Bittersweet Moments With You...

By -magiclollies

2.6K 132 126

"'So don't waste the time I don't have." - Jeon Wonwoo was a bet. Quite a difficult one at that too. With his... More

Chapter Zero: Information Given To You
Chapter One: Alexa! Play Bet On It by Zac Efron!
Chapter Three: Find a Different Nerdy-Geek To Pester
Chapter Four: All of This Love is Toxic
Chapter Five: How Did He End Up Here?
Chapter Six: Morning After Pill
Chapter Seven: Trust Needs To Be Earned Losers
Chapter Eight: Super Jun! On The Way!
Chapter Nine: Cliche Partner-ing Up Scene
Chapter Ten: Is Kim Mingyu Making Progress?
Chapter Eleven: Let Me Help You Make This Complicated
Chapter Twelve: This Is Not A Date
Chapter Thirteen: With A Sprinkle Of Envy
Chapter Fourteen: Words Can Be Quite Mean
Chapter Fifteen: There's A Third Competitor Now!?
Chapter Sixteen: When Does The Pain Hit?...Nevermind
Chapter SEVENTEEN: I Just Need A Chance
Chapter Eighteen: Triangle-eye-thing
Chapter Nineteen: Take A Hint Kim Mingyu

Chapter Two: He's Not Interested

165 11 1
By -magiclollies

a jeon wonwoo and kim mingyu fanfiction
CHAPTER TWO: He's Not Interested


"Hey there, sexy" Mingyu had said it. He'd confidently stalked his way into the academy's version of a cafeteria (which is just a huge room where poor college students are forced to pay high prices for average food, or starve for the rest of the day, because if they have to eat one more bowl of ramen, they'll literally have a meltdown), and then stole one of the many empty seats beside a rather phlegmatic Jeon Wonwoo. The taller man made sure his body posture was open, broad chest puffed just slightly and shoulders squared. He kept his legs and arms wide, in a sense barricading the unreceptive person from leaving this rather uncomfortable and unneeded conversation. Confrontation? Ambush?

There was a second of silence between the two. Wonwoo kept his focus on chewing the last bit of a sandwich he chomped down on, also watching the second and final season of Netflix's once popular Korean drama: Love Alarm. Mingyu was beside him, patiently waiting for any form of acknowledgment. But once the ravenette with circular glasses perched on the bridge of his nose swallowed, he finally found his voice to speak.

"You're coming on a little strong, don't you think?" He still hadn't spared the tall man a glance, too busy watching Jojo stumble into some curtains, ultimately embarrassing herself in front of Hyeyeong. Wonwoo just briefly cringed at the fall, the thought of that happening to him flashing in his head. "I'm not interested."

Mingyu scoots his chair closer. If that's even possible. An irritable sigh could be heard coming from the nose of the older, maybe even an attempt at an eye roll. Mingyu was invading his space—not that he wasn't before—and had Wonwoo mentally praying that if he stays neutral enough, the dark brunette beside him will give up and eventually leave. Even though he should have the second "I'm not interested" was said.

"Confidence typically gets the pretty girl," A large tan hand was brought to a much paler face, fingers light as he turned Wonwoo's head. There we go. The two were officially looking at one another. Boosted Mingyu's ego. Especially when the elder didn't reject the touch, nor scowl upon them locking eyes. Actually the bespectacled male kept stoic as his eyes traced over the handsome features to one of the school's star soccer players. The most of a reaction he gave was the raising of of his right eyebrow, blinking impassively.

"I hate to burst your bubble Kim Mingyu, but I'm not a girl" Wonwoo used his middle finger to push his glasses a little more up his nose. "Again, I'm not interested" The brunette should have gotten the apparent message by now. The older one didn't want to be bothered, nor does he want to fall into whatever flirtatious trap a six-foot-puppy-resembling man is trying to capture him with. Plus, doesn't he already have a girlfriend? A girlfriend who threatens the future of anyone who dare even look at Mingyu romantically. Wonwoo would be six-feet under right now if Soyeon saw what her precious official but unofficial boyfriend was doing.

"You know who I am?"

That's seriously all he got from that?

Yeah, he was told that Wonwoo may have been talking about him with Joshua; but then again, Hansol also could have been just pulling his leg. He often said things to get a rise out of people. And with the comment that there's people who won't fall victim to his charm, definitely caught Mingyu's interest. He wouldn't be here trying to get a block of ice in human form to swoon if not.

"Of course" Even if he said it monotonous, attention going back to his show (that he now has to rewind because he missed a few scenes), Mingyu couldn't help but let his lips twitch upwards. This was a step. One step closer to having a snarky gem under him, and one step closer to earning at least one-hundred and forty dollars. "The whole campus should know who you are. You're practically the best player on the soccer team. That is if the captain Choi Seungcheol wasn't just a tad bit better."

A smirk. The ravenette with a low voice smirked. The other doesn't know whether he should feel accomplished or offended.

"You watch us play? Watch me play?" Mingyu brought a grin back. He craned his neck, hoping to see Wonwoo's entire face again. Don't get him wrong, the elder has a perfect side profile, but the view that was everything is so much better. Now he understands why he has so many suitors. Wonwoo is far from ugly. If anything, with a little style change, he could be mistaken for a model.

This bet just got so much better.

Now the elder was snickering. With the flash of a smile, the two caught eyes once again.

"Do you honestly think I go to your soccer games for you? To be one of your little fans? Ya' know, the brainless ones who push and shove each other on the bleachers, screaming thinking that if they strain their throat enough, you'll finally notice them?" The problem with the question was that Mingyu doesn't know if the other was being serious or not. He had a gleam in his eye, pretty red lips switching between being a grin and a line. Either way, the younger of the two nods.

"You can be," He slithered a hand until it rested lazily upon Wonwoo's knee. An action that immediately had the reciever glancing down and looking skeptically. "I'll even let you wear my spare jersey. It'll make it easy for me to spot you before I kick the winning goal."

"You're quite the smooth talker, huh?" It was said as he grabbed Mingyu's hand and then put it back in his own lap. Another hint to show that Wonwoo did not want any association with the taller. Mingyu looked a little dejected at that; but then again he refuses to give up so easily. After all, it's only the first day. He has tons of time left. The spring charity dance wasn't for another month. He could easily get Wonwoo to succumb to what he likes to call his irrestistable personality. "Sorry, but those empty words won't make you appealing" Ouch. "Besides, I don't attend the games for you. Nor do I think I ever will. Because again Kim Mingyu," Wonwoo leant forward just slightly, a tight smile stretching his face. "I'm not interested."

He grabbed his belongings then. Throwing his bookbag over one shoulder, while he shoved his phone in his jacket pocket. He was grabbing the little bit of trash that was still scattered upon the table, when the persistent jock quickly jumped from his seat and grabbed for one of Wonwoo's hands. The legs on the chair gave a screeching sound as it slid against the polished floor. The bespectacled man was shocked by the hold, eyes widening and lips parting in a silent gasp.

"How can I make you interested?" That's quite forward. Not that he hasn't been for the past few minutes that they've been talking. Mingyu kept his hold on Wonwoo as he stepped closer, bringing them toe to toe. It was quite endearing to see the ravenette just slightly crane his neck in order to look the younger in the eye. The way he seemed baffled was quickly replaced by his typical blank stare. "Come on, I wouldn't be trying this hard if you didn't catch my eye Jeon Wonwoo."

What a liar. A good liar.

Wonwoo snatched his hand back. He parted his lips ready to explain that absolutely nothing is going to make him like him. But before the words could come out, a familiar face approached, practically stealing the bespectacled man away. They placed a hand to his lower back, slinking it around his waist and in a sense putting themselves in between him and the tall soccer player. Mingyu would be annoyed with the disturbance if he didn't know the newcomer. But unfortunately the person was a fellow teammate.

"Wen Junhui," He acknowledged with a head nod. The Chinese male gave a smile in return.

"I don't mean to interrupt, but-" He looked at an almost relieved Wonwoo. "Our next class starts soon. If you're done eating we can head over now" The hand that was wrapped around the other man's waist tugged at his belt loops, almost as if ushering him away—away from Mingyu. Wonwoo nodded for confirmation, humming in the process as he let Junhui sweep him away.

Unfortunately they weren't able to make it too far when Mingyu was calling for Wonwoo once more. The duo halted.

"Come to Matthew's party on Saturday" It was a quick and weak attempt at keeping Wonwoo's attention. Unfortunately it's just a known fact that people like the older doesn't do parties. He doesn't like the crowds, or the excessive drinking and smoking. He most definitely doesn't like it when horny people feel as though they need to grind on one another before taking it to an unoccupied bedroom. And the amused eyebrow lift by Wonwoo, proves that Mingyu even suggesting it was quite hilarious. "I heard it's supposed to be a fun way to get ready for the game on Monday" Still no verbal response. Just more eyeing. "The both of you can come actually. The more the merrier, right?" He motioned to Junhui who was surprised to be addressed again.

Mingyu seemed to be focused solely on Wonwoo.

"We appreciate the offer, but we have plans" Junhui smiles while trying to pull his friend away yet again. Mingyu couldn't help but click his tongue. Who was he to answer for the ravenette? Last he checked, the two of them weren't dating. Wait! Are they dating? "Plus Wonu doesn't really like parties all too much."

Wonu? Wonu!?

"I don't. Sorry" Wonwoo removed himself from Junhui's hold. He wouldn't say it out loud, but being stuck between the two men was making him feel rather claustrophobic. "Like I've said already Mingyu, I'm not interested. While I do appreciate the sudden interest in me, it's best that you find someone else to woo over. If you'll excuse us, we have a class to attend to."

That's what the conversation was left at before Wonwoo took his leave. Junhui looked back at Mingyu with a smirk.

"It's best you leave Wonwoo alone. He'll never like someone like you...Catch ya' later" He gave a wink before rushing to catch up with the same person he just indirectly stuck a claim on. Mingyu watched them go, the duo immediately engaging in a conversation that had Wonwoo smiling. Mingyu sucked his teeth, jaw clenching right after. Now not only did he have to figure out a way to warm the ravenette's cold interior, but find a way to get Junhui out of the picture.

A hand landed on his shoulder. He didn't look to see who approached.

"Yikes. You couldn't have been rejected harder than that" Hansol's voice was heard, the familiar laughter of Soonyoung being background noise. "It's okay if you want to give up now. We completely understan-"

"Oh shut up" He shrugged his friend's hand off of him. "I'm not giving up just yet. I just need to find a way to talk to him again. Maybe even persuade him into going to the party."

"You're going to be needing a miracle for that to happen" Soonyoung speaks. "I don't think I've seen Wonwoo at a party since our first year."

"Give up and claim yourself as a—oh shit, look who's coming this way" All sets of eyes traveled to the entrance of the cafeteria where a group of girls were walking in. Taking center was none other than Jeon Soyeon. Small frame, long jet black hair, acrylic nails that could be mistaken for claws, and red lips painted by waxy lipstick. The epitome of a bitchy mean girl. Her brown eyes locked on Mingyu like a hawk would a prey and smiled prettily. It didn't take long before she was scurrying her way over, practically throwing herself into his arms. Her few friends stood off the to side throwing disgusted looks at Hansol and Soonyoung, who didn't hesitate to throw them back.

Or at least Soonyoung was. Hansol was trying to use his eyes to flirt with Nicha Yontararak or her preferred nickname: Minnie.

"Hey baby" She stood on the tips of her toes, lips puckering to show that she wanted a kiss. Mingyu greeted her as well before giving her what she wanted. If one of his friends gagged at the sight, the couple said nothing about it. Instead they clung to one another like usual. "I assume you know about Matthew's party by now. We're going together right?"

"Didn't y'all break up for about the thirtieth time this morning?" Hansol asks.

Soyeon threw him a glare.

"That's none of your business, New York" She sounded like a snake. Maybe not literally, but Hansol at the moment imagined her turning into the green reptile. Tongue sticking out and all. "We're together again. Right Gyu?"

He should say no, therefore it'll make it easier for him to complete this bet. But like Soonyoung once said: he tends to think with his dick. So as he watched Soyeon bat her false eyelashes up at him, purposely rubbing at his torso just how he likes, his mind began to buffer and he couldn't help but agree. While he knows their relationship is toxic, he can't help but enjoy the time that they do share together. When they're not having sex to let out their frustrations, the quality of their friendship is nice.

But clearly no one sees that part of them. Or at least not anymore.

"Yeah" He smiled, canine teeth on display before he leans down to yet again give her a kiss. She giggled into the affection, right after bringing him in for a hug. "I'll pick you up around nine tomorrow alright?"

He felt a punch to his shoulder. Probably Soonyoung trying to secretly tell him that this was a terrible idea.

"Ah, okay!" She was practically squealing. "What do you think I should wear? Something sexy, or something cute?"

"Anything and everything looks great on you. It doesn't matter to me."

She smiled with all teeth before nodding along. And then she was telling him that she was hungry so she was going to go hop in the lunch line that was slowly but surely getting longer. They shared one last kiss before she was motioning for her little posse to follow along. They turned on the heels of their thick back boots before leaving. The trio of guys watched them leave. And now with a clear mind, Mingyu could tell that he messed up. The red stain on his lips was evidence. That and the way his two friends stood beside him with disappointed stares.

"Staying tied to her will only make this harder" Hansol says. Mingyu nods.

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