Demon Coin (Gundam Iron Blood...

By zer0420

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There's always two sides to a story. Just as they're two sides to every coin. Despite being the same coin, ne... More

Chapter 1 Iron Blooded
Chapter 2 Amdusias And Barbatos
Chapter 3 The Iron Flower
Chapter 4 The Price Of Living
Chapter 5 Beyond The Red Sky...
Chapter 6 Downtime
Chapter 7 Whaling
Chapter 8 Sakazuki
Chapter 9 The Hands That Protect
Chapter 10 Space Pirates
Chapter 11 The Shoals
Chapter 12 Enjoyment
Chapter 13 Dort Colony
Chapter 14 Fear
Chapter 15 Kudelia's Resolve
Chapter 16 An Unexpected Alliance
Chapter 17 Nightmares
Chapter 19 Death In The Family...
Chapter 20 Balance Of Power
Chapter 21 Vengeance
Chapter 22 A Future Reward
Chapter 23 Tekkadan
Chapter 24 Demon Wings
Chapter 25 In the Midst of Jealousy
Chapter 26 Battle Before Dawn
Chapter 27 Unease Anticipation
Chapter 28 Silent War
Chapter 29 Sovereign Of Mars
Chapter 30 Vidar Rising
Chapter 31 Awakening Calamities
Chapter 32 Stained Wings
Chapter 33 The Hunters of Angels
Chapter 34 Unchained Demons
Chapter 35 Damage Control
Chapter 36 False Charges
Chapter 37 False Assault
Chapter 38 Mourning
Chapter 39 Blood Payment
Chapter 40 The Spark
Chapter 41 The Calm Before The Storm
Chapter 42 Framing Fire
Chapter 43 Tail Between The Legs
Chapter 44 Scapegoat
Chapter 45 Last Ditch Effort
Chapter 46 One Final Stand
(Finale) Chapter 47 Unwavering Embers
Epilogue Aftermath
Epilogue#2 Their Promised Place...

Chapter 18 Earth Arrival

1.2K 64 17
By zer0420

No one's POV

Current level within the hanger, everyone was preparing and loading up everything they needed into the shuttle that would take them to Earth. As they were loading up boxes, Atra who was helping caught one, but was pushed upwards, but Nhazul caught her foot.

Nhazul: You good?

Atra: Yeah, thank you.

Takaki: Don't force yourself, Atra. Isn't it heavy?

Atra: I'm fine. I carried heavier things at the manager's place.

Ride: Geez, you're so enthusiastic.

Atra: Of course! Me and big bro are gonna "do revolution!"

Everyone: Huh?

Nhazul just chuckled, as he continued loading boxes.


Upon loading up everything they needed, everyone who was going to Earth had gotten settled inside the shuttle, along with Nhazul, Mikazuki, Akihiro and Norba getting hooked up into the Mobile suits preparing for a fight. Upon arriving at Earth, they saw their path was blocked by Gjallarhorn's fleet. Using the Brewer's ship as a shield and distraction to get closer, Eugene used Isaribi to ram an damage a satellite as a distraction to drop off the shuttle past the fleet.

Orga: You were awesome out there, Eugene. Thanks.

Atra: Are you alright, Kudelia?

Kudelia: Yes, thank you.

Biscuit: It's going as planned so far.

Orga: Yeah. Next...

Suddenly, everyone was shot at, surprising them, as it was Hyun within his Schwalbe Graze, along with Kimaris

Nhazul: Them again?

Barbatos proceeded to boost forward, firing his gun at him, when suddenly, it's hit from the side by Kimaris.

Gaelio: You found them. Nice work.

Hyun: I've seen how they do it since I was on Mars. I wasn't going to fall for it again.

Hyun's Schwalbe Graze proceeded to fire at Barbatos, as Nhazul did the same with his Smoothbore Gun, while avoiding his fire.

Mikazuki: Leave them to us.

Nhazul: Akihiro, Norba, protect the shuttle!

Amdusias rushed forward to take on Kimaris, as Ryusei-Go and Gusion Rebake protected the shuttle. As Barbatos proceeded to swing at Hyun's Schwalbe Graze, it quickly moved out of the way, swinging it's sword, only for Barbatos to clash with it, locking blades.

Hyun: Lieutenant Crank must have offered you a helping hand. But you brushed that aside? Why?

Nhazul: Crank? The old man I dueled with? You both go on about offering a helping hand and how we shouldn't be victimized for adult strifes. You go on about it, and yet you've already killed so many and willing to do as much as need be to get what you want.

Hyun: You think he wanted to kill them? You think we enjoy fighting and killing kids? If he knew you were kids, he would have wanted no part of that operation!

Nhazul: You can say all you want, but it won't get rid of the blood on yours hands! So stop trying to play the victim!

Hyun: You damn brats!

Hyun looked at Nhazul annoyed, as Barbatos began to overpower the Schwalbe Graze. Hayato proceeded to boost back, firing at Barbatos, who blocked the shots with it's Buster sword.

Nhazul: Like I told Crank, I accept this is the hand I've been given and will make do to protect the ones I care about. And right now, you're getting in the way of that!

Both Barbatos and Hyun's Schwalbe Graze proceeded to clash and trade blows again, but Hyun looked back and saw more Graze units flying in. As one aimed for the shuttle, he was quickly taken out by two new Mobile suits.

Hyun: Reinforcements?

Akihiro: You guys...

Lafter: Sorry. It took a bit of time to change the armor.

Azee: We'll make up for being late.

Akihiro: Why are you two here?

Lafter: Darling asked us to help you.

Orga: Bro did...?

Akihiro: Then that machine is...

Azee: If we use Hyakuren, that's like announcing we're Teiwaz.

Lafter: We've renamed Hyakuren to Rouei. Nice to meet you!

Akihiro was at a loss for words.

Akihiro: Amazing...

As Hyun continued to engage with Barbatos, again, he looked back and noticed Kimaris was being pushed back by Amdusias.

He then saw it grab Kimaris's lance, getting ready to throw it at Kimaris.

Hyun: Shit...! No!!!

Nhazul: Fall!

As Barbatos attempted to slash Hyun's Schwalbe Graze, he quickly boosted to the side, and quickly boosted towards Kimaris. As he quickly made it to Kimaris,

he quickly pushed it out the way, as the lance pierced his Schwalbe Graze, severely wounding him, making him cough up blood, shocking Gaelio.

Gaelio: Hyun!!! Why?! Why did you do that?!

Hyun started to cough up blood, smiling.

Hyun: I already lost one person in this organization I respected. I wasn't going to lose another... Besides... After you gave me this chance on the first place, I couldn't just let you die...

Hyun proceeded to cough up more blood, passing out, as his cockpit ejected from the Schwalbe Graze, as Kimaris caught it.

Gaelio: HYUN!!!!!!

As Kimaris proceeded to fly off with Hyun, Nhazul saw this, aiming his gun at it.

Nhazul: Like hell you are.

Barbatos proceeded to aim his gun at the two of them, but suddenly got a call from Orga.

Orga: Nhazul, get back now! Enemy reinforcements are inbound!

Looking over, Nhazul could see multiple Mobile suits coming his way all welding swords.

Nhazul: Lovely.

Drawing his katana, Barbatos proceeded to get ready to take them on,

but suddenly they were shot from above by a red Mobile suit, dual wielding two swords, helping Barbatos take them out.

Nhazul: You can keep up? I'm surprised Macs has a pilot like you on his side.

McGillis: Hmm.

Nhazul looked back surprised.

Nhazul: Wait a minute, are you Macs?

McGillis: You noticed that? Your senses are formidable.

With the others, they were beginning to be pulled down, due to entering Earth's atmosphere.

Norba: What?! My machine is so heavy!

Biscuit: Who was that?

Orga: Whatever it is, now is our last chance! We'll retrieve Mika and the others. We're already caught by gravity. You won't be able to break free!

With Nhazul and McGillis, the two saw two more Mobile suits heading for the shuttle.

Nhazul: You can head back. I got this.

McGillis: I see. Then if you're sure it's alright.

As McGillis proceeded to pull back, Barbatos proceeded to rush towards the two Mobile suits, with the others, they were bracing for re entry, as Amdusias was still standing on the shuttle.

Nadi: Mikazuki, hurry up and lock up Amdusias! You'll be thrown off!

Mikazuki: But Nhazul is still...!

As the Mobile suits attempted to fire at the shuttle, Barbatos quickly cut down one of them, killing it, and cut the gun in half of the other,

as the two proceeded to clash blades as the others watched, unable to help.

Atra: Big bro!

Orga: Nhazul, get back now!!!!

Nhazul ignored everyone, continuing to take on the Mobile suit,

parrying their overhead strike, Barbatos stabbed it's katana into the cockpit, killing the pilot. Afterwards, Barbatos attempted to boost upwards to land on the shuttle, but couldn't, now fully trapped by the gravity of Earth, pulling him down.

Kudelia: Can't we do anything?!

Biscuit: Communication is down!

Orga: Nhazul, answer, damn it!

Atra: BIG BRO!!!!

With Nhazul, as he was now trapped within Earth's gravity, he just sighed.

Nhazul: ...-_-... Well, this is just lovely...

As the alarms continued to go off, warning him if re entry and how Barbatos was being damaged from it, along with the extreme heat, Nhazul just closed his eyes, thinking back to when he met Orga and Mikazuki.

Nhazul: ...


Currently, Nhazul was in the middle of fighting off multiple men, who had stole the food he has gotten Atra. Surprisingly, Nhazul was holding them off and even pushing them back. However due to not eating for multiple days, Nhazul was very weakened, allowing one of the men to grab and throw him into a wall.

Man: You little fucking shit!

The man then proceeded to grab Nhazul by the hair, kneeing him in the face, breaking his nose, causing it to bleed heavily. As another man attempted to join in, however a piece of trash was thrown in his face, by Atra, trying to protect Nhazul.

Atra: Leave my brother alone!

Seeing a defenseless Atra, multiple of the men walked up to her, all with perverted and sex hungry looks, terrifying her, however one is stabbed in the foot by Nhazul, who was using a piece of scrap metal.

Man: AHHH!!!


Furious, the man proceeded to kick Nhazul in the stomach, knocking him over towards Atra. As he weakly started to get up, Nhazul stood in front of Atra in a protective manner, refusing to allow them to touch her. As they all stood over them, without warning, one of the men was shot in the shoulder, shocking everyone.

Man: What the fuck?!

Nhazul: Huh...?

Everyone looked over to see a small boy holding a gun, along with a boy with white hair, as he looked on smirking.

???: Really? 5 grown men ganging up on two kids? How about we even up the odds. Mika.

Mikazuki: Right, Orga.

Mikazuki proceeded load his gun, aiming at the men as they quickly started to run away, leaving Nhazul and Atra. Upon being saved by a younger Orga and Mikazuki, a bloodied and beaten Nhazul was on the ground, with Atra behind him, as Nhazul weakly sat up, protecting Atra, however suddenly a woman proceeded to walk out, having heard the commotion.

???: What's going on out here?!

Orga: Hey, Mrs Haba, do you mind helping them out?

The woman named Haba looked at Orga confused, before looking over and noticing the badly beaten Nhazul and scared Atra behind him, shocking her.

Haba: Oh my god!

Upon seeing Nhazul and Atra, she was kind enough to take them into her shop, treating Nhazul's injuries, along with giving them something to eat. As Haba continued wrapping bandages around Nhazul's head, he spoke up.

Nhazul: I don't have the money to pay for this... I'll do whatever you need me to do to pay it off...

Haba: You have don't have to pay me. Just rest up a bit, okay?

Hearing this, Nhazul looked at Haba surprised, as Atra attempted to give Nhazul some of the food.

Atra: Here, big bro! It's really good.

Nhazul looked at the food, pushing it away from him.

Nhazul: I'm fine... You eat up.

Atra just pouted at Nhazul, shoving the food in his mouth, surprising him, as he looked at her.

Atra: You haven't eaten in days... So eat... Please...

Nhazul just looked at Atra, and sighed, grabbing the food and eating. As the two ate, Orga had spoken up.

Orga: You know that was really something. I've only ever seen Mika fight like that. You remind me a lot of him.

Mikazuki: Really?

Orga: Yeah. The will and drive to move forward towards whatever you intend to do.

Nhazul just looked at Orga annoyed.

Nhazul: The hell are you even on about...?

Orga: I'm on about you having some real potential. Someone like you on our side, we'd definitely be able to find it.

Nhazul looked at Orga confused.

Nhazul: Find it? Find what?

Orga: Our true place in the world.

Hearing Orga say that, Nhazul's eyes widened.

Nhazul: True place in the world...?


Mom: Akuma ...!!! You Demon Spawn...!!! There's no where for a Demon like you to belong!


Nhazul: How do you know you'll be able to find it?

Mikazuki: Because Orga said he'll find it.

Nhazul just looked over at Mikazuki.

Mikazuki: If Orga says he'll do something, he'll do it.

Nhazul looked at Mikazuki, feeling his own wavering devotion towards Orga, surprising him, before looking at Atra next to him.

Nhazul: So if I choose to go with you, will we both find that place?

Orga smiled at Nhazul, outstretching his hand to him.

Orga: Yeah. You both will.

Nhazul looked back at Atra next him again, before looking back at Orga's hand. After a few moments, Nhazul outstretched his, taking Orga's hand.

Nhazul: Right... Then I'll place my bet on you to take us there...


Nhazul opened his eyes, narrowing them, as he spoke up.

Nhazul: I want to find it... That place... Where Atra and I can belong. So we can't die here in a place like this... Right, Barbatos?!

Suddenly, Barbatos's eyes flashed green, as if answering Nhazul. Looking to his right, he saw something, making him smirk. With the others, they had just successfully entered Earth, and were falling towards the ocean.

Biscuit: It's Earth!

Kudelia: Where's Nhazul?!

As everyone looked around desperately for Nhazul, they all saw something falling above them, surprising them. Upon seeing what it was,

Atra began smiling happily, tears streaming down her face.

Atra: Big bro...!!!

Using the destroyed Mobile suit as a shield, Barbatos was able to re enter into Earth completely unscathed, much to the relief of everyone, as Nhazul radios in, due to communications being back up.

Nhazul: Man, you guys are so loud...

Biscuit: I'm so glad...

Orga: Where do you get off scaring us like that, you asshole...

Nhazul just chuckled, as he looked to his right, seeing the moon.

Nhazul: So that's what Mika's been going on about. Gotta admit, it is beautiful.

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