Demon Coin (Gundam Iron Blood...

By zer0420

79.4K 2.9K 1.5K

There's always two sides to a story. Just as they're two sides to every coin. Despite being the same coin, ne... More

Chapter 1 Iron Blooded
Chapter 2 Amdusias And Barbatos
Chapter 3 The Iron Flower
Chapter 4 The Price Of Living
Chapter 5 Beyond The Red Sky...
Chapter 6 Downtime
Chapter 7 Whaling
Chapter 8 Sakazuki
Chapter 9 The Hands That Protect
Chapter 10 Space Pirates
Chapter 11 The Shoals
Chapter 12 Enjoyment
Chapter 13 Dort Colony
Chapter 14 Fear
Chapter 15 Kudelia's Resolve
Chapter 16 An Unexpected Alliance
Chapter 17 Nightmares
Chapter 18 Earth Arrival
Chapter 19 Death In The Family...
Chapter 20 Balance Of Power
Chapter 21 Vengeance
Chapter 22 A Future Reward
Chapter 23 Tekkadan
Chapter 25 In the Midst of Jealousy
Chapter 26 Battle Before Dawn
Chapter 27 Unease Anticipation
Chapter 28 Silent War
Chapter 29 Sovereign Of Mars
Chapter 30 Vidar Rising
Chapter 31 Awakening Calamities
Chapter 32 Stained Wings
Chapter 33 The Hunters of Angels
Chapter 34 Unchained Demons
Chapter 35 Damage Control
Chapter 36 False Charges
Chapter 37 False Assault
Chapter 38 Mourning
Chapter 39 Blood Payment
Chapter 40 The Spark
Chapter 41 The Calm Before The Storm
Chapter 42 Framing Fire
Chapter 43 Tail Between The Legs
Chapter 44 Scapegoat
Chapter 45 Last Ditch Effort
Chapter 46 One Final Stand
(Finale) Chapter 47 Unwavering Embers
Epilogue Aftermath
Epilogue#2 Their Promised Place...

Chapter 24 Demon Wings

1.5K 53 97
By zer0420

No one's POV

3 Mouth Later...

Currently, standing over a memorial for the fallen Tekkadan Members over Sakura's farm, Nhazul, Orga and Mikazuki were paying their respects.

Mikazuki: The sun's about to rise.

Orga: Yeah. The time has come to leave for Saisei. Once we drink to swear a Sakazuki oath with Teiwaz,

we can't stand shoulder to shoulder with bro. We'll directly report to Teiwaz. A farm this size won't make enough money. Loads of guys with nowhere to go will want to join Tekkadan. One day, I'll run only legitimate businesses. To do that, I'll take she shortest route.

Nhazul: Shortest route, huh?

Orga: We couldn't stop if we wanted to. Can't be picky now. We don't have time to hesitate.

Orga looked at the memorial and stopped at Biscuit's name.

Orga: Would Biscuit have stopped me?

Mikazuki: I don't know.

Nhazul: Probably. But even if Biscuit argued, you wouldn't listen. And honestly, I don't agree either. The shortest route is probably going to bring us a ton of trouble down the line, and do more harm then good...

Orga looked at Nhazul, as he continued to talk.

Nhazul: But it's like you said, we couldn't stop if we wanted to. The die has been cast already. All we can do is move forward and take on whatever comes at us.

Mikazuki: As long as you're not stopping, neither will I. Never have, never will.

Orga stood up and looked off into the distance.

Orga: It's morning.

2 Months Ago...

In an unknown location, Gaelio wakes to the sterile, hearing the whirring of the breathing machine he's connected to. Soon he realizes there were bandages covering his right eye.

???: I see you're awake.

The voice comes from beyond his field of vision, blocked by a large black accordion-like plastic thing that expands and contrasts. He recognizes it nonetheless.

Gaelio: W-Where's... Hyun...?

The man soon came into view, revealing himself to be Rustal Elion.

Rustal: Hello, Gaelio.

Gaelio: Where is Hyun...?

Rustal didn't say anything, looking behind him.

Rustal: Come on in.

Rustal moved to the side, allowing Hyun to walk in, relieving Gaelio.

Gaelio: Good, you're alright.

Hyun just chuckled.

Hyun: I appreciate the concern. But you should worry about yourself. You look like shit.

Rustal: He should be court martialed for his actions at Arbrau, but given how he's a subordinate of yours, I decided to wait, so I can hear from the both of you.

Gaelio soon began narrowing his eyes, thinking of the events that happened.

Gaelio: McGillis...  McGillis is the one responsible for what what happened.

Rustal: McGillis?

Gaelio: He orchestrated not only Kudelia and Tekkadan's appearance at Arbrau, but Carta and my deaths as part of a larger scheme to increase his own power within Gjallarhorn.

Hyun: I feel as I had a part to play in it. A part of me had a feeling there's something about him that didn't sit right. But I was too concerned about revenge I ignored it.

Gaelio: He knew that and used you to make himself look better, suggesting Hyun under go that damn surgery...!

Rustal: Surgery? You don't by chance mean-

Hyun: Yeah. The Alaya Vijnana.

Rustal just looked at Hyun with interest.

Rustal: I see. So you were able to survive the operation. Remarkable. In any case, I believe what you both are saying.

Hyun just looked at Rustal confused.

Hyun: You do? That didn't take much convincing.

Rustal: Let's just say, I've known how ambitious that man has been since he was a child. It doesn't surprise me in the slightest.

Rustal then looked at both Hyun and Gaileo.

Rustal: If I'm to go against McGillis, then I would like for you both to become my subordinates apart of the Arianrhod Fleet. Your knowledge and skills well be a valuable assist.

Gaeilo: Very well.

Hyun: Then you can count me in as well.

Gaeilo looked over at Hyun.

Gaeilo: You don't need to concern yourself with this, Hyun.

Hyun: I know I don't. And honestly, I've decided to let go of my hatred towards Tekkadan....


Nhazul: Do you ever stop talking?! All you ever talk about is that old man. Do you even get it? He was looking for a place to die himself.

Hyun: You keep saying that...!

Nhazul: He did it for you and your squad!

Hyun: Huh?

Nhazul: Despite being the enemy, he was still respectful to us. He was like characters I like in stories. The only one disrespecting his memory is you.

Hyun: Lieutenant Crank...


Hyun: I let my want for revenge cloud my mind, which allowed McGillis's clams to hold more weight to them.


Crank: You are a good soldier, with a bright future ahead of you. I feel as you are destined for great things. Please never lose your way within Gjallarhorn or in life.


Hyun: Tekkadan didn't kill Lieutenant Crank. The corruption with Gjallarhorn did. Allowing McGillis do as he pleases is just adding onto that. And besides.

Hyun looked over at Gaeilo smiling.

Hyun: You helped me to try and get my revenge, allow me to return that courtesy.

Gaeilo: Hyun...

Rustal: Then it is settled. Gaeilo-

Gaeilo: "Gaelio" is dead.

The two of them turn to see Gaeilo had a serious expression.

Rustal: Oh? What should I call you then?

Gaelio: "Vidar"....

Rustal: "Vidar". I see. That's a good name.

Hyun just chuckled.

Hayato: The Norse God of Vengeance, huh? Fitting.

Rustal: As for you.

Hyun looked over at Rustal.

Rustal: As you should be aware of, the Mobile Suit you used at Arbrau is to be dismantled and destroyed.

Hyun: I figured as much.

Rustal: Be it as it may, my fleet had recovered something quite interesting.

Hyun: Interesting?

Rustal: Given your skills as a pilot, I know you will be able to put it to good use, especially with your Alaya Vijnana, Hyun Hatake.


2 years later...

It's been 2 years since the battle of Edmonton, and Tekkadan had officially a proper member of Teiwaz. Tekkadan was made an official military advisor and an Earth branch was opened. Partnering with Teiwaz, Kudelia established the Admoss Company, which mined, proceeded and shipped the half metal of Arbrau colonies. Cooperating with Tekkadan, she also started an orphanage at Sakura's farm, as well as working hard to realize Mar's economic independence.

Gjallarhorn also lost it's social standing, causing public to deteriorate through the world. On a unfortunate note, Human Debris had become more prevalent due to Tekkadan's efficiency, along with the rise of Mobile suits once again. The world where powerless children being exploited will still continue on...

Currently within the Tekkadan base, a new recruit with blond hair walked into the engine room, looking around.

???: Excuse me. I'm Hush Middy from the Reserve Corps. The operation tests for the Shiden are about to...

Looking around, Hush saw it was empty, walking inside.

Hush: Nobody's here. Jeez.

As Hush looked around, he was surprised to see Nhazul asleep on a crate, with a notebook on his face, and a pencil in his hand.

Hush: What's with this guy...? Sleeping again? What's with him, seriously? The other guy was asleep on the ground outside. People call them "Demons". They're both just industrial waste...

???: You better say that when I'm not listening.

Hush looked back surprised to see Yamagi and another new mechanic.

Hush: I-I mean...

Yamagi: I guess it can't be helped. Barbatos, Amdusias and Gusion are all being worked on at Teiwaz. You're new, so you haven't seen the real Nhazul or Mikazuki.

Hush: Huh?

Yamagi: Roger about the Shiden. Let's go, Dane.

Dane: Yes.

As Yamagi and Dane left, Hush looked back at a sleeping Nhazul.

Hush: What? The real ones?

Later on, after Hush left, an hour later Atra wearing Nhazul's old Tekkadan jacket walked into the hanger, seeing a sleeping Nhazul, walking up to him and sighing.

Atra: (15 years old) I swear, big bro...

Walking up to Nhazul, Atra took the notebook on his face, looking at it, seeing what was on it, smiling.

Atra: Another short story, huh?

Atra looked back at Nhazul, shaking him.

Atra: Big bro, come on, wake up.

Nhazul began to stir awake, looking over to see Atra.

Nhazul: (17 years old) Oh, hey little sis.

Atra: You said you were coming with me to pick up Cookie and Cracker, right? It's almost time.

Nhazul: Oh, yeah, sorry.

Nhazul went to reach for his jacket and saw it wasn't there.

Nhazul: Huh?

Atra: Here.

Nhazul saw Atra was holding his now cleaned jacket and bracelet.

Atra: You asked me to wash them for you, remember?

Nhazul: Oh yeah, thanks.

As Nhazul was putting on his bracelet, Atra began pouting at him.

Nhazul: ...-_-... What...?

Atra: It took me hours to get the blood smell out of that.

Nhazul just rolled his eyes, putting on his jacket.

(A/N) Nhazul's new Tekkadan jacket. It's the same color as Atra's Tekkadan Jacket. Nhazul still wears a hoodie under it.

He still wears his combat pants and boots, and a gun holstered on his leg.  Also, I decided to let him constantly wear the space boots. In my opinion, they look better.

Nhazul: Sorry, sorry... I promise I won't get it dirty again.

Atra: You said that last time!

Nhazul just started twisting his knuckles into Atra's head.

Atra: Ow! Big bro!

Nhazul: Well I mean it this time!

After letting go of Atra, she looked at him pouting annoyed,

but soon saw him putting on his eye patch, with a saddened look.

Atra: ...

Nhazul: What's wrong?

Atra: N-Nothing... Come on, let's go.


Elsewhere, currently on Earth, Hyun was  leaning on a railing looking at the sunset, as he had accompanied Rustal to a Seven Stars Meeting. After about an hour, he and Iok Kujan walked out. As they did, Rustal was greeted by a young girl with blonde hair.

???: (18 years Old) Master Rustal.

The two looked up to see the girl sitting on the ledge up above.

Rustal: Sorry for wait, Julieta, Hyun.

Hyun: (22 years old) How did it go?

(A/N) Hyun wears the same outfit as Vidar, but the purple is black and his outfit has a hood in it. His pilot suit is the same as the standard suit, but the blue is black.

Julieta: Need you even ask?

Julieta jumped down, landing next to Hyun, as he looked at her.

Julieta: It's a silly question. Master Iok's face tells all.

Hyun just chuckled.

Hyun: That is a good point. His poker face is God awful.

Iok just looked at the two of them annoyed.

Iok: (20 years old) You damn monkey and half breed...

Rustal: McGillis was looking for a chance to let the Outer Earth Orbit Regulatory Joint Fleet operate in the Outer Spheres. He wants to use Mars as a starting base to attain that goal.

Hyun: Oh he does, does he?

Hyun looked over at Julieta, as a Butterfly landed on her finger,

as she proceeded to eat it, before coughing in disgust, as Hyun just looked at he dumbfounded.

Julieta: Yuck...!

Hyun: ...-_-... What do you think it would taste like...?

Iok: If you understand so much, then...

Rustal: I'm the Commander of Gjallarhorn's strongest Fleet, the great Arianrod, Outer Lunar Orbit Joint Fleet. I accept the challenge. Head on.

Rustal just looked at the three of them.

Rustal: Let's eat some meat!

Julieta's eyes widened excitedly.

Julieta: Meat?! I love meat!

Hyun: We're all well aware. From how much you eat, I'm surprised you can still fit in your cockpit.

Hyun said chuckling, as Julieta looked at him irritated, attempting to hit him, only for Hyun to completely swat away all her attempts, making Rustal chuckle.


Currently within their new school, the Municipal Boarding School, both Cookie and Cracker were being asked multiple questions but the students started talking about Biscuit and Tekkadan.

Girl: Tekkadan is really picking you up?

Cookie: Probably.

Cracker: Absolutely!

Boy: Sure they will. Their brother is Tekkadan's Hero who died for Mars.

Hearing this, Cookie looked down saddened, about them bringing up Biscuit, however Cracker held her hand, comforting her. As the kids continued talking, their teacher walked out.

???: Now, now, I know you're excited about talking about Tekkadan, but it's still a sensitive topic to bring up for them. Be more considerate.

Kids: Sorry, Mrs Hanabusa...

The teacher then looked at Cookie and Cracker smiling.

Faith: Sorry about that.

Cracker: No, it's alright.

Girl: Oh, is that them?!

Everyone looked surprised, as Cookie and Cracker looked over the railing to see Nhazul walking up the stairs, immediately being swarmed by the kids.

Nhazul: Yes, I'm from Tekkadan, it's to meet you all.

Nhazul said, as he greeted and patted their heads, as he walked up to Cookie and Cracker.

Cookie: Nhazul!

Nhazul just smirked at the two, before bowing to them as if they were royalty.

Nhazul: Your escorts is here, my ladies.

Nhazul said bmaking the two blush embarrassed, as all the kids looked surprised, along with all the girls blushing at Nhazul, jealous.

Girl: Awwwwww!!!

Even more embarrassed, the two yelled at Nhazul.

Cookie and Cracker: Nhazul, stop!

As Nhazul just chuckled smiling, Faith just looked at him, her eyes widening.

Faith: ...

After picking up Cookie and Cracker, the three went down to their escort and Atra's car. Nhazul in the passenger seat and Atra driving, and Cookie and Cracker in the back.

Atra: Have you gotten used to the Dorm? They're all rich kids, right? Do they bully you?

Cracker: Not at all.

Cookie: Yeah. It's the school out brother sent us to.

Nhazul just smiled, thinking about Biscuit, but suddenly, Cookie looked at him smirking.

Nhazul: What?

Cookie: I can read harder books then you now, Nhazul.

Nhazul just looked at Cookie annoyed, flicking her forehead.

Nhazul: As if. I'm reading way more harder books than you.

As they're driving, suddenly a car blew up, forcing everyone to stop.

Atra: A-An explosion?

Nhazul: Atra, keep the car running and take off off your seatbelt.

Nhazul rowed the window down, as a Tekkadan member walked up to him.

Tekkadan member: Seems like a car blew up.

Nhazul: Anyone hurt?

Tekkadan member: No, but we're trying to figure out what happened.

Nhazul: Alright, I'll check it out too.

Nhazul drew his pistol and went to get out, but were stopped by Cookie and Cracker, grabbing him.

Cookie and Cracker: Don't!!!

Nhazul: Huh?

Cookie: Don't go, Nhazul....

Cracker: Please... Don't go anywhere dangerous...

Nhazul looked and saw Cracker's hand shaking, he immediately thought back to when he, Mikazuki, Atra and Orga informed them of Biscuit's death and how heart broken and traumatized they were. Nhazul just held her hand, smiling.

Nhazul: Don't worry. I'm not going anywhere.


Once the twins were dropped off at Sakura Farm safely, Nhazul made his way to the Engine room, seeing Mikazuki and Orga waiting for him.

Nhazul: Jeez. You both look so shady seeing there like that.

Orga just chuckled, as Mikasa spoke up.

Mikazuki: (16 years old) How were the twins?

Nhazul: They're good. A little shaken up from that car bomb earlier but they're fine.

Orga: (19 years old) Good. You two need to go first thing tomorrow to get Barbatos and Amdusias with the old man.

Mikazuki: Okay.

Nhazul: Something going on, I'm assuming.

Orga: The Young Miss is going to give a tour of her half-metal mines in two weeks and she asked us to act as the security detail. There's something fishy about it.

Nhazul: There's someone going after Kudelia again? This person just made a very poor decision.

Orga: I'm not sure if it will be on time, but...

Mikazuki: We'll make it be on time. Anything you order us to do.

Orga got up to look at Mikazuki and Nhazul.

Orga: Right. I'm counting on you, both Commando Unit Leaders.


The next day, Nhazul and Mikazuki proceeded to travel to Saisei with Nadi to retrieve their newly upgraded Gundams. Upon gaining them, they quickly returned back to Mars. By the time they made it back ,

(A/N) Personally, I was never the biggest fan of the STH-16 Shidens. It looked too cheep and didn't fit Tekkadan to me as a Grunt suit.

So within this story, the STH-16 Shiden is this. It looks much better in my opinion. It keeps all the same weapons.

Tekkadan was at the Admoss Company's Half-metal mine engaged in combat with an unknown Pirate group. The two of them decided to drop in while descending from orbit.

Nadi: If we descend further, the shuttle will become a target. You two are sure about this?

Mikazuki: Yeah, it's okay.

Nhazul: We'll manage.

Nhazul said, connecting to Barbatos, removing his eye patch and regaining sight in his eye.

Nadi: All right, it was your call.

Both Gundams proceeded to be deployed from the shuttle, and free fall down towards the ground.

Mikazuki: Inertial Control Systems, thrusters, full throttle.

Firing off multiple shots, hitting multiple of the enemy Mobile suits. The two proceeded to land on the ground, making a shockwave, before Barbatos used it's new large long sword while it was sheathed to take out another Mobile Suit, as Amdusias used it's mace to take out another, revealing the newly upgraded Gundams, Barbatos Lupus and Amdusias Bestia

(A/N) Bestia is Latin for Beast

Mikazuki: 8 more.

(A/N) Nhazul's current main weapon, "Large Long Sword". It can be used as the Bastard Mace when combined with its heavy scabbard, which is mounted on the MS' back, or sword form when unsheathed.

Nhazul: Quite a few of them, huh?

Suddenly, Nhazul and Mikazuki got a call from Orga.

Orga: Hey, Mika, Nhazul. Welcome back, you two.

Mikazuki: Good to be back. Ready, Nhazul?

Nhazul: Yeah...

Nhazul just started smirking, looking at the enemy.

Nhazul: Let's rip and tear.

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