Demon Coin (Gundam Iron Blood...

By zer0420

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There's always two sides to a story. Just as they're two sides to every coin. Despite being the same coin, ne... More

Chapter 1 Iron Blooded
Chapter 2 Amdusias And Barbatos
Chapter 3 The Iron Flower
Chapter 4 The Price Of Living
Chapter 5 Beyond The Red Sky...
Chapter 6 Downtime
Chapter 7 Whaling
Chapter 8 Sakazuki
Chapter 9 The Hands That Protect
Chapter 10 Space Pirates
Chapter 11 The Shoals
Chapter 12 Enjoyment
Chapter 13 Dort Colony
Chapter 14 Fear
Chapter 15 Kudelia's Resolve
Chapter 16 An Unexpected Alliance
Chapter 17 Nightmares
Chapter 18 Earth Arrival
Chapter 19 Death In The Family...
Chapter 20 Balance Of Power
Chapter 21 Vengeance
Chapter 22 A Future Reward
Chapter 24 Demon Wings
Chapter 25 In the Midst of Jealousy
Chapter 26 Battle Before Dawn
Chapter 27 Unease Anticipation
Chapter 28 Silent War
Chapter 29 Sovereign Of Mars
Chapter 30 Vidar Rising
Chapter 31 Awakening Calamities
Chapter 32 Stained Wings
Chapter 33 The Hunters of Angels
Chapter 34 Unchained Demons
Chapter 35 Damage Control
Chapter 36 False Charges
Chapter 37 False Assault
Chapter 38 Mourning
Chapter 39 Blood Payment
Chapter 40 The Spark
Chapter 41 The Calm Before The Storm
Chapter 42 Framing Fire
Chapter 43 Tail Between The Legs
Chapter 44 Scapegoat
Chapter 45 Last Ditch Effort
Chapter 46 One Final Stand
(Finale) Chapter 47 Unwavering Embers
Epilogue Aftermath
Epilogue#2 Their Promised Place...

Chapter 23 Tekkadan

1.2K 56 39
By zer0420

No one's POV

Upon arriving in time to save Kudelia, Atra and Orga from being killed by Hyun, Barbatos was currently holding him back the Graze: Jaeger.

Hyun: It's you... It's you again... The one that killed Lieutenant Crank...!

Nhazul: I assume you're just going to run your mouth about him again?

Hyun just narrowed his eyes.

Hyun: You little punk...!

Graze: Jaeger attempted to overpower Barbatos, only for it to stay strong.

Hyun: I'm going to make you pay!

As Barbatos continued holding back Graze: Jaeger, Nhazul got a call from Orga.

Orga: Nhazul, sorry for the wait.

Nhazul: Sorry I'm not Mika. I know you were probably expecting him.

Orga just looked annoyed.

Orga: Oh shut the fuck up! I'm just as glad to see you. We'll head to Parliament. I'll the rest to you.

Nhazul: Right, leader!

Pushing back Graze: Jaeger, Barbatos jumped up, kicking it back, swinging it's Buster sword, only to be blocked by Graze: Jaeger's blade. Graze: Jaeger then proceeded to push Barbatos back, swinging it's blade at it, only for Barbatos to block it's strikes, being pushed back. Attempting to swing it again, Graze: Jaeger dodged and kicked Barbatos back, surprising Nhazul.

Nhazul: These movements...!

Hyun: Yeah... You're not the only ones with Alaya Vijnana anymore.

Nhazul continued to look surprised.

Nhazul's thoughts: Alaya Vijnana?! How?!

Hyun: Let's see who's is stronger!

Bringing the blade down on Barbatos, it quickly jumped back, grabbing onto it's Buster sword, but just as quickly, Graze: Jaeger fired at it with it's mounted gun, forcing Barbatos to dodge, destroying one of it's shoulder pads.

Nhazul's thoughts: Damn it...! He was already an issue before... But now, his movements are too quick and precise...!

As Barbatos and Graze: Jaeger continued trading blows, Barbatos was thrown through a building, landing on the street.

Nhazul's thoughts: I don't have much gas left in the thrusters. I definitely don't have enough ammo to kill him...

As Graze: Jaeger rushed forward, Barbatos threw it's Buster sword at Graze: Jaeger,

only for it to catch and destroy it with a pile bunker. Boosting from the side, Barbatos attempted to shoot the cockpit at point blank range,

but Graze: Jaeger reacted too quickly, grabbing its arm, throwing it away.

Nhazul: Damn it...

Barbatos quickly landed on the ground, drawing it's katana, blocking Graze: Jaeger's strike.

Hyun: Lieutenant Crank never intended to fight you...! He wanted to leave you all be, but you smacked it away and chose to kill him! Why don't you understand?!

Nhazul: I understand plenty...!

Hyun: If you understood that, then why?! Why did you kill him?!

Graze: Jaeger proceeded to overpower Barbatos, forcing it to the ground.As he did, Hyun began tearing up, thinking of Crank.

Hyun: He was a kind and honorable man! He outstretched his hand to you, and you took it and pulled him into the grave!

Becoming more enraged, Hyun began losing himself more and more to revenge.

Hyun: You being alive is disrespecting his memory... I'll make you all pay... I will kill you and your comrades...!

Hearing Hyun go on and on, began to annoy Nhazul, as he narrowed his eyes. As Graze: Jaeger attempted to finish off Barbatos,

with an yielding amounts of speed, Barbatos quickly parried and kicked back Graze: Jaeger, shocking Hyun.

Hyun: What?! That reaction...!!!

Nhazul: Are you finished yet...? Because frankly, I don't care about any of that...

Hyun: What?!

Nhazul: If you don't want to die, then why bother fighting? The old man was the one who challenged us. He wished to die, so I granted him that request.

Hyun looked at Nhazul confused.

Hyun's thoughts: Wished to die...?

Nhazul: It's only natural to hate the person who killed someone you cared about. You along with Gjallarhorn are responsible for many of the deaths of our comrades of not just today, but the very day we first met. Even though I liked the old man, I have no interest of hearing the sob story of people that I've already killed who already contributed to the deaths of my comrades.

Hyun just narrowed his eyes, more annoyed. With Nhazul, he began clinching the controls of Barbatos, as his right eye began to bleed extremely heavily.

Nhazul: Barbatos, give it to me... Everything you have... I want it all...

Suddenly, Barbatos's head began to twitch, surprising Hyun.

Hyun's thoughts: What is he...

Nhazul's eye proceeded to bleed even more, as pulsing as if it were going to burst, as he clinched the controls even more.

Nhazul: That's not enough... I want more... I want everything... Give me everything, BARBATOS!!!!

Suddenly, Barbatos's eyes began glowing blood red, as if it were a Demon. Rushing forward with a tremendous burst of speed, Barbatos proceeded to clash with Graze: Jaeger, trading blows with it, slowly beginning to overwhelm it, much to Hyun's shock.

Hyun's thoughts: His movements have suddenly...?!

As Barbatos attempted to slash Graze: Jaeger, it countered, kicking it back, damaging it.

Hyun: Not a chance!

As Graze: Jaeger parried one of Barbatos's strikes, ripping off one of it's arms.

Hyun: This is the end!

As Graze: Jaeger attempted to bring down it's blade on Barbatos, Orga had returned began screaming at Nhazul in the comms.


With another burst of tremendous speed, Barbatos dodged the strike, appearing behind Graze: Jaeger, swiftly cutting it's arm off, completely shocking Hyun.

Hyun: The Mobile suit armor and the frame together with a single stroke...?!

Hyun looked at Barbatos, narrowing his eyes, getting ready to continue fighting.

Hyun: This isn't over... I will...

Nhazul: Do you ever stop talking?! All you ever talk about is that old man. Do you even get it? He was looking for a place to die himself.

Hyun: You keep saying that...!

Nhazul: He did it for you and your squad!

Hyun: Huh?


Crank: You really are a child...

Nhazul: You know, you never did tell us what we get if we won. Were you that confident you'd win, you didn't feel the need to?

Crank just chuckled.

Crank: I'm sorry... It wasn't that I underestimated you. I just didn't have that option. That's all...

Nhazul: I see.

Crank: I disobeyed a superior officer's orders. If I go back with negative results, my actions will reflect poorly on all the troops. But if I can end my life here, I will carry all the responsibilities with me...


Nhazul: Despite being the enemy, he was still respectful to us. He was like characters I like in stories. The only one disrespecting his memory is you.

Hyun just looked at Nhazul shocked, hearing that Crank died for the sake of him and the others. Despite Nhazul being the enemy, he has nothing to gain from lying, which makes what he says the truth.

Hyun: Lieutenant Crank...


Crank: You are a good soldier, with a bright future ahead of you. I feel as you are destined for great things. Please never lose your way within Gjallarhorn or in life.


Hyun finally coming to his senses, looked around and saw that he was in Urban area with his Mobile suit, as well as all the destruction he's caused during this fight. Something he was too blind to see, due his own vengeance.

Hyun: ...

Looking at Barbatos one last time, Hyun just gritted his teeth.

Hyun's thoughts: What have I been doing...?

Hyun then decided pull out with Graze: Jaeger, leaving him he battlefield. Seeing this, Nhazul didn't attempt to chase him, as he was panting and exhausted. Barbatos took a step back and fell to it's knees. A few minutes later, it's cockpit opened, as Nhazul saw Orga standing over him, making him chuckle.

Nhazul: Don't I feel special... Isn't this treatment usually reserved for Mika?

Orga just chuckled as well, smiling at Nhazul.

Orga: Even looking like shit, you're still being a smart ass.

Nhazul chuckled again, before speaking up.

Nhazul: So... Tell me, Orga. Did we make it, or do we still have a way to go?

Orga: Yeah, we still do. But this is one of the checkpoints towards the end result.

Nhazul: That so...

looking to his right , Nhazul stared at the sunset, smiling.

Nhazul: At least the checkpoint is pretty at least...


4 days later...

It's been 4 days since the battle of Edmonton. Togonosuke Makanai was re-elected as the Prime Minster and Kudelia was able to expose the horrible truths about Gjallarhorn and the current state of Mars to the world. Tekkadan had also been asked to be Arbaru's Military adviser. Currently everyone was loading up, getting ready to head home to Mars. Currently Nhazul was sitting on a crate reading his manga, having been recovering from his injuries, when Atra and Mikazuki walked up to him.

Atra: Big bro!

Nhazul: Hmm? What's up?

Atra: Are you feeling better now?

Nhazul: Yep, good as new. For the most part.

Mikazuki: How's your injury?

Nhazul: Well, I'm pretty much blind in my left eye, that's about it.

Atra looked at Nhazul concerned.

Atra: "That's about it"...?

Nhazul: I mean, I can see out it when I'm hooked up to Barbatos though, so it's not that bad.

Mikazuki: Good, you can still work. You won't be dead weight.

Nhazul just looked at Mikazuki annoyed.

Nhazul: ...-_-... Are you trying to be funny or something?

Atra: ...

Nhazul looked at Atra, before smiling and petting her head.

Nhazul: Hey, I'm still in one piece aren't I? All because of this.

Nhazul said, showing Atra his good luck charm bracket, making her blush.

Atra: Next time. I'll use a thicker thread, like rope.

Seeing Atra smile, surprised Nhazul, as he felt a tightness in his chest, before blushing slightly, which Mikazuki noticed.

Mikazuki: Why is your face getting red, Nhazul?

Nhazul looked at Mikazuki annoyed, smacking his plum out his hand.

Mikazuki: Hey! That was my last one!

Suddenly, the three of them heard Kudelia walking up to them.

Nhazul: Oh, I didn't see you, Kudelia.

Kudelia looked at Nhazul confused, but soon hands Mikazuki a tablet.

Mikazuki: What's this?

Kudelia: It's homework so you can study on the voyage home.

Kudelia then handed Nhazul three books.

Kudelia: And these are for you.

Nhazul: Hmm?

Kudelia: I want you to read some other books, other then those mangas.

Nhazul: Huh?!

Kudelia: Atra, make sure he reads them.

Atra: Right!

Nhazul just looked at Atra annoyed.

Nhazul: ...-_-... Traitor...

Kudelia: I'm sure they'll be beneficial for you Nhazul, and you'll enjoy them. They'll help you improve your writing and help learn storytelling. You wanted to create your own manga some day, right?

Nhazul looked at Kudelia surprised, before looking at the books, smiling.

Nhazul: Well, if you put it that way, thanks, Kudelia.

Atra: You can't come home with us, huh...

Kudelia: My work just started.

Kudelia then noticed Nhazul's left eye.

Kudelia: Your eye...

Nhazul: Hmm? Oh, I'm blind in it.

Kudelia: Blind? Is that why you didn't see me?

Nhazul: Eh, don't worry about it, it's nothing to cry over. Mika isn't going to be here to console you when things get tough.

Mikazuki: Right.

Atra: That's not it, big bro!

Suddenly, Atra pulled Nhazul down by the arm, rubbing his head, confusing him.

Nhazul: ...-_-... What are you doing...?

Atra: You have it the worst right now. When you're having a hard time.

Nhazul: It's just an eye... It's not like I lost an arm or something...

Atra: I'll console you like you've always done for me.

Kudelia smiled, and started rubbing Nhazul's head too.

Kudelia: So will I. We're family after all.

Suddenly, Mikazuki started rubbing Nhazul's head, annoying Nhazul.

Nhazul: ...-_-... Even you...?

Mikazuki: You made me drop by last plum. But I still forgive you, since we're family.

Nhazul: That has nothing to do with this conversation...!


It's currently later in the day, and Orga had gathered everyone up to give them a speech.

Orga: You all did a great job. We completed Tekkadan's first job thanks to you. But this is not the end. We're going to grow much bigger. But we have time until our next job. You can expect a big bonus for your success!

As everyone began to celebrate, Nhazul and Mikazuki joined Orga on the stand.

Mikazuki: Orga.

Orga: Mika, Nhazul.

Nhazul: This has been one hell of a first job.

Orga: Yeah. It's finally over.

Mikazuki: Yeah.

Orga: So... What should we do next?

Mikazuki: That's obvious.

Orga: Yeah, you're right.

Orga held up both his fists, allowing Nhazul and Mikazuki to fist bump them.

Orga: Let's go home.

Nhazul: Back to Mars.

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