Chaos within the Greens

By myrakkuran

58.8K 1.5K 615

All it took was the birth of the youngest princess, followed by the King's unexpected favouritism and the Que... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chaptet 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17

Chapter 4

4.8K 102 97
By myrakkuran

Rhaenyra smiled, her fingers running through Aemma's long smooth silky silver locks. Deep inside wishing, if only her sons were blessed to inherit this colour, whispers within the Keep about their legitimacy would cease to exist. For this reason alone, a part of her will always envy all her half-siblings. They are so fortunate to be born with the signature Targaryen features in spite of being birthed by a non-Targaryen, Hightower mother. But that feeling of envy was insignificant, leaving her unable to deny her fondness for her little sister and stop doting on her.

Aemma Targaryen may have no connection with Aemma Arryn. Yet every time Rhaenyra looked deeply into her little sister's eyes it felt as if she was staring into her mother's soul. And a sense of urgency to protect this little girl grew inside her. Rhaenyra did not feel such connection with any of her other half siblings; which led her to wonder often times if her father was right.

Could Aemma be her mother... reborn?

Lucerys and Aemma sat before Rhaenyra, who is now heavy with her third child. Their curious eyes transfixed on the woman's swollen belly.

"The babe is in here?" Aemma asked, pointing at the highest peak of the expanded belly. Hesitant to touch it, afraid she might hurt her sister. "Does it not feel heavy and uncomfortable to have it inside your belly. Do you not feel frightened, sister?"

Slowly, so as not to scare the little girl than she already was, Rhaenyra reaches out to take Aemma's hand and press it to her belly, letting her feel the babe kicking.

Sharing this experience with her.

"I will not lie, it is a frightening experience indeed, little sister. I was scared during my first and the second time. As much as I am scared now." Using her other hand Rhaenyra rubbed her belly, smiling.

"For what it is worth, all such unpleasant feelings are forgotten the moment you meet your newborn and take them into your arms."

Aemma looked up, and held Rhaenyra's gaze with glassy eyes. Least convinced by her explanation.

"I do not expect you to understand me now. But I assure you, that one day you will, after becoming a mother yourself."

Aemma retrieved her hand off of Rhaenyra's belly.

"I have no wish to become a mother." She admitted timidly. Gaining a confused look from the dark haired boy sitting beside her.

"Lady Lyanne told me birthing is excruciatingly painful. Many at times causing the death of the mother..." Rhaenyra closed her eyes, already knowing what her sister is about to say "...your own mother died in birthing bed too, did she not?"

"And yet it did not prevent me from becoming a mother myself." The older female encouraged the younger one.

"Fret not now, age will give you the courage to embrace motherhood. In addition to that," Rhaenyra cast a glance at Lucerys before promising Aemma, "you shall have a loving lord husband by your side, holding onto your hand like..." She could not finish the sentence. Because the name sitting at the tip of her tongue isn't her husband's, it's the Commander of the City Watch.

"I will protect you Aemma, always." The young boy also promised, following in his mother's direction.

Aemma stared at him, blankly.

I don't need you to protect me. Is what she wanted to say. But dared not. Alternately, she smiled. Her contagious smile bringing smile to Rhaenyra and her son's face as well.

Little did they know then, those promises meant nothing to younger girl. She cared little for their words or their tender smiles. It would have only mattered to her, if it came from certain someone. The very thought of whom actually brought that smile on the her face. Although too young to recognize what sort of feeling it was but had enough awareness to understand her insides warmed every time his thought came to her mind.

...a brother of her.

Which brother?

That she wasn't ready to disclose, yet.


With Rhaenyra counting her days to go into labour, she isn't able to supervise the children as well she did before.

For Alicent Hightower it was an opportunity to snatch her daughter back, presented on a golden platter. The Queen took full vantage. Strategically cutting off most of Aemma's audience with her betrothed and assigning her to additional lesson with the Septa, alongside her sister.

Henceforth the challenge begun.

It was no secret that Aemma despised the womanly lessons of embroidery, knowledge of religion, niceties and platitudes given by the Septa. They were so boring, most of the time she would struggle to keep her eyes open. Occasionally she would even be found napping on her sister's shoulder while the latter worked on her embroidery. An upset Septa would shake the young princess up, but never succeed in getting her to pay the required attention. Once their lesson ended, Aemma was always the first one out of the door forcefully tagging along Helaena.

Next issue was the one between the sisters.

The Queen's idea to force her two daughters into spending more time together was scarcely proving to be successful. Over the years the sisters hardly built a connection, they barely interacted. Both lived in their own world. Helaena with her insects and nature, while Aemma always running around in search of herself. Helaena only enjoys Aemond's company. He is the only one patient enough to listen to her talk about the insects and more often than not her gibberish. In fact he is the only one who knows these insects by their names. Daeron steered clear of her due to his fear of insects and Aegon only looked her her in disdain. Those two preferred Aemma's company than put bare minimum effort to try and engage with Helaena.

Unknowingly the siblings have been divided into groups over the years. Helaena and Aemond consisting of one. Aegon, Daeron and Aemma consisting of the other. Then there was a third one, consisting of only Daeron and Aemma.

Alicent was delighted to find Aemma constantly seeking Daeron. Not quite sure how and since when the two began bonding so close, but recently the two were up to a lot of mischief. Playing a vital role in keeping the maids, servants and the guards of the Red Keep on their toes. To the Queen it mattered not what the two little ones were up to, what the Queen actually cared about was keeping her daughter away from Rhaenyra's bastards.

Alicent also spent a lot of her time with Aemma to compensate for time they were forced to stay apart. She specifically preferred having the little one for some lone mother daughter time, an opportunity Alicent used to dig out as much dirty details as she could on Rhaenyra. Not every word out of Aemma's mouth was fruitful. After all, she was a child who knows no better. But some details occasionally slipping out of those fluffy pink lips were worth bags of gold.

They formed an understanding by now. Aemma liked to talk and Alicent liked to listen.

"When are we to see the babe?"

The small voice shook Alicent out of her thoughts. Her head turned to find Aemma on the velvet padded settee, getting her hair brushed by Talya. While Alicent herself was near the window, standing atop a low stool getting measured by the seamstress for new attires.

"Soon as it is born sweetling."

"How come it isn't born yet? Hasn't sister been in labour for almost a day."

"Labour can go on for days Princess." Talya answered. Clipping the tresses she had carefully twirled from both sides at the back of the little girl's head.

"The Queen herself had a very tough labour when birthing Prince Aemond. Everyone assumed the Stranger was at the doorstep to take them both. But the Seven blessed, ultimately your brother came out healthy and your mother also survived."

Soon after Talya's explanation a knock on the door was heard. It opened to reveal a maid, who obviously came bearing news.

"My Queen, the Princess's maids have confirmed the babe is expected to be born any moment."

"Well then, have the babe brought to me." Came the Queen's response followed by a icy cold smile appearing on her beautiful face.

"Now?" The maid swallowed nervously. The command she received still being processed. "But the babe would have probably just been bo—"

"Yes, now!" Alicent cut in sharply, frightening the maid in the process. She then added, looking at Aemma. Her expression immediately transforming into a phoney kind one.

"Princess Aemma wishes for an audience with the newborn. And as we all know, the young Princess should not be kept waiting." Those were the King's words she quoted for the latter sentence.

In return earning an enthusiastic nod from the little girl who remained clueless to the fact that her mother used her, to pull off an act so cruel. Just so that she could be the first to see if the newborn indeed harboured features that were neither Targaryen nor Velaryon.

"Go! Bring the babe to me, immediately." Alicent barked, sending the maid bursting through the door in haste.


It was taking longer than it should have, and Aemma was beginning to grow impatient.

She even asked her mother if she could simply run to her sister's room and see the babe; because at this point that appeared to be a faster idea. But of course her mother reprimands.

After what seemed like an eternity, the door finally opened, revealing Princess Rhaenyra and her husband Ser Leanor with their newborn.

"Your grace." Rhaenyra greeted, her voice cold, no emotion within it. All those bitter emotions were expressed through her eyes.

"Rheanyra! You should be resting after your labour." Alicent gasped. Shocked to see the Princess, who looked as bad as anyone would right after giving birth. Aemma crunched her nose at the odd smell of sweat and afterbirth oozing off of her half-sister.

"I have no doubt you'd prefer that, your grace." Rhaenyra answered sarcastically.

"You must sit. Talya fetch a cushion for the princess."

"There's no need." Rhaenyra attempted to put a stop to this false show of kindness. But the Queen insisted, not letting the Princess have it her way.

"Nonsense! You should sit."

While Talya prepared the other velvet-padded settee Alicent approached her guests with her daughter in tow.

"You see, I had no intent to disturb you. But the little one here was getting too eager and too impatient to meet the babe." She said petting Aemma's head.

Rhaenyra reluctantly sat, eyes already on Aemma, in concern, watching her little figure bouncing up and down to get a glimpse of the babe. Despite being in her miserable state Rhaenyra took an instant notice of the green dress adorning her little sister's body. By now, the heir to the Iron Throne has become accustomed to the Queen's nasty game. In fact not many people knew the Queen like she did. Therefore it served no surprise to Rhaenyra to see Alicent pass the blame on her daughter's shoulder so easily.

Ser Leanor then guided Aemma to sit beside Rhaenyra and have her first look at the babe.

"It is a boy or a girl?"

"A boy."

"Another boy!" Rhaenyra smiled at the little girl's disappointed expression.

"Would you like to hold him?"

The offer seemed to bring back the excitement she lost moment ago after learning the sex of the babe.

"I can?!" She chirped like a bird.

"Of course you can!"

But she didn't get to, as the King walked in that very moment loudly declaring his own happiness.

"What happy news this morning."

"Indeed your grace." Ser Leanor's voice matched the King's excitement.

"Where is he? Where is my grandson?"

Much to Aemma's disappointment the babe was taken out his mother's arms and placed into his grandsire's.

"A fine prince... sturdy." The King observed, before looking to his youngest for her opinion. "He will make a fearsome knight, wouldn't you agree Aemma?" The child in question looked over to her mother and sister.

"Does the babe have a name yet?" Alicent finally spoke after staying in the sidelines all these times.

"We haven't—" Rhaenyra began only to be abruptly cut off by her husband.

"Joffrey. He will be called Joffrey."

Alicent watched amused as Rhaenyra threw the man a nasty glare before lighting her own match to ignite fire.

"An unusual name for a Velaryon." Her voice, coming with full blown taunt.

Rhaenyra did not even spare her a look. Deciding it was best to ignore her and rather focus on her sister beside her.

"Shouldn't you be with Luke?" Rhaenyra asked running her fingers through Aemma's loose locks.

"He said he and Jace were going to the dragon pit to choose an egg for the babe. And I had my lesson with Septa Mira this morning."

"You could have joined them afterwards."

"No," Aemma shrugged her shoulders. "I would rather spend the time with my mother."

A proud smirk appeared on Alicent's lips as she rejoiced her daughter's blunt response.

As the tension between the two women began to cross the threshold the King intervened. Whether a deliberate act or no none would know.

"I do believe he has his father's nose."

But the words he chose came with adverse effect making the situation farther awkward for the parents of the newborn.

Then Aemma got herself involved, making it worse.

She took a good look at Ser Leanor, her gaze narrowing on the man's nose before she leapt out of the settee, rushed to her father and tugged on his grab asking him to show her the babe again.

Silently groaning the old King managed to bend over as much as he could. Aemma took a closer look at the babe, removing the cover and revealing his hair in the process. Alicent took a peek. To no surprise of her, even this boy was brunette, like his older brothers.

The little girl turned back to take another look at Ser Leanor and then back at the babe one last time before reaching her conclusion and delivering her verdict.

"You're wrong father. Look!" She pointed at the babe's nose. "He is pug-nosed. Just like your lord Hand."

Aemma may not have realized what her observation resonated to, but the adults certainly picked up.

The air around became unbreathable for the parents. Colour drained from Rhaenyra's already pale face. Alicent had to bite the inside of her mouth to stop her smile from widening. Viserys for a moment examined his daughter's claim before getting into an childish argument with her.

"Lyonel, you mean. Oh no no no child. This boy looks nothing like Lyonel. Look carefully Aemma, the boy has Ser Leanor's nose. Shall I ask the maesters to take a look at your eyes. Perhaps your vision is blurring." He added the last part as a jester, which did not sit very well with his daughter. She took offence.

"My vision is perfectly fine. It's your vision that's blurring. Just like your hair that is thinning. Look again, Joffrey's nose is nothing like his father's."

Rhaenyra shared a warring look with her husband. Both of them fully aware that this childishness must be put to stop immediately before either of them says more that would do further damage.

At Rhaenyra's signal Ser Leanor quickly cleared his throat to gain the King's attention. Putting an end to the father-daughter argument.

"If you don't mind your grace, your daughter has exerted herself heroically and should rest." He said helping Rhaenyra up on her feet.

The King nodded, understanding. But Aemma did not understand. She was not prepared to give up till her father accepted defeat. So she opened her mouth to make her point clear. However, one stern look from her mother made Aemma shut her mouth and swallow the words back.

Alicent softly pet her daughter's head.

To say she was proud of her little one, would be an understatement. Her daughter just did, what she had been itching to do.

It was her daughter's action that gave her the courage to take the babe from her husband's arms and walk over to the supposed father of the newborn. Not paying much attention to the conversation that was now taking place between the King and his heir in the background.

"Do keep trying Ser Leanor, sooner or later you'll get one that looks like you." She told the Velaryon man in a nauseatingly sweet voice as she handed him the newborn and strode back to her daughter.

For what she had done today, Aemma certainly deserves a much bigger reward than what her mother can afford to give. But for now, sadly, all she can give her is a kiss on the forehead. As a gesture to show how proud she was of her.


Currently, the only lesson they took altogether was in the Dragonpit. Getting trained by the dragon keepers on how to bond, command and control the dragons.

So far Prince Aegon and Princess Helaena both had the vantage of having adult dragons which they could take to the sky while the rest remained on the ground. Prince Daeron and Prince Lucerys steadily forming bonds with their hatchlings that could barely breathe fire. Prince Jacaerys and his dragon Vermax, who is couple years older than the hatchlings were being taught how to give and take command through High Valyrian. And as for the two dragon-less Targaryen, they stood on the side observing. One sulking and the other wondering why was she even here. Even if Aemma understood the importance of this lesson for everyone, including Aemond. For her, it was simply a waste of time. Especially when she has made it clear of her intention to never claim another dragon.

She would rather spend this time in her mother's company than stand here and be bored to sleep.

Like now for instance.

Aemma made no attempt to suppress when an unladylike audible yawn left her lips. Her eyes blinked few times, struggling to stay open. It was harder said than done, especially when the body behind her was emanating warmth, which was further ruining whatever small effort her body was giving to stay awake. As time progressed Aemma leaned back, resting against the body behind her as if it was a makeshift bed meant for brief nap.

However, the owner of the body was in too much of a bitter mood to put up with her silliness. Therefore grasping her shoulders tightly Aemond forced Aemma to stand in straight posture.

"Pay attention!" He hissed. Angry that not only was she not paying attention, but was also disturbing him.

"To what?" Matching his tone Aemma retaliated. Snapping her head back, her dark violet eyes glowering at him. "We don't have dragons! All we're doing is wasting our time."

"Gaining knowledge is never a waste of time."

"Not when it will never be of use."

Aemond dropped his gaze. Brows furrowed, he watched her, feeling attacked. It was his turn to glare now.

Something primal and ugly reared its head inside of him. Aemond may not have had a dragon, but that did not make him inferior. Although he was treated as one. If anything, he was the most deserving one out of them all. He studied history and philosophy. Spoke high Velarion fluently out of all the children. Had the most passion towards these beasts. And here, a dwarf that barely reaches his chest was using that taunting tone with him.

How dare she! He growled inside, furious.

The urge to pick her up and throw her at the feasting dragon seemed quite appealing to him at the moment. But the thought subsided soon as the rational part of his head began working.

Aemma will never understand his pain, Aemond realized. Seeing how rarely Helaena rode her dragon it came as no pressure onto Aemma for no longer having a beast to call her own.

Whereas for him, it was a whole other matter.

"I have had enough for today. I shall take my leave now." Helaena suddenly declared making her towards the exit.

"I will come with you."

Shrugging her shoulders free from Aemond's grip Aemma galloped her way towards Helaena.

The two sisters then left the Dragonpit, never once looking back.


Once back at the Red Keep the sisters split up and headed in different directions.

Helaena returned to her chamber whilst Aemma went to her mother's apartment. Only to later find herself at Helaena's chambers, at her mother's insistence.

As much as Aemma enjoyed spending time around her mother, she absolutely detested whenever her older sister was present. Having to be anywhere near Helaena was pure torture. And it wasn't just Aemma's bitterness speaking, her other siblings (except Aemond) were on the same boat as herself. Even her mother at times reached her limit on holding back on her frustration.

Aemma turned, to check how her mother was currently faring.

The woman's struggles with Helaena showed on her face. Even now, as she sat there holding Aemma close, listening to Helaena, her face made many different expressions— none of which consisted of pride or joy. Rather it was exhausted, irritated, confused and concerns regarding what to do? How to manage this strange girl.

Naturally, as a mother, the Queen worried for her eldest daughter. Given how quickly her younger one was gaining so much popularity while the older one was not just massively falling behind, but got more and more strange.

Alicent's distaste for Helaena's insects were no secret. But unlike her little one, who had her nose crunched in disgust just as Helaena brought out the Millepede out of its wired cage; Alicent tried not to show. Nevertheless, she was grimacing inside as much as Aemma was on the outside.

"Pair of legs on each side... it's two hundred and forty." Helaena muttered, examining the Millepede crawling on her hand.

"Yes it is." Alicent agreed, intending to keep the conversation going. But pulled Aemma closer to herself. Putting enough distance between them and Helaena so that her little friend does not find a way to make contact with their skin.

The older Targaryen girl went on, paying no attention to the judging gaze of her sister or indifferent stare of her mother.

"It has eyes, though... I don't believe it can see."

"Why is that so, do you think?"

Although she asked, but in reality, Alicent didn't care. She did not care enough to know whether the Millepede is blind or not.

"It is beyond your understanding." Helaena stated like it was a matter of fact.

Aemma rolled her eyes at her sister's comment. Her small brain couldn't fathom Helaena. Nothing she says makes any sense. Gossipers call her lunatic for a reason. And Aemma couldn't agree with them more.

"I suppose you're right, somethings just are..." Alicent surrendered, expecting to reach the end of this bug related conversation and move onto something else. However, before the expectation could be turned to reality the door opened and a Kingsguard burst through the door, with a disheveled Aemond in his grip, covered in dirt and sand.

"Aemond!" Instantly Alicent was up on her feet, rushing over to inspect the young prince. "What have you done?!" She demanded to know. Even though all of them there, including Aemma, knew exactly what he had done.

It was nothing new.

"He did it again?" The sisters asked in unison, wearing the exact same expression on their faces.

Helaena's focus soon returned to the Millepede. But Aemma's remained, totally glued, studying them. Both at the height of their emotions coursing inside them. Her mother appeared furious, almost ready to explode. Her brother on the other hand seemed to be in despair.

"After how many times you've been warned! Must I have you confined in your chambers?!" Her mother scolded. Aemma recalled the last time he was caught going near a dragon in the Dragonpit. It was approximately three moons ago. Their mother had him confined to his chamber for an entire week. Seems like he did not learn the lesson.

"They made me do it." Aemond accused.

"As if you needed encouragement." Her mother shot back. Tightly gripping his shoulders. "Your obsession with those beasts goes beyond understandi—"

"THEY GAVE ME A PIG!" And he snapped. Voice trembling as he tried to hide the broken sob. Eyes fighting to hold back the tears of shame and anger.

Aemma narrowed her eyes.

"A what...?!" Her mother was baffled and so was she.

"They said they found a dragon for me..." he began to elaborate.

At the same time Helaena began to blabber.

"The last ring has no legs at all."

Aemma groaned, unable to hear either party clearly. She turned to Helaena with a finger to her lips signalling her to be quiet.

"... but it was a pig."

"You will have a dragon one day."

"He'll have to close an eye."

"Helaena!" Aemma hissed, frustrated.

"You will have a dragon one day. So will Aemma."

I don't want one. Aemma wanted to say.

"Two. Without wings." Helaena mumbled, this time in a voice that was barely above whisper.

Therefore no one heard her.

"Now go, sit with your sisters. I'll go, have a word with your father." Having said that Alicent embraced her favourite boy for a moment before nudging him towards the direction of her daughters and left the room in quick strides.

Aemond occupied the empty space between his sisters, head already turned to Helaena, watching her pet the Millepede with fascination and adoration.

Aemma watched their interaction briefly before she gracefully stood up and began marching towards the door.

If Aemond is here then it is her queue to leave. Obviously she did not belong to their group. And Aemma Targaryen was too proud to linger around in places where she did not belong.

She heard Aemond's call just as she managed to stand on her toes and grab the handle of the door.

"Where are you going?" He asked.

She did not answer. Too focused on opening the door, as that was a bigger priority for her. Once the wooden door opened she then answered, without turning.

"To find Daeron." Unlike you, I have better things to do than watch insects crawling around.

And left.

Helaena looked and noticed her immediate little brother watching the retreating figure of their little sister with longing eyes until the closing door became the barrier between them.


Aemma entered Aegon's chamber. It was empty, he was nowhere in sight. She knew that training session for the day has ended and so are the dragon riding lessons. So, Aegon's absence only means...

She must find Daeron. Fast!

With that thought settled in Aemma sprinted out, running through one of the long hallways of the Keep which would lead her directly to Godswoods.

When she turned around the corner, she bumped into another figure and was startled by the presence of her betrothed and Ser Harwin Strong, trailing behind.

"Princess Aemma," The older man addressed her. "This young man was on his way to meet with you." He said, affectionately running his hand through the boy's curly hair. "Weren't you, my prince?" He gave Lucerys a small nudge to move forth and further encouraged. "Come on, don't be shy lad. Give the Princess her present."

Finally mastering the courage Lucerys brought out the hand he had hidden behind his back and held out the small bouquet of flowers, which he picked out from the garden, with the help of Ser Harwin Strong.

"For you." He mumbled, nervously looking down. Too shy to meet her gaze. Mayhaps it was for the best, because the looks she had on her face certainly would not have helped.

To make up for his previous mistake with the portrait Lucerys took another approach to make amends. Of course Ser Harwin was generous enough to lend him a helping hand. Besides the man seemed to know exactly what type of flowers a lady would like.

"The prince has personally picked them for you, my Princess." Harwin Strong advocated.

Aemma accepted the bouquet and brought it her nose and inhaled deeply. But instead of expressing gratitude what left her lips was a demand.

"Did you apologize?"

Both Lecerys and Harwin Strong were taken aback by her harsh tone.

"Apologize? To whom?"

"My brother." She clarified. "For giving him a pig!"

"It was a jest. Your brothers were in with us."

"Does not matter. You have to apologize."

"I will apologize, if others apologize."

Her face hardened. Body turned rigid with rage. How dare he insult her brother and refuse to apologize.

"If you do not apologize, then I won't ever speak to you again." She threatened, her nose flaring.

"I told you, I will only apologize if others do." He shot back.

"Fine." Muttering under her breath, Aemma dropped the flower to the ground, stomped on it relentlessly for sometime before picking it up and throwing it into the boy's face.

"Give it to someone that cares! I won't accept anything from you nor speak to you till you apologize to my brother and he forgives you." She spat. Then shove past him and stormed out of there.

Lucery's face fell and Harwin Strong's face began to show concern.

It has began to appear as if the Princes cannot stand the presence of her betrothed. Day by day her bitterness for him is ascending, and happening so, at an alarming pace. In addition to that she is also growing increasingly close to one of her brothers. That matter would have posed no issue if they weren't Targaryen. If this is how things continue, in the long run holding onto their betrothal will definitely become a problem.

As someone concerned for their own offspring, Harwin Strong has discussed the matter with Princess Rhaenyra. Both acutely aware of the fact that its the Queen, Alicent Hightower pulling the strings behind the closed doors. However there isn't much evidence to prove it as of yet. Leaving them out of options but to bite their tongue back and wait for the right opportunity.

But Harwin has his doubts, by the time they reach a solution to this problem, there may not even be any relationship between the two little ones to be mended.


It wasn't much of a struggle to find Daeron.

He was stepping back into the Keep, retreating from Godswood when Aemma located him. She approached him in few strides, grabbed him by the wrist and ran back inside. Urging him to keep up with her pace.

"Where are we going?" Daeron asked, trying to figure out what was she onto.

"Aegon is not in his room."

Hearing that his eyes widened, interest peaked, prompting him to run faster. In haste their position changed and now he was the one leading her. After all they have to make it in before he finishes.

If Aegon is not in his chambers at this time of the day: early afternoon, it only means he is in the inhabited-secluded wing of the castle. Pleasuring himself in one of empty rooms there.

It has become favourite hobby of Daeron and Aemma to watch their older brother pleasure himself, ever since stumbling upon this obscene scene the previous year by fluke.

Funny fact: till to this day, Aegon remains oblivious to the fact that he is frequently watched by his younger siblings doing the filthy act.




They managed to take shelter behind the curtain and had their hands clasped over their mouth to stifle the laughter that scratched their throat, threatening to come out.

But even if a small giggle or something of that sort came out, most certainly would not be enough to gain Aegon's attention, as he was way ahead in his pleasure to notice anything, let alone his siblings creeping in.

"Whose ideas was it?" A familiar voice drifted in, their mother's voice.

The two behind the curtain quickly let go of their mouth and grasped each others hands. Shaking in fear. They did not dare look, but the shuffling sound only confirmed that Aegon has jumped down from the window and was desperately trying to cover his dignity.

"The pig... was it your plot?"

Her mother looked positively infuriated when Aemma peeked through the small gaping of the curtain. The woman appeared completely unfazed by the incident state she found her son in. Truth is, she has gotten used to it by now.

"No it was Jace... and uh... it was the two of them. Maybe Daeron was in on it with them. I couldn't be sure." Aegon defended himself. Barely able to speak due to laboured breathing.

Swallowing thickly and chewing her lower lip Alicent reminded. "Aemond is your brother."

"He is a twat."

Out of nowhere Daeron released a monstrous sneeze. Earning a startling gasp from Aemma and attention of the others on the other side.

Aemma's grip on Daeron became painfully tight as they braced themselves, listening to the nearing footsteps.

Only a matter of few beats until they are found.

In one sharp moment the curtain was pulled open, revealing the youngest Targaryens in their most frightened form. Daeron had his lips wobbling and Aemma had her eyes clenched shut. Both clasping onto the other like they were each others last resort to live.

Baffled by what she was seeing Alicent snapped her head back to Aegon and threw him a look of utmost disgust.

"Have you stooped so low that even the presence of your younger siblings do not stop you from indulging in such depravity!"

"I swear to you, I had no clue about them being here." Aegon defended, pulling the white linen sheet all the way up to his chest.

"You two!" Their mother shouted. "COME OUT!" And pulled Daeron by his hair. Since he was holding onto Aemma, she got dragged out as well. The two were then pushed toward the bed, where their older brother was.

"Listen to me carefully, all three of you..." Alicent's hardened gaze moved from the younger two to the older one as she proceeded to make her point clear.

"You may rip one another apart at home, where no one can see. But in the face of the world we are a family! We must defend our own."

The silence that came following their mother's words was deafening. The three siblings were unable to hold their mother's gaze when she glowered at them in disappointment.

"It was a simple jest, it was supposed to be funny." Aegon broke the silence, finally after building enough courage to meet his mother's gaze.

Alicent felt raw rage pulsating through her heart into the stream of her blood. But somehow she managed to keep her calm, barely hanging by a thread.

"Do you boys truly think Rhaenyra's sons would be your plaything forever?"

All three of them now looked at their mother.

"As things stand, Rhaenyra will ascend the throne and Jacerys Targaryen will be her heir."

"So...?" Aegon shrugged his shoulders. Not understanding why she was repeating what everyone already knew.

Aemma's flinched at the sound of her mother's frustrated groan and leaned more into Daeron. As if trying to melt their bodies together.

"Aegon! You're nearly a man grown, how is it that you can be so short sighted?"

Bending down Alicent scooted closer to her children before beginning to whisper. Keeping in mind that even the walls of the Keep have ears.

"If Rhaenyra comes into power your very life could be forfeit, Aemond's as well, even Daeron's. Aemma's situation would solely depends on where she stands. If it's with her betrothed she may safe but siding with us will lead her to danger as well. You must understand, Rhaenyra can move to cut off any challenge to her succession."

"Then I won't challenge. Nor will I let the others challenge."

Anger flared up inside Alicent at her son's supposed suggestion, making her blood boil. She grabbed Aegon by the face violently and began to scream.


Daeron quickly backed away from the bed, taking Aemma with him. It helped Alicent gain back the composure she lost. Her eyes shifted back and forth between the two who now stood away, visibly shaking in fear and the one who's face she has been grasping.

In order to not appear unhinged and further scare her children, Alicent lowered her tone and reasoned.

"You're the King's first born son. And what they know, everyone in the realm knows. In their blood and bone..." She emphasized tapping a finger onto Aegon's collarbone.

" that one day you would be our King."

Silence loomed in.

Very uncomfortable silence.

Despite being only four years of age Aemma understood very well what her mother meant. Even though she did not know if it was the right thing she said or the wrong.

Regardless it did not matter.

Aemma simply kept on watching her mother, unable to tear her gaze away from the beautiful sight of the woman now caressing Aegon's face affectionately.

"Get dressed." She whispered to him before bringing her attention back on Aemma and Daeron.

"Come along, you two. Let us give him some privacy."

The two younger ones followed their mother's lead as she ushered them out.

But right before crossing the threshold, suddenly feeling intrigued Aemma looked over the shoulder. Her eyes meeting Aegon's. Nothing but long silent stare exchanged between them.

There it was... a weakness.

In that moment she understood him, his feelings and realized were not so different from her own.

The mere thought of becoming the next King weighed down his shoulders and troubled him. Just the way her own shoulders felt heavy and mind felt disturbed every time she was reminded that one day she would become the wife of Lucerys Velaryon.

Being born a Targaryen means from a young age you become familiar with the most frowned upon concept of intermarriage; as it is their most common practice. Siblings marry, uncle-nieces marry, aunts-nephews marry, cousins marry. Her own father was married to his cousin. The only woman he ever loved. A place her own mother can never take, in spite of wearing the Queen's crown.

Except for parents and children everyone can marry one another.

If so...? Then why can she not betrothed to...

Her eyes moved to Daeron and she could not help but stare unabashedly. Soon her stare was returned.

Then he... smiled.

Causing her chest to flutter.


A.N: Allow me to clarify few things about the story here. So that it makes it easier for you to decide whether you want to follow through the story.

Firstly- I changed the summary couple weeks ago after figuring out which direction I might head with the story. A little different than before and gives a better idea of the plot.

Second- I thought I could put whole of episode 6 in one chapter but then it would have gotten too long with the additional stuff I was planning on adding. So I divided them into two chapters. (Please feel free to point out if you notice any errors.)

Third- while attempting to keep it mostly close to the show but at the same time I have also taken the liberty to tweak things around a little. Daeron for example isn't in the first season but supposed to be in season 2. However in this version he will stick around for a good amount of time before he gets sent to Old Town. Since it's a Green centre story having him around is important. And if you've noticed, he is the one Aemma developed a crush on. Not sure if most of you were hoping it would be Aemond but the reason I didn't choose him is because there are plenty of good stories like that I'm sure. But that necessarily doesn't mean Aemma and Daeron are the endgame. Those of you reading this story for Aemond, I assure you he will enter the picture but after the events at Driftmark. Although I'm yet to figure out what to do with Aegon. Most likely there won't be any romantic connection between him and Aemma. Hopefully there won't be any. Anyway the main plot will begin after the events of episode 7, focusing solely on the Greens. So we shall see where it actually goes.

Also, allow me to explain my reason for choosing Daeron as Aemma's crush:

a- he is the one closest to her age (although four years older than her.)

b- amongst the three brothers Daeron is supposedly the most gentle, charming and the popular one amongst the ladies in court. And one trait of Aemma's I can reveal now that you'll see in the upcoming chapter is that appearance matters to her. I'm aware it's a problematic trait. But it's her problematic personality that's supposed to cause all troubles.

Hope it clarifies if anyone had any questions.

Thank you for reading. Hope the chapter and my detailed explanation were worthwhile.

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