Phakade Lami (My Forever)

By Tubalole

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Two Separate Worlds, Both Close And Distant To Each Other In Terms Of Class, Love And Wealth Are Brought Toge... More

Characters Description
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 7
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
New Character Introduction.
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15 (Enter Harriet)
Chapter 16
Chapter 17 In Violence We Stand
Chapter 18
New Character ✌️✌️
Chapter 19.... Nokubonga.
Chapter 19 Part 2
Chapter 20 (Nomashenge)
Chapter 21 (The Beginning Of The End) Part 1
Chapter 21 (Part 2) The Continuation
Chapter 22 (Again)
New Characters Coming Soon.
Chapter 23 (Betrayal Of The Highest Order)
Chapter 24 (Supper)
Chapter 25 (The Underwear)
Chapter 26 "Misplaced Glory"
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29 (Is this what you want)
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35 His Love
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
We are coming back.
Chapter 38 (It's Him)
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43 "Re-Visit"
Chapter 44 (I wish it was a lie)
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50.
Chapter 51
Chapter 52 (Bipolar)
Chapter 53
Chapter 54 (Zimkhita)
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57 (This Is My Confession)
Chapter 58.
Chapter 59 ~ 'Just Be Sure'
Chapter 60 'I am staying'
Chapter 61 - House Of Masilo.
Author's Note
Hi *Financial* Plea

Chapter 30

130 16 11
By Tubalole

It’s late in the evening as Hector gets dropped off at their house by Malume, who had also dropped off Nkosi at Mabutho’s house.
He refused to go back to that house in Bez Valley, for me, I feel like it was as if he was or he is avoiding it.
Hector enters into his room and finds Buhle, in a new change of clothes and her sons are sleeping on his bed as usual, I don’t know why can’t they use the other rooms instead of gluing themselves to his bed, that he has missed so much after all nothing came from him sleeping on that costly sofa, except bad neck posture that he has already swallowed pills for.
He sits in front of the dressing table and looks at himself in the mirror, man how bad he has become, well not in body shape but him as a person, in the past 24 hours, he has had to lie to protect Nkosi from going to jail and also not speaking to his husband, who he hasn’t seen since yesterday at Nkosi’s house.

He is about to go and join his boys in the bed, when the door to his room is opened and slowly Zimele enters and remains silent as he stands on the door, with his tiny eyes glued to Hector.

“Do you realize that your daughter hasn’t seen or been near you for almost two days now,” he says.
Hector remains very quiet and just stares at him.
“I’m talking to you Hector,” he says with a commanding tone.
Hector goes out of the room and when he arrives at the door, he holds it for Zimele so that he can come out and as he leaves the room, he switches off the light and then closes the door.
Zimele follows him behind as Hector moves to the living room and stands in front of the plasma TV that Zimele had recently bought, it’s still new on the market and apparently it’s only rich people that own these Flat Screen TVs but yet he bought it, because he wanted to watch the soccer match on something new and by new, I mean “classy new”.

“I’m am talking to you and you are remaining quiet, do you know that this is my house and you are my responsibility and not the other way around,” he says with anger clearly in his tiny eyes, as he raises his index finger and pointing it to Hector.

“It’s your house and it’s written that a man is the head of the house and you paid my dowry and not the other way around, and if I fail to comply with the rules, you will beat me the same way Ziyanda was beaten up by your older brother,” he says.

His tiny eyes widen and immediately he tries to move next to Hector but he gives him the hand.

“God knows that I can never hit someone that I love,” he says.

“God knows but I don’t Zimele, I mean if you were willing to watch your brothers or rather hear your brothers, beat up a woman... what about me... I’m not a woman... so my own beating could be double, if not thrice... after all didn’t I slap your big brother,” he says as he stares deep into Zimele’s eyes.

“I would never hit you and God knows that I can never cause you any harm, aren’t you my “husband/wife” after all,” he says.

“Well it’s hard to believe my dear soon-to-be Husband, at this moment I feel like a broken tool, it’s been drama after drama with you... it’s as if my creator just crafted me to be enduring unnecessary pain from you, so tell me why are you marrying me... why are you forcing me into this family because if it’s not you... then it’s your brothers and if it’s not them, then it’s your demanding ancestors,” he says.

“I want to marry you because I love and care for you, I mean... I don’t see my life or my world without you in it, Ma you are at the centre,” he says.

“I don’t need the centre... I want to be with you and only you... all these things that I have today with you... are just added bonuses in our relationship... I am empty without you,” Hector says with almost tears in his eyes, yes he is being emotional again, this emotional goat likes crying unnecessary.

He moves towards him and let’s him cry in his shoulders and those tears come streaming down like a stream.
“We don’t run away from one another, we must stay together and re-try again,” he says as he hugs him deeply and affectionately.
The River of anger is pouring on Harriet as she watches them hug in the living room, man it’s as if she wants to pour on them hot oil, unfortunately hot oil is in the kitchen and it’s not hot.

“And one more thing, I have apologized to Nkosi... I was with him at the Sandton Mansion,” Hector says as he lies on Zimele’s chest.
“No absolute need for that, I believe you were doing damage control, like the mother of the family” he says as he places his hand on Hector’s hand, and slowly brushes his hair.

It’s as if the morning couldn’t come any sooner and for Angelina, she doesn’t even want to talk to her boyfriend, yes she’s angry and not only because he remained quiet about Ziyanda being beaten up by Nkosi and Mukuna, she’s angry because she’s pregnant and her father is not one for the streets, the reason why she even came to Johannesburg was because her father who happens to be a well respected servant of God, trusted her amongst his many other daughters to come to Gauteng, so how will she tell her Venda religious father that she is pregnant for a Dlamini, A family that has been gracing the newspapers of South Africa.

“What are you thinking about, Angie... Because I know that we have discussed and decided to keep the baby, I can’t let you kill my seed,” he says as he joins her in the living room.
“Look... I seriously have no problem with keeping the child, the problem is... I have no absolute idea on how I will tell my father... he will never let me shame him like this... and why was I even stupid to get pregnant out of wedlock... just following in my mother’s footsteps,” she says.
He quickly moves and kneels down in front of her.
“Do you think that I will bring shame and dishonour to you... I wasn’t raised that way and Ma wouldn’t be happy with me, he after all introduced you to me... just don’t worry about it... Let us finish the business of going to Nqamakwe and Zimele’s marriage before going back to Limpopo again,” he says as her forehead leans on his head, and let’s out a deep sigh, as he looks at her, all seated in that chair.

Ziyanda is alive and well but still needs to get her backbone in good posture before she can even think about being discharged, she looks a bit at peace, as Hector truly appreciated her ability to tell the truth and because of that he forgave her, he gave her a second chance.

“Let he without sin be the first to cast the stone, I won’t judge you because I have done worse, far worse than what you have done... for confessing your sins that resulted in an... unjustified punishment from Nkosi, may my God give you the power to heal,” he said and with that he left but now his back and he came with someone, and that someone is Nkosi.

“I know that it may sound weird but through the pain, something beautiful has been born and that is love... I know I did you wrong but I have learnt my lesson and that is that, I can’t get rid of you, no matter what I do and because you have taken my heart with you,” he says trying to toughen himself up by not showing those tears, that want to escape his eyes.

Ziyanda who is seated on the hospital bed turns and looks on her left side, and looks at Hector as if one seeking some approval.
“Ziyanda, I can see that he is willing to change and bring out some productive and beautiful things in this family that keeps on growing, you have been around for many years and I feel like this family... in almost fact should recognise you as one of the oldest matriarchs of the family and with that we deserve you and he deserves you, so give him a second chance... I’m sure my son has changed for good, after all... out of something bad, something good comes,” he says.
Ziyanda turns to face Nkosi, and she slowly nods her head in agreement, telling him slowly but a lone toned voice, “I... Forgive You,” she says and with that Hector immediately leaves the two newly reconciled couple.

Hector comes out of the hospital and is making his way to Zimele’s vehicle and it looks brand new, he had bought it during the week, when he got the house that he had wanted to raise his children inside, because according to Him, he wants to have eleven children and it’s non negotiable, but I wonder where will Harriet get own and as for Hector, he doesn’t want anything that will redirect him to the labour ward or operation room, after all he nearly lost his life.
“I have spoken to Mabutho about us traveling to Nqamakwe with our partners... and he totally rejected your idea or rather suggestion,” Zimele says as they drive back.
“Well he is the head of the family and as such I can’t compete with him,” Hector says.

“And before I forget, he wants to see you and I know that it will be hard... considering the events that recently happened,” Zimele says with his eyes fixed for the road, making Hector to quickly breathe heavily as he looks to the other side and leans his head against the car window frame, and that’s when Zimele notices and quickly stretches out his hand, placing it on Hector’s laps, he places his hand on his, and let’s his fingers go between his and Zimele squeezes them tight but not ‘painful’ tight.

His eyes fixed on Hector, shame one can see the love between these two.
“Nothing will happen, Mawami... I assure you that as long as I live on this earth, nothing will take you away from my sight,” Zimele says.


Harriet is moving around the corridor of the house with Lerato, who recently had the younger sister taken for an operation that was fully paid for by Zimele’s family, yes by the powers bestowed on Hector, he had the right given to him by Mabutho and Nganono to pay for the operation, and according to what I heard, she is responding very well to treatment, I just wonder what Rihanna did with the money that she had gotten from the “snitching” because the bills were fully paid.

“I’m not sure... Sis Harriet but I think that I love, how Ma has brought this family together, I mean according to what I was told, was that she met them as ‘ordinary thugs’ in your typical taxi outfit but now he has made them, men in suits... when last were they at the taxi rank, if it’s not to oversee staff,” Lerato says as she chops the onions with the little baby girl on her back, whilst Harriet is busy with the dishes.

“Well that was meant to be his job, we all have roles to play in this world that was crafted by someone for us, even though we don’t get the recognition that we deserve,” she says as if her mind, is in a distance.

“Why do you say so... Sis Harriet,” Lerato asks, making Harriet to turn around, facing her.

“I have been with this family before he came and truly so, I wasn’t ‘Appreciative’ of what I got, but I have tried my best to show this family that I am of equal status as him, I have given Zimele a son... I have given him a place amongst the men of his unknown clan, yet he always carries Buhle and plays around with her but when it comes to Zithulele it’s a different story,” she says and with that she turns her back to the sink.

Harriet moves to her and places her hand on her back, slowly rubbing her back.

“Look here, my dear sister... this is his time, I pretty sure that somewhere down the line, your time will come and that’s if you are patient... when it’s the will of the underground gang, then your time will come, just don’t do anything to jeopardize it,” she says with a smile.
“Thank you very much Lerato,” she says with a smile.
Lerato is about to take Buhle and put her to bed before she breaks her back, yes that’s how 'heavy' our dear daughter is becoming but before she can go, Harriet decides to volunteer and tells her that she will take her to bed, with Lerato telling her that she wants to get some pads from her (Harriet room), yep it’s that time of the month, for her.
She moves with Buhle in her arms, a child that she has been avoiding to carry and upon their arrival in the room, she closes the door by pushing it, with her leg.
She places her on the bed and quickly moves to slowly lock the door, and that’s when she moves to the bed and takes the pillow, and tries to suffocate the baby but as she tries to place the pillow on her face, something is blocking the pillow from landing on the baby’s face and as she places more force, she immediately gets thrown to the other side of the room, landing flat on her buttocks, and from there she sees her mother in law, standing in front of her with an angry face pasted on, damn it’s been a while.

“You want to try me, I can see that you are looking for my problems... you rejected this beautiful child... you did your best to deprive a fellow human being of their happiness, try this again, and I will take you with me, nor will your father’s magic save you now,” she says and with that she’s gone, leaving Harriet scared, and with a small dark energy surrounding her black bead.

Sometimes some people amaze me in this world, I mean you never wanted the child and now that the rejected cornerstone has become the centre piece, you want to smash it.
Haibo, the jealousy that Harriet has, is the one that I don’t want to ever experience or have in my life, it’s like the girl wants to be tops all the time, when she’s not even the star 🌟 but rather the supporting star.


“Nqamakwe is located deep inside the Eastern Cape and it has a huge abundance of open land,” Nganono says as he moves towards the living room, whilst talking on the phone to Mabutho, who is sitting comfortably in the study with only Hector, as he had told Zimele that he wants to speak to his Mother in private, it’s weird that a man who is somewhere in his thirties, is calling a young man like Hector, Mother, it all feels surreal to me.

“Fine, I wanted us to book a flight but I feel like that will be extremely cost, as we don’t even know where we are going... so let us pick one taxi and from there, we will be sorted... after all, all of us... can drive right,” he says with a smile, showing those dimples, man when they’re smile, those dimples can make you pregnant.

“Fine, it’s okay by me, so next week then,” he asks.
“Yes, of course... anyways talk later... I have a visitor,” he says.
Nganono says his goodbyes and as Mabutho places his phone down, he rests in his chair and looks at Hector, who is looking down on his laps, as this is the first time that he is sitting with his older brother in-law private.
Most of the time, if they talk or intact, it’s usually when people are around or when a very serious matter concerning his boys, had been brought to him.
“I remember clearly telling you that... you shouldn’t look down in the presence of your sons... it’s embarrassing Ma... truly embarrassing that my own mother can’t even look at me in the face... if it’s about what happened at Nkosi’s house, then I ask you to forgive me...,” he says with a smoothing voice, making Hector to slowly raise his face and come face to face.
“Well, that’s good... now am I Forgiven now,” he says with a smile and slowly Hector nods in agreement.
“Well let me not take much of your time, after all, you need to attend to my daughter... my very first daughter... a replica of my beautiful mother... Nomashenge herself,” he says with a smile, I know for a fact that out of all, of those “Dlamini” children, Buhle has a piece of everyone’s heart in her hands.

“Your daughter is fine,” Hector says with a smile, making to slowly nod, his head with a smile.
“Well, I called you here so that we can talk and not as brothers in-laws or anything but as people, who love the same person... this family... this family is like a person and sometimes a person has to have their needs taken care of by someone... you are that person... we are being taken care off, by you... our beloved mother,” oh Jehovah, I can’t stop laughing, I mean I usually find it weird when Mabutho talks, I mean he looks so hot with that deep bass voice, clearly hidden in his vocal chord.

“I was told of what you did for my brother, how you paid the doctor and somehow saved his relationship with the colourful troublemaker, Ziyanda Hlongwane,” he says as he stands up and moves to stand behind the chair.

“But I want you to know something, I don’t tolerate disrespect from anyone in this family... most especially from people like you, people that I hold up in high esteem... my brothers are my life, I would like to think that we were as Quadruplets and you should know the bond that these type of children share, that’s the exact same bond that I share with my brothers, so when one of them gets hurt, I do my best to heal that wound, and sometimes I won’t hesitate to do that, which they want, as long as it brings them peace... inner peace,” he says, with his eyes fixed on Hector.

“I hear you and believe me, I do and I have been around for almost a year, if not more, so I apologize for my behaviour and I promise not to repeat it again, as long as you promise to stay away from such violence,” Hector says with his eyes 👁️ fixed on the table.

“What do you mean by that,” Mabutho asks.

“Violence has no ‘good’ payment in it, the only thing that violence pays with it, it’s death... hence it’s written that he who kills by the knife, dies by the knife... your brothers are grown men and I understand that you will do anything for them, because I will do the same for my Kedibone and Morena... but if they’re at fault then I should let the law handle them... the only reason why I saved your brother’s fate... was because I had seen what violence had done to him... violence damages people and violence breaks hearts... and the good example is your late father,” Hector says with his eyes now fixed on Mabutho, someone that he fears and in all honesty, every woman that comes into this family, is always scared of him and some don’t even want to breathe in the same space with him.

Mabutho let’s out a sigh as he moves from the back of the chair and moves to the huge piece of clothe, that was only the wall of study.

“I hear you Ma and I truly appreciate the words of wisdom... and the courage that you have to tell the truth head on... which is something that amazes me, like I am surprised... you have spoken more like a mother scolding his son and I thank you for the scolding... but before I unveil what hidden behind this huge piece of clothe, I want to ask you... if my family or rather our children grow up... would violence be something that you will courage them with,” he asks.
“An apple 🍎 doesn’t fall far from an apple tree but estranged from the womb. Though this is saying that the progeny are wicked, not the parents... it’s the apple’s choice if it wants to stay there near the tree that brews violence or if it wants to go off and end up somewhere else,” he says with a smile.
Slowly but surely, Mabutho pulls off the clothe on the wall and it shows all of them, excluding the babies, Harriet, and everyone else, this newly placed portrait that looks more like a collage, shows Hector moving around with plates and it shows Nkosi, Zimele and Mabutho eating in one place with Hector feeding the boys, particular Nathi, who is growing very tall on fast pace.

“How... How did you take this pictures... I look young... different... happy and most certainly a mother... who took these pictures,” Hector says as he stands up and moves towards the portrait, with tears slowly streaming down his face, Shame this is so sweet.

“Have you forgotten that Nganono can secretly take a person, a picture and they won’t even notice.... think of it, like... ‘Tsotsi vibes'... but like you said Ma... you looked young, different, happy and a... mother... you saw at our bottomless pits... in our highs and in our lows, during that process... you changed... you have given us all and now... we will give you all by going to Nqamakwe and officially bringing you into this family,” he says with a smile as he looks at the smile and the tears coming down Hector’s face, like how cute and yet secretive can this family be, I mean who takes you a picture without you the person even noticing, I mean that’s Nollywood mixed with Hollywood, type of shit, not forgetting Bollywood as a serving plate.


“So you knew about the photo and yet you dragged me to meet up with your father-brother, how cunning can you and your brothers be,” says Hector who has just placed his cute daughter to sleep and prepared everything around her, I mean the bottles and everything, because he doesn’t when she starts crying, he must start moving up and down to the kitchen, which can really be dark, and now that something or rather this term called Load shedding has been introduced, it’s a mix masala situation.

“I swear... I knew about it but I never knew that he was going to unveil it, to you... after all I am not him and he is not me, and I am not in his mind,” he says as he lies in Hector’s bed, today he is not sleeping in his own room.

“Well... next time you ambush me like that... I will not hesitate to drag you, inside there,” he says with a smile, leaving Zimele shocked as he moves to sleep and switches off, the lamp on the side of his bed.

“So you are going to sleep just like that... I mean can’t you see that my brother man needs some medication... I mean I was in a very bad condition these few nights... you are going to keep the glory hole, away from me.... I would die,” he says as he tries to push his hand, in Hector’s boxer.

Hector quickly removes it, and gives him back his arm, “Listen here my friend, they is a pharmacy down the street, I can give you the directions to the place or you can even buy a pornography dvd on the streets, they sell them for good money like R10... R5 or you can even watch ‘emmanuella' on TV, as for me, I am not in the mood,” he says quickly turning the other side of the bed.

“I’m wet... and my children require comfort in that glory hole,” he says and one can see that his beloved brother man has stood up.

“Okay, I hear and I hear you very well... so I will give you a suggestion... go to Harriet and overload your children that side, I already have you, sleeping over there in that baby cot and God knows fully well that I want nothing that will associate with the labour ward... so good night,” he says, trying to shut his eyes, I mean this is first time again in his lovely bed after the whole ‘Ziyanda and Nkosi’ Saga and now this man wants him to be jumping up and down on his manhood, oh hell no, he must kiss his foot.

“Okay, I am not in the mood also... just look at me and give me, a good night kiss that will probably put brother man to sleep... Okay my love... only you can do what no other specious can do,” he says as he looks at Hector’s back.

Hector slowly turns around and as he kisses him, my dear friend immediately deepens the kiss as he jumps on Hector, well not literally and he is very careful not to disturb his over one month old surgery scar that gave him, his first daughter, that is a somehow a good replication of his mother.
“Zimele... you need to let me go or else I will scream rape... I told you... I am not in the mood,” he says in between the kisses.
“But I in the need of it, I want to cover myself in your warmth,” he says as he removes his shirt.
“No... Zimele... you might wake up our daughter and the others,” Hector says as he groans.
“Well, I am sorry... I will die 😭... If I don’t have you in my skin now... unless if you want me to die,” he says, making Hector to blush.
“Okay go for it but don’t make noise,” he says as if warning him.
“I should be worried about you because I am about to make you scream for your life,” he says, making Hector to open his eyes wide in shock and as Zimele moves to devour his precious meal, I think to myself that these men, always try and get what they want, by appealing to their preys as ‘broken emotional beings’.

©All Rights Reserved By George Osumba


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