One direction Sick&Hurt fics

By LisanneOorthuis

53.6K 777 226

Sorry for any grammer mistakes, english is not my main language. ;) requests are temporarily closed! -- The... More

Louis Fainted
Harry Backpain - Request
Harry hides stomach bug - Request
Niall Nerves
Larry parents stomach bug - Request
Larry parents stomach bug part 2
Harry Chestpain - Request
Liam Migraine
Harry stomach pain during concert - Request
Louis Food poisoning
Harry Sick but others think he is faking
Lilo parents Harry food poisoning - Request
Niall Overworked
Harry tore his ACL - Request
Louis Fever and throwing up - Request
Louis Fever and throwing up part 2
Lilo parents Niall ear infection
Harry Concussion
Louis Spiked drink
Louis Spiked drink part 2
Larry parents dentist appointment - Request
Lilo parents Niall knee surgery - Request
Harry Heatstroke
Louis try's to hide being sick
Harry cold
Niall Fainted
Harry and Liam drowning
Louis Jetlag
Harry faking sick
Harry allergy reaction
Niall Throwing up and Fainting
Harry Strep throat
Louis Hurt his back during rehearsal
Harry Sick at school
Harry Stomach bug
Harry Stomach bug part 2
Harry Stomach bug part 3
Louis Hypothermia
Niall Flu
Harry choking
Louis Appendicitis
Harry Sick but feels left out - Request
Zayn Homesick
Harry Backpain #2 - Request
Harry Fainted
Harry Sick during class
Niall Stomach bug
Louis Toothache (Larry) - Request
Louis Choking - Request
Louis Sick during class - Request
Zayn Sick but others think he is faking - Request
Harry and Niall Concussion/Accident - Request
Harry and Niall Concussion/Accident part 2
Louis Seizure
Niall and Zayn Stomach Flu - Request
Louis Fainting and sick

Harry fainted part 2

1K 16 0
By LisanneOorthuis

a/n don't know where I took this and hate this with a passion anyways hope your all doing great xx

This continues from last part

Liam POV

The concert was going great. It felt a little strange to perform without Harry I have to admit that. There was just missing a sound in the mix. A sudden presence.

We all Walked quickly back stage to where Harry was still on the couch laying. Not once moved from his position, he was fast asleep. His lips slightly parted.

I shook his shoulder slowly, trying to wake him. Harry blinked a few times very drowsy and confused.
"Welcome back to the human world. How are you feeling, the concert just finished." I said.

Harry looked at me with more confusion, his eyebrows drawn together. "What..?" He asked.
"Did you got anything from what I just said?"
"Not really no.."

"Forget it, just... are you feeling any better?" I asked.
Harry shook his head. "Got a bit of a headache."

I nodded back at him, feeling his forehead for a temperature, which there wasn't any. "Let's go back to the bus, take a rest there. The other lads are probably there arrived there anyway." I suggested.
Harry nodded back and sat up slowly. His hand touched his head for a moment.

"You okay.?" "Jus' dizzy." Harry replied a bit slurring. "Take a breather for a moment, then we will continue with standing up." "Yeah"

After a moment Harry stood up, I helped steady him. I was holding his shoulders firmly. His face was down, leaning in my shoulder. "You okay?" I asked with caution. "Just a second" he replied.

We made our way with slow steps to the bus. Harry didn't really make a sound apart from a whimper here and there. He told me that dizziness passed when we were walking but somehow I had a feeling that it was not true.

The lads watched us with worried eyes when we entered the bus. I sat him down on the couch and informed the other lads that he was still feeling dizzy quiet a bit.

"Should we maybe get him to a hospital?" Louis asked out loud. Looking at the other boys for a answer.
"I don't know mate" I said, scrubbing my face with my hands. "Just want to sleep." Harry muttered. Louis sighed, "then go sleep mate."

Harry waked to the bunks and fell asleep within a few minutes. "What do we do? We can't let him walk around like this for forever right?" Niall asked. Zayn shook his head, "Niall is right, we have to do something at least."

"Li, maybe something is really wrong with him?" Louis asked me. "I don't know, he doesn't want a doctor to check up on him. Maybe it will over after some sleep?" I said, shrugging my shoulders.
"Like it would be better after the concert?" Louis scoffed.

"Well What would you suggest?" I said, looking at Louis his eyes. Searching for a answer. "Like I said, bring him to a doctor. This isn't normal" he said loudly.
"Not so loud lads, Harry is sleeping" Zayn said in between them.

"Let's just wait, if he wakes up, and still feeling like this, we will force him to go." I said. The other lads nodded in approval.

A few hours later Harry woke up, not feeling any better but not feeling worse either. His headache was almost gone now so that was plus point.
He came walking in to the lounge where all the other lads were Laying around, scrolling away on their phones.

Harry stumbled over his own feet the last step, landing on the couch with a puff. Everyone looked at him with questioning eyes.

"You better yet?" I asked. Harry shook his head "I mean the headache is gone but the sometimes i still get those dizzy spells.." he admitted.
"Should we maybe get it checked? I know you hate hospitals but maybe it is good to let it check?" Louis asked carefully.

Harry pursed his lips together. Thinking about it for a moment before nodding biting his bottom lip.

They walked trough the big hospital doors, Zayn was guiding Harry inside. "Hello misses, we are here is feeling dizzy for some time now, we were wondering if we could maybe get it checked by someone?" I said politely.
The woman nodded and typed something in her computer, "someone will be here soon to take a look at your friend. Just take a seat over there." She said smiling, pointing to the empty chairs in the waiting area.

We all took place and soon a doctor was ready for us, they called our name and we walked behind him.
Harry had to take place on the examination table. He looked very uncomfortable, his eyes lingering with a hint of fear.

Soon he put his arm over his eyes. "You good?" I asked him. "Jus' a dizzy spell, I'll be alright." He answered. Putting his arm down again.
The doctor looked at him with worry. "My name is Dr. Brooks. But you can call me Sean. Let's have a look at your friend shall we? Let's start with your name?"
"Very Well Harry, what seems to be the problem?"
"I have been feeling dizzy quiet a bit. Fainted once and I had a headache but that is gone now." He rushes out.

"Alright, for how long have you been feeling dizzy?"
"Uhm I started noticing it this morning.."
"That's okay, let's just take some basic tests to see if we can find out what the problem is."
"Okay.." Harry said back, looking at the doctor, to see what he was about to do.

The doctor took some small tests like listing to his lungs but when he checked his blood pressure, there seemed to be a problem.
"Your blood pressure is higher then I would like." The doctor informed.
Harry looked at him, his eyebrows raised. "Have you had any heart pains?"
"What... no!!"

"Okay That's very good, then we can rule that one out. Uhm you dealing with much stress lately or?"
"Well I mean, we are on tour right now and doing interviews, and that all while we are also writing some new songs." Harry said.
We all looked at the doctor waiting for what he was going to say next.

"Well What I would say, this is probably your body telling you to slow down for a bit. The vertigo is a reaction on the stress you put on your body and mind." He informed us before he continued "what I would say is to take some rest for a bit. Now I am aware of the tour and all that stuff. So I am going to say to you, to take as much rest as you can in between everything. Going to sleep and not staying up till midnight."

Harry nodded and looked at us. "It is what it is mate. It will be alright. We will figure something out with management." I informed him.

So we all took him back to the bus and informed management, of course they wouldn't really care but they at least were going to limit the interviews and photo shoots on a day. So that was more then enough for them. It was a start.

Not edited- not looked over.

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