The Superhuman Freedom Fighte...

By SonicFan8877

2.9K 51 108

Y/n L/n a boy who's life was completely normal until now. For he is now sent into another world where animal... More

Voting On How Story Begins
Chapter One: A New World
Chapter Two: The Freedom Fighters
Chapter Three: New Foes Make Way
Chapter Four: The Chaos Demon: Anorak

Chapter Five: Anorak's Might

271 7 14
By SonicFan8877

Y/n rushes towards Mogul covered in a dark aura.

Mogul: He's fast!!

The Destructix step in front of Mogul to protect their master.

Sergeant Simian: If you think we'll stand idly by and let you attack Master Mogul again, you have another thing coming-

The ape is cut off as a tendril like blade is stabbed through his side. Sergeant Simian gasps in pain as he looks up to see Y/n staring him down with menace in his eyes and an intent to kill.

Y/n: If you think I'll let you go free, you're sorely mistaken.

He pulls out the tendril blade as Sergent Simian falls down on the ground unconscious.

Predator Hawk: Sergeant Simian!!

Sleuth: Since when could that kid do that!! Last time we fought we took him down easily, so how the hell did he take Sergeant Simian down in one hit?!

As the ape lied down on the ground, Mogul looked to see that the boy has four tendrils out of his back, glowing blood red just like his right eye.

Mogul: How amusing...


Y/n: Relax, he's not dead. I missed his vital organs on purpose. Now to deal with the likes of you other pathetic worms..

With a fast wave of Y/n's hand, black chaos energy is shot out towards the rest of the Destructix knocking them back afar. Mogul projected a chaos shield protecting himself from the energy attack and looks on amused at the human fighter who then turns his attention to the mammoth tyrant who's energy barrier fades away.

Mogul: You're usage in chaos energy is rather impressive, boy.

Y/n: ....

Mogul: We can stop this here and now if you join me. Leave these fools and yearn for something more worthy of your time. I promise I can make it worth your while.

Mogul holds out his hand to the human for a shake. Y/n remains silent, his blood red eye glowing brightly as his dull E/C lays still as the chaos tendrils lay still awaiting command.

Mogul: Do we have a deal?

Y/n slowly walks over towards Mogul which makes the mammoth smile in delight.

Mogul: It seems you made a wise decision boy.

Y/n: You know, you have a decent way with words.

Mogul: It's a gift, and during our time together, you will too learn how powerful words can be.

Y/n: Your offer sounds tempting. Very tempting...

Y/n smirks and raises his hand to shake as Mogul goes to shake it.

Y/n: But....

Y/n shifts his hand to the side of Mogul's hand which only had time for the mammoth to widen his eyes as Y/n coats his fist in black chaos energy and slams his fist into the gut of Mammoth Mogul.

Y/n: Unfortunately for you. I don't make deals with those beneath me..

Everyone gets up as they see Y/n with his fist stick in Mogul's stomach. Merlin was amazed at at Y/n's sudden change in power.

Merlin: My goodness. We might just win this.

Sonic: Ow..

Tails: Are you alright, Sonic?

Sonic: Just fine little bro.

Jason groans as he gets back up from Mogul's attack. He lays his eyes on Y/n who was still covered in a dark aura.

Sally: Something must be wrong here.

Jason: About time someone noticed the novices mood change.

Sonic: What do you mean Jason?

Jason rolls his eyes out of annoyance for the stupid question.

Jason: Why don't you look for yourself, then?

Sonic looks back to Y/n who pulled his dark energy coated fist out of Mogul's stomach who reels in pain from the blow. A dark smirk is seen on Y/n's face as he sees the mammoth writhe in pain.

Mogul: Y-You dare!! You dare refuse my offer?!

Y/n: It's just as I said. I don't make deals with those below me, I have more chaos energy then you, you are but a paper tiger in front of a storm. I am a god!!

Mogul growls in rage at Y/n but is swiftly silenced as a object is tossed to him. Mogul catches it as his eyes widen but then turns into a smirk.

Mogul: The crown of acorns is mine!!

Mogul then places it onto his head as his body is coated in overwhelming power shocking everyone in the room.


Y/n?: Y/n isn't in right now. But he'll take a rain check for your question.

Sally: Who are you?!

Y/n?: My name...You all must know it well. It will be told for eons to come.

Sonic: Yeah, yeah, just tell us your name already!

Y/n?: My Anorak!!! You will know my name for—

A blinding flash of golden light enters the room as Anorak glares at the light.

Anorak: WHO DARES?!!

???: Ah, Knothole! It has grown prosperous of course, the crown of acorns would be here!

Ixas Naugus, master of the elements.

Anorak: So, Ixas called master of the elements..

Ixas: I assume you have heard of me, then?

Anorak: A meek little wizard at best.


As he shouts at Anorak, the chaos demon stares at the sword in his hand and grins wickedly.

Anorak: That's the sword...

Both Mogul and Ixas notice one another and glare one another down completely ignoring Anorak, to which he didn't like one bit.

Anorak: *eye twitch* Are they ignoring me?!


The sword in Ixas's hand begins to glow golden energy as he and his small army get ready to fight.

Ixas: Fool! I am Ixas Naugus, master of the elements! He that fused with the zone of silence! The last great lord of Isis!!

Mogul: You cannot fathom how inferior you are in comparison. Nor are you the last lord of the order. My order.

Suddenly, both Ixas and Mogul are launched out of the throne room entirely as along with Mogul's Destructix and Ixas's army as they are sent crashing into a mountain top.

Sleuth: Ow...


Anorak comes in slamming his fist into Mogul's face as Mogul is sent to the ground. Anorak is engulfed by a black red aura as he slams his fist into the ground sending chaos energy towards both Ixas and Mogul as Ixas uses his earth elemental magic to create a wall which takes the hit while Mogul once again uses his energy shield.

Anorak: You have officially been written down on my shitlist that goes for the both of you mongrels!!

Anorak was slowly beginning to become surrounded by not only Mogul and Ixas and his small army of dark clothed soldiers but the Destructix as well

Mogul: Do you seriously think you can win, Anorak?

Anorak said nothing as he eyed all the enemies he was about to face as he held out his right hand as black chaos energy engulfed it. Mogul and Ixas stepped back only to see a demonic looking blade now in the hand of Anorak himself.

Mogul: A sword?

Anorak: "The chaos demon..."

Ixas: Hm?

Mogul said nothing as he narrows his eyes towards the possessed human.

Anorak: I truly love that little nickname of mine. Would you like to know how I got it? Actually— how about I give you both a demonstration..

He twirls his blade around and gets into a battle stance with a wicked grin.


At once, the remaining members of the Destructix all charged in towards Anorak, the chaos being smirked as he was siding every attack that they had to offer.

Flying Frog: Stand still, ya pain in the ass!

Anorak said nothing as he dodged yet another attack from Flying Frog who shot his tongue out only for it to be swiftly sliced off thanks to the blade.

Flying Frog squeals out in agony and drops to the ground as his long tongue falls, as blood shoots out from Flying Frog's mouth, the others run to check up on their fellow comrade as the chaos demon turns to the more bigger threats.

Anorak: Let's see what you supposed gods can do..

The dark clothes soldiers begin to charge in but Ixas calls them off.

Ixas: No..I will deal with this fool myself.

Mogul: I will take him down..

Anorak chuckles darkly and gives once more a dark grin.

Anorak: How about I take the two of you on myself?

This angered both Mogul and Ixas. So to retort to this, Ixas shoots a massive wave of fire only for it to be deflected by the blade that Anorak wields making the wizard widen his eyes.

Mogul charges forward and shoots a chaos energy blast towards Anorak.


In a flash of black and green light the chaos demon vanished and disappeared out of sight.

Mogul: Where is he?!

Ixas: Behind you!!

Mogul turns to face Anorak only to have his back slashed by his sword making Mogul groan in pain from the blow. Mogul uses his powers to heal the slash as the blood that was leaking from the cut was now beginning to heal.

Anorak: So you can heal..That'll be a bitch to permanently put you down.

Mogul: I won't be taken down so easily.

Before Anorak could say anything, he narrows his eyes and turns to see a massive earth wall come flying towards him. The chaos demon smirks as the wall slams into the body and is smashed into the wall.

Ixas: Where's all that trash talk now?! So much for me being a weak little wizard huh—

He is immediately cut off as black and red slashes could be seen within the wall as it is cut into pieces in seconds as Anorak is revealed to be fine. A bit scuffed up and battle torn, but fine.

Ixas: Impossible!!

Anorak: Heh, as I said. A meek little wizard at best. I on the other hand...

He conjures up a fire blast which is colored a blood red and orange. Ixas widens his eyes as the fire is shot right at the wizard only for it to be blocked by yet another earth wall as the wall melts instantly as Anorak is in front of him with his blade raised high.

Anorak: I am in full mastery of my magical prowess.

Anorak then goes down for a slash only for it to be parried with the sword that Ixas wields.

Anorak smirked darkly as a chaos clone came from behind and kicked the wizard in the back hard sending him flying into a mountain.

The chaos clone fades into energy as Anorak looks to Mogul

Anorak: Would you like to be next?

Mogul: I'll take this dance.

The mammoth smirks and raises his hands to bring forth more chaos power and launches a massive green energy blast right towards Anorak who simply moves his head avoiding it as it collided into the mountain Ixas was in.

Mogul: Amusing..How strong are you?

Anorak: Would you care to find out?

Mogul rushes towards Anorak and engulfs his fists in chaos energy and goes to slam his fist into the possessed humans face only for Anorak to counter by grabbing the fist and smirks.

Anorak: My turn.

Anorak then reels his fist back and is about to punch him only for the ground beneath to start shaking. This makes Anorak raise an eyebrow and looks down as a massive earth fist comes shooting out from the ground and uppercutting the chaos demon catching him off guard and sent flying into the air.

Ixas blows up the mountain he's trapped in as the rubble is seen floating down onto the ground.

Ixas: Take that!!

Anorak uses Chaos Control as his body is once again coated in a flash of black and green light.

Ixas: Oh crumbs...

Anorak appears behind Ixas and raises his blade and goes for a downward slash which is blocked by the quick reaction time of the elemental wizard as the sword of acorns glows a bright golden light.

Anorak: How amusing..That sword is filled to the brim with chaos energy. I can see why the both of you want it now..However, I think I would like it for myself!!

He reaches his hand out to snatch the sword as a green blast is shooting towards Anorak but a earth wall shoots up from the ground preventing Anorak from grabbing the blade, Mogul tries to sneak attack Anorak but he just teleports out of harms reach and kicks Mogul in the back of the head, purposefully missing the crown so that he may have some sort of challenge.

Anorak: Hmph! I grow bored of this battle, so I think it's time to—

The chaos demon widens his eyes as his head throbs in pain. His entire body begins to glow white.

Anorak: Damn brat! You need me in this fight!!

Y/n: "I don't think so! While it is true that you have been kicking they're asses. I'd rather not you destroying the entire world after getting those items!"

As Y/n spoke his voice echoed throughout the body as a white aura engulfed Anorak.

Anorak: NOOOO!!!!

As the aura gets stronger, the blood red eye now begins to slowly flicker to the familiar E/C as the other eye regains life in it. The aura fully fades away as Y/n was now in control and is now panting on the ground exhausted.

(Stop music here.)

Sweat was dripping down the forehead of Y/n profusely. His ragged and weak gasps were heard as Mogul smirked, feeling triumphant over the human freedom fighter. Even though he and Ixas were losing horribly to the chaos demon but, neither he nor Ixas would bring it up.

Mogul: That was truly foolish of you. You just threw away your only chance at winning.

The mammoth tyrant raises his cane and whacks Y/n across the face which knocked a few teeth out from his mouth as blood was seen shooting out from his lower lip.

Ixas: I am so going to enjoy torturing you...

Mogul: For once we can agree on something.

Despite feeling that painful blow, Y/n chuckles and weakly stands back up.

Y/n: Our little scuffle earlier would no doubt send reinforcements. So, if you have plans to finish me off...You'd better make a promise in doing so. Cause if I am not dead in the next five seconds and I can get my strength back, you'll go through hell.

Mogul paid no mind to the boy who was injured before him. He slowly raised his cane to the neck of the boy and lifted it up so he could get a look at Y/n's smirking face.

???: Hey!

Everyone looks up to see Sonic and the rest of the freedom fighters staring Mogul and Ixas down.

Sonic: I hope you can fight as much as you can talk. We'll be taking our friend and those back now by the way.

Y/ : Heh, told ya so ya fuckers!

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