The Enemies

By 06_C_A_N_24

190 23 106

A sequel to The Bros Love hasn't worked out for him in the past, but meeting the person he can't stand might... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14

Chapter 15

5 1 0
By 06_C_A_N_24

Calvin's POV

Calvin wakes up in the morning, the events of last night replaying in his head. Leaving his room, he notices a weird sound coming from Andy's room. Already knowing what's going on, he rolls his eyes and heads downstairs. He finds Mrs. Mikaelson is sitting at the kitchen table, putting food into her lunch box. She smiles when she sees him. "Hey, Cal. Did you sleep well, honey? I heard a lot of yelling last night, I hope everything is okay."

"Yeah, everything is fine. Do you have work today?"

"Yes, but only for a few hours. I'm going to the doctor around 1 to check on the baby and find out the gender. You're still coming with me, right?"

"Oh, I totally forgot, but of course I'll come."

"Ok, thank you," Mrs. Mikaelson sighs in relief. "I was hoping you'd say that. Dave and Andy can't come with me. I understand why Dave can't, but I think Andy is making excuses so he can hangout with Blaine."

"Well, they are young and in love. Can you really blame him?"

"Ugh, I guess not." She grabs her lunch box and heads for the door. "Well, I'll see you around 1 then."

"Alright, see ya, Mrs. Mikaelson." She goes out the door and Calvin turns to make himself something to eat. He grabs the peanut butter and bread, then searches the fridge for some jelly. To his disappointment, they don't have any strawberry jelly. Calvin sadly grabs the grape. He used to prefer grape jelly, but the strawberry reminds him of Liam.

After making his sandwich, he makes his way back upstairs. Passing Andy's room, he hears those weird noises again. Annoyed, he knocks on the door, but doesn't wait for a response. "Some of us are trying to eat! Can't you do that some other time?!" The noise suddenly stops. Calvin hears a bunch of movement, then the door opens, Andy looking very annoyed.

"What the hell, Calvin? You can eat your sandwich downstairs or something. It's not my fault you don't have your boyfriend here so you can relieve some of that tension."

"I can relieve the tension on my own, thank you very much." Calvin takes a bite of his sandwich.

"Go away." Andy takes the sandwich from Calvin and quickly closes the door. Calvin thinks about storming into the room, but rethinks it right before opening the door, hearing the sounds start up again.

He goes back to his room and grabs his phone. He wants to talk to Liam, but decides against it. Calvin goes to his camera roll and looks through the photos he has of Liam.

After about 30 minutes, there is a knock on the door. "What?" The door opens to reveal Andy and Blaine.

"We're going to a cafe to get some breakfast. Do you want to come?"

"Oh, was my sandwich not filling enough?"

"Do you want to come or not?"

"Stop saying that."

"Oh my god," Andy groans. "Seriously, dude, we're going to leave without you."

"Fine," Calvin gets up. "I'll go with you guys."

"Good," Andy says before turning to walk away. Blaine gets closer to the doorway, a guilty smile on his face.

"What?" Calvin asks, suspicious. Without saying anything, Blaine throws Calvin's sandwich at him.

"Thought you'd want that back." Blaine says before running to catch up with Andy. "We leave in 10 minutes!" He yells back to Calvin. Rolling his eyes, Calvin picks up the sandwich and throws it away. He then goes to the bathroom to get cleaned up, now having grape jelly and peanut butter all over his clothes.

10 minutes later, Calvin goes downstairs. "So, who's driving?" Calvin asks, knowing that none of them drive.

"Ha ha, very funny. We have to walk. I'm not allowed to drive and neither of you have a license." Andy says before opening the front door and walking out.

Calvin follows them down the sidewalk, feeling like a third wheel as he walks behind them. His phone rings so he quickly pulls it out, a part of him hopes it's Liam. It's Narissa.

Narissa: "Hey, Scotland, wanna hang?"

Calvin: "I'm with Andy and Blaine right now."

Narissa: "okay, ditch them. Come hang with me."

Calvin: "But I want coffee."

Marissa: "Okay I'll pick you up. Where are you?"

Calvin: "Squeeze beans."

Narissa: "that's gay, on my way." Calvin and the lovebirds walk into the cafe. Calvin quickly goes to order a coffee. The barista gives him a small smile as she hands him his drink. His stomach twists. Having someone smile at him who isn't Liam is just wrong. He quickly hurried back to the group.

As they are sitting there in silence Calvin hears a car horn, he looks out to see Narissa there. He stands up, giving them a small wave. He heads out to the car, getting in.

"Ready for an adventure?"

"Don't say that, it's creepy." He buckles in, turning to her.

"How is that creepy?"

"It just is."

"Fine whatever, ready to go?" He gives her a nod causing her to drive off.

"Where are we going?"

"To mischief."

"What the fuck does that mean?"

"To do normal American teenager stuff."

"That doesn't narrow it down."

"Well it means we are definitely going to smoke and drink."

"I didn't agree to that."

"I don't care."

"Well, are we doing it at your house?"

"Now where is the fun in that? I have a cool place." They pull up to this run down factory. Calvin looks at it and notices the holes in the windows and the rust that's eating the walls. It looks like it will give you several diseases. The inside probably isn't any better. Narissa leads him inside like she knows what she is doing. The inside has broken glass everywhere with wood that looks like it's decaying.

"This doesn't look safe." She brings him to a corner that has a couple of beanbags there. She must come here a lot.

"It's like a home away from home."

"You come here to do illegal stuff?"

"Every kind."

"That doesn't inspire confidence."

"The only one I haven't committed is murder... but there is still time." She plops down into a bean bag, looking up at him.

"Uh... should I be concerned that I'll be your first victim?"

"You won't be my first victim."

"So, who would be the first?"

"Someone they can't tie me to. It won't be you because we are seen together. But who knows maybe one day I'll finally go crazy causing me to bash your head in." She smiles up at him.

"Huh, my first victim would probably be Blaine. I'd love to bash in his little midget head."

"Andy would kill you so if you want I could kill him for you. Keep your hands clean. There would be a price though."

"Why would you want to do that? You're friends with Andy and literally the only reason he got the courage to admit his feelings."

"Yeah but the thought of someone's warm blood running through the cracks of my cold fingers pleases me so much. Like it would be perfect. Yes, I would be sad but who cares. I got to experience paradise."

"Uh..." Calvin takes a step away. "So, yeah, um... what the fuck? Anyway, let's go get drunk or high or something, I really need it after all of whatever that was."

"Calm down, I'm not psychotic. Plus if you sit yourself down I can hand you the stuff. Get comfortable. Plus if you don't sit down I may have to make you."

"As hot as that sounds..." Calvin sits down. "You're a lesbian and I have a whatever he is at this point, so that's not a good idea."

"Oh this is interesting. What is going on, Scotland? Are you failing in the love life area?" She pulls a joint out from her pocket, handing it to him. She reaches to a wall and pulls on something causing a crate to come out filled with several drinks.

"I'm not struggling. We are just on a break. We'll talk to each other soon, I hope. I don't know, I really miss him."

"Why are you all on a break? Did you fuck up?" She grabs some vodka from the crate and takes a swig.

"Um, always. I literally always fuck up somehow. Just give me the damn bottle." Calvin reaches out for her to hand it to him. She hands the bottle to him reluctantly.

"Well how did you fuck up this time?"

"Apparently," Calvin takes a big drink, "I don't 'show my emotions' very well."

"Yeah you don't. You should work on that," She yanks the bottle from him, setting it aside, "I don't know your boy thing but I know you and I can tell that not showing your emotions isn't good. I am not going to let you drown out your sorrows. You have to feel them. So instead of getting fucked up we are going to talk. You have to feel this to work through it. Maybe it will get better, maybe it won't."

"You know, I think I'd rather just drink. I already know what I'm feeling."

"No you fucking don't. You're walking around like everything is fine. You may miss him but that's all you're allowing yourself to feel. You will get to drink when you're not broken-hearted. We don't drink when life is getting us down. That's how alcoholics are born."

"I know what makes an alcoholic, I've been around one my entire life. Trust me, I'm not going to be an alcoholic. I know that I more than just miss him, but I can't show that. I can't walk around telling everyone that I miss my boyfriend so much that I want to jump off a bridge! Or that I'm so fucking in love with him that it hurts! So give me the damn bottle!"

"You aren't touching the damn bottle! You're gonna shut up and listen to me. Just because you are around alcoholics doesn't mean you won't become one. You have the addiction gene, so be careful. And about the boyfriend thing, yes you miss him and apparently you love him. The issue there is, you aren't showing him. He must be feeling terrible too. You need to buckle up and have a conversation."

"You mean, you want me to call him? Like right now?"


Liam's POV

Laying on his bed Liam stares at the ceiling, lost in thought. He'd been laying in his room most of the morning. Tears still stained his face from the night before. Not wanting to even look at his phone in fear of remembering the words they exchanged in the fight. Suddenly, his phone started to ring. He didn't even look at the contact name, assuming it wasn't Calvin, and pressed answer.

"Hello, this is Narissa. You haven't ever met me but I have heard plenty about you. I know you and Calvin are in a rough patch. So here I am being an amazing friend and helping."

"Do you have his phone right now? Where is Calvin?"

"He gave me his phone. Dudes a wreck. He literally tried to drown himself in alcohol. It's really a sight. But he's right here."

"So is he drunk?"

"No, I'm good at taking care of him. I wouldn't let him get drunk. He tried."

"I'm just confused on why this call is happening."

"That's the next part, since Calvin is a wreck I'm trying to get him to calm the fuck down. I wasn't sure if you would stay on the phone if he was the one you heard first. But he wants to talk to you if that's okay."

"Ok I guess. I just want to know why we needed to bring a third person into our fight."

"Oh there was no need, I'm just nosy."

"Whatever, put him on the phone." Liam hears some arguing as Narissa gives the phone to Calvin.

"Uh... hey, Liam."

"Hi, what do you want to talk about?"

"I'm not sure, this weird lady is making me talk to you... Ow!"

"Calvin I'm not going to be able to talk to you if you don't take this seriously."

"Fine, I'll be serious."

"I'm tired and I just want this to be fixed. Also why are you getting other people involved in our relationship?"

"This was her idea. I was probably going to push it off for a few days."

"So you are telling me that you couldn't even make the effort to fix our relationship yourself?"

"That's not what I meant."

"Oh really? It sounded like you meant that."

"No, I just didn't have the courage to tell you on my own how I feel."

"Ok whatever let's just talk this out. I'm done with all the fighting and stupid shit."

"Uh... alright... I wanted to tell you that I lo— Ok, I fucking you love you, alright?"


"Oh, don't make me say it again. You know what I said and I meant it."

"I know I just wanted to hear you say it one more time."

"I will eventually."

"Please Calvin." Liam makes a begging noise.

"Nope, the next time you will hear it has to be special. Plus we probably need to talk."

"We do need to talk. Maybe I should come down."

"You really should. There's so much I want to show you. So many people you need to meet."

"I'll think about it."

"Okay good. I would love to stay and chat but I have to go somewhere. Bye Liam." Calvin hangs up. Liam lays down on his bed going over the conversation. Calvin said it. He finally did. But will this repair their relationship? He has to go to America.

He jumps up racing to Thomson room. He bangs the door open, looking for Thomson he finds him on his bed, "I'm going to America. You can't say anything to convince me not to but you can come with. If you come with you have to behave and be nice."

"Fine, I'll come. When are you going?"

"I want to go as soon as possible. I think there is a flight going out tonight."

"Fine, we'll take that one. I'll buy the tickets. Get packed. I don't want to miss it because you decide to drag us behind." Liam turns around and quickly gets on his computer. He looks at flight times to America and finds one that is leaving in two hours. He buys the tickets with his mom's credit card. She's definitely going to be mad. Now the real question is how are they going to surprise Calvin. He's heard Calvin talk about a lot of people. But one of them has to help. He grabs his phone going to Calvin's Instagram. He clicks on the following and scrolls through till he finds a girl who's user has Narissa in it. He looks at the profile for a minute. She seems to love concerts. She looks high in every single one. There's several pictures of her out in nature with some girl. She seems to be really chill. He goes to her DM's and sends a message.

Liam: "hey this is Liam. I know you have heard about me and have talked to me. So I'm flying in tonight. I want to surprise Calvin. I was hoping you could help since you're his best friend."

Narissa: "OMG ITS LIAM. I have heard so much about you. I'm sorry about the last time we talked. I'll make it up to you when you get here. I'm so excited I can't even explain how happy this makes me. I will definitely help you. This is gonna be awesome. Also did Calvin call me his best friend because if so that would be awesome."

Liam: "Thanks. Do you think that you could get me in contact with Andy?"

Narissa: "Ofc I can. Is there anything else I can do to help? I can pick you up if you want."

Liam: "Yeah, that would be great. Beats trying to get a rental car."

Narissa: "YAY! I get to meet the famous Liam. I'll talk to Andy. You let me know when you are almost here so I can come pick you up. I'm so excited."

Liam: "Ok, thank you. It's going to be interesting finally meeting you in person."

Narissa: "I promise I'm nice. I am bouncing off the walls. I'll even save you some of my special mix."

Liam: "What is your special mix?"

Narissa: "It's all the good stuff. It has blue lotus, roses, lavender, mullein, and the best part weed."

Liam: "Oh, um... I think I'll pass, but thanks for the gesture."

Narissa: "But you definitely should. Calvin loves the mixture too. I would love to see you both try it."

Liam: "You can give some to Calvin, that would be fun to watch, but I don't do that kind of stuff."

Narissa: "That's fine, can I at least make you a drink. It will help you rewind."

Liam: "Yeah, that would be great."

Narissa: "Great, I can't wait. Well I better let you go so you can get ready. I'll send you Andy's info once I find it."

Liam: "Alright, that's great. Bye." Liam places his phone down on his desk, getting up and throwing some clothes in a bag. He doesn't know how long he will be gone so he throws a lot in there. His phone dings so he quickly grabs it.

Narissa: "I talked to Andy, he is expecting a text. Here's his Instagram: @ands.football16. I can't wait to see ya." Liam searches up the username and looks at the posts. There's several pictures of him with some short guy. He's holding onto him like he's his whole world. They must be together. There's some football pictures. He looks to love hanging out with friends. There are several photos of him with a group of kids. He even has a picture with Calvin. He clicks on the DM's.

Liam: "Hey, this is Liam. I was told this was Andy. I was hoping you could help me, surprising Calvin since your the one he lives with."

Andy: "Liam it's so nice to hear from you. Yeah Narissa told me everything. What exactly do you need my help with?"

Liam: "Could you make sure he is home when I get there? And that he is awake?"

Andy: "yeah, definitely. Do you need a ride?"

Liam: "no, I have Narissa. She said she will pick me up."

Andy: "Okay, that's good. I'll keep Calvin in check."

Liam: "Thanks."

Calvin's POV

Calvin is sitting in the doctors waiting for them to come in with the results. After a few minutes she walks in. She smiles at them and takes a seat.

"Well hello Mrs. Mikaelson. Are you ready to find out the sex of your baby?"

"Yes. This is my son, Calvin. He's an exchange student but we love him."

"Great. So do you want me to tell you outright or do you want it to be a secret."

"Just tell us."

"You will be having a baby boy in six months."

"That's great news," Mrs. Mikaelson says as she smiles.

"Good, so do you have any questions?"

"I'm just wanting to know how the baby is doing."

"He's doing just fine, but we'll keep a close eye on him closer to your due date. With your age, there is a higher chance of complications."

"Complications?" Mrs. Mikaelson's smile fades.

"Oh, don't worry. There is always a chance of complications, but as of now you have a healthy baby."

"Oh," she sighs in relief, "good. Thank you."

"Alright, so is there anything else?"

"Nope. I think we're good."

"Great. I'll see you at your next appointment, then. Have a good day." The doctor leaves the room, Calvin and Mrs. Mikaelson left soon after.

On the car ride home, Calvin stares out the window as he thinks about his last conversation with Liam. A smile spreads across his face at the thought of him and Liam working things out. "What's up with you?" Mrs. Mikaelson suddenly asks.

"What?" Calvin looks at her, having been pulled out of his thoughts.

"You seem strangely happy."

"I am happy. Which is strange to me." Calvin's smile fades as he remembers every other time he had an ounce of happiness. It never lasts long. "I just hope it lasts."

"I'm sure it will. There's no one here that wants you to be anything but happy." She reaches over and pats him on the shoulder. Then she moves her hand up to his head, messing up his hair, before finally putting it back on the steering wheel.

"I'm excited for the day that you get to meet Liam. He's seen the bad part of my life already. I want him to see the good life that I have here with you, Andy, Dave, and soon the baby."

"Was Scotland really all that bad, honey?"

"No, I had my brothers. Even when I didn't get along with the older of the two, I knew that I always had them."

"I think you should go back to Scotland sometime, just to visit at least. I'm sure you miss them."

"Yeah, I do." The conversation ends as they pull into the driveway.

Calvin went upstairs and flopped onto his bed. He didn't get but 5 minutes of silence before there was a knock at his door. He got up and opened it to find Andy and Blaine. "Do you ever go home?" Calvin asked Blaine.

"I could ask the same about you," Blaine retorted.


"So, how did mom's appointment go?" Andy asked Calvin.

"It was good. She found out that she's having a boy."

"Oh. That's not good."

"Why is that not good?"

"Dave is always saying that he wants a daughter. He's going to be pissed."

"Everyone says that they want a son or they want a daughter, but in the end they're happy with what they get."

"Not Dave. He wants what he wants and expects to get it. I hope he doesn't react badly."

"He won't." Calvin takes a seat on his bed.

Liam's POV

Liam gets off the plane with Thomson and they find their way out of the airport. It wasn't difficult to find Narissa, since she was the one who started waving her hand frantically when she saw him.

"Oh my god, I'm so happy for Calvin! Liam, you are so cute."

"Thanks I guess." Liam laughs awkwardly and Tommy elbows him.

"Who is this?" Narissa asks, gesturing at Tommy.

"That's my brother Tommy. He came here to make sure Calvin doesn't get weird."

"Oh, it's so nice to finally meet you. Calvin has told me all about Tom Tom." Liam laughs happily pointing at Tommy who looks unamused.

"Alright, let's go already. I'm getting impatient." Liam whines. Narissa laughs and they all make their way to the car. Getting in the passenger seat, Liam checks his phone. Seeing no texts from Calvin he smiles. Going to instagram he texts Andy.

Liam: "Hey we're heading your way now."

Andy: "Oh, perfect timing. Blaine and Calvin keep arguing."

Liam: "I'll yell at him when I get there. He listens to me."

Andy: "Thanks, but no need. It's actually kinda funny. I don't usually interfere until someone takes it too far."

Liam: "Narissa is saying that we are in the neighborhood now so I'll see you guys soon."

Andy: "Alright, see ya."

They pull up outside of a house. Narissa helps them get their bags out of the car, then they head towards the door. Liam has a huge grin on his face as he opens the door and walks into the house. He hears Calvin and another guy's voice coming from the kitchen. Finding his way through the house he ends up looking at Calvin's back. Seeing two other boys in the kitchen he recognizes Andy and the other guy looks familiar. Then it clicks, the other guy is Blaine.

"You are so annoying that I want to carve my eyes out." Blaine has his arms crossed and is leaning on the counter.

"What would that help? You'd still be able to hear me and now you're blind."

"Oh my god shut up and... who are you?" Blaine makes eye contact with Liam.

"Oh I'm Liam." Calvin quickly spins around, his eyes wide.

"LIAM!" Calvin yells with a grin on his face. He steps towards Liam, catching him in a tight embrace. Liam laughs happily as Calvin plants kisses on his face. Wrapping his arms around Calvin's neck, Liam kisses him gently.

"Not to ruin the moment," Blaine randomly says, "but you always call me a midget and your boyfriend is literally shorter than me."

"That's why I call him a hobbit."

Liam gets out of his hold and crosses his arms. "You know I didn't have to come to America to see your arse."

"As if there was any way you wouldn't have come."

"You are so full of yourself." Calvin hugs him closely and kisses him again. Sliding his hands down to grab at Liam's behind. Blaine looks at Andy disgusted.

"Calvin you cheeky little cunt! Don't touch my brother!" Tommy comes around the corner and Calvin quickly backs off.

"Oh my god, there's another one," Blaine says from behind them, Andy quickly shushing him. Tommy looks at Blaine.

"Got a problem against Scotts?" Blaine looks horrified.

"I never said that!"

"Relax, I'm just messing with you. No wonder Calvin argues with you so much, you get really defensive easily."

"Andy, why are you allowing bully's in here?" Blaine turns towards Andy, his hands crossed.

"They aren't bullies. We should give them space. Let's give them some space." Andy gives Blaine a kiss on the forehead, grabbing his hand taking him to his room.

"Hey Cal, I'm really sorry for how I acted earlier. That was a shitty move." Tommy looks down at his feet.

"Dude, it's fine. You were just being overly protective. It's understandable." Calvin puts his arm over Tommy's shoulders, giving him a big smile. "Plus, you brought Liam to me. I couldn't ask for more."

"Him coming here was all him. Well, I'm going to give you guys some space. I'll be outside." Thomson puts his hand on Liam's shoulder, leaving with a smile on his face.

"I missed you." Calvin brings Liam into a hug.

"I missed you too. Are you surprised to see me?"

"Yes,I knew you wanted to visit but I never expected it so soon."

"Well I had lots of help. You have great friends. I can't wait to get to know them."

"You're gonna meet them. How did you get here?"

"Your bestie Narissa picked me up. Andy had to distract you. I guess Blaine did that part though."

"Yeah that Blaine is a pain in the Arse."

"That's not super nice."

"Yes it is."


"It's Blaine. When you meet him properly you will know."

"I'm not sure how long I'll be here."

"That's okay. I will cherish every minute."

Calvin leans down, placing a kiss on his forehead. Them being in the same country feels surreal but it's perfect for them.

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