who knew ? //KIDGE VLD; first...

بواسطة MILLI_greenity

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"What were the probabilities for them to end up that way ? " pidge just came back from work very tired .. she... المزيد

chapter 1 : Friends with privileges ..
chapter 2 : the discovery
chapter 3 : 10 am~
chapter 4 : maybe ?..
chapter 6 : Paladin's meeting
Chapter 7 : gender reveal
chapter 8 : 7.5
chapter 9 : KAIDEN
chapter 10 : hospital meeting
chapter 11 : FINALY !!
chapter 12 : unexpected
chapter 13 : a new life
chapter 14: love hurts

chapter 5 : family dinner

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بواسطة MILLI_greenity

Here's the corrected version:

Some days passed, and they talked a little about how they could organize their lives now that they are keeping the baby:

Keith will go into space for five days a week. He will come back every night by Teludav or with Kosmo. Sometimes, if the Blades had a big mission, he could stay in space for weeks. For Pidge, she will shorten her days. She'll finish at 4 pm sometimes, but when the baby comes, she won't be working the first week, and the rest of the time, Keith will stay at home to care for it. (She'll start at 6 am.) She won't work every day. After all, she is Commander Holt. Plus, if she is not available, her brother can take her place for the day. She knew that; he is also a commander. Yes, there are 3 Commander Holts. Well, maybe just two soon? I mean, Commander Kogane?


"Hey, Kat'?"


Pidge looked at her boyfriend.

"When are we telling the others? I mean, our families and friends?"

"Well... we didn't even figure out a name... though we could tell the guys. For my parents, I'm not sure. I mean, my mom will be so upset that I didn't tell her before and that I didn't talk with her about keeping the baby, but I'm not sure... telling them that I have a boyfriend and that I'm pregnant? For Krolia, I don't really care; we can tell her. But for my family..."

"It's okay, but I think you should really tell your parents before you start your second month."

"Yeah... who do we tell first?"

"Your parents... after, we'll see my mom, and then our friends..."

"Okay... when?"

"This week? Tomorrow? Soon?"

"Hold on..."

Pidge took her phone and went to her family group on WhatsApp.

"Hi, everyone!! It's been a while since the last time we had a family dinner. Do you guys want to have dinner this week??"

Pidge sent.

Colleen instantly answered:

"You want a family dinner? What's wrong? Do you have something to tell us?"

"Nooo... I just miss you, Mamma..."

Pidge answered, albeit lying, because sure, she loves her mom and wants to see her a lot, but "miss"?...

"Sure... you have something to tell us. Come home tomorrow; I'll make dinner."

"Ok! Can I bring a friend? Keith? He is coming back to Earth, and I'm kind of interested in what the Blades did. I'm sure Dad would want to hear about it too."

"Sure, bring Krolia too. Matt, are R7 and you coming?"

"Of course! See you tomorrow."

Matt answered.

"Great, then come at 6 pm."

Pidge dropped her phone.

"Okay, we're invited to my parents' house tomorrow, and your mother too..."

"MY MOM?!"

"Hey, I'm not the one who invited her; my mom did. It's not that bad, though... at least, we can tell your mom at the same time?"

"sigh Sure..."

Keith hugged Pidge.

"It's going to be hard? How are we even supposed to tell them?"

Pidge hugged Keith back.

"No pressure... We'll sit and, when everyone will be there, then we will tell them."


Keith stepped away to look at his girlfriend.

"Don't be hard on yourself, relax."


The day passed, and the next day, they got ready to go. They were both stressed, but they knew they had to. At 5 pm, they were ready to go. They headed to Pidge's parents' house at 5:30 pm (with Krolia).

"Hi, Mom!!"

Pidge jumped into her mother's arms.

"Well, come in!"

Colleen made everyone come inside.

"Hello, everyone!"

Matt and Sam came to say hello. Also, R7 was there, and Bae Bae was jumping everywhere.

"You can sit down!"

Colleen told everyone to sit down, so they did.

"Katie, may I talk to you for a moment in the kitchen?"

Pidge stood and went to the kitchen with her mother.

"I'm sure you have something to tell me! So just do it."


"You know I'm right!"

Pidge stayed quiet for a moment.

"Yes, but I'll tell you later with the others. Come now."

"Are you in a couple with Keith?"


Pidge looked at her mother, shocked. Well, actually, not really shocked; she knew her mother was really smart, but still... I mean, she literally brought a guy to her family dinner.

"What are you talking about?!"

Pidge sounded really convincing.

"Okay... you're going to tell us when we are with everyone else?"


"So it's not about you and Keith?"

"You're crazy..."

"Yes or no?"

"Why would it be about us?"

"I don't know; you brought him?"

"Yes, well, this could be something else? Why do you want to go into romantic stuff right now?!"

Pidge didn't want to tell her mother alone. She needed to do that with everyone else so she wouldn't have to say it again. Plus, her mother would overreact and instantly tell everyone else. Though Pidge is not denying what her mother was asking.

Colleen stayed silent.

"All right. You'll tell us later."

Colleen went out of the kitchen, and Pidge followed. Everyone was sitting in the living room and talking.

"So, Krolia, Keith, you guys just arrived on Earth, right?"

Sam asked.

Keith was about to answer (knowing that he was on Earth for a week now), but Krolia talked:

"Well, I arrived today, but Keith has been here for... a week, I guess?"

"Oh, I see. Are you coming back from a mission? I haven't really got a hold of the Blade of Marmora for a while..."

"Well," Krolia explained to everyone what the Blades had done in the last month. After a while, they finished talking and went to the table to have dinner.

They ate and talked a lot. Even though everyone was laughing and chatting, Pidge was feeling really stressed. Keith was next to her and could feel that his girlfriend was not okay, so he was discreetly caressing her thigh under the table to make her feel a little better.

At the end of the dinner, they had dessert. Everyone ate, and so, they were just talking. Pidge looked up to Keith to know:


Keith had no idea.

"Well... I guess we're going to leave! Thank you, Colleen, for this dinner, and thank you both for the hospitality!"

Colleen was looking at Pidge. She knew that her daughter had something to say.

"It's the moment, Pidge! Go!"

"Wait! Krolia. I... need to say something before you go. Please, everyone, don't overreact. It's hard for me to tell you these things... So:

I have two things to tell you... I'll start with the less hard to say...: I... have a boyfriend."

Sam and Colleen looked at each other. Matt looked confused, R7 too, and Krolia did not understand why Pidge needed her to be there.

"Who is it?" Sam asked coldly. He was a little scared to lose his baby. Keith approached Pidge and grabbed her hand. Everyone stayed silent.

"I KNEW IT!" Colleen screamed.

"HO. MY. STARS. KEITH! THAT'S AMAZING! You have good taste, just like your father! Pidge! I'm soooo happy! I totally agree with it!" Colleen exclaimed.

Krolia grabbed Pidge in her arms. Pidge smiled anxiously, and Keith looked happy to see his mother hugging his girlfriend.

"Well... I wasn't expecting that, but hey! I'm happy for you two!" Matt was really happy and supportive of his little sis. He was glad that she wasn't in a couple with some weird strangers. He knew Keith. Since a long time. He knew that Keith was a hothead, but he also knew that he was a good guy and that he would never ever hurt his sister! No! He would protect her, obviously! He knew how much Keith could be protective. Besides, he already saw that Keith was a little protective with Pidge on the Atlas. She is the only paladin that he was listening to. If Lance, for example, was telling Keith something, he wouldn't trust him, but if Pidge said the same thing, he would obviously listen to her. She could change his mind really easily. To make it short, he was treating her like a co-leader, she had privileges.

"Well... how long have you been together?" Colleen inquired.

Pidge couldn't say that they were together for just a few days, or her parents would freak out.

"Some months," Pidge replied. It wasn't really a lie... They have been together for some months now... Just not officially.

"Well, you are an adult, I believe that you are able to know if this is good for you or not. Besides, I'm glad that I actually know Keith. You're a good guy." Sam said, a bit reasured

"Thanks, sir."

"Are you seriously calling me sir right now?" Sam laughed a little.

"Sorry, Sam, I'm just a little stressed because of the situation."

"Don't be, son."

Sam placed his hand on Keith's shoulder. Colleen wasn't really feeling good.

"Why didn't you tell us sooner? I hope for you two that you protected yourselves if you had intercourses."

Pidge blushed and the young couple looked at each other.

"Well... that's what I had to say."

Pidge looked at her feet.

"Don't tell me that..." Colleen understood. 

"I'm pregnant." She admitted, feeling shame washing over her whole body.

"What is wrong with you?! You are only 20! You just had to protect yourselves, just one thing and you didn't?! What are you gonna—"

Matt and Sam grabbed Colleen to calm her.

"Mom, I don't think that yelling will make things go better... Let's just calm down, sit, and talk about it, okay?" Matt was looking at Pidge and Keith, a little lost and mad.

"You... YOU?!" Krolia grabbed Pidge tighter. "I'M GOING TO BE A GRANDMA?! OMG, KATIE, YOU CAN CALL ME MOM!"

"Hehe..." Pidge was not feeling comfortable.

"Mom, let's sit." Keith put his hand on Krolia's back.

"Yeah... sorry." Everyone went to the couch to sit and talk.

"So... when did it happen?" Pidge and Keith stayed silent to Colleen's question. After a moment, Pidge answered, "We don't know."

"You don't know?" Colleen was trying to stay calm as much as she could.

"No," Pidge answered, "so you do that oftenly."

"Please, Mom..." Pidge was not feeling comfortable AT ALL.

"We will talk about that when we're alone. Anyways... What have you two decided to do? Are you even sure to be pregnant? Have you seen a doctor?"

"Well... Yes, I'm sure I'm pregnant, I saw a doctor and I made a test... for what we decided to do, we know for some days now, and we talked about it a lot... we decided to keep it."

Colleen was breathing loudly. 

"Mom, calm down," Matt was trying to calm his mother, "for how long are you pregnant?" Matt asks softly.

"A month, almost two..."

"Why did you decide to keep it?" Sam asked.

"Because... we think we're ready. We love each other. And we know that we want a kid in the future. Now that I'm pregnant, why should we wait more? I'm sure really young, but I think I'm ready. I'll do anything for that kid."

"And so do I. Sam, Colleen, your daughter is safe with me. I promise that I'll always be with her in the good and bad moments. I'll take care of her and the baby, I promise that I'm not taking this lightly. Not at all. This is really important for me. The most important for me is to keep Katie and the baby safe... even if I have to make sacrifices. I'll do anything for you to trust me." Keith looked right into Sam's eyes. Pidge grabbed Keith's hand, and then her father spoke:

"I believe in you two. I know that you are a strong man, Keith, that you can be trusted. But you have to understand; we'll need time to feel comfortable with that. We weren't expecting to be grandparents so early, so it is feeling weird right now... it's like... we're losing OUR baby. We appreciate you. We just need time. This is really stressing for us too. I personally accept and support the fact that you're having a baby. I'll always be here to help. Never be scared to ask for help."

"I understand. Thank you, Sam."

"Colleen? What do you think?"Sam asked.

 Colleen didn't answer. She stayed silent, and then, if you were looking closer, she had tears in her eyes.

"Mom..." Pidge comes closer to her mother to comfort her, but then, Colleen jumps into Pidge's arms. Pidge hugged her mother back.

"I love you, honey. I'm so proud and happy for you two; it's just so hard for me... like your dad said, it's like I'm losing my child... are you even sure you are ready for that?"

"I will never actually know until it happens. And before the child comes, I'll get ready! I understand if you need time."

Colleen gets off Pidge and then kisses her forehead, then she turns to Keith and hugged him.

"Please, take care of her... welcome to the family." Keith hugged Colleen back.

"I will. Thanks, Colleen..."

Colleen gets off Keith and then looks at Krolia.

"Well, looks like we're going to be grandmas?"

"Exciting, right?"  Krolia nodded.

"Have you thought of any names?"

"Hmmm. Not really?"

"I know! Yorak!" Krolia screamed.

"No, Mom."

Keith looked sidelong at his mother.

"We'll think about it later, I guess... we have months for that," Pidge said.

"Sure..." Colleen agreed.

"Wait... does that mean that I'm going to be... AN UNCLE?! OMG!" Matt jumps and hugged Pidge on her tummy.

"Hey, little guy. I'm Uncle Matthew, the best uncle in the world..." Pidge pats her brother's head and laughed.

Matt gets up and hugged his sister. Sam joined, followed by Colleen. Colleen then grabbed Keith and called Krolia to join the hug. Finally, Matt grabs his girlfriend, R7, to join the hug.

They sure were really anxious about the news, but they loved their little Pidgeon. They will always support her, no matter what...

NEW CHAPTER !! this one is pretty long , so... I hope you enjoyed it !

have a good day 😃

sorry if I made mistakes and stay tuned for CHAPTER 6 !! ✅

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