high school dxd in rwby

By Edaj1908

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great red was bored he was made peace with ophis and they share the dimensional gap. great red decide to vent... More

extra chapter


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By Edaj1908


Ren- pyrrha let's have a breakfast.

Pyrrha- no! I can't face many people with my current looks!!

Ren- we have to pyrrha.

Nora- and we promise that ee will find who did this to you...

Ren- it was jaune's doing !!

Pyrrha- but we don't have any evidence to prove..

Nora- we saw everything pyrrha..you were glowing that time we saw you..

Ren- he said that he gives pyrrha a boost nora so we can't point that it was him all along.

Nora- pyrrha you are not the only one who looses a hair..even yang loose a hair too i saw that she was bald too..

Ren- but it was her doing first..or may be that is the side effect that jaune kick her into a portal..

Nora- i too fell in that portal but why i didn't got bald like her...

Ren- we can't point if it's really jaune did it..nora..please just close your mouth..when we see him.

Nora- bu- fine!! We should go to the headmaster may be he has an answer..pyrrha!! Lets go.

Pyrrha- fine..

The NPR team went to find the headmaster.


Sona glynda and ophis returns to beacon and report the events of what happen to vale.

Glynda- headmaster the town suffered damages headmaster and there are no death's or injury..only run down building.

Sona- everything in vale looks like the event back at yhe underworld my sir. Sirzechs..if it's not bad. it's worst my lord vale is like a wasteland now.

Sirzechs- it's just rare for great red to show his full power..

Glynda- how long did you experience his full capacity?

Sirzechs- hundreds or thousand years ago..

Ophis- great red usially traveling to any dimensions. Red didn't interract to any humans or supernaturals. I was shock to hear that he has a mate now..

Sirzechs- you are not alone ozpin..in all my years in living i was extremely shock that the dragon god has a mate.

Ophis- it's good that baka red found a mate. And i guess introduction must be held..i am OPH-

Jaune- OPHIS THE OROUBOROUS loli dragon.that i kick her ass thousands of years ago.

The whole student was paled to see another dragon i remnant..

Yang- this midget is a dragon!!

Jaune- a dragon god non the less baldy!!! As for you midget don't do anything stupid in my turf...or else..

Ophis- i don't intend to do that.

Jaune- and this little midget is also the leader of the terrorist group called khaos brigade. But i am thinking why did you create it??

Ophis- because i want to retain my silence...

Jaune- and i give you your space Ophis..but why did you leave the terrorist group that you created..

Ophis- it's because my former group betrayed me they use my power for my own selfish gain...specially rezivm and eulcid.

Jaune- and what did they want?

Ophis- they want to revive the evil dragons and inseal trihexa...

Jaune- and they found how to unseal it??

Ophis-no..because of morningstar was there..

Jaune- ophis i order you to release lucifer morningstar and bind some of your power and seal so that the world eater can't escape...

Ophis- i am not that stro-

Jaune- this is your obligation ophis..do your job. I have obligation now..

Ophis- and i intend to do it...and may i see ypur mate??

Jaune- i will..ophis this is weiss schnee my wife...

Weiss- hello lady ophis. I am weiss schnee. I ak the mate of jau- no great red..

Ophis- i see. Well hello weiss. I sense you are carrying the child of a dragon god and a true dragon him self..tell me child do you really love and care of baka red with all your heart and soul???

Weiss- yes lady ophis..

Ophis- well you have my blessings..weiss schnee..as one of a dragon god i ophis give you my blessing.


Yang want's to interject but she was interrupted by sirzechs him self.

Sirzechs- i'm sorry but you can't interrupt the talk between gods..

Yang- and why red hair??

Sirzechs ignored yang..

Back to jaune

Ophis- take good care of great red and the child..

Weiss- i will..

Ophis- and where is ddraig and albion??

Issei- where here ophis.

Ophis- hello ddraig.

Ddraig- hello ophis.

Albion- it's good to see you ophis..

Ophis- like wise albion and ddraig..albion your servants are here. And i hear that you have a mate??

Albion- yes my host has a mate now..winter schnee please meet the ophis..

Winter- hello dragon god ophis i am winter schnee.

Ophis- hello winter schnee i see the resemblance of weiss and you??

Winter- we are sisters lady ophis. I am the eldest daughter..

Ophis- i see..and ddraig i guess you have an addition of girls again.

Ddraig- no ophis ravel and blake are enough for my host..

Ophis- i am happy to hear that..and may i see blake??

Blake- he- hello lady ophis i am blake belladona.

Ophis- hello no need to fear me and are you by any chance a faunus??

Blake- yes lady ophis..

Ophis- and a former terrorist group..

Blake- yes i am lady ophis...i came here to redeem my self after the things that inhave done..

Ophis- it is nice of you to change your view blake..because i too am the leader of the most dangerous group..and take care of my big brother issei..

Blake- i will..

Ophis- and ddraig i guess family reunion is much important to you..

Issei- they were here!!

Roberta- papa!!

Issei saw roberta grow up and he has tears of happiness in his eyes..

Issei- my baby girl!!

Roberta run's to issei and issei open his arms.and hug roberta tightly..

The entire school- PAPA!!!

Yang- you mean to say issei has a child!!!

Ozpin- yes he has...

Ophis- not only that ravel and riser is also here..

Ravel- hello honey-sama!!

Issei- hello honey!!

Ravel runs to issei and kiss him passionately.

Ruby- he has a cute blond girl too!!!

Ravel- i miss you honey-sama!!

Issei- i miss you too.

Ravel- i'm so glad that you survive the dragon fall curse..

Issei- it's because vali and great red save me honey..

Ravel- and yoi must be blake another girl of issei??

Blake- yes ravel..

Ravel- thank you so much for taking good care of issei in my absence..i owe you a lot..and by the way this is my elder brother riser phenex..

Riser- good to see you miss belladona. I'm glad you take good care of my idiot brother in law..i will make sure that the phenex clan will conpinsate you miss blake.

Blake- no need for that guys. As long as our isse is happy i am happy too..and this is roberta hello little one..

Roberta- hello!! Aunt blake!! I'm roberta phenex hyoudou i am 7 years old!!

Blake- hello little one! My~ my~ you are striking look of your father and your hair is also blond...what a cute little dragon..

Roberta- thank you!!

Ophis now children you must have your family time together and to know each other!! Please go-

Saji- pardon my rudeness ophis..but i have to see issei..

Ophis- very well..

Saji greets issei!

Saji- yo! Boobie dragon!! Remember me!!

Issei- of course i am how are you doing saji!! Where the hell is vritra!!

Ozpin- vritra??

Sirzechs- vritra is a dragon king he is lower than ddraig and albion in rank..

Ozpin- i see..

Sirzechs- but vritra is the only dragon who was sealed in a sacred gear that has split into 5..

Ozpin- that is a unique trait did mr saji complete the sacred gear??

Sirzechs- indeed. Ad for now saji is in training with a specialist in sacred gear..and his name was azazel..

Ozpin- he is a fallen angel right??

Sirzechs- yes..

Ozpin- but how did it happen?? I thlught you were all natural enemies..

Sirzechs- it was before headmaster and now we are in a new era and the realm that we came are in danger. Because of the terrorist attack. So the great leaders propose to have a peace meeting..

Ozpin- i see you 3 faction has a common enemy.

Sirzechs- yes...we don't want to have any bloodshed to..

Ophis- saji you can have your fun later..return to your master..

Saji- i will..talk to you later dudes

Issei- sure..

Ophis- now i guess you have to meet someone sirzechs please intro duce your self to the remaining guest here..

Sirzechs and the rest walks to the center and kneel along with the others..this is to the shock of everyone even glynda..

Sirzechs- great red sama.. i sirzechs gremory would like to apologize for to what happdn to the red dragon emperor. In behalf of my sister i am sorry.

Jaune- rise boy. No leader of the underworld shall bow to a god..ad forgiveness sirzechs. I'm afraid that i am not going to do that..becaise she commit a sin..i am deedply dissapointed to her gremory...but of you allow me to ask...what did you see to the red dragon emperor..is he a toy or a warrior??

Sirzechs- my lord. I am also dissappinted at her actions. That is why i throw her at tartarus..and yet i bail ger out..because i do believe that she learns her lesson..

Jaune- you release your own sister?? Sigh and yoi believe thay she learns her lessons??

Sirzechs- bit my lord. It was not my decision to release her..it was the decision of my father and mother with the help of the elders...and the elders plan to arrange a marruage. But i don't know who is the candidate yet..

Jaune- and what do you think about issei?? What is he to you?? Not being a lucifer but being a devil??

Sirzechs- i am not like rias my lord. I look at issei as my own little brother..i am the one who request to find his body after he suffer the dragon falls curse. And i ask ophis for help..if i can turn back time my lord i rather choose issei as my siblings not rias..

Jaune- ohhh and why??

Sirzechs- because i saw how he save the underworld and my family...and i miss issei so much..my little brother might be a human by birth bit he earns my respect for what he did...

Jaune- so you saw what i saw in him..

Sirzechs- indeed my lord..

Jaune- very well..i can't waste your effort to find the red dragon emperor sirzechs..i can see how honest you are...and in my eyes you trully are a gremory sirzechs. And runeas gremory is very proud of you...

Sirzechs- thank you my lord..

Jaune- very well..return to ypur position..next!!

Sona and her peerage approach great red. And kneel.

Sona- my lord..

Jaune- ahh! A sitri clan..greetings sitri..may i ask what are you doing here??

Sona- i came here to visit one of the students of kuoh academy my lord..abd i grant the only wish of vritra.

Jaune- i see..but last i check you and issei are not talking to each other?? And the host of vritra are both a friendly enemy??

Sona- even i am distant to the red dragon my lord. I acknowledge his effort and contributions to the underworld..even saji joins the fray. When i heard the news about what happen to the red dragon i and my peerage was deeply hurt what rias did to issei...even saji was almost shut him self and afraid because he is a dragon too..so i did my best to protect my peerage.

Jaune- i see. One more thing dis your sister know that you are here??

Sona- no my lord..i uhh escape just to grant sajo's only request..

Jaune- fufufu..well i do hope that the leviathan won't freeze the underworld..

Sona- i hope so too lord..

Jaune- i am happy that there are a lot of people who is taking good care of my red dragon ..and i am thank you all for your efforts..but sadly i have to keep my emperors for the time being.

Sirzechs- we understand my lord..you havr the right to keep the red and white dragon emperors..and i am a leader and still a brothwr figure to issei i have to give my faith to him..

Jaune- no worries devils as long as i am here along with my few supporters well we will do our best..

Ophis- not only that baka red i'm afraid that my niece or nephew will born in a few months from now it's the best that vali's servant will come with you also. I am afraid some students here wants to hurt weiss schnee..

Jaune- very well

Ophis- i want my nephew be protected at all times train the child to be a better warrior..and vali's servant is very fit to that..

Vali- sigh~ and here we go again..

Glynda- may i ask lady oph8s why dis you have a high hopes for vali's servant??

Ophis- because this people here are the most capable being and they are the descendant of the legendary people vack in my realm. Vali team please introduce one by one..

Arthur- greetings to all of you. I am arthur pendragon i am a swordsman of vali. I am the wielder of excallibur ruler and calliburn. I am the descendant of king arthur.

Kuroka- kuroka toujou. Master magician specialist in senjutsu..master in forbidden magic and former ss class criminal.

Yang- wait is she a faunus??

Kuroka- if you talking that way yes. In my world i am a youkai and a former devil. So i posses magic and i am a master in stealth and mist. I am a master in some magics that i know

Le fay- hello!! I am lefay pendragon i am a descendant of morgan le fay. I am a magician!!

Bikuo- yo!! I am bikuo i am a youkai or faunus you said. I am the descemdant of monkey king!!..

Ophis- this team are all servibg vali lucifer him self..

Sirzechs- i am sirzechs lucifer i am the current king of devil faction. I came from the gremory clan..

Riser- i am riser phenex i am a high class devil from the phenex clan and one of the surviving 72 pillars of the under world.

Ravel- i am ravel phenex- hyoudou i am the first wife of the red dragon emperor i am the younger sister of riser phenex i am also a high class devil of the phenex clan..and this is my daughter roberta phenex hyoudou the daughter of the red dragon emperor.

Roberta- hello!!

Sona- i am sona sitri heiress of the sitri clan one of the 72 pillars.

Saji- i am genshiro saji i am the current holder of the dragon king vritra. Servant of sona sitri.

Tsubaki- i am tsubaki shinra i am a servant of sona sitri.

Tomoe- i am tomoe meguri i am the servant of sona sitri.

Momo- momo hanakai i am servant of sona sitri

Tsubasa- tsubasa yura servant of sona sitri

Reya- reya kusaka servant of sona sitri.

Ophis- ophis dragon god of infinity..

The whole cafetria is now shock that another dragon god was in the cafeteria..

Yang- hey you red hair may i ask if you are single or not??

Sirzechs- i am married and i have one child..

Issei- watch your word xiao long you are talking to a devil king. As far as i know sirzechs is the only devil who surpass the power of the true devil king..

Yang- and how did you know that??

Issei- because i lost in a one on one match with him..

Ozpin- what!! You got a fight with the king of the devils!!

Issei- yeah and i lost even i use my full potential..well big brother zechs here trains me how to use magic..and as far as i can remember his power of destruction is more different than rias and his parents. I don't know how he do it but big brother zechs here is one of the top 10 strongest being alive.

Sirzechs- not to brag you little bro i am in the number 6 or 7 spot...

Ozpin- may i ask why did you always use that weird armor??

Sirzechs- i use this pads to contain my full power..this is serves me as my retainer..

Ozpin- i see!! So you are indeed powerful..

Sirzechs- well uhh not really..

Glynda- and how did issei told us that your power was different??

Sirzechs- because i am the power of destruction..

Glynda- i see..so you are indeed powerful..

Yang- but a king like you should not bow to jaune him self..

Sirzech- i may be a king but great red is a different story..i don't have any capacity to gight a dragon god it self. Even i can't fight ophis her self..i beat the red dragon emperor is just a fluke. I was lucky that time.. but in reality i can't beat the red dragon it self..and issei i am so sorry fpr what happen to you...

Issei- no need to be sorry big brother you are not at fault..

Sirzechs- thank you issei. And uhh azazel sent his regards to his favorite pervert.

Issei- well he could come if he wants too. And besidea the prince of underworld is here and he will be in shock that his adopted son has a mate.

Sirzechs- ahh the true king of the underworld. Vali lucifer the white dragon emperor..

Vali- yep!! Thats me..and you can take the throne i don't intend to replace you..

Yang- what you will not gonna take the throne!! Why!!

Vali- not interested in politics..

Sirzechs- as i thought..well another day in hell and once more i will habe to figjt to my mortal enemy..

Ruby- mortal enemy and who??

Vali/ sirzechs- paper work..

Ruby- oh!!

Vali- and beaides you rule the underworld for a very long time zechs..

Sirzechs- well there is bothing i can do..

Jaune- well you can close the portal and you can enjoy here...just yreat this as your vacation..and zechs who is now doing a paper work..

Sirzechs- hehehehe!! It's serafall...

Jaune- hahahahaha the lunatic devil huh..

Sirzechs- well it was my way of payback for all her absent in work...

Jaune- you two will never change devil.

Ozpin- and you my boy have to repair the entire mess that you created..

Jaune- oh!! I'm sorry!!

Great red snap his fingers and in just a mere seconds the entire remnant was fix...

Jaune- well boys and girls!! Lets have a trip in the city of vale!!

Vali- yeah! Lets have a short trip!! Cutting class for just 1 day wont hurt us!!

Issei- sure!

Sona- sigh!! I think we came here in a wrong time..

Ozpin- non sense children you are all excuse...to enjoy your reunion..

Jaune- thanks headmaster!!

Weiss- well babe i guess this time you will have a chat to your personal space!!

Sona- and where??

Weiss- hehehehe!! In a trash can!!.

Ophis- why??

Weiss- you see jaune here used to vomit everytime he rides an aircraft.

Devils and ophis- EEEEHHHH!!!!!

Jaune's face was red due to his embarrasment..

Sirzechs- well what do you know!! The feared great red has a match!!

Jaune groans!!

Ozpin chuckles..

Weiss- well we should buy some pills for your motion sickness babe..

Jaune- fine but anyway lets go to the city my treat!

Sirzechs- can you spend a lot of currency during our stay??

Jaune- yep!! I have a money to spebd..consider this as an act of good will zechs..

Ozpin- and he didn't know that his school id is also a automated teller machine..

Jaune- first of all i didn't knpw that and you didn't explain to us hehehe..

Ozpin- true!! But it was a surprice..but since you and your friends will go to vale ypu should proceed to the docks for transport..and jaune no teleportation this time..think of it as a punishment for your stunts..

Jaune- ozpin do you know who i am..

Ozpin- yes i am..and i am still the headmaster of this academy...

Jaune- sigh~ fine..i guess i have a one way trip to trash bin again..

Issei- ohhh shut up boss and be a man..hehhehehe..

Vali- come we should change our clothes..

Ozpin- we will wait for you to the docks..come ladies and gentlemen i shall accompany you to the docks. Muss rose and miss xiao long go to your class..

Ruby/ yang- yes head master..

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