Anime Oneshots (That Are Most...

By Fanfic_Fanatic5

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‼️Requests are invited‼️ I mean... It's Oneshots that are mostly smut. What more do I have to say? The chapt... More

🍋 Eijirou Kirishima | Beg, Boy
🧂/☁️ Hitoshi Shinsou x Denki Kaminari | Just The Way You Are
🍋 Shinsuke Kita | Pretty Praises
☁️ Eijiro Kirishima | I'm Here For You
☁️ Hanta Sero | Awkward Experiences
🍋 Hajime Iwaizumi | Music To My Ears
🍋 Katsuki Bakugou | Weird Feelings
🍋 SeroKami | Reflections
🍋 Izuku Midoriya | My Good Boy
☁️ Kiyoomi Sakusa | My Love
🍋 Megumi Fushiguro | Pay attention to me!
🍋 Tooru Oikawa | Birthday Sex 🎉
🍋 Takashi Mitsuya | On Display
🍋 Izuku Midoriya | It's A Vibe
🍋 DekuBakuTodo| For You
🍋 AkaSuna | Smoke Till I'm High
🍋 DekuBakuTodo | For Them
🍋KarmaGisa | Strip For Me
🍋Fem KiriBaku | My Heroes
🍋Fem Izuku Midoriya | Eyes On Me
🍋 TodoBakuDeku | For Us
🍋 Riko Sakurauchi | The Dog Ate My Homework!
☁️ OsaRin | Thicker Than Blood
🧂Reiner Braun | Sleeping Angry
🍋 Hitoshi Shinso | Tattooed Heart
🍋 Toji Fushiguro | Don't Tease Me Like That

🍋🎂Keiji Akaashi | Just The Way You Are

1.5K 7 24
By Fanfic_Fanatic5

CW‼️: Praise Kink, Breeding Kink, Slight Sir Kink, Akaashi x Chubby reader, Marking, Affirmations, Very loving sex cause I love Akaashi




You let out a long sigh, taking some of your fat in your hands and squeezing it together. Your eyebrows downturned and a frown overtook your features, you didn't like this. 

You'd tried to fix it, you'd even tried to ignore it, but at this point you couldn't handle anymore. You changed from your t-shirt and jeans into one of your boyfriends hoodies and a pair of your shorts, going back to planning out tomorrow's day. 


The next day, December 5th, came around quickly, and when you were getting ready for the dinner, you avoided anything tight, short, and then some. You didn't want to make your boyfriend look bad on his special day, so you just chose a flowy dress shirt and a pair of bellbottom jeans. You were very tempted to just throw a hoodie on top of your outfit in attempts to hide your insecurities, but you knew you couldn't do that since tonight's dinner was at a formal setting, well semi-formal at least. 

Your boyfriend pokes his head into the room, eyes quickly searching before they land on you and your outfit. His face quickly turns to one of confusion as he enters the room, sneaking up behind you and wrapping his arms around your waist. You startle, jumping a little when he nuzzles his head into the crook of your neck, "Hey. I thought you were gonna wear that dress tonight?" he asks, swaying you both side to side as he looked at you in the mirror

You swallow the lump in your throat from how bad you wanted to cry, you couldn't tell him that you were too fat to wear the dress. What if he made fun of you? You cleared your throat, prying his hands off from around your midsection you cross your arms there instead, looking at him with a forced smile, "Oh, I just didn't think it would be too good for this occasion after all. So I just changed" you responded, quickly trying to find some chores around your shared bedroom to busy yourself with. 

Your boyfriend looked at you weird as you ran about the room cleaning stuff that didn't need cleaning. A frown graced his features, but he just sighed, walking away and deciding to talk to you about it later. He knew that when you didn't want to talk about something at the moment, you didn't want to talk about it at that moment. 

When you made it dinner you did your best to put on a smile, even though you were subconsciously pulling down your shirt every other minute in fear that someone would notice the thing you were most insecure about. 

"Hey! Hey! Hey! You guys are finally here! It's not like you guys to be late" Kotaro said first, perking up in his seat when he noticed you and your boyfriend walk through the door

"Hey Bo's right. Traffic or something?" Tetsuro asked, and though you knew it was meant with no harm you still narrowed your eyes at him, flipping him off to which he just laughed, holding his hands up in a false surrender, "I don't know who shit in your hair this morning but it wasn't me" he responded, just making you roll your eyes, though you could admit that Tetsuro was funny at times

"Oh my god, just let them sit down so we can get this started. There's way too many people here and I don't like it" the blonde beside Tetsuro complained, shrinking down in his seat.

The older male just laughed, ruffling Kenma's hair, "Oh Kenma, charming as always" he grinned, showing off his pearly whites, and for some reason that made you relax. Maybe being here with all yours and Keiji's friends helped you to forget about your problems for a while. Once you got your drinks the four men continued to laugh, Keiji's arm draped loosely over your shoulders to keep you close to him. You just listened idly to their conversations, sipping on your Shirley Temple as your head leaned onto your boyfriends shoulder. 

Ko was telling another one of his over the top stories, when another person came by your table, "Excuse me, I was just wondering if we could borrow your sauce" the guy asks, rocking back and forth on his feet as his eyes wandered to one after the other people at your table. His eyes continue to look, before they come to a full stop to look at you. You were a little tipsy thanks to the two almost three Shirley Temples you'd drank, your eyes droopy, and you could tell his eyes were on you. Your head lolled up, locking eyes with his. He looked you up and down, slowly turning his head the other way as Kotaro offered him the sauce you guys weren't using. 

A frown was etched onto your face, the guy going back to his table which coincidently the one just behind yours, which you hadn't noticed before. 

The woman at the table said something to him, something you couldn't hear, but what the guy said next made your eyes widen

"Don't worry babe. I would never. She was fat anyways."

Your breathing stopped momentarily, your body shooting up from its place leaning on your boyfriend, which of course alerted your boyfriend, "Hey, what's wrong? Is everything okay?" he asks, quickly sitting up to places his hands on your arms. 

You looked back, trying to find the bathroom to make your escape before you looked back to him, "Mhm" you nodded your quickly, "I just really need to go to the bathroom" you said, pulling your arms away from his grasp to walk fast to the bathroom once it was in your eyeline. 

Once in the bathroom alone you softly shut the door, turning your back to it and leaning your head against it as you let out a stuttered breath. 

That guy was a nobody. So why did his words effect you so much? Is it because they were true? 

You turned your head, looking at your reflection in the mirror. The guy wasn't wrong. You definitely knew women that were skinner than you. And it didn't help that you were also big-boned, helping accentuate your broad shoulders. You looked down to your stomach, gathering the fat in your hands through your shirt. And you sighed, tears stinging your eyes as you tried to just come to terms with the fact that this is how you were born. You'd always been chubby, and you'd always hated it. But right now, you hated yourself even more. 

You splashed some cold water on your face, wiping under your eyes and waiting a little bit before you went outside so your eyes weren't really red. 

You took your earlier seat, Keiji stopping his conversation with Tetsuro to check on you, "Hey is everything okay?" he asked softly, placing a hand on your arm as you sat down. 

You again try to discreetly pull your arm from his grasp, 'I can't have him holding my arms, they're too fat' 

He noticed when you tried to pull your arm away, only holding it tighter in your grasp, "Love. What's wrong?" he asks again, and you bite your lip, actually debating on whether you should tell him the problem or not. But in the end you shake your head, giving him the best smile you could muster at the moment, "Nothing. I'm fine, I swear" you respond, taking a sip of the water in front of you. 

Keiji looked at you with sad eyes, trying to continue his conversation with Tetsuro and Kotaro. 

Once the food arrived you ate some, picking around at your plate and listening to the guys talking. Once everyone had finished their food, the four men collectively agreed they should order cake for desert for Keiji's birthday. The waiters and waitress came out with a lit birthday cake, everyone, including you, singing him happy birthday while he just sat there embarrassed, blushing slightly and rubbing the back of his neck. 

You all cheered as Keiji cut the cake, the waiter and waitresses going back to their jobs while the four of you continued to cheer for Keiji and his day of birth. 

He served everyone a slice, the three males across from you chuckling about how bad your boyfriend is at cutting cake. You agreed with them, laughing silently to yourself as Keiji handed you a slice of cake with a smile on his face. You took it, obviously, but you didn't immediately eat it, you sat it on the table picking at it continuously with your fork, smiling at Kenma as you both made light conversation. 

Soon it was late, and Tetsuro and Kenma had to get going. They bid their goodbyes, and when they left a yawn escaped your mouth as well. It wasn't like it was 12 a.m., but all those Shirley Temples aided in your sleepiness right now. You pulled on your boyfriends dress shirt, causing him to stop his conversation to look at you, humming to let you know he was listening, "Can we go home please? I'm tired" you say quietly, leaning your head on his shoulder and closing your eyes for a momentary rest. 

He looks down at you and smiles, "Sorry Ko, it looks like we'll be heading out. You should too so you can get a good night's rest" he says, gathering your uneaten food in to-go boxes to take home. Kotaro rolls his eyes in an amused manner, a quiet chuckle falling from his lips, "Yeah yeah" he responded, waving his hand around in the air, unbothered. 

Keiji smiles, placing money on the table and grabbing your boxes, trying his best to wake you up softly to get you to the car. 

The drive home was silent. Mainly because you were asleep, but that's besides the point.

Keiji was in deep thought the entire way back home, he couldn't help but think about what could have gone wrong before dinner. When he saw you the day before, right before he want to work in fact, you were happy as ever; shining bright and making him chuckle at how much energy you could have in the morning sometimes.

But now. Now you didn't even want him hugging you. Which was weird. Because he only got used to physical contact when he started to date you. He was never a fan of hugs, or high-fives, or kisses, or fist bumps or anything of the sort, but once he started dating you it became a normal thing that he had to get used to. You always liked to be next to him, to hug him, to kiss him, to hang on him, dote on him, you just liked being around him and his presence. 

But you didn't even want to hold his hand tonight. 

Once you both were home Keiji just decided to carry you inside, thinking that this might be the only time he'll get to hold you in his arms tonight. He places you on the couch, putting your to-go boxes on the island he leans on the doorframe of the kitchen, looking at your sleeping form with a solemn look on his face. 

You shift in your sleep, turning on the couch as you rub the sleep from your eyes, as you open your eyes you take in your surroundings. Weren't you just in the car?

 You look over, seeing your boyfriend looking at you with his arms crossed, you raise an eyebrow, "Why are you just staring at me like that. You're being weird" you chuckle awkwardly, rubbing the nape of your neck as you shifted just as awkwardly on the couch. 

Keiji shook his head, approaching you slowly with his hands behind his back, "I'm the one being weird? I'd like to beg to differ" he says, sitting down next to you on the couch as you turn to him with a confused look on your face


"You're the one being weird tonight. You won't tell me why. And it's really starting to worry me" he reveals, your eyes trailing down and widening as they catch sight of his hands; he was picking at his nails and twisting his fingers, something he tended to do when he was nervous or stressed, "You barely ate dinner, and you didn't even touch dessert, even though you love chocolate cake". Your eyebrows furrowed, your bottom lip beginning to tremble as tears started to sting your eyes. 

Keiji moved in closer, wrapping you in his embrace as tears started to slowly roll down your cheeks, "It's okay. I promise. Just tell me what's wrong, Love." he whispers, rocking you back and forth in his arms. 

You pull away from him, looking into his crystal blue eyes with your own bleary ones, "I just- Just- Why are you- with me?" you ask quietly, pushing yourself from his arms as you wrap your own arms around your midsection. 

"What do you- What do you mean?"

"I just mean- Like- There are so many other people you could be with. Are you just with me because you feel bad for me?" you respond, continuing to inch away from him on the couch. His eyebrows furrow, a crease in between them as he shakes his head confused, "What- Why would you think that? Who made you think like that?" he asks, moving closer when he noticed you moving away from him.

But you shake your head dismissively, "No one. Well- None of my friends, and no one purposefully" you respond, telling him most of the truth. You watch as he gets up from the couch, pacing the living room a little before a coming back to you, "(Y/n). I actually need you to tell me what's wrong. I can't help you if you don't talk to me" he says sadly. And when you look up to him you see his eyes, and they were so sad, you could tell that he really wanted to help you, but you could barely handle it yourself. 

You quickly stood up, wrapping your arms around his neck and pulling him into a tight hug, trying to disregard all of your insecurities for the time being

You feel his arms encase your midsection, making you squeeze your arms tighter in hopes that he wouldn't notice your love handles poking out. 

Keiji buries his face in your neck, breathing slow as his fingers played with the loose fabric of your shirt, "Now tell me what's wrong." he says, his voice sounding like it was trembling. You sucked in a breath, biting your bottom lip as you contemplated your options. 

You heaved a heavy sigh, "I just- I know that there are better girls for you to date, ones that aren't like me" you whispered quietly, turning your head to the side. Keiji didn't move either, squeezing you tighter which made you think you should go on, "I um- I just- There are girls who are.. smaller than I am, and I guess I just starting thinking too much about it"

Keiji's hand travels up your back, rubbing comforting circles on your back, "If you don't mind elaborating, what do you mean girls who are smaller than you?"

"You know what I mean, Keiji! Girls who don't eat as much as I do, or girls who work out! Or girls who... who don't embarrass you.." you respond, rage and helplessness evident in your voice at first until the last sentence, your eyes downcast as you unwrapped your arms from around him, stepping away. 

Keiji stepped closer to you when you backed away, placing his arms around you, "Why would you ever think that you embarrass me?" he asks, both hands holding your arms close to your body. 

"Because look at me, Kej. When people see someone like you with someone like me they think I'm just a charity case or something. So is that what you think? Are you just with me to make me feel better, or to make yourself feel better?" you ask, crying at this point as your lips continued to tremble, not stopping no matter how hard you tried.

"No! I would never ever think that! I don't care what people think when they see us together! What they think doesn't matter (Y/n)! I'm with you because I love you!" Keiji responded, raising his voice as he held onto your arms, looking into your eyes before he pulled you in a tight hug, "I'm sorry that you feel this way. But I'll do anything to make you feel better. Because you don't deserve to feel like this since you are the most amazing person I've ever met. And you shouldn't let anyone tell you differently" he mumbled, and though he mumbled it you heard it clear as day. Your hands were trembling as you brought them up, wrapping them under Keiji's arms as tears continued to roll down your cheeks

"I don't care about what you look like on the outside, even though you are pretty damn hot" he chuckled, making you let out a sad laugh as well, "You're a great person and you make me so happy, and I could never ask for a better girlfriend. Because I know I want to marry you one day. And when I do, I'll never let you think this way about yourself, I'll always remind you of how much you mean to me"  

You screw your eyes shut tight, warm tears streaming down your face and wetting up up your boyfriends nice dress shirt. 

 He lets you cry, softly patting your back for comfort as your fingers grip his dress shirt tightly. You pulled away to look up at him, a laugh leaving your lips when you watched his eyes scan your body with a small smile on his face. Suddenly you remembered something, trying to quickly pull away from your boyfriend, but Keiji held you in place, watching as you removed your hands from his back, covering your face, "Oh my god, I probably look so ridiculous right now" you chuckle now, trying to cover your eyes and cheeks which you knew were streaked with mascara from your tears. 

 But Keiji wasn't having that, taking your wrists in his possession and pulling them away from your face, "What did I say? I think you're beautiful no matter what" he says, keeping your hands still as he leans in to kiss you. You let your hands drop when his lips met yours, a smile making its way up to your lips the longer the kiss went on. He pulled away, resting his forehead against yours with a small smile on his face, "God, you're so beautiful" he compliments you, and you feel your cheeks heat up at it. 

His hands moved down to rest on your hips, "And come to think of it, I never got my birthday present from you" he smiles, watching as your eyes flicker with mischief for just a second. You squeal when you feel yourself being lifted off the ground and carried to the bedroom, "Kej put me down!" you said, hitting his chest softly as you laughed. 

He held you in his arms right above the bed, not putting you down, "Why?"           

You looked away, knowing that he would completely disagree with you when you said this but you did anyways, "I'm.. too heavy" you mumbled. 

Keiji placed you on the bed, bringing his hands up to your face, pinching your cheeks and making you laugh again, "Never. What did I say about that?" he corrects your earlier statement, leaning down to catch you in a kiss, this one more needy than the previous one. 

His hands worked quickly to try and undo the buttons of your flowy dress shirt, your hands already working at his pants zipper. A soft whimper leaves your mouth when he finally gets your shirt off, pushing your bra up and softly squeezing your nipples, the bud hardening the longer his fingers wandered them. 

He moves away to quickly take off his shirt and discard it somewhere in the room, he pushes you softly down on the bed, climbing over you. He looks fondly into your eyes, his hands softly caressing your face, "You're so pretty. And I love you so so much" he says, slowly moving down your body, he attaches his mouth to your pulse point, sucking on it softly to create a small bruise. 

Small whimpers and soft breaths leave your mouth the more he continues to trail his hands along your body, his mouth touching every place he could reach. Your back arched, his body moving to hover over yours again, his mouth finding the spot just above your collarbone that pulls the most moans from you. He sucks on it lightly, his tongue running over it as his fingers still playing with your nipples, "Now people'll know that you're mine, I can't have people thinking you're single now, can I?"

Your arms circled his neck, hands playing with the wispy babies hairs at the nape of his neck. His hands travel down to your pants, unbuttoning them and taking them off to throw them somewhere in the room with both of your shirts. He slips his hand into your underwear, pinching your clit lightly and making you whine, your fingers tugging harder at his hair. His other hand rests on your hips, squeezing your love handles between his fingers, "I love everything about you"

He removed his hand from your underpants, sticking his fingers in his mouth and moaning at the taste of you, his eyes low and hazy when he looked down to you again. He moved down your body once again, smiling as he looked at all the marks and hickeys he'd left on your body, "They look so pretty on you" he said, obviously referring to the marks he'd made. You smiled at him dopily, wandering how you could have ever doubted him. He takes off your underwear and puts them in the back pocket of his pants, "Just gonna save those for later" he joked, winking at you and making you snort out a laugh. 

His finger pokes at your stomach before trailing down, rubbing your clit in slow circles. He replaces his finger with his mouth, his tongue flicking back and forth against your clit. His tongue slowly circled your clit, his mouth closing around you to suck on it lightly. His middle finger circled your dripping hole, pushing the finger into you and leisurely starting to pump it. You feel your every muscle loosen like bolts, a soft moan of relief escaping your mouth at the feeling of his fingers finally being pressed inside you. You desperately buck your hips down onto him, watching as he smiles at it, "So wet, and so desperate, just for me" he coos, burying his face deeper into your sweet cunt. He spread your folds with his tongue, revealing more of your puffy, swollen clit. Your fingers clawed at the bedsheets as he added another digit, pumping both his middle and ring finger inside of you. 

You roll your hips down onto his fingers, your mind cloudy as you let out a series of incoherent moans and whimpers. Keiji sighs when you clench around his fingers, feeling your velvety walls close around his fingers. A sigh fell from your lips as well, feeling the heat your abdomen grow, the tightness becoming unbearable. Keiji's tongue lashed hard at your clit, the swollen bud wet in his mouth as he sucked on it hard. Your back arched, "Fuck- Kej- Please" you begged in a choked moan, your hips rising slightly from the bed. Under his touch you felt so relaxed, your bottom lip catching between your teeth to try and stifle your moans, your fingers continuing to tug at your boyfriends coal-like locks. 

It feels like electricity is coursing through your veins when Keiki curls his fingers upward, your toes curling as you pulled harder on Keiji's hair, eliciting a low groan from his throat, his fingers were thicker and longer than yours, thus they reached so much deeper in you without him even having to try. You look down at him, Keiji already looking up at you like a lovesick puppy, his tongue making slow figure eights on your clit as his fingers speed up their pace, "Fuck you taste so good, I guess the prettiest ones always taste the best" he says, the praise and compliments putting a kaleidoscope of fluttering butterflies in your stomach. Keiji brings his free hand up to your mouth, his thumb rubbing across your lips as he out a sigh at how soft and plump it felt under the pad of his thumb, you take the bait and enclose his thumb with your mouth, sucking on it softly. He watches, enthralled; trying to memorise the feeling, the way the warm wetness of your mouth hugs his thumb perfectly, thinking about how it would feel if something else was in place of his thumb. 

Keiji sucked on your clit particularly hard, curling his fingers upward to hit your sweet spot, and with the moan that left his lips when you pulled on his hair, it was enough to help you cum. Your thighs quivering and your brain rattling as you wet up your boyfriends' face with your slick, Keiji lapping it all up without hesitation as your thighs automatically closed around his head. 

You pant softly as your eyes stay locked with his as he moves to hover over you again, moving down to have your lips meet, humming as you tasted some of yourself on his tongue. Your tongues danced together as Keiji's breathing became heavier, his arms on either side of you as you pulled him closer to you by his shoulders. The male pulls away, looking at you for a long time which made you chuckle awkwardly, "What?" you ask. 

"How could you ever think I don't love you? How could you ever think that you're not attractive? You are hands down the  most attractive person I've ever met." he says abruptly, watching you purse your lips in thought, "And before you say anything about how that's untrue, you're wrong, it is the most factual thing I have said all day. I mean, if you accidentally suffocated me with your thighs, I'd die a happy man." he says again, watching as your mouth drops open in surprise, your hand hitting his shoulder, "Keiji!" you scold in a playful manner

The black haired male just shrugs, "I can't lie. I love being smothered in between these thick thighs" he says bluntly, pinching the inside of your thigh for emphasize. A small squeal leaves your mouth when he does so, a laugh following it, your hand moving down to capture his, holding it as you bring it up from your thigh. A small smile graces your face the more you look at him. It was just astonishing to you how someone as nice and as good looking as Akaashi fucking Keiji wanted to be with you. But he was right, you did need to start loving yourself more, and you knew it was going to be difficult but as long as you had Keiji with you, you could probably conquer the entire world.

Keiji back away from you to quickly remove his pants and boxers, immediately returning to his position above you when he was completely naked, just like you. "Missionary? I thought doggy was your favourite?" you raise an eyebrow, confused. Because by this time he would've already flipped you onto your stomach and told you to get on all fours. 

"Yeah but I'm starting to rethink that" he responds vaguely, prompting you to raise an eyebrow to let him know to continue talking, "In doggy I can't really see anything. But this way I can see your beautiful face and your beautiful body" he finishes, holding your hips loosely as his thumbs rub slow circles on the fat of your stomach. You turn your head in embarrassment, and Keiji took this moment where you were distracted to split your folds softly with the head of his cock, a soft gasp sounding in the room when you looked at him, bringing up your thumb to bite absentmindedly on the nail. 

He rocked his hips softly, the head of his cock getting lubricated with the amount of slick the leaked out of you. Keiji let out a low breath, slipping the head of his cock past your hole before pulling it out again. Each time giving you more of him until her was rested fully inside you, his breathing heavy as he tried to wait for you to say it was okay for him to move. Because looking at Keiji you would never guess he's big, but trust me, he is. 

You closed your eyes for a long moment, nodding your head to let him know he was okay to move now. He smiled down at you, even though your eyes were closed and you couldn't see it. He pulled his hips back, slowly pushing them to meet to meet your again, a whimper slipped past your lips at this action, your hands gripping hard on his biceps as he pulled back again, gaining speed as his hips gradually sped up. Keiji leaned down to your ear, nibbling softly on the lobe of it, "God, you're so beautiful. I bet if you had my kids they'd be so pretty, do you wanna have my kids, Love?" he asks, his warm breath fanning your cold ears and sending a shiver down your spine from his low sensual tone. 

You nod your head to his words, "Yes Sir I do, I really do" your voice whiny as you responded. He groaned lowly at the name. It wasn't the first time you'd called him sir, or master, or anything of that sort, but just the way you said it had his hips speeding up even more, a fire burning behind his eyes.

His cock dragged perfectly along your walls, hitting each and every bump and curve, it was like his dick was made for you. Your fingers made crescent shape on his arms that he could care less about, small grunts leaving his mouth as he continued his slow thrusts, "Fuck- I love you so much. You're gonna be such a pretty little mommy when I knock you up so good" you whimpered, his body basically draped over your from how close he was hugging you to his body. A sigh left your lips and you clenched around him, Keiji had briefly told you about his breeding kink before, but he'd never actually shown this side of him. It was hot if you were being honest, and the praise that left his lips didn't help with your arousal, it made the knot in your stomach tie tighter.

Keiji moved his hand to rest under your head, his breathing stuttered the more your pussy sucked him down. He was mesmerized watching his cock go in and out of you so smoothly, and the obscene squelching noise throughout the room didn't help at all. He threw his head back, his hips rolling against yours as your eyes crossed, his fingers gripping hard on the fat of your hips, but at this point you didn't care, you were too lost in the blissful pleasure you felt. You brought your legs up, wrapping them around his waist and trapping him while also effectively pushing him deeper inside of you, a surprised gasp leaving your lips.

Keiji continued to roll his hips against yours, his focused as he looked at your face. You could feel his thrusts becoming inconsistent, you could feel every vein and bump of his cock as he thrusted his cock into you so perfectly, his short breaths and moans turning you on even more, "Fuck you feel so perfect- Gonna cum soon- Gonna cum so hard" he groaned out, one hand still on your hip as his thrusts became faster and sloppier, "Are you close too? Hm? Are you close, Love?" he asks with little breath to spare. Your eyes clench tighter, your legs cramping at this point as you nod, "Fuck- Sir- Yes Sir s'close" you slur out, eyes lolling around the room to look at anything but his beautiful, crystal blue eyes.

Keiji held himself up, looking into your hazy eyes with his own glassy ones as he cupped your face lovingly, lowering his face down to hover just inches away from yours. His nose brushed up softly against yours, a drastic contrast from his thrusts inside of you, "I love you so much, you're so beautiful, and so perfect, and fuck- Words just can't express how much I love you" he whispers, his lips meeting yours in a slow, deliberate kiss. That was enough to help you cum, your eyes crossing as your nails carving red lines into your boyfriends back, he grunted lowly, thrusting a few more times before his hips stills, his warm cum painting your insides as you continued to squeeze around him to milk him for all he was worth. Still pumping slowly, one last grunt falls from his lips before he stops, fully pulling out of you and flopping down on the bed next to you; already pulling you into his arms. But you pull out of his arms, sitting up on the bed and making him confused as he props himself up on his arm, "Something wrong, Love?" 

You shook your head, getting up from the bed, "I'm just really sweaty and I need to bath. Care to join me?" you ask, looking over your shoulder with a soft smile. He mirrors your smile, taking you up on it but offering to run the bath for you. You agree so you decide to do your best to change the sheets and get you both pyjama's for when your done bathing. 

Entering the bathroom your senses are invaded by lavender, a content smile on your face as you step into the bath with your boyfriend and let your back hit his toned chest. Using the soft loofa, Keiji washes your body, massaging your sore muscles and making you sigh out in relief. Once you both were clean from your activities you leave the steamy bathroom, Keiji, once again, using your cocoa butter scented lotion to massage your sores areas like your shoulder, back, and thighs. You snort out a laugh and tell him that he needs to get dressed too, but he ignores you, trying his best to help you relax before he decides to relax himself. 

When you finally peel him away from you he gets dressed in just a t-shirt and some boxers, and you dress in a t-shirt as well and just your underwear. 

You snuggle under the covers together, blocked from the cold winds of winter blowing through your house. Your push your face more into his chest, and he buries his face into your hair, smelling the lavender soap, "Sorry I was acting so out of turn today, and especially on your birthday" you break the silence, pouting into his chest, "I let my insecurities get the best of me. And I let the bad thoughts take over even though I know they could never be true" you whisper, voice trembling slightly as your grip on his night shirt tightens. But Keiji just pulls you in closer to him, his heartbeat helping to make you sleepy, "You don't have to apologise, Love. Everyone has those thoughts sometimes. I just glad you were able to talk to me about so I could reassure you" he mumbles, again trying to pull you closer to his body, "Besides I don't care that you're not.. small or anything. That just means there's more of you for me to love and hug. Which reminds me, you should probably eat that chocolate cake tomorrow, it was really good" he hums, a smile growing on his face as you weakly hit his chest, a smile on your face as well as your droopy eyes finally close, though you're not asleep yet, "Thank you, and happy birthday baby. I hope you had a good day" you gush, closing your eyes as your breathing steadies.

"No thank you, you were the best present I got tonight. Because I think you're perfect, just the way you are, My Love" he smiles through his whisper once more, kissing the top of your head before finally closing his eyes to go to sleep as his hand rested nicely on your pudgy stomach.








Bruno Mars anyone?

I wrote this in like three days. 6k words. In three days. Just let that sink in for a moment. 


This was, 100%, a completely self indulgent fic 


Happy birthday to my favorite Haikyuu character by a landslide, Akaashi Keiji! 🥳

I've never written a chapter for Akaashi, but that's different because I'm writing a book for him sooo (because let's just ignore the fact that I've written like 4 about to be 5 chapters for Midoriya even though I have two books for him the drafts 🧍‍♀️)

But I just had to write one since it was his birthday. I wanted to write one for Kirishima's birthday, as well as the Miya twins birthday back in October but I lowkey forgot so I had to make sure to do one for Akaashi since I love him so much. 

And I just posted a fem Kiribaku x reader like 4 days ago, look at me go lmao. And now since I'm done with this I'll go ahead and write the fem!izuku x reader. I'll try to get that out as soon as I got this one out but we'll see, I'm not tryna burnout or anything cause I already did that in school. I do feel like I'm losing my creative edge tho :/

And later in this month I might write either a Kageyama x reader or a Daichi x Asahi x reader. Because Kageyama's birthday is on Christmas and both Daichi and Asahi's birthday's are on new years, so give me suggestions of which one I should write :)

Anyways I hope you enjoyed and happy birthday to anyone who has a birthday this month (December lol) and please ignore every grammar mistake you see cause like I said last time, you should be used to my shit by now, c'mon.

But otherwise, have a good day, night, or other :)


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