By LittlePumpkinWriter

2.8K 187 48

**HIATUS** ~Dare to Fall In Love With Her~ "Oh love, if you are Persephone, I can be your Hades." His smirk... More

Beware of Persephone
1 | Welcome to the Underworld
2 | Burn the Witch
3 | Game. Set. Match.
4 | Under the Future King's Gaze
5 | Persephone's Temptation
6 | When Lips Are Sealed
7 | When Fireballs and Snowballs Meet
8 | The Voice of Temptation
9 | Who are you?
10 | Do Not Drop the Bomb in the Queen's Castle
Writer's Note
11 | Test the Boiling Water
12 | When The Gem Tasted Fireworks
Important Announcement
13 | Unknown Waters, Unspoken Thoughts
15 | Champagnes and Confessions
16 | Playful Banters Laced with Honesty
17 | Commanding Temptations
18 | The Poisoned Apple
19 | Summer Heat
20 | The Kidnapping of Persephone

14 | The Devil with Pillows and Blankets

39 2 5
By LittlePumpkinWriter

14 | The Devil with Pillows and Blankets

Emerald's POV

The day passed by silently and by the time it was time for me to go home, I was exhausted.

"Oh thank goodness, I'm done for today!" I groaned while Charm laughed beside me. She began to pick up the papers I had laid on the floor earlier to have a better look at my designs.

"Do you need me to send you a masseuse? You seem to need it, miss." She suggested, gesturing towards me who was currently trying to stretch on my seat.

"I should have that. Alright. Send someone to the penthouse like usual." I ordered her and she quickly nodded before leaving my office, taking the papers she had picked up with her. My phone pinged interrupting my peace in the office. Picking it up, I saw it was a message from Max.

Max: Hey. I miss you <3

I smiled at the text. Leaning against my chair, I began to relax. I haven't seen Max in a while but he certainly knew how to show that he was still present for me.

Me: Hey. I miss you too. How was your day?

Max: Tiring. Would have loved my day with you by my side.

I felt a rush of heat spread across my cheeks at what I read. I shouldn't believe whatever he says but I felt like a teenage girl having a first conversation with her crush. Stop this nonsense, Em. You're a big girl already. I mentally scolded myself for being swayed at the sweet words this prince was telling me. But then, he wasn't a normal human being. He was... different. He's the prince...

Me: You should rest, then. Your royal duties must have drained all your energy for the day.

Max: You are my form of rest. You relax me, Emerald. Keep talking to me.

Me: I don't know what to say

I frankly texted him that. I didn't know. Normally, I would not entertain guys, texting til' I drop but I can't let my phone go and ignore the prince. I felt the thrill texting him and it felt good. I wonder how it would feel to spend the day with him after work. I bit my lip at the thought. I was never the girl to have a boyfriend to take care of or to have after work. It felt strange to have this relationship with Max to begin with.

Max: You can talk to me about work. Can I call you?

I didn't even hesitate and texted him that he could give me a call. Not even a second and my phone rang, my nerves in shambles as I slid my thumb on the phone screen to answer him.

"Hi..." I bit my lip as I greeted him over the phone, my feet pushing against the floor causing my chair to make me do a 180° turn.

"Hey baby. How are you?" His baritone voice sent shivers down my spine. My heart dropped at the thought. Do I long for his presence here? Why was I excited to talk to him?

"I'm tired but I'll be fine."

"You can send Axel to get what you want, babe. What do you want? Chocolates? Wine? Shopping?"

"Shopping? What makes you think that I would go now?" I heard him chuckle.

"Well, don't women do that when stressed? You're like the girl who likes shopping, yes?"

"I guess you can say that but no, I don't like shopping when I am super tired." I defended myself and he hummed in response before I heard a woman call for him. Judging by the muffled voice of the woman, she must be far from him. There was a tinge of jealousy on my part and I didn't know why I had the urge to make him mine but I bit my lip to shut myself up.

"Oh... Damn. Sorry but I have to go, Emerald. I'll call you later?" I shouldn't be a bitch but I was with the bitter taste of disappointment on my part. I hummed a response.

"Are you mad? I'll make it up to you later, okay? I am needed somewhere. You know my life. I have a duty to my country." He explained and guilt ate me slowly.

"Of course, I understand. Be safe, okay? Call me if you're done." I replied. I shouldn't be acting like this. Why was I being a possessive bitch?

"I will, baby. I promise. Goodbye."

"Goodbye." The call ended and I sighed in disappointment. There was a storm in my chest, making a chaotic mess in my feelings. I really should talk about this with Percyla. Or maybe Caralei? They're like the most empathic people I have ever met in my entire life. Percyla can give life lessons you can never hear from anyone while Caralei can have the witch shit gift of knowing what I feel just by looking at me. Or maybe Matt? No. He's a hoe like me... I was still deep in my thoughts with my eyes closed when I heard a man clearing his throat.

"Shitsticks! You scared the shit out of me!" I jumped from my seat as I glared at an amused Axel standing by the door with his usual intimidating aura surrounding him. He was smirking at me, clearly enjoying the sight of me mentally beating myself to death.

"You just threw a string of curses at me in one breath. I'm amused." He chuckled and I rolled my eyes at him as I stood up from my seat.

"Ready to go?" He asked as he watched me get my stuff.

"Yes please. I don't think I have the energy for your antics today, Axel." I huffed out. He grabbed my coat by the coat rack and gave it to me with a small smile on his stupid face. I hate that he's so handsome even just giving me my freaking coat. It's not fair.

I took my coat from him and he helped me wear it as I found trouble putting it on with my already tired arms. I swear to God! I feel like my arms are about to fall off now.

"Are you okay?" He asked, flicking a speck of whatever it is on my coat near my shoulder.

"Yes. I'm just really tired, Axel. Can we please go to my penthouse? I badly need that massage." I groaned as I started walking towards the elevator. He followed me, his figure overshadowing mine while we passed by my employees. I heard them bid goodbye but I was too tired to reply to them that all I could give them was a smile.

"You're not going to faint, are you?" Axel asked as we rode the elevator. I looked up at him and was surprised to see the worried look on his face. His brows were scrunched up creating a few lines on his forehead and his eyes were cautious on me.

"I'm not. I won't faint. Not this time. I promise." I told him and he clenched his jaw, nodding.

"Tell me if you feel anything. I'll carry you." My eyes again snapped at him.

"Carry me? I'm not a baby, Axel." I pouted and he just chuckled at me, shaking his head.

"I know you aren't. I'm just saying. I'd rather carry you than to run to you trying to catch you. I don't want you hitting your pretty head against the floor." The way he said it sounded demeaning and I glared at him.

"I. Won't. Faint." I spoke with a promise just in time for the elevator doors to open. Marching forward, I proved to him that I was capable of holding myself up only to fall asleep the moment I was in the car and was driven to the penthouse.

"Hey. Emeralda? Sötnos? Wake up." I heard my annoying bodyguard.

"Leave me alone. I want to sleep." I grumbled, still with my eyes closed. I didn't want him disturbing my sleep.

"You can continue in a few minutes. We're in your penthouse. Come on. Hey... Emeralda?" He continued to be the living nightmare out of my sweet nap and I groaned once again, my hands swatting the air until I swatted him away.

"Go away, Axel. I'll be fine sleeping in the car. Leave me alone." I turned my back to him, trying to settle on a comfortable position. I heard him sigh before I heard him leave and close the door. Huh. He left. Now that's a first.

I could hear people's muffled voices outside the car but my tired ass was too sleepy to care so I just ignored them and tried to catch some sleep. I was about to doze off when I heard the car door open again.

"For the love of God, Axel, can I just have a minute of peace-" I was about to lecture him, annoyed that he kept interrupting my sleep when I faced him carrying a two fluffy white pillows and a white thick blanket.

"Oh... Sorry. I just thought it would make you more comfortable sleeping for a while in here with these. I won't bother you again. I promise." There was a look of guilt in him and he must have noticed that I was staring at him, gobsmacked, that he cleared his throat and went back to having a blank look on his face.

"I... I'm sorry for yelling. I... thank you, Axel." I'm such a bitch. I really should control my anger.

"Not your fault. I'll stay in the car by the driver's seat in case you need anything." He gave me the pillows and blankets before he retreated and went out of the back seat of the car. I silently made a bed on the back seat and comfortably lied on it. I sighed as I rested against the fluffy pillow and the blanket was comfortably giving me warmth. I could hear Axel talking to someone on the phone and I just watched him speak with on the phone. His face looked serious as he spoke. Maybe he was giving orders to someone? Somehow, I realized that maybe aside from his usual cold and serious exterior he presents himself mostly to everyone, he was a muffin. I couldn't help but giggle at the thought. It's so weird and yet it was comforting. A moment later, he ended the call and began to go to the driver's seat. I hugged my other pillow to my chest as he got in.

"Go back to sleep, Emerald. Let me know if you are okay going up the penthouse, okay?" He said without looking at me.

"Okay... Axel?" I gripped my pillow harder, my heart racing as I spoke the words that I really meant him to know right now.

"Thank you for this. It really means a lot." I told him and he turned on his seat slightly to look at me. He had a small smile on his face making him look younger other than being a brooding rugged huge man.

"Not a problem, princess. You just rest until you can have the energy to continue. I don't want you fainting on me." He teased and the fucker made me blush. I hid my red cheeks against the pillow. Stupid Axel.

I am actually torn between the Prince and Axel, y'all. I have two endings for this story and I am trying my best on choosing one. I do hope you enjoyed this chapter. Have a great day!

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