interns are missing it."

[He goes back under in the opposite direction.]

Chris: "We should send them a video of this, good times!"

*Scene Change*

[You, Heather, and Gwen are out in a large lake now, you taking over for Gwen for rowing as Gwen sits next to you, Heather sitting on the opposite end from you two.]

Heather: "Ugh, can this raft go any slower?"

Gwen: "If you don't like the accommodations, there's the door." [She says gesturing out to the body of water.]

Heather: "Maybe, if we didn't have that giant egg, we'd be going a bit faster!"

(Y/N): "I was gonna turn it into an omelet, but I didn't get a chance to make a fire big enough to cook it, and remember about what I said about making a ruckus?"

Heather: [Scoffing.] "Whatever, besides I think you've been rowing us in circles, because there's the shore line!"

[She points back over to the island, where you can see a bunch of opened coconuts laying on the ground.]

(Y/N): "Aww crap..."

*Mini Timeskip*

[The three of you make it to the shore and step off. Gwen looking around nervously.]

Gwen: "Uhh, I think our deserted island isn't so deserted

[You run back over and grab your stuff, handing Heather her bag of candy.]

(Y/N): "Well, might as well start making our way back to the treehouse."

[You all start walking and don't even make it to the first tree before you hear a giant screech above you. You all look up and see a giant Pterodactyl above you, you all look down at the egg you're holding and look back up at the bird.]

Heather: "Uhh, (Y/N).. I think you just kidnapped a dinosaur.."

[The bird starts flying directly at the three of you as you try and run away, the bird picks you up by the back of your shirt as you scream out in genuine fear.]


[Heather is as still as a statue as Gwen runs back to the raft and picks up a rope, she twirls it around like a lasso and throws it at your leg as it wraps around it, she grabs on but is only pulled by the bird as it carries you and Gwen away, Heather snaps out of her trance as she then grabs on to Gwen's leg only for all three of you to be carried off screaming.]

*Scene Change*

[Duncan peers out from behind a bush to spot the abandoned treehouse, he looks around to make sure no one's around and starts climbing the ladder, suddenly he hears screaming. He looks up and sees you, Gwen, and Heather falling from the sky, you all land on him and fall to the ground as one giant pile, groaning in pain.]

Heather: "Wait.. Duncan, is that you?"

Duncan: "Heather, Gwen, (Y/N)? You guys are still alive!?"

[You four get out of the human pile as Duncan hugs you and Gwen.]

Duncan: "Oh thank gosh you guys are still alive, I almost went insane!"

[You look down at the coconut, seeing Courtney's face carved into it.]

(Y/N): "I think 'almost' is understating it."

[Suddenly a giant snake falls from the sky and lands on the you, Gwen and Duncan's hug, you all scream and run away, dropping the snake to the ground.]

*Scene Change*

[You're all cowering on the porch of the treehouse, looking down at the giant snake as it looks up at the four of you and hisses.]

Gwen: "What's with the get up?" [She says refering to Duncan's cloth and face paints.]

Duncan: "It's- nothing. I just got, bored."

*Scene Change*

[Chris and Chef are sitting on stools and using a tree stump as a table as they drink coffee and classical music plays in the background.]

Chris: "Say Chef? How do you think our campers are doing on their- 'Deserted Island'?"

Chef: "Anything could have happened to them by now! Mauled by a bear, fell off a cliff, starved to death."

[As he says this Chris becomes more worried as he puts his finger to his chin.]

Chris: "Hmm, maybe I should go check the monitors and see what kind of footage we got?"

Chef: "Chris man, you are a dedicated host."

[Chef pulls Chris into a hug as he cradles him like a baby and rocks him side to side as Chris enjoys it.]

Chef: "You're an inspiration!"

Chris: "Thanks dude, it's what I do!"

*Scene Change*

[The camera shows the outside of the treehouse, the snake waiting outside as inside you're all sitting around bored. That is until Heather gets up and stomps her foot.]

Heather: "That's it! I can't bond with you guys anymore because you're all crazy!"

(Y/N): "You say that like you're not."

[Heather turns to you and glares at you.]

Heather: "I am the only one left on this show with a shred of sanity!"

Gwen: [Scoffs.] "And this coming from the girl who changes friends more often than the average person breaths!"

Heather: "At least I've got my game on!"

Gwen: "Game on!? Hello! None of us are in the competition because the producers think we're dead! Which means we're gonna die on this fricking island!!"

[You hold Gwen closely.]

(Y/N): "Wooahhh babe, calm down. Deeeep breaths."

[Gwen calms down as she eases into your hold.]

Duncan: "Man, and I didn't even get to steal a car, or rob an old persons home."

[You three look at him, eye brows raised.]

Duncan: "What..?"

*Confessional Booth*

Gwen: "So, this is how I die, I felt like if (Y/N) wasn't there, my brain would explode from frustration!"


(Y/N): "Okay, I know this may sound dumb, but seeing as how we're possibly stranded here, I was thinking that we could just get all of the bad tension out and we can all confess to some things we did. So we'd all be on about an equal playing field."

[You all look to each other and shrug.]

Heather: "I mean, being able to hear how you're not as much as a goodie twoshoes as you make yourself out to be would be interesting."

Gwen: "Oh I bet (Y/N) didn't do nearly as many bad things as you did!"

Heather: "Oh yeah! Then how about he goes first!"


[After you're all done telling your stores, you all sit around the cabin, you and Gwen sitting next to each other on the bed, Duncan sitting on the floor holding his coconut, and Heather sitting on the bed opposite of you and Gwen.]

Gwen: "Woah.. so that's what you went to juvie hall for!"

Duncan: "Yeah, but at least it's not as bad as what Heather did!"

Heather: "I admit, it was a little unorthodox but it doesn't come close to what Gwen did, if that's even your real name!"

[Gwen looks at you in discomfort as you hold her hand.]

(Y/N): "Okay.. maybe that wasn't the best idea.."

[You lay down on the bed still holding Gwen's hand when suddenly a spider lands on your face.]

(Y/N): "Y-woah!" [You sit up quickly as the spider is launched from your face, landing directly onto Heather's face as she screams and runs around.]


Duncan: [From outside.] "Uh, guy's I think we've got company."

[You flick the spider off of Heathers face as the you all go see what he's talking about. You look and see smoke in the distance.]

Gwen: "Is it a rescue team!?"

Heather: "Or it's a trick, the rescue team or a trick courtesy of Chris." [She says angrily, putting her hands on her hips.]

(Y/N): "Well, the only way we'll know is if we go check it out."

Duncan: "There's only one problem! a 50-foot python with an attitude!"

(Y/N): "I have an idea."

[You take Duncan's coconut from him and toss it, it lands on the snakes head as it falls to the ground, unconscious.]

[Duncan and Heather look at you annoyed as Gwen looks down in awe.]

Duncan: "Dude, what the heck!"

Heather: "Why didn't we do that hours ago!?"

(Y/N): "It didn't strike me at the moment okay! Now lets go and check what the source of the smoke is!"

*Scene Change*

[You all run through the forest and make it to the source, only for it to be Chris and Chef, Chef jumping onto Chris in fear.]

Chef: "Ahh! It's the ghosts of the campers! They've come back for us!"

[Chris smiles and sets Chef down.]

Chris: "Hey guys! it's about time you showed up! Welcome to our production crew's secret location!"

[You all look around and see a trailer. a tent where a fridge can be seen, a table filled to the brim with food as a bear eats a sandwich, and a helicopter in the background.]

Chris: "Or was a secret until now!"

Heather: "But, what about the T-rex skull?"

(Y/N): "And the prehistoric goose!"

[Chris just chuckles.]

Chris: "Oh those are just left over from a dinosaur movie!"

Heather: "You mean while we were shipwrecked. You were here basking in luxury a mere hundred feet away!"

[As she says this it suddenly starts raining as Chris and Chef enter the trailer.]

Chris: "Yes Heather, that would be accurate! Sorry, I'd invite you in but there's only room for six, see you at the campfire tonight!"

[He shuts the door as the four of you just look up at the rain as a strike of lightning can be heard.]

*Scene Change*

[It's the campfire ceremony as Chris stands at the front as usual.]

Chris: "Weeeelll, it's been a grueling day campers, frankly Chef and I are worn out! I hope you've learned two valuable lessons! First, always make sure your cabins are securely fastened to the ground, and second the every camper for themselves idea, sucks. Four heads are always better than one!"

[Duncan coughs as he holds up the coconut.]

Duncan: "I think you mean five."

Chris: "Which brings us to yet- another dramatic marshmallow ceremony!"

(Y/N): "Wait a minute you have four marshmallows, that's one for each of us!"

Chris: "Excellent observation dude!"

Chris: "Heather, Duncan, Gwen, (Y/N)."

Duncan: "Oh no! You don't mean-!"

Chris: "Yup! it's time for 'Courtney' to walk the dock once again!"

[Chris tries to take the coconut from Duncan as he has a strong grip, he then just rips it out of his hands and holds it as he throws it over his shoulder.]

Chris: "Get it together dude, you're starting to creep me out..."

Duncan: "COURTNEY!!!!"

Heather: "By the way, what we confessed back there, stays back there."

(Y/N): "Oh yeah."

Gwen: "No argument."

[The camera zooms out to show 'Courtney' floating in the water far from the island as the camera slowly fades to black.]

[To Be Continued...]

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