Love Bites

By Crystal910133

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Having barely survived the bubonic plague as a human, John (Xiao Zhan) found himself in the clutches of a vam... More

Back Alley
Hey, Boyfriend
Hyde and Seek
Proposing, a Deal
William Appears
A New Familiar
At Our Doorstep
Leaving the Light
Model Vampire
Inner Strength
War is Brewing
William's Demise
A Special Offer
Keeping Promises
New Hiccups, New Family

Meeting the in-laws

206 19 26
By Crystal910133

It feels like we've barely slept, but Beau's phone is ringing. He groans and snuggles into the crook of my arm. I just grin and reach for his cell, the caller id reads Mama and I poke his ribs.

"Beau, it's your Mother. Sweetheart, wake up." He whimpers and frowns, shaking his head. God, he's so adorable when he's half asleep. I take a deep breath and answer the call. "Hello, this is Beau's phone." Ugh, I'm so nervous, I sound like an idiot.

"Mn, still asleep?" A woman's gentle voice asks.

"Yes ma'am. I tried to wake him." Oh my gosh, now she knows we're in bed together!

"Hmm, you haven't been together long. Tickle the bottoms of his feet, but be careful. He'll kick out." She laughs and I grin. "Could you ask him to pick us up at the airport? It's harder to get a taxi than I remember." She sighs.

"Yes ma'am. I'll wake him and send him right away." I say, crawling toward the foot of the bed and tickling his feet. I catch his ankle as he kicks out. "Hm, that is effective." I mumble and hear a snort of laughter on the line before she ends the call.

"Baby! Ugh, it's like you've been talking to my Mama." Beau complains and stretches.

"Now you wake up?" I tease, pinning him beneath me and kissing him. "Mm, actually, I did talk to your Mother. She wants you to pick them at the airport. They're having trouble getting a cab."

"Oh shit, they're here already?! I need to get dressed. Wait, I should shower. No, they're waiting for me." Beau springs out of bed, tossing on clean clothes and continuing to murmur to himself.

"Go get your folks sweetheart." I say, kissing his cheek and heading for the bathroom naked.

"Oh damn, that's so tempting baby." Beau groans and grabs my waist, pulling me against him.

"Behave yourself. Get your folks. I'll take a quick shower and get the boys ready. We can have a meal together when you come home." I say, kissing him on the cheek and sashaying into the bathroom.

I hear the bedroom door open and close a minute later and I take a deep breath. My hands are shaking as I start the shower, stepping beneath the steaming stream of water. I begin to wash in a daze and it hits me. I'm nearly as nervous about meeting Beau's parents, as I was to finally confront William. A couple of middle aged humans shouldn't be that scary, right?

I finish my shower and dress in Beau's favorite jeans and the red sweater he loves. If nothing else, I'll look good for the man I love. I hurry across the hall to see if the boys are up yet and I'm greeted by a grinning and tidy Zach.

"Dad stopped by on his way to the airport." Zach says, stepping aside for me to enter. "Larry should be getting out of the shower any minute." He puts an arm around my shoulders. "Dad thought you might be nervous. I guess meeting the in-laws doesn't get less stressful with age?" He teases and I pinch his hip, sending him into a fit of laughter.

"Especially not when I've never dated before. Wait, in-laws?" I swallow hard, we had talked once about marriage. But hearing those words makes me feel oddly at ease.

"Ah, you don't look as nervous as I thought you'd be." Larry says, exiting the bedroom. "Thankfully, Wayne is only just now starting to install the doorframe. He says he'll get the framework done and hang the the drywall by this evening. We'll have a second door tomorrow and our bathroom back." He smiles and gives me a hug. "He said you asked him to rush that. You were worried about us being uncomfortable. Thanks Dad."

"Oh, don't mention it." I blush a bit and turn back to the door. "I know I'd feel uncomfortable with the idea of someone watching me pee while they work." I laugh and the boys both groan. I guess they hadn't thought of that possibility. "Let's go downstairs. I can make sure everything is ready to open tonight. Might as well make use of this nervous energy."

The three of us head downstairs and I tell the boys to get comfortable at the bar. I look at the liquor bottles and head into the storage room to grab more of the ones that are getting low. I return to hear a commotion by the door, both boys turning to look. I can't help it, I burst into laughter as I round the bar.

Beau is standing at the door, trying to unlock it. His arms are loaded with takeout and he's looking at me with a pleading look. I hurry over, unlocking the door and taking some of his load.

"Sweetheart, why did get so much?" I ask, still chuckling. "I could've cooked you know?" It's only now I see the couple behind him. "Oh, hello."

The man is slightly shorter than Beau, gray hair at his temples and the same puppy dog eyes. The woman is tiny, barely 5'4 and she's watching me like a lion watches a gazelle. I'm clearly prey in her eyes, especially if I harm her son. Beau and I hurry to place everything on the bar and the boys stand nervously. I immediately turn and offer a bow of respect. I jolt at the first thing Beau's Mother says to me.

"Nui dui wo erzi you she me yitu?" Beau's Mother asked me in Chinese, What are your intentions with my son? She folds her arms, waiting for a response and Beau starts to speak. We both shush him.

"Wo de yitu she chuncui de. Wo ai ta." I bow, responding in Chinese with My intentions are pure. I love him.

"Lao po!" Beau's Father says, poking his wife in the ribs. "Don't be rude. You're the one who said if this young man is Beau's choice, that's all that matters." He smiles warmly and offers a handshake.

"I'm still allowed to test him. To see if he's worthy." Beau's Mother pouts then smiles, tilting her head. "I heard you're nearly two centuries old, but you haven't lost your accent. You're from Yunnan too, aren't you?" I turn to look at Beau.

"Why didn't you tell me you were from Yunnan?" I ask, giving him a sharp look.

"Baby, you didn't have any good memories when you spoke of home. I didn't want to make you think to much of the past." Beau says, a sad look on his face. "Anyway, I was born here, remember? Mama, Baba, this is John." I feel his hand wrap around mine and I'm suddenly less nervous. I offer one last bow and Beau and I pull the boys forward. "This is Larry and Zach. They're brothers and... they're our family."

"Dad." Zach whispers groaning and bowing with Larry.

"Dad?" Beau's Mother asks, eyeing Zach. I hear Zach's heartbeat quicken and I pat his shoulder. "Hmm, similar penitent for piercings and the same sweet aura. You do seem like you could be his son. Well, I guess that means you boys should call us Grandma and Grandpa then?" She smiles warmly at the boys and winks at Beau, I sigh in relief. At least the boys will be accepted. "Like I said, we've seen all the news. We brought gifts for our new family members." She says, raising her hand and dangling gift bags.

"Should we go upstairs and eat? It's probably more comfortable there." I say, gesturing toward the stairs. "Boys, take... your grandparents upstairs. Dad and I will bring up the food."

"Alright Dad, you sure you don't need help?" Zach asks, turning from the stairs to look at me. "Wait, look who I'm asking? You carry Dad around. An armload of takeout is nothing." He giggles and starts jogging up the stairs, Beau's parents following and laughing softly.

"Don't take to long. It's been a long time since I've dealt with grandparents." Larry says, winking at us both and hurrying upstairs.

"You okay baby?" Beau asks, pulling me into his arms.

"Mn." I sigh, resting my head on his shoulder and breathing him in. "It's going better than I thought. At least the boys are accepted easily and there's no hostility. I can't imagine having your only child fall for a vampire is any parents dream."

"I didn't fall for a vampire." Beau says, kissing my forehead and gently swaying. "I fell in love with a man, who just happens to be a vampire. That's not all you are baby. Remember that."

"I love you so much." I kiss him and pull away smiling. "We should head up, before the food gets cold."

We each load up and head upstairs, but I jolt in surprise. Beau's Mother is standing on the landing smiling, her arms crossed over her chest. She winks at me and turns to hold the door open for us.

"Thank you ma'am." I say, wondering how long she had been standing there.

"I'm willing to accept you too. After all, my son loves you." She says, following us to the kitchen. "I just have one question I want answered first. Why did turn my baobei into a familiar?"

"There's no excuse." I say, bowing my head in shame. "It wasn't something I wanted for him and I..." But I'm cutoff.

"Mama!" Beau says in a suddenly cold voice, pulling me to his side. "It wasn't his choice. I, I forced it. This is what I wanted. This was my choice, not his." He sighs, stilling my hands as I place food on the island like a buffet. "He refused to turn me, saying he wanted a normal life for me." I feel the tears burning my eyes and I turn away. "But what's the point in living a normal life without the person I love by my side?"

"Beau." I sob, feeling his arms around me and his lips kiss my neck. I hear him tell her how he forced me and I cry harder. "You fool. You scared me to death that night. When you started convulsing, I thought I was losing you. Those were the longest few seconds of my entire life." I've forgotten about everything else, just burying myself in his arms and listening to his beating heart. He's still here, in my arms. Where he belongs.

"You always have been, a real brat about getting your way." I hear his Father say, his voice thick with emotion.

"Oh my goodness. I'm sorry." I pull away from Beau's embrace, trying to wipe my tears aside. I see his parents holding each other and his Mother is smiling at me with tears running down her cheeks.

"That's all we needed to know." She says, her voice cracking on a sob. "That you truly love him. That's enough for me. Thank you, for taking care of our son." She smiles brightly, Zach and Larry coming over to hug us and Larry offering her a tissue. "And you've given him a family. It may be a bit unconventional, but it seems quite lovely to me. I guess what I'm saying is, John, you should call us Mom and Dad." She smiles and I feel fresh tears on my cheeks, Beau and the boys hugging me tight.

"Xiexie ni, Mama." I say, but a simple thank you doesn't seem sufficient for what I've been given.

* * *

It's been a hectic, but comfortable week since Beau's parents have arrived. Today I need to start interviewing potential Black Knight candidates with Ian. I'm up early, making doujiang and deep fried dough sticks, rice porridge, and steamed buns. This will be the last full day Beau's parents are here before flying back to China. I admit to myself, I'm trying to impress them.

Beau has gone to wake the boys and let his parents in when they arrive. I find myself humming an old tune from my childhood and I don't notice when everyone comes in. I jump, hearing Beau's Mother humming along. I turn, my face red, and see her smiling at me.

"Xiao Bai Chuan. I haven't heard that song in ages." She says, looking at Beau fondly. "My Mother hummed it to me every night and I hummed it to you."

"Ah, my Mother was very fond of A Little White Boat." I say, smiling and scratching my neck. "Oh, brunch is nearly ready. I realized, I'm out of practice cooking dishes from home. I hope everything is to your liking." I bow and jerk my head, telling Beau to come help me. "Please, take a seat, it will only be a couple minutes."

"Thank you, it smells delicious." Beau's Father says and tugs his wife toward the table.

"Oh, we have cold brewed green and black teas. I hope that's alright." I say, filling platters and large serving bowls.

"Green tea please." They say in unison and both laugh. We start carrying the food to the table and I notice a chair is missing. "Do you need help?" Beau's Mother asks, seeing my confusion.

"Oh, no thank you." I turn to look at Beau. "Sweetie, what happened to the other chair?" He blushes and licks his lips.

"Uhm, it's in our room baby." Beau swallows hard and raises his brows. "It needs to be, cleaned. Remember?" I'm suddenly mortified. Last night, on that chair.

"Oh, Ahem. Of course." I set the last of the drinks on the table and see the boys looking at everything curiously. "Well, you all dig in, I'll be needing to leave soon anyway." I frown, bowing, but I yelp. "Beau!" I'm pulled down onto his lap and he grins at me.

"You're not getting away that easy baby." Beau smiles and kisses my cheek, beginning to plate us each up food. "Wow, doujiang. I haven't had this since... Mama made it for me during my visit a couple years ago." He smiles at his Mother and takes a bite. "Uh oh. Mama, you might need to up your game." He chuckles and she shakes her head, taking a taste. Her eyes widen and she nods.

"Delicious! Oh, and the fried dough sticks, my weakness." She whispers, giving me a wink.

"An incredible daughter-in-law... oh my! I'm sorry." Beau's Father says, slapping a hand over his mouth. I just laugh.

"Well, I might not be the daughter-in-law you imagined, but I'll try Baba." I grin, watching the boys smiling and eating.

"You're exactly what he needs." Mama says, patting my hand.

* * *

Ian and I have interviewed a couple applicants and accepted them both, telling them they'll have access to housing once the warehouse purchase is finalized and it's refurbished. Our next interview is a young woman and she drags another young woman forward with her. The second young woman is wearing a ball cap pulled down low and an oversized sweatshirt. She keeps her head down and looks terrified. These women look like they're barely in their twenties.

"Are you two applying together?" I ask, a bit confused.

"Yes sir. I'm a vampire and this is my twin sister and my familiar. I can't leave her, I won't leave her." The first young woman says, puffing out her chest.

"Can either of you fight?" Ian asks, but I shush him. "What?"

"What are your names? Come, sit down." I say, feeling I need to take special care of these girls.

"My name is Molly, this is Marcy." The young vampire says, pulling her sister over to sit down.

"Marcy, you don't need to be so nervous. You're safe here." I say, and Marcy raises her head slightly tears in her eyes. It's only now that I notice, she's blind in one eye. A scar runs through her brow and eye. It's a milky colored dead looking thing and she quickly looks down. "Who did that to you?" I ask, accidentally sounding harsher than I meant to.

"Uhm, he was my sire. We were abducted a few years ago." Molly begins and Marcy flinches, beginning to rock. "He, well a male with two young women. I'm sure you can guess why he took us." Molly grits her teeth and takes Marcy's hand. "Lucky for us, he was part of that crazy vampires entourage and you killed him. We were eventually able to escape. We've got no family and no place to go. I want to join the Knights to keep what happened to us, from happening to others."

"Alright." I say and both girls jolt in surprise. "There should be a room ready for you here within a week, but I'll put you up in a hotel until then. Here." I pass a paper and pen across the table. "Write down your sizes, I'll have some basic necessities and clothes delivered to you... by tomorrow at the latest. You'll need to train hard." I turn to Marcy, reaching out to pat her hand and she trembles. "Sweetheart, if you're not comfortable being a Knight, I could use a secretary?"

"Seriously?" Molly asks, holding her sisters hand and brushing aside a tear. "Does that mean, we can stay together?"

"Of course. Who am I to separate sisters?" I grin and notice Marcy is silently weeping. "I'll send you girls a welcome gift tonight. We'll workout the details and pay later. Here, go to this hotel and tell them that you're John's special guests. I'll be in touch."

"Thank you, thank you so much sir?" Molly says, pushing the paper back to me with sizing information on it. She jumps to her feet and pulls her sister up excitedly, but Marcy pauses. She removes her cap and looks up at me. "Marcy." Molly says, sorrow in her voice.

"You don't seem disgusted by me, but will you want to look at this everyday?" Marcy asks, her lip trembling.

"Why would I mind looking at a pretty girl everyday?" I ask, tilting my head and offering her a warm smile.

"Thank you sir, I'll work hard for you. I swear it." Marcy says, tears springing to her eyes again.

"Just call me John. I'll see you girls soon." I say, Molly tugging her sister toward the door. I grab my cell and place an order to be delivered to the hotel under the girls names.

"You sure are a softy, but I think it's a good thing. Molly seems, tenacious and Marcy needs to regain herself." Ian grins at me and shakes his head. "I think you just got a set of twin daughters." He laughs and I roll my eyes.

* * *

Ian and I interviewed two dozen potential candidates for the Black Knight, only excepting roughly half of them. I'll be adding one more member, so far, to the rooms here. A young man recently turned, by accident, and left abandoned by his sire. I've sent him to the hotel as well, until rooms are finished. Ian's apartment was completed yesterday and he heads up around midnight, telling me to go home. I'll be getting a later start tomorrow, taking Beau's parents to the airport with him. I walk into the bar and I'm surprised to see Beau's parents getting up from seats at the bar top.

"Done for the evening? Don't let him work to hard. We'll see you boys in the morning." Mama says, smiling and giving me a hug before they leave.

"Hey Dad. Before you go in the morning, come to our place and take a picture for us? We want to send it to, Grandma and Grandpa." Zach says, clearing a table and wiping it down.

"Ugh, sure son. No problem." I say, heading to the bar to help Beau and Dave. "Hey handsome." I kiss Beau's cheek and pat Dave on the shoulder.

"Aw shucks. You think I'm handsome?" Dave says grinning.

"Of course, but I was talking to my boyfriend." I say, Beau shaking his head with a chuckle. "You're going to be tired tonight sweetheart and you have to be up early tomorrow. Why don't you go up early and take a hot bath? I'll stay and help out." I start shoving him toward the stairs.

"Doesn't seem like I have much choice." I'll see you in couple hours.

"Get some rest Beau." I tell him, giving him a kiss before he heads up.

* * *

It's been pretty quiet tonight. Maybe the novelty of a neighborhood vampire is wearing off already. Of course, it's also a Monday night. The last of the customers have left and Dave has locked up. Now we're all cleaning up, but Dave stops and gives me a look.

"What? What did I do?" I ask, grinning at his head shake.

"You know he's waiting for you, exhausted or not. Go on. The boys and I are getting a routine down for this. Right boys?" Dave says, shoving me from behind the bar with a smirk.

"Yeah Dad. Go on. Once things settle down and you get more time with him, we'll have you two closeup while we go on dates." Larry teases and Zach and Dave laugh.

"Kid, you're the only one with a lady friend... right now." Dave says, winking at Zach. "I have faith our youngest won't stay single long."

"Jeez, Uncle Dave." Zach mumbles blushing.

"Alright. Thanks guys." I grin and head for the stairs and Beau, but turn back to tease them one last time. "Once things settle, I'll set you single men up on a blind date. How's that?" I hear laughter and groans as I head upstairs.

I enter the apartment to find it eerily quiet. I knew it, he's sleeping already. I tiptoe into the bedroom and strip off my shirt, tossing it in the hamper and heading for the bathroom. I open the door and freeze. I had assumed he was in bed and I didn't want to wake him.

Beau is sitting on the edge of tub in a pair of sweats. He's adding rose petals and testing the temperature. I just blink. He was waiting for me, just like Dave said.

"Beau, everything okay sweetheart?" I ask and he turns toward me with that beautiful smile.

"Mn. My Mom's been bugging me about something the last couple of days and I realized, there's no need to wait." Beau says standing and shoving his hands inside his pockets nervously.

"What's she been bugging you about sweetie?" I ask, looking down and unfastening my jeans. I look back up and he's kneeling, a small box in his hand. "Oh my God. Beau?" I ask in shock, this isn't really happening, is it?

"John. I love you so much. I want to spend forever by your side. Will you marry me?" Beau asks, looking dashing and nervous. He opens the box and there's a seemingly silver band inside, a diamond in the center. "Don't worry, it's white gold. So, your answer baby?" He suddenly looks like a scared puppy.

"Absolutely. My answer is absolutely!" I clasp my right hand over my mouth, fighting tears as he places the ring on my finger. I nearly knock him off his feet as I dive to hug him. "I love you too Beau and I can't imagine my life without you in it."

Beau undresses me and removes his sweats, scooping me up and stepping into the tub. He settles me onto his lap and I rest my head on his shoulder. He takes my hand in his, rubbing the ring. I feel light kisses on the side of my neck and I chuckle.

"And here I thought you'd be exhausted." I grin at him and he raises my hand, kissing it.

"Well, I'll have the answer my Mom wants before they go home and you agreed to marry me." Beau smiles and kisses me. "I feel recharged by that knowledge alone." I sigh, settling deeper into his embrace. "I don't want you to worry baby. We'll have a long engagement. We can get married after you become an Elder officially in a couple years and things settle down for you."

"Are you sure?" I ask, our fingers intertwining. "By the way, what exactly did your Mother say?"

"Mn, I'm sure baby. After all, we have all the time in the world. Mama, she said... since we technically have children, I should take responsibility." Beau says, nibbling the side of my throat. I'm starting to think neither of us are going to get much sleep tonight.

* * *

Well, we managed to sleep about three hours. We just finished a quick breakfast and we're heading out to get Beau's parents and take them to the airport. I want to leave a bit early, to make sure they've had a good meal before their long flight home. I pause in the hall, remembering Zach's request.

"Hold on sweetie. The boys want me to take a photo of them for your parents." I knock on the door and Zach answers with a big smile. He's wearing the deep blue Tang styled suit Mama bought for him. "Don't you look handsome son?!"

"Thanks Dad. Larry is finishing getting dressed. I know you're probably in a hurry, but I thought... Grandma and Grandpa would like to see us in the clothes they bought us." Zach smiles shyly and I hear the bedroom door open.

"You boys sure look good in Tang suits." I say, Larry blushing. He's wearing a dark green suit and he clears his throat.

"It's more comfortable than I thought it would be." Larry says, tugging Zach over to the island. "Is here good? We don't want you to be late picking up the grandparents."

I take a couple photos of the boys and send them to both of them. I bought them each a cell phone last week and they're still not used to them yet. Zach nearly jumps out of his skin when the phone in his pocket dings. I tell the boys goodbye and head back into the hall. Beau is halfway down the stairs, looking at his phone.

"Sweetie?" I ask and he turns his phone smiling. A picture I just took of the boys on his screen.

"Zach, he wants me to send it to my folks for him. That's so adorable." Beau says, as we enter the bar. He stops and shields me and I have to fight not to giggle. "Baby, do you know those girls?"

"Yes. Twin sisters that will be living at HQ. I wonder what's going on." I hurry outside, Molly standing to the side while Marcy paces. "Girls, is something wrong?" I ask and Marcy turns, a bright smile on her face.

"Thank you so much sir!" Marcy says, reaching up to touch a sparkling black eyepatch she's wearing. "It's very pretty and I won't scare others now." She mumbles, Beau stepping out and locking up behind us.

"That's quite a sexy eyepatch you've got there young lady." Beau says, his arm wrapping around my waist. I hear running footsteps inside and turn to see Zach hurrying over with an envelope. "What's got you in such a hurry son?" Beau asks, laughing as Zach opens the door panting.

"Larry forgot to give this to you. It's just a card for Grandma and Grandpa. Oh, hi there." Zach runs a hand through his shaggy brown hair and smiles at Marcy. Molly steps up, trying to shield her sister. "I'm sorry, I didn't know my Dad's had company out here." He says, leaning on my shoulder. "And pretty company at that." He mumbles, blushing as he glances up at Marcy again. She just blinks.

"Dads? Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to be rude." Molly says, breathing a sigh of relief and stepping aside. "You must be Zach. Sorry, we haven't been allowed, I mean, able to watch much television lately. I guess, we'll be seeing you soon." She turns her attention to me. "Thank you for the gift bag last night sir. You have no idea how much this simple piece of cloth, means to my sister." She chokes up, bowing her head.

"It's no problem. I thought black would go with anything, but we can pick out more later." I say, Marcy smiling brightly and wiping at her eye. "And remember, just call me John. I'm sorry girls, we're on our way to take my future in-laws to the airport. If you need anything, Zach can help and Ian is next door at HQ. I sent you each a cell last night and my number is preprogrammed into each. Just call if you need anything."

"Dad! You just said future in-laws." Zach smiles, Beau raising my hand and showing off the band. "Finally." Zach snickers, dodging a swat from Beau. "Anyway, we'll celebrate later. Hurry up, don't keep my new grandparents waiting." He shoos us toward the van.

"Do you girls need a ride?" I ask, opening the passenger door.

"No thank you... John. We'd like to stroll around and get to know the neighborhood. It's nice and overcast today and I'm all bundled up. It's perfect." Molly smiles, linking her arm through Marcy's. "We haven't been able to just take a stroll for two years." She mumbles.

"Alright. I'll be in touch. Have fun." I wink, getting into the van. Just as we pull away, I glance back to see Zach pointing down the street and chatting with the girls. They look a bit more relaxed and I hope they can settle in quickly. They seem very resilient.

"Will they both become Black Knights?" Beau asks curiously. "I trust your judgement, but the one with the eyepatch seems timid."

"You're right. They've been through a lot. Marcy will be my secretary of sorts. I can't separate them, it wouldn't be right." I say, raising my brows at the look he gives me. "What?"

"Did we just get two daughters baby?" Beau asks grinning softly and stopping at a red light. He pulls my hand to his lips and kisses it.

"Hmm, maybe we did." I chuckle, having heard that before.

* * *

We're now at the airport, having just treated Beau's parents to a nice meal. We helped them get their luggage checked and we've walked them as near to their terminal as we're allowed.

"Oh, I almost forgot. The boys wanted me to give you this and sweetheart, send your Mom the picture from this morning." I say, handing Mama the envelope Zach had given me. "It'll give you something to read during that dreadfully long flight home." I wink and we hear Mama's cell ping. Beau smiles at me and we watch her open the texted photo, Baba leaning over her shoulder.

"Aww, they actually wore them." Mama says, her hand covering her mouth and tears in her eyes. "They look so handsome." She smiles at us.

"Oh, Mama, Baba. I hope you'll visit again in a couple years. For our wedding." Beau beams, holding up my hand. Mama actually squeals and embraces us both. "I'll take that as a yes."

"I was unsure at first, I admit it. But, now that I've spent time with you, I honestly can't imagine a better match for my baobei." Mama says, Baba stepping up to give us both a hug too. "You boys, take good care of each. And my grandsons'." She smiles, taking Baba's hand. "I'm honored to have you join our family John. I mean that."

"Thank you, Mama." I smile and turn to look at Beau. "All the horrors I've endured, just serve as a reminder of how sweet life is now. I can't be without him, I wouldn't survive it."

"Baby, you'll never be without." Beau says, kissing my cheek. "Whoever said love bites, never had a love like ours. This love is so sweet and perfect."

"Mn, absolutely perfect." I say, grinning as his parents smile and turn to enter their terminal.

The End

There will be an extra chapter soon. Probably some time this weekend.
Thank you for reading this story!

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